- class openmc.YPlane(y0=0.0, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
A plane perpendicular to the y axis of the form \(y - y_0 = 0\)
- Parameters
y0 (float, optional) – Location of the plane in [cm]
boundary_type ({'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic', 'white'}, optional) – Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. Only axis-aligned periodicity is supported, i.e., y-planes can only be paired with y-planes.
albedo (float, optional) – Albedo of the surfaces as a ratio of particle weight after interaction with the surface to the initial weight. Values must be positive. Only applicable if the boundary type is ‘reflective’, ‘periodic’, or ‘white’.
name (str, optional) – Name of the plane. If not specified, the name will be the empty string.
surface_id (int, optional) – Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned.
- Variables
y0 (float) – Location of the plane in [cm]
boundary_type ({'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic', 'white'}) – Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface.
albedo (float) – Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight
periodic_surface (openmc.Surface) – If a periodic boundary condition is used, the surface with which this one is periodic with
coefficients (dict) – Dictionary of surface coefficients
id (int) – Unique identifier for the surface
name (str) – Name of the surface
type (str) – Type of the surface