

  • Paul K. Romano, Nicholas E. Horelik, Bryan R. Herman, Adam G. Nelson, Benoit Forget, and Kord Smith, “OpenMC: A State-of-the-Art Monte Carlo Code for Research and Development,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 82, 90–97 (2015).

  • Paul K. Romano, Bryan R. Herman, Nicholas E. Horelik, Benoit Forget, Kord Smith, and Andrew R. Siegel, “Progress and Status of the OpenMC Monte Carlo Code,” Proc. Int. Conf. Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, Sun Valley, Idaho, May 5–9 (2013).

  • Paul K. Romano and Benoit Forget, “The OpenMC Monte Carlo Particle Transport Code,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 51, 274–281 (2013).


  • Travis J. Labossiere-Hickman and Benoit Forget, “Selected VERA Core Physics Benchmarks in OpenMC,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 117, 1520-1523 (2017).

  • Khurrum S. Chaudri and Sikander M. Mirza, “Burnup dependent Monte Carlo neutron physics calculations of IAEA MTR benchmark,” Prog. Nucl. Energy, 81, 43-52 (2015).

  • Daniel J. Kelly, Brian N. Aviles, Paul K. Romano, Bryan R. Herman, Nicholas E. Horelik, and Benoit Forget, “Analysis of select BEAVRS PWR benchmark cycle 1 results using MC21 and OpenMC,” Proc. PHYSOR, Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 28–Oct. 3 (2014).

  • Bryan R. Herman, Benoit Forget, Kord Smith, Paul K. Romano, Thomas M. Sutton, Daniel J. Kelly, III, and Brian N. Aviles, “Analysis of tally correlations in large light water reactors,” Proc. PHYSOR, Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 28–Oct. 3 (2014).

  • Nicholas Horelik, Bryan Herman, Benoit Forget, and Kord Smith, “Benchmark for Evaluation and Validation of Reactor Simulations,” Proc. Int. Conf. Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, Sun Valley, Idaho, May 5–9 (2013).

  • Jonathan A. Walsh, Benoit Forget, and Kord S. Smith, “Validation of OpenMC Reactor Physics Simulations with the B&W 1810 Series Benchmarks,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 109, 1301–1304 (2013).

Coupling and Multi-physics

Geometry and Visualization

  • Patrick C. Shriwise, Xiaokang Zhang, and Andrew Davis, “DAG-OpenMC: CAD-Based Geometry in OpenMC”, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 122, 395-398 (2020).

  • Sterling Harper, Paul Romano, Benoit Forget, and Kord Smith, “Efficient dynamic threadsafe neighbor lists for Monte Carlo ray tracing,” Proc. M&C, 918-926, Portland, Oregon, Aug. 25-29 (2019).

  • Jin-Yang Li, Long Gu, Hu-Shan Xu, Nadezha Korepanova, Rui Yu, Yan-Lei Zhu, and Chang-Ping Qin, “CAD modeling study on FLUKA and OpenMC for accelerator driven system simulation”, Ann. Nucl. Energy, 114, 329-341 (2018).

  • Logan Abel, William Boyd, Benoit Forget, and Kord Smith, “Interactive Visualization of Multi-Group Cross Sections on High-Fidelity Spatial Meshes,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 114, 391-394 (2016).

  • Derek M. Lax, “Memory efficient indexing algorithm for physical properties in OpenMC,” S. M. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2015).

  • Derek Lax, William Boyd, Nicholas Horelik, Benoit Forget, and Kord Smith, “A memory efficient algorithm for classifying unique regions in constructive solid geometries,” Proc. PHYSOR, Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 28–Oct. 3 (2014).


Multigroup Cross Section Generation

Doppler Broadening

Nuclear Data


  • Paul K. Romano and Andrew R. Siegel, “Limits on the efficiency of event-based algorithms for Monte Carlo neutron transport,” Proc. Int. Conf. Mathematics & Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, Jeju, Korea, Apr. 16-20, 2017.

  • Paul K. Romano, John R. Tramm, and Andrew R. Siegel, “Efficacy of hardware threading for Monte Carlo particle transport calculations on multi- and many-core systems,” PHYSOR 2016, Sun Valley, Idaho, May 1-5, 2016.

  • David Ozog, Allen D. Malony, and Andrew R. Siegel, “A performance analysis of SIMD algorithms for Monte Carlo simulations of nuclear reactor cores,” Proc. IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Hyderabad, India, May 25–29 (2015).

  • David Ozog, Allen D. Malony, and Andrew Siegel, “Full-core PWR transport simulations on Xeon Phi clusters,” Proc. Joint Int. Conf. M&C+SNA+MC, Nashville, Tennessee, Apr. 19–23 (2015).

  • Paul K. Romano, Andrew R. Siegel, and Ronald O. Rahaman, “Influence of the memory subsystem on Monte Carlo code performance,” Proc. Joint Int. Conf. M&C+SNA+MC, Nashville, Tennessee, Apr. 19–23 (2015).

  • Hajime Fujita, Nan Dun, Aiman Fang, Zachary A. Rubinstein, Ziming Zheng, Kamil Iskra, Jeff Hammond, Anshu Dubey, Pavan Balaji, and Andrew A. Chien, “Using Global View Resilience (GVR) to add Resilience to Exascale Applications,” Proc. Supercomputing, New Orleans, Louisiana, Nov. 16–21, 2014.

  • Nicholas Horelik, Benoit Forget, Kord Smith, and Andrew Siegel, “Domain decomposition and terabyte tallies with the OpenMC Monte Carlo neutron transport code,” Proc. PHYSOR, Kyoto Japan, Sep. 28–Oct. 3 (2014).

  • John R. Tramm, Andrew R. Siegel, Tanzima Islam, and Martin Schulz, “XSBench – the development and verification of a performance abstraction for Monte Carlo reactor analysis,” Proc. PHYSOR, Kyoto, Japan, Sep 28–Oct. 3, 2014.

  • Nicholas Horelik, Andrew Siegel, Benoit Forget, and Kord Smith, “Monte Carlo domain decomposition for robust nuclear reactor analysis,” Parallel Comput., 40, 646–660 (2014).

  • Andrew Siegel, Kord Smith, Kyle Felker, Paul Romano, Benoit Forget, and Peter Beckman, “Improved cache performance in Monte Carlo transport calculations using energy banding,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 185 (4), 1195–1199 (2014).

  • Paul K. Romano, Benoit Forget, Kord Smith, and Andrew Siegel, “On the use of tally servers in Monte Carlo simulations of light-water reactors,” Proc. Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo, Paris, France, Oct. 27–31 (2013).

  • Kyle G. Felker, Andrew R. Siegel, Kord S. Smith, Paul K. Romano, and Benoit Forget, “The energy band memory server algorithm for parallel Monte Carlo calculations,” Proc. Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo, Paris, France, Oct. 27–31 (2013).

  • John R. Tramm and Andrew R. Siegel, “Memory Bottlenecks and Memory Contention in Multi-Core Monte Carlo Transport Codes,” Proc. Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo, Paris, France, Oct. 27–31 (2013).

  • Andrew R. Siegel, Kord Smith, Paul K. Romano, Benoit Forget, and Kyle Felker, “Multi-core performance studies of a Monte Carlo neutron transport code,” Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl., 28 (1), 87–96 (2014).

  • Paul K. Romano, Andrew R. Siegel, Benoit Forget, and Kord Smith, “Data decomposition of Monte Carlo particle transport simulations via tally servers,” J. Comput. Phys., 252, 20–36 (2013).

  • Andrew R. Siegel, Kord Smith, Paul K. Romano, Benoit Forget, and Kyle Felker, “The effect of load imbalances on the performance of Monte Carlo codes in LWR analysis,” J. Comput. Phys., 235, 901–911 (2013).

  • Paul K. Romano and Benoit Forget, “Reducing Parallel Communication in Monte Carlo Simulations via Batch Statistics,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 107, 519–522 (2012).

  • Paul K. Romano and Benoit Forget, “Parallel Fission Bank Algorithms in Monte Carlo Criticality Calculations,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 170, 125–135 (2012).


Sensitivity Analysis