Source code for openmc.surface

from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Iterable
from copy import deepcopy
import math
from numbers import Real
from warnings import warn, catch_warnings, simplefilter

import lxml.etree as ET
import numpy as np

from .checkvalue import check_type, check_value, check_length, check_greater_than
from .mixin import IDManagerMixin, IDWarning
from .region import Region, Intersection, Union
from .bounding_box import BoundingBox

_BOUNDARY_TYPES = {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic', 'white'}
_ALBEDO_BOUNDARIES = {'reflective', 'periodic', 'white'}

"{}(...) accepts an argument named '{}', not '{}'. Future versions of OpenMC \
will not accept the capitalized version.\

"{}(...) accepts keyword arguments only for '{}'. Future versions of OpenMC \
will not accept positional parameters for superclass arguments.\

class SurfaceCoefficient:
    """Descriptor class for surface coefficients.

    value : float or str
        Value of the coefficient (float) or the name of the coefficient that
        it is equivalent to (str).

    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):
        if instance is None:
            return self
            if isinstance(self.value, str):
                return instance._coefficients[self.value]
                return self.value

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        if isinstance(self.value, Real):
            raise AttributeError('This coefficient is read-only')
        check_type(f'{self.value} coefficient', value, Real)
        instance._coefficients[self.value] = value

def _future_kwargs_warning_helper(cls, *args, **kwargs):
    # Warn if Surface parameters are passed by position, not by keyword
    argsdict = dict(zip(('boundary_type', 'name', 'surface_id'), args))
    for k in argsdict:
        warn(_WARNING_KWARGS.format(cls.__name__, k), FutureWarning)
    return kwargs

def get_rotation_matrix(rotation, order='xyz'):
    r"""Generate a 3x3 rotation matrix from input angles

    .. versionadded:: 0.12

    rotation : 3-tuple of float
        A 3-tuple of angles :math:`(\phi, \theta, \psi)` in degrees where the
        first element is the rotation about the x-axis in the fixed laboratory
        frame, the second element is the rotation about the y-axis in the fixed
        laboratory frame, and the third element is the rotation about the
        z-axis in the fixed laboratory frame. The rotations are active
    order : str, optional
        A string of 'x', 'y', and 'z' in some order specifying which rotation
        to perform first, second, and third. Defaults to 'xyz' which means, the
        rotation by angle :math:`\phi` about x will be applied first, followed
        by :math:`\theta` about y and then :math:`\psi` about z. This
        corresponds to an x-y-z extrinsic rotation as well as a z-y'-x''
        intrinsic rotation using Tait-Bryan angles :math:`(\phi, \theta, \psi)`.

    check_type('surface rotation', rotation, Iterable, Real)
    check_length('surface rotation', rotation, 3)

    phi, theta, psi = np.array(rotation)*(math.pi/180.)
    cx, sx = math.cos(phi), math.sin(phi)
    cy, sy = math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta)
    cz, sz = math.cos(psi), math.sin(psi)
    R = {
        'x': np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., cx, -sx], [0., sx, cx]]),
        'y': np.array([[cy, 0., sy], [0., 1., 0.], [-sy, 0., cy]]),
        'z': np.array([[cz, -sz, 0.], [sz, cz, 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]),

    R1, R2, R3 = (R[xi] for xi in order)
    return R3 @ R2 @ R1

[docs]class Surface(IDManagerMixin, ABC): """An implicit surface with an associated boundary condition. An implicit surface is defined as the set of zeros of a function of the three Cartesian coordinates. Surfaces in OpenMC are limited to a set of algebraic surfaces, i.e., surfaces that are polynomial in x, y, and z. Parameters ---------- surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic', 'white'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. Note that periodic boundary conditions can only be applied to x-, y-, and z-planes, and only axis-aligned periodicity is supported. albedo : float, optional Albedo of the surfaces as a ratio of particle weight after interaction with the surface to the initial weight. Values must be positive. Only applicable if the boundary type is 'reflective', 'periodic', or 'white'. name : str, optional Name of the surface. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. Attributes ---------- boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic', 'white'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. albedo : float Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ next_id = 1 used_ids = set() _atol = 1.e-12 def __init__(self, surface_id=None, boundary_type='transmission', albedo=1., name=''): = surface_id = name self.boundary_type = boundary_type self.albedo = albedo # A dictionary of the quadratic surface coefficients # Key - coefficient name # Value - coefficient value self._coefficients = {} def __neg__(self): return Halfspace(self, '-') def __pos__(self): return Halfspace(self, '+') def __repr__(self): string = 'Surface\n' string += '{0: <20}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tID', '=\t', self._id) string += '{0: <20}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tName', '=\t', self._name) string += '{0: <20}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tType', '=\t', self._type) string += '{0: <20}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tBoundary', '=\t', self._boundary_type) if (self._boundary_type in _ALBEDO_BOUNDARIES and not math.isclose(self._albedo, 1.0)): string += '{0: <20}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tBoundary Albedo', '=\t', self._albedo) coefficients = '{0: <20}'.format('\tCoefficients') + '\n' for coeff in self._coefficients: coefficients += f'{coeff: <20}=\t{self._coefficients[coeff]}\n' string += coefficients return string @property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name): if name is not None: check_type('surface name', name, str) self._name = name else: self._name = '' @property def type(self): return self._type @property def boundary_type(self): return self._boundary_type @boundary_type.setter def boundary_type(self, boundary_type): check_type('boundary type', boundary_type, str) check_value('boundary type', boundary_type, _BOUNDARY_TYPES) self._boundary_type = boundary_type @property def albedo(self): return self._albedo @albedo.setter def albedo(self, albedo): check_type('albedo', albedo, Real) check_greater_than('albedo', albedo, 0.0) self._albedo = float(albedo) @property def coefficients(self): return self._coefficients
[docs] def bounding_box(self, side): """Determine an axis-aligned bounding box. An axis-aligned bounding box for surface half-spaces is represented by its lower-left and upper-right coordinates. If the half-space is unbounded in a particular direction, numpy.inf is used to represent infinity. Parameters ---------- side : {'+', '-'} Indicates the negative or positive half-space Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Lower-left coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space numpy.ndarray Upper-right coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space """ return BoundingBox.infinite()
[docs] def clone(self, memo=None): """Create a copy of this surface with a new unique ID. Parameters ---------- memo : dict or None A nested dictionary of previously cloned objects. This parameter is used internally and should not be specified by the user. Returns ------- clone : openmc.Surface The clone of this surface """ if memo is None: memo = {} # If no memoize'd clone exists, instantiate one if self not in memo: clone = deepcopy(self) = None # Memoize the clone memo[self] = clone return memo[self]
[docs] def normalize(self, coeffs=None): """Normalize coefficients by first nonzero value .. versionadded:: 0.12 Parameters ---------- coeffs : tuple, optional Tuple of surface coefficients to normalize. Defaults to None. If no coefficients are supplied then the coefficients will be taken from the current Surface. Returns ------- tuple of normalized coefficients """ if coeffs is None: coeffs = self._get_base_coeffs() coeffs = np.asarray(coeffs) nonzeros = ~np.isclose(coeffs, 0., rtol=0., atol=self._atol) norm_factor = np.abs(coeffs[nonzeros][0]) return tuple([c/norm_factor for c in coeffs])
[docs] def is_equal(self, other): """Determine if this Surface is equivalent to another Parameters ---------- other : instance of openmc.Surface Instance of openmc.Surface that should be compared to the current surface """ coeffs1 = self.normalize(self._get_base_coeffs()) coeffs2 = self.normalize(other._get_base_coeffs()) return np.allclose(coeffs1, coeffs2, rtol=0., atol=self._atol)
@abstractmethod def _get_base_coeffs(self): """Return polynomial coefficients representing the implicit surface equation. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluate(self, point): """Evaluate the surface equation at a given point. Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float The Cartesian coordinates, :math:`(x',y',z')`, at which the surface equation should be evaluated. Returns ------- float Evaluation of the surface polynomial at point :math:`(x',y',z')` """
[docs] @abstractmethod def translate(self, vector, inplace=False): """Translate surface in given direction Parameters ---------- vector : iterable of float Direction in which surface should be translated inplace : bool Whether or not to return a new instance of this Surface or to modify the coefficients of this Surface. Returns ------- instance of openmc.Surface Translated surface """
[docs] @abstractmethod def rotate(self, rotation, pivot=(0., 0., 0.), order='xyz', inplace=False): r"""Rotate surface by angles provided or by applying matrix directly. .. versionadded:: 0.12 Parameters ---------- rotation : 3-tuple of float, or 3x3 iterable A 3-tuple of angles :math:`(\phi, \theta, \psi)` in degrees where the first element is the rotation about the x-axis in the fixed laboratory frame, the second element is the rotation about the y-axis in the fixed laboratory frame, and the third element is the rotation about the z-axis in the fixed laboratory frame. The rotations are active rotations. Additionally a 3x3 rotation matrix can be specified directly either as a nested iterable or array. pivot : iterable of float, optional (x, y, z) coordinates for the point to rotate about. Defaults to (0., 0., 0.) order : str, optional A string of 'x', 'y', and 'z' in some order specifying which rotation to perform first, second, and third. Defaults to 'xyz' which means, the rotation by angle :math:`\phi` about x will be applied first, followed by :math:`\theta` about y and then :math:`\psi` about z. This corresponds to an x-y-z extrinsic rotation as well as a z-y'-x'' intrinsic rotation using Tait-Bryan angles :math:`(\phi, \theta, \psi)`. inplace : bool Whether or not to return a new instance of Surface or to modify the coefficients of this Surface in place. Defaults to False. Returns ------- openmc.Surface Rotated surface """
[docs] def to_xml_element(self): """Return XML representation of the surface Returns ------- element : lxml.etree._Element XML element containing source data """ element = ET.Element("surface") element.set("id", str(self._id)) if len(self._name) > 0: element.set("name", str(self._name)) element.set("type", self._type) if self.boundary_type != 'transmission': element.set("boundary", self.boundary_type) if (self.boundary_type in _ALBEDO_BOUNDARIES and not math.isclose(self.albedo, 1.0)): element.set("albedo", str(self.albedo)) element.set("coeffs", ' '.join([str(self._coefficients.setdefault(key, 0.0)) for key in self._coeff_keys])) return element
[docs] @staticmethod def from_xml_element(elem): """Generate surface from an XML element Parameters ---------- elem : lxml.etree._Element XML element Returns ------- openmc.Surface Instance of a surface subclass """ # Determine appropriate class surf_type = elem.get('type') cls = _SURFACE_CLASSES[surf_type] # Determine ID, boundary type, boundary albedo, coefficients kwargs = {} kwargs['surface_id'] = int(elem.get('id')) kwargs['boundary_type'] = elem.get('boundary', 'transmission') if kwargs['boundary_type'] in _ALBEDO_BOUNDARIES: kwargs['albedo'] = float(elem.get('albedo', 1.0)) kwargs['name'] = elem.get('name') coeffs = [float(x) for x in elem.get('coeffs').split()] kwargs.update(dict(zip(cls._coeff_keys, coeffs))) return cls(**kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_hdf5(group): """Create surface from HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group Group in HDF5 file Returns ------- openmc.Surface Instance of surface subclass """ # If this is a DAGMC surface, do nothing for now geom_type = group.get('geom_type') if geom_type and geom_type[()].decode() == 'dagmc': return surface_id = int('/')[-1].lstrip('surface ')) name = group['name'][()].decode() if 'name' in group else '' bc = group['boundary_type'][()].decode() if 'albedo' in group: bc_alb = float(group['albedo'][()].decode()) else: bc_alb = 1.0 coeffs = group['coefficients'][...] kwargs = {'boundary_type': bc, 'albedo': bc_alb, 'name': name, 'surface_id': surface_id} surf_type = group['type'][()].decode() cls = _SURFACE_CLASSES[surf_type] return cls(*coeffs, **kwargs)
class PlaneMixin: """A Plane mixin class for all operations on order 1 surfaces""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._periodic_surface = None @property def periodic_surface(self): return self._periodic_surface @periodic_surface.setter def periodic_surface(self, periodic_surface): check_type('periodic surface', periodic_surface, Plane) self._periodic_surface = periodic_surface periodic_surface._periodic_surface = self def _get_base_coeffs(self): return (self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d) def _get_normal(self): a, b, c = self._get_base_coeffs()[:3] return np.array((a, b, c)) / math.sqrt(a*a + b*b + c*c) def bounding_box(self, side): """Determine an axis-aligned bounding box. An axis-aligned bounding box for Plane half-spaces is represented by its lower-left and upper-right coordinates. If the half-space is unbounded in a particular direction, numpy.inf is used to represent infinity. Parameters ---------- side : {'+', '-'} Indicates the negative or positive half-space Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Lower-left coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space numpy.ndarray Upper-right coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space """ # Compute the bounding box based on the normal vector to the plane nhat = self._get_normal() ll = np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf]) ur = np.array([np.inf, np.inf, np.inf]) # If the plane is axis aligned, find the proper bounding box if np.any(np.isclose(np.abs(nhat), 1., rtol=0., atol=self._atol)): sign = nhat.sum() a, b, c, d = self._get_base_coeffs() vals = [d/val if not np.isclose(val, 0., rtol=0., atol=self._atol) else np.nan for val in (a, b, c)] if side == '-': if sign > 0: ur = np.array([v if not np.isnan(v) else np.inf for v in vals]) else: ll = np.array([v if not np.isnan(v) else -np.inf for v in vals]) elif side == '+': if sign > 0: ll = np.array([v if not np.isnan(v) else -np.inf for v in vals]) else: ur = np.array([v if not np.isnan(v) else np.inf for v in vals]) return BoundingBox(ll, ur) def evaluate(self, point): """Evaluate the surface equation at a given point. Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float The Cartesian coordinates, :math:`(x',y',z')`, at which the surface equation should be evaluated. Returns ------- float :math:`Ax' + By' + Cz' - D` """ x, y, z = point a, b, c, d = self._get_base_coeffs() return a*x + b*y + c*z - d def translate(self, vector, inplace=False): """Translate surface in given direction Parameters ---------- vector : iterable of float Direction in which surface should be translated inplace : bool Whether or not to return a new instance of a Plane or to modify the coefficients of this plane. Returns ------- openmc.Plane Translated surface """ if np.allclose(vector, 0., rtol=0., atol=self._atol): return self a, b, c, d = self._get_base_coeffs() d = d +[a, b, c], vector) surf = self if inplace else self.clone() setattr(surf, surf._coeff_keys[-1], d) return surf def rotate(self, rotation, pivot=(0., 0., 0.), order='xyz', inplace=False): pivot = np.asarray(pivot) rotation = np.asarray(rotation, dtype=float) # Allow rotation matrix to be passed in directly, otherwise build it if rotation.ndim == 2: check_length('surface rotation', rotation.ravel(), 9) Rmat = rotation else: Rmat = get_rotation_matrix(rotation, order=order) # Translate surface to pivot surf = self.translate(-pivot, inplace=inplace) a, b, c, d = surf._get_base_coeffs() # Compute new rotated coefficients a, b, c a, b, c = Rmat @ [a, b, c] kwargs = {'boundary_type': surf.boundary_type, 'albedo': surf.albedo, 'name':} if inplace: kwargs['surface_id'] = surf = Plane(a=a, b=b, c=c, d=d, **kwargs) return surf.translate(pivot, inplace=inplace) def to_xml_element(self): """Return XML representation of the surface Returns ------- element : lxml.etree._Element XML element containing source data """ element = super().to_xml_element() # Add periodic surface pair information if self.boundary_type == 'periodic': if self.periodic_surface is not None: element.set("periodic_surface_id", str( return element
[docs]class Plane(PlaneMixin, Surface): """An arbitrary plane of the form :math:`Ax + By + Cz = D`. Parameters ---------- a : float, optional The 'A' parameter for the plane. Defaults to 1. b : float, optional The 'B' parameter for the plane. Defaults to 0. c : float, optional The 'C' parameter for the plane. Defaults to 0. d : float, optional The 'D' parameter for the plane. Defaults to 0. boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic', 'white'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. albedo : float, optional Albedo of the surfaces as a ratio of particle weight after interaction with the surface to the initial weight. Values must be positive. Only applicable if the boundary type is 'reflective', 'periodic', or 'white'. name : str, optional Name of the plane. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. Attributes ---------- a : float The 'A' parameter for the plane b : float The 'B' parameter for the plane c : float The 'C' parameter for the plane d : float The 'D' parameter for the plane boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic', 'white'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. albedo : float Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight periodic_surface : openmc.Surface If a periodic boundary condition is used, the surface with which this one is periodic with coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ _type = 'plane' _coeff_keys = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') def __init__(self, a=1., b=0., c=0., d=0., *args, **kwargs): # *args should ultimately be limited to a, b, c, d as specified in # __init__, but to preserve the API it is allowed to accept Surface # parameters for now, but will raise warnings if this is done. kwargs = _future_kwargs_warning_helper(type(self), *args, **kwargs) # Warn if capital letter arguments are passed capdict = {} for k in 'ABCD': val = kwargs.pop(k, None) if val is not None: warn(_WARNING_UPPER.format(type(self), k.lower(), k), FutureWarning) capdict[k.lower()] = val super().__init__(**kwargs) for key, val in zip(self._coeff_keys, (a, b, c, d)): setattr(self, key, val) for key, val in capdict.items(): setattr(self, key, val) @classmethod def __subclasshook__(cls, c): if cls is Plane and c in (XPlane, YPlane, ZPlane): return True return NotImplemented a = SurfaceCoefficient('a') b = SurfaceCoefficient('b') c = SurfaceCoefficient('c') d = SurfaceCoefficient('d')
[docs] @classmethod def from_points(cls, p1, p2, p3, **kwargs): """Return a plane given three points that pass through it. Parameters ---------- p1, p2, p3 : 3-tuples Points that pass through the plane kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to the :class:`Plane` constructor Returns ------- Plane Plane that passes through the three points Raises ------ ValueError If all three points lie along a line """ # Convert to numpy arrays p1 = np.asarray(p1, dtype=float) p2 = np.asarray(p2, dtype=float) p3 = np.asarray(p3, dtype=float) # Find normal vector to plane by taking cross product of two vectors # connecting p1->p2 and p1->p3 n = np.cross(p2 - p1, p3 - p1) # Check for points along a line if np.allclose(n, 0.): raise ValueError("All three points appear to lie along a line.") # The equation of the plane will by n·(<x,y,z> - p1) = 0. Determine # coefficients a, b, c, and d based on that a, b, c = n d =, p1) return cls(a=a, b=b, c=c, d=d, **kwargs)
[docs] def flip_normal(self): """Modify plane coefficients to reverse the normal vector.""" self.a = -self.a self.b = -self.b self.c = -self.c self.d = -self.d
[docs]class XPlane(PlaneMixin, Surface): """A plane perpendicular to the x axis of the form :math:`x - x_0 = 0` Parameters ---------- x0 : float, optional Location of the plane in [cm]. Defaults to 0. boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic', 'white'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. Only axis-aligned periodicity is supported, i.e., x-planes can only be paired with x-planes. albedo : float, optional Albedo of the surfaces as a ratio of particle weight after interaction with the surface to the initial weight. Values must be positive. Only applicable if the boundary type is 'reflective', 'periodic', or 'white'. name : str, optional Name of the plane. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. Attributes ---------- x0 : float Location of the plane in [cm] boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic', 'white'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. albedo : float Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight periodic_surface : openmc.Surface If a periodic boundary condition is used, the surface with which this one is periodic with coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ _type = 'x-plane' _coeff_keys = ('x0',) def __init__(self, x0=0., *args, **kwargs): # work around for accepting Surface kwargs as positional parameters # until they are deprecated kwargs = _future_kwargs_warning_helper(type(self), *args, **kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) self.x0 = x0 x0 = SurfaceCoefficient('x0') a = SurfaceCoefficient(1.) b = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) c = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) d = x0
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): return point[0] - self.x0
[docs]class YPlane(PlaneMixin, Surface): """A plane perpendicular to the y axis of the form :math:`y - y_0 = 0` Parameters ---------- y0 : float, optional Location of the plane in [cm] boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic', 'white'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. Only axis-aligned periodicity is supported, i.e., y-planes can only be paired with y-planes. albedo : float, optional Albedo of the surfaces as a ratio of particle weight after interaction with the surface to the initial weight. Values must be positive. Only applicable if the boundary type is 'reflective', 'periodic', or 'white'. name : str, optional Name of the plane. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. Attributes ---------- y0 : float Location of the plane in [cm] boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic', 'white'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. albedo : float Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight periodic_surface : openmc.Surface If a periodic boundary condition is used, the surface with which this one is periodic with coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ _type = 'y-plane' _coeff_keys = ('y0',) def __init__(self, y0=0., *args, **kwargs): # work around for accepting Surface kwargs as positional parameters # until they are deprecated kwargs = _future_kwargs_warning_helper(type(self), *args, **kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) self.y0 = y0 y0 = SurfaceCoefficient('y0') a = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) b = SurfaceCoefficient(1.) c = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) d = y0
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): return point[1] - self.y0
[docs]class ZPlane(PlaneMixin, Surface): """A plane perpendicular to the z axis of the form :math:`z - z_0 = 0` Parameters ---------- z0 : float, optional Location of the plane in [cm]. Defaults to 0. boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic', 'white'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. Only axis-aligned periodicity is supported, i.e., z-planes can only be paired with z-planes. albedo : float, optional Albedo of the surfaces as a ratio of particle weight after interaction with the surface to the initial weight. Values must be positive. Only applicable if the boundary type is 'reflective', 'periodic', or 'white'. name : str, optional Name of the plane. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. Attributes ---------- z0 : float Location of the plane in [cm] boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic', 'white'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. albedo : float Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight periodic_surface : openmc.Surface If a periodic boundary condition is used, the surface with which this one is periodic with coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ _type = 'z-plane' _coeff_keys = ('z0',) def __init__(self, z0=0., *args, **kwargs): # work around for accepting Surface kwargs as positional parameters # until they are deprecated kwargs = _future_kwargs_warning_helper(type(self), *args, **kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) self.z0 = z0 z0 = SurfaceCoefficient('z0') a = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) b = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) c = SurfaceCoefficient(1.) d = z0
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): return point[2] - self.z0
class QuadricMixin: """A Mixin class implementing common functionality for quadric surfaces""" @property def _origin(self): return np.array((self.x0, self.y0, self.z0)) @property def _axis(self): axis = np.array((self.dx, self.dy, return axis / np.linalg.norm(axis) def get_Abc(self, coeffs=None): """Compute matrix, vector, and scalar coefficients for this surface or for a specified set of coefficients. Parameters ---------- coeffs : tuple, optional Tuple of coefficients from which to compute the quadric elements. If none are supplied the coefficients of this surface will be used. """ if coeffs is None: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k = self._get_base_coeffs() else: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k = coeffs A = np.array([[a, d/2, f/2], [d/2, b, e/2], [f/2, e/2, c]]) bvec = np.array([g, h, j]) return A, bvec, k def eigh(self, coeffs=None): """Wrapper method for returning eigenvalues and eigenvectors of this quadric surface which is used for transformations. Parameters ---------- coeffs : tuple, optional Tuple of coefficients from which to compute the quadric elements. If none are supplied the coefficients of this surface will be used. Returns ------- w, v : tuple of numpy arrays with shapes (3,) and (3,3) respectively Returns the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the quadric matrix A that represents the supplied coefficients. The vector w contains the eigenvalues in ascending order and the matrix v contains the eigenvectors such that v[:,i] is the eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue w[i]. """ return np.linalg.eigh(self.get_Abc(coeffs=coeffs)[0]) def evaluate(self, point): """Evaluate the surface equation at a given point. Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float The Cartesian coordinates, :math:`(x',y',z')`, in [cm] at which the surface equation should be evaluated. Returns ------- float :math:`Ax'^2 + By'^2 + Cz'^2 + Dx'y' + Ey'z' + Fx'z' + Gx' + Hy' + Jz' + K = 0` """ x = np.asarray(point) A, b, c = self.get_Abc() return x.T @ A @ x + b.T @ x + c def translate(self, vector, inplace=False): """Translate surface in given direction Parameters ---------- vector : iterable of float Direction in which surface should be translated inplace : bool Whether to return a clone of the Surface or the Surface itself. Returns ------- openmc.Surface Translated surface """ vector = np.asarray(vector) if np.allclose(vector, 0., rtol=0., atol=self._atol): return self surf = self if inplace else self.clone() if hasattr(self, 'x0'): for vi, xi in zip(vector, ('x0', 'y0', 'z0')): val = getattr(surf, xi) try: setattr(surf, xi, val + vi) except AttributeError: # That attribute is read only i.e x0 for XCylinder pass else: A, bvec, cnst = self.get_Abc() g, h, j = bvec - 2*vector.T @ A k = cnst + vector.T @ A @ vector - bvec.T @ vector for key, val in zip(('g', 'h', 'j', 'k'), (g, h, j, k)): setattr(surf, key, val) return surf def rotate(self, rotation, pivot=(0., 0., 0.), order='xyz', inplace=False): # Get pivot and rotation matrix pivot = np.asarray(pivot) rotation = np.asarray(rotation, dtype=float) # Allow rotation matrix to be passed in directly, otherwise build it if rotation.ndim == 2: check_length('surface rotation', rotation.ravel(), 9) Rmat = rotation else: Rmat = get_rotation_matrix(rotation, order=order) # Translate surface to the pivot point tsurf = self.translate(-pivot, inplace=inplace) # If the surface is already generalized just clone it if type(tsurf) is tsurf._virtual_base: surf = tsurf if inplace else tsurf.clone() else: base_cls = type(tsurf)._virtual_base # Copy necessary surface attributes to new kwargs dictionary kwargs = {'boundary_type': tsurf.boundary_type, 'albedo': tsurf.albedo, 'name':} if inplace: kwargs['surface_id'] = kwargs.update({k: getattr(tsurf, k) for k in base_cls._coeff_keys}) # Create new instance of the virtual base class surf = base_cls(**kwargs) # Perform rotations on axis, origin, or quadric coefficients if hasattr(surf, 'dx'): for key, val in zip(('dx', 'dy', 'dz'), Rmat @ tsurf._axis): setattr(surf, key, val) if hasattr(surf, 'x0'): for key, val in zip(('x0', 'y0', 'z0'), Rmat @ tsurf._origin): setattr(surf, key, val) else: A, bvec, k = surf.get_Abc() Arot = Rmat @ A @ Rmat.T a, b, c = np.diagonal(Arot) d, e, f = 2*Arot[0, 1], 2*Arot[1, 2], 2*Arot[0, 2] g, h, j = Rmat @ bvec for key, val in zip(surf._coeff_keys, (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k)): setattr(surf, key, val) # translate back to the original frame and return the surface return surf.translate(pivot, inplace=inplace) class Cylinder(QuadricMixin, Surface): """A cylinder with radius r, centered on the point (x0, y0, z0) with an axis specified by the line through points (x0, y0, z0) and (x0+dx, y0+dy, z0+dz) Parameters ---------- x0 : float, optional x-coordinate for the origin of the Cylinder in [cm]. Defaults to 0 y0 : float, optional y-coordinate for the origin of the Cylinder in [cm]. Defaults to 0 z0 : float, optional z-coordinate for the origin of the Cylinder in [cm]. Defaults to 0 r : float, optional Radius of the cylinder in [cm]. Defaults to 1. dx : float, optional x-component of the vector representing the axis of the cylinder. Defaults to 0. dy : float, optional y-component of the vector representing the axis of the cylinder. Defaults to 0. dz : float, optional z-component of the vector representing the axis of the cylinder. Defaults to 1. boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. albedo : float, optional Albedo of the surfaces as a ratio of particle weight after interaction with the surface to the initial weight. Values must be positive. Only applicable if the boundary type is 'reflective', 'periodic', or 'white'. name : str, optional Name of the cylinder. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. Attributes ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate for the origin of the Cylinder in [cm] y0 : float y-coordinate for the origin of the Cylinder in [cm] z0 : float z-coordinate for the origin of the Cylinder in [cm] r : float Radius of the cylinder in [cm] dx : float x-component of the vector representing the axis of the cylinder dy : float y-component of the vector representing the axis of the cylinder dz : float z-component of the vector representing the axis of the cylinder boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. albedo : float Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ _type = 'cylinder' _coeff_keys = ('x0', 'y0', 'z0', 'r', 'dx', 'dy', 'dz') def __init__(self, x0=0., y0=0., z0=0., r=1., dx=0., dy=0., dz=1., *args, **kwargs): kwargs = _future_kwargs_warning_helper(type(self), *args, **kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) for key, val in zip(self._coeff_keys, (x0, y0, z0, r, dx, dy, dz)): setattr(self, key, val) @classmethod def __subclasshook__(cls, c): if cls is Cylinder and c in (XCylinder, YCylinder, ZCylinder): return True return NotImplemented x0 = SurfaceCoefficient('x0') y0 = SurfaceCoefficient('y0') z0 = SurfaceCoefficient('z0') r = SurfaceCoefficient('r') dx = SurfaceCoefficient('dx') dy = SurfaceCoefficient('dy') dz = SurfaceCoefficient('dz') def bounding_box(self, side): if side == '-': r = self.r ll = [xi - r if np.isclose(dxi, 0., rtol=0., atol=self._atol) else -np.inf for xi, dxi in zip(self._origin, self._axis)] ur = [xi + r if np.isclose(dxi, 0., rtol=0., atol=self._atol) else np.inf for xi, dxi in zip(self._origin, self._axis)] return BoundingBox(np.array(ll), np.array(ur)) elif side == '+': return BoundingBox.infinite() def _get_base_coeffs(self): # Get x, y, z coordinates of two points x1, y1, z1 = self._origin x2, y2, z2 = self._origin + self._axis r = self.r # Define intermediate terms dx = x2 - x1 dy = y2 - y1 dz = z2 - z1 cx = y1*z2 - y2*z1 cy = x2*z1 - x1*z2 cz = x1*y2 - x2*y1 # Given p=(x,y,z), p1=(x1, y1, z1), p2=(x2, y2, z2), the equation # for the cylinder can be derived as # r = |(p - p1) ⨯ (p - p2)| / |p2 - p1|. # Expanding out all terms and grouping according to what Quadric # expects gives the following coefficients. a = dy*dy + dz*dz b = dx*dx + dz*dz c = dx*dx + dy*dy d = -2*dx*dy e = -2*dy*dz f = -2*dx*dz g = 2*(cy*dz - cz*dy) h = 2*(cz*dx - cx*dz) j = 2*(cx*dy - cy*dx) k = cx*cx + cy*cy + cz*cz - (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)*r*r return (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k) @classmethod def from_points(cls, p1, p2, r=1., **kwargs): """Return a cylinder given points that define the axis and a radius. .. versionadded:: 0.12 Parameters ---------- p1, p2 : 3-tuples Points that pass through the cylinder axis. r : float, optional Radius of the cylinder in [cm]. Defaults to 1. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to the :class:`Cylinder` constructor Returns ------- Cylinder Cylinder that has an axis through the points p1 and p2, and a radius r. """ # Convert to numpy arrays p1 = np.asarray(p1) p2 = np.asarray(p2) x0, y0, z0 = p1 dx, dy, dz = p2 - p1 return cls(x0=x0, y0=y0, z0=z0, r=r, dx=dx, dy=dy, dz=dz, **kwargs) def to_xml_element(self): """Return XML representation of the surface Returns ------- element : lxml.etree._Element XML element containing source data """ # This method overrides Surface.to_xml_element to generate a Quadric # since the C++ layer doesn't support Cylinders right now with catch_warnings(): simplefilter('ignore', IDWarning) kwargs = {'boundary_type': self.boundary_type, 'albedo': self.albedo, 'name':, 'surface_id':} quad_rep = Quadric(*self._get_base_coeffs(), **kwargs) return quad_rep.to_xml_element()
[docs]class XCylinder(QuadricMixin, Surface): """An infinite cylinder whose length is parallel to the x-axis of the form :math:`(y - y_0)^2 + (z - z_0)^2 = r^2`. Parameters ---------- y0 : float, optional y-coordinate for the origin of the Cylinder in [cm]. Defaults to 0 z0 : float, optional z-coordinate for the origin of the Cylinder in [cm]. Defaults to 0 r : float, optional Radius of the cylinder in [cm]. Defaults to 1. boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. albedo : float, optional Albedo of the surfaces as a ratio of particle weight after interaction with the surface to the initial weight. Values must be positive. Only applicable if the boundary type is 'reflective', 'periodic', or 'white'. name : str, optional Name of the cylinder. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. Attributes ---------- y0 : float y-coordinate for the origin of the Cylinder in [cm] z0 : float z-coordinate for the origin of the Cylinder in [cm] r : float Radius of the cylinder in [cm] boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. albedo : float Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ _type = 'x-cylinder' _coeff_keys = ('y0', 'z0', 'r') def __init__(self, y0=0., z0=0., r=1., *args, **kwargs): R = kwargs.pop('R', None) if R is not None: warn(_WARNING_UPPER.format(type(self).__name__, 'r', 'R'), FutureWarning) r = R kwargs = _future_kwargs_warning_helper(type(self), *args, **kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) for key, val in zip(self._coeff_keys, (y0, z0, r)): setattr(self, key, val) x0 = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) y0 = SurfaceCoefficient('y0') z0 = SurfaceCoefficient('z0') r = SurfaceCoefficient('r') dx = SurfaceCoefficient(1.) dy = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) dz = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) def _get_base_coeffs(self): y0, z0, r = self.y0, self.z0, self.r a = d = e = f = g = 0. b = c = 1. h, j, k = -2*y0, -2*z0, y0*y0 + z0*z0 - r*r return (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k)
[docs] def bounding_box(self, side): if side == '-': return BoundingBox( np.array([-np.inf, self.y0 - self.r, self.z0 - self.r]), np.array([np.inf, self.y0 + self.r, self.z0 + self.r]) ) elif side == '+': return BoundingBox.infinite()
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): y = point[1] - self.y0 z = point[2] - self.z0 return y*y + z*z - self.r**2
[docs]class YCylinder(QuadricMixin, Surface): """An infinite cylinder whose length is parallel to the y-axis of the form :math:`(x - x_0)^2 + (z - z_0)^2 = r^2`. Parameters ---------- x0 : float, optional x-coordinate for the origin of the Cylinder in [cm]. Defaults to 0 z0 : float, optional z-coordinate for the origin of the Cylinder in [cm]. Defaults to 0 r : float, optional Radius of the cylinder in [cm]. Defaults to 1. boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. albedo : float, optional Albedo of the surfaces as a ratio of particle weight after interaction with the surface to the initial weight. Values must be positive. Only applicable if the boundary type is 'reflective', 'periodic', or 'white'. name : str, optional Name of the cylinder. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. Attributes ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate for the origin of the Cylinder in [cm] z0 : float z-coordinate for the origin of the Cylinder in [cm] r : float Radius of the cylinder in [cm] boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. albedo : float Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ _type = 'y-cylinder' _coeff_keys = ('x0', 'z0', 'r') def __init__(self, x0=0., z0=0., r=1., *args, **kwargs): R = kwargs.pop('R', None) if R is not None: warn(_WARNING_UPPER.format(type(self).__name__, 'r', 'R'), FutureWarning) r = R kwargs = _future_kwargs_warning_helper(type(self), *args, **kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) for key, val in zip(self._coeff_keys, (x0, z0, r)): setattr(self, key, val) x0 = SurfaceCoefficient('x0') y0 = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) z0 = SurfaceCoefficient('z0') r = SurfaceCoefficient('r') dx = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) dy = SurfaceCoefficient(1.) dz = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) def _get_base_coeffs(self): x0, z0, r = self.x0, self.z0, self.r b = d = e = f = h = 0. a = c = 1. g, j, k = -2*x0, -2*z0, x0*x0 + z0*z0 - r*r return (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k)
[docs] def bounding_box(self, side): if side == '-': return BoundingBox( np.array([self.x0 - self.r, -np.inf, self.z0 - self.r]), np.array([self.x0 + self.r, np.inf, self.z0 + self.r]) ) elif side == '+': return BoundingBox.infinite()
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): x = point[0] - self.x0 z = point[2] - self.z0 return x*x + z*z - self.r**2
[docs]class ZCylinder(QuadricMixin, Surface): """An infinite cylinder whose length is parallel to the z-axis of the form :math:`(x - x_0)^2 + (y - y_0)^2 = r^2`. Parameters ---------- x0 : float, optional x-coordinate for the origin of the Cylinder in [cm]. Defaults to 0 y0 : float, optional y-coordinate for the origin of the Cylinder in [cm]. Defaults to 0 r : float, optional Radius of the cylinder in [cm]. Defaults to 1. boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. albedo : float, optional Albedo of the surfaces as a ratio of particle weight after interaction with the surface to the initial weight. Values must be positive. Only applicable if the boundary type is 'reflective', 'periodic', or 'white'. name : str, optional Name of the cylinder. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. Attributes ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate for the origin of the Cylinder in [cm] y0 : float y-coordinate for the origin of the Cylinder in [cm] r : float Radius of the cylinder in [cm] boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. albedo : float Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ _type = 'z-cylinder' _coeff_keys = ('x0', 'y0', 'r') def __init__(self, x0=0., y0=0., r=1., *args, **kwargs): R = kwargs.pop('R', None) if R is not None: warn(_WARNING_UPPER.format(type(self).__name__, 'r', 'R'), FutureWarning) r = R kwargs = _future_kwargs_warning_helper(type(self), *args, **kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) for key, val in zip(self._coeff_keys, (x0, y0, r)): setattr(self, key, val) x0 = SurfaceCoefficient('x0') y0 = SurfaceCoefficient('y0') z0 = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) r = SurfaceCoefficient('r') dx = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) dy = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) dz = SurfaceCoefficient(1.) def _get_base_coeffs(self): x0, y0, r = self.x0, self.y0, self.r c = d = e = f = j = 0. a = b = 1. g, h, k = -2*x0, -2*y0, x0*x0 + y0*y0 - r*r return (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k)
[docs] def bounding_box(self, side): if side == '-': return BoundingBox( np.array([self.x0 - self.r, self.y0 - self.r, -np.inf]), np.array([self.x0 + self.r, self.y0 + self.r, np.inf]) ) elif side == '+': return BoundingBox.infinite()
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): x = point[0] - self.x0 y = point[1] - self.y0 return x*x + y*y - self.r**2
[docs]class Sphere(QuadricMixin, Surface): """A sphere of the form :math:`(x - x_0)^2 + (y - y_0)^2 + (z - z_0)^2 = r^2`. Parameters ---------- x0 : float, optional x-coordinate of the center of the sphere in [cm]. Defaults to 0. y0 : float, optional y-coordinate of the center of the sphere in [cm]. Defaults to 0. z0 : float, optional z-coordinate of the center of the sphere in [cm]. Defaults to 0. r : float, optional Radius of the sphere in [cm]. Defaults to 1. boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. albedo : float, optional Albedo of the surfaces as a ratio of particle weight after interaction with the surface to the initial weight. Values must be positive. Only applicable if the boundary type is 'reflective', 'periodic', or 'white'. name : str, optional Name of the sphere. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. Attributes ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate of the center of the sphere in [cm] y0 : float y-coordinate of the center of the sphere in [cm] z0 : float z-coordinate of the center of the sphere in [cm] r : float Radius of the sphere in [cm] boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. albedo : float Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ _type = 'sphere' _coeff_keys = ('x0', 'y0', 'z0', 'r') def __init__(self, x0=0., y0=0., z0=0., r=1., *args, **kwargs): R = kwargs.pop('R', None) if R is not None: warn(_WARNING_UPPER.format(type(self).__name__, 'r', 'R'), FutureWarning) r = R kwargs = _future_kwargs_warning_helper(type(self), *args, **kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) for key, val in zip(self._coeff_keys, (x0, y0, z0, r)): setattr(self, key, val) x0 = SurfaceCoefficient('x0') y0 = SurfaceCoefficient('y0') z0 = SurfaceCoefficient('z0') r = SurfaceCoefficient('r') def _get_base_coeffs(self): x0, y0, z0, r = self.x0, self.y0, self.z0, self.r a = b = c = 1. d = e = f = 0. g, h, j = -2*x0, -2*y0, -2*z0 k = x0*x0 + y0*y0 + z0*z0 - r*r return (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k)
[docs] def bounding_box(self, side): if side == '-': return BoundingBox( np.array([self.x0 - self.r, self.y0 - self.r, self.z0 - self.r]), np.array([self.x0 + self.r, self.y0 + self.r, self.z0 + self.r]) ) elif side == '+': return BoundingBox.infinite()
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): x = point[0] - self.x0 y = point[1] - self.y0 z = point[2] - self.z0 return x*x + y*y + z*z - self.r**2
[docs]class Cone(QuadricMixin, Surface): """A conical surface parallel to the x-, y-, or z-axis. .. Note:: This creates a double cone, which is two one-sided cones that meet at their apex. For a one-sided cone see :class:`~openmc.model.XConeOneSided`, :class:`~openmc.model.YConeOneSided`, and :class:`~openmc.model.ZConeOneSided`. Parameters ---------- x0 : float, optional x-coordinate of the apex in [cm]. Defaults to 0. y0 : float, optional y-coordinate of the apex in [cm]. Defaults to 0. z0 : float, optional z-coordinate of the apex in [cm]. Defaults to 0. r2 : float, optional Parameter related to the aperture [:math:`\\rm cm^2`]. It can be interpreted as the increase in the radius squared per cm along the cone's axis of revolution. dx : float, optional x-component of the vector representing the axis of the cone. Defaults to 0. dy : float, optional y-component of the vector representing the axis of the cone. Defaults to 0. dz : float, optional z-component of the vector representing the axis of the cone. Defaults to 1. surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. albedo : float, optional Albedo of the surfaces as a ratio of particle weight after interaction with the surface to the initial weight. Values must be positive. Only applicable if the boundary type is 'reflective', 'periodic', or 'white'. name : str Name of the cone. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. Attributes ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate of the apex in [cm] y0 : float y-coordinate of the apex in [cm] z0 : float z-coordinate of the apex in [cm] r2 : float Parameter related to the aperature [cm^2] dx : float x-component of the vector representing the axis of the cone. dy : float y-component of the vector representing the axis of the cone. dz : float z-component of the vector representing the axis of the cone. boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. albedo : float Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ _type = 'cone' _coeff_keys = ('x0', 'y0', 'z0', 'r2', 'dx', 'dy', 'dz') def __init__(self, x0=0., y0=0., z0=0., r2=1., dx=0., dy=0., dz=1., *args, **kwargs): R2 = kwargs.pop('R2', None) if R2 is not None: warn(_WARNING_UPPER.format(type(self).__name__, 'r2', 'R2'), FutureWarning) r2 = R2 kwargs = _future_kwargs_warning_helper(type(self), *args, **kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) for key, val in zip(self._coeff_keys, (x0, y0, z0, r2, dx, dy, dz)): setattr(self, key, val) @classmethod def __subclasshook__(cls, c): if cls is Cone and c in (XCone, YCone, ZCone): return True return NotImplemented x0 = SurfaceCoefficient('x0') y0 = SurfaceCoefficient('y0') z0 = SurfaceCoefficient('z0') r2 = SurfaceCoefficient('r2') dx = SurfaceCoefficient('dx') dy = SurfaceCoefficient('dy') dz = SurfaceCoefficient('dz') def _get_base_coeffs(self): # The equation for a general cone with vertex at point p = (x0, y0, z0) # and axis specified by the unit vector d = (dx, dy, dz) and opening # half angle theta can be described by the equation # # (d*(r - p))^2 - (r - p)*(r - p)cos^2(theta) = 0 # # where * is the dot product and the vector r is the evaluation point # r = (x, y, z) # # The argument r2 for cones is actually tan^2(theta) so that # cos^2(theta) = 1 / (1 + r2) x0, y0, z0 = self._origin dx, dy, dz = self._axis cos2 = 1 / (1 + self.r2) a = cos2 - dx*dx b = cos2 - dy*dy c = cos2 - dz*dz d = -2*dx*dy e = -2*dy*dz f = -2*dx*dz g = 2*(dx*(dy*y0 + dz*z0) - a*x0) h = 2*(dy*(dx*x0 + dz*z0) - b*y0) j = 2*(dz*(dx*x0 + dy*y0) - c*z0) k = a*x0*x0 + b*y0*y0 + c*z0*z0 - 2*(dx*dy*x0*y0 + dy*dz*y0*z0 + dx*dz*x0*z0) return (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k)
[docs] def to_xml_element(self): """Return XML representation of the surface Returns ------- element : lxml.etree._Element XML element containing source data """ # This method overrides Surface.to_xml_element to generate a Quadric # since the C++ layer doesn't support Cones right now with catch_warnings(): simplefilter('ignore', IDWarning) kwargs = {'boundary_type': self.boundary_type, 'albedo': self.albedo, 'name':, 'surface_id':} quad_rep = Quadric(*self._get_base_coeffs(), **kwargs) return quad_rep.to_xml_element()
[docs]class XCone(QuadricMixin, Surface): """A cone parallel to the x-axis of the form :math:`(y - y_0)^2 + (z - z_0)^2 = r^2 (x - x_0)^2`. .. Note:: This creates a double cone, which is two one-sided cones that meet at their apex. For a one-sided cone see :class:`~openmc.model.XConeOneSided`. Parameters ---------- x0 : float, optional x-coordinate of the apex in [cm]. Defaults to 0. y0 : float, optional y-coordinate of the apex in [cm]. Defaults to 0. z0 : float, optional z-coordinate of the apex in [cm]. Defaults to 0. r2 : float, optional Parameter related to the aperture [:math:`\\rm cm^2`]. It can be interpreted as the increase in the radius squared per cm along the cone's axis of revolution. boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. albedo : float, optional Albedo of the surfaces as a ratio of particle weight after interaction with the surface to the initial weight. Values must be positive. Only applicable if the boundary type is 'reflective', 'periodic', or 'white'. name : str, optional Name of the cone. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. Attributes ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate of the apex in [cm] y0 : float y-coordinate of the apex in [cm] z0 : float z-coordinate of the apex in [cm] r2 : float Parameter related to the aperature boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. albedo : float Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ _type = 'x-cone' _coeff_keys = ('x0', 'y0', 'z0', 'r2') def __init__(self, x0=0., y0=0., z0=0., r2=1., *args, **kwargs): R2 = kwargs.pop('R2', None) if R2 is not None: warn(_WARNING_UPPER.format(type(self).__name__, 'r2', 'R2'), FutureWarning) r2 = R2 kwargs = _future_kwargs_warning_helper(type(self), *args, **kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) for key, val in zip(self._coeff_keys, (x0, y0, z0, r2)): setattr(self, key, val) x0 = SurfaceCoefficient('x0') y0 = SurfaceCoefficient('y0') z0 = SurfaceCoefficient('z0') r2 = SurfaceCoefficient('r2') dx = SurfaceCoefficient(1.) dy = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) dz = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) def _get_base_coeffs(self): x0, y0, z0, r2 = self.x0, self.y0, self.z0, self.r2 a = -r2 b = c = 1. d = e = f = 0. g, h, j = 2*x0*r2, -2*y0, -2*z0 k = y0*y0 + z0*z0 - r2*x0*x0 return (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k)
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): x = point[0] - self.x0 y = point[1] - self.y0 z = point[2] - self.z0 return y*y + z*z - self.r2*x*x
[docs]class YCone(QuadricMixin, Surface): """A cone parallel to the y-axis of the form :math:`(x - x_0)^2 + (z - z_0)^2 = r^2 (y - y_0)^2`. .. Note:: This creates a double cone, which is two one-sided cones that meet at their apex. For a one-sided cone see :class:`~openmc.model.YConeOneSided`. Parameters ---------- x0 : float, optional x-coordinate of the apex in [cm]. Defaults to 0. y0 : float, optional y-coordinate of the apex in [cm]. Defaults to 0. z0 : float, optional z-coordinate of the apex in [cm]. Defaults to 0. r2 : float, optional Parameter related to the aperture [:math:`\\rm cm^2`]. It can be interpreted as the increase in the radius squared per cm along the cone's axis of revolution. boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. albedo : float, optional Albedo of the surfaces as a ratio of particle weight after interaction with the surface to the initial weight. Values must be positive. Only applicable if the boundary type is 'reflective', 'periodic', or 'white'. name : str, optional Name of the cone. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. Attributes ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate of the apex in [cm] y0 : float y-coordinate of the apex in [cm] z0 : float z-coordinate of the apex in [cm] r2 : float Parameter related to the aperature boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. albedo : float Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ _type = 'y-cone' _coeff_keys = ('x0', 'y0', 'z0', 'r2') def __init__(self, x0=0., y0=0., z0=0., r2=1., *args, **kwargs): R2 = kwargs.pop('R2', None) if R2 is not None: warn(_WARNING_UPPER.format(type(self).__name__, 'r2', 'R2'), FutureWarning) r2 = R2 kwargs = _future_kwargs_warning_helper(type(self), *args, **kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) for key, val in zip(self._coeff_keys, (x0, y0, z0, r2)): setattr(self, key, val) x0 = SurfaceCoefficient('x0') y0 = SurfaceCoefficient('y0') z0 = SurfaceCoefficient('z0') r2 = SurfaceCoefficient('r2') dx = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) dy = SurfaceCoefficient(1.) dz = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) def _get_base_coeffs(self): x0, y0, z0, r2 = self.x0, self.y0, self.z0, self.r2 b = -r2 a = c = 1. d = e = f = 0. g, h, j = -2*x0, 2*y0*r2, -2*z0 k = x0*x0 + z0*z0 - r2*y0*y0 return (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k)
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): x = point[0] - self.x0 y = point[1] - self.y0 z = point[2] - self.z0 return x*x + z*z - self.r2*y*y
[docs]class ZCone(QuadricMixin, Surface): """A cone parallel to the z-axis of the form :math:`(x - x_0)^2 + (y - y_0)^2 = r^2 (z - z_0)^2`. .. Note:: This creates a double cone, which is two one-sided cones that meet at their apex. For a one-sided cone see :class:`~openmc.model.ZConeOneSided`. Parameters ---------- x0 : float, optional x-coordinate of the apex in [cm]. Defaults to 0. y0 : float, optional y-coordinate of the apex in [cm]. Defaults to 0. z0 : float, optional z-coordinate of the apex in [cm]. Defaults to 0. r2 : float, optional Parameter related to the aperature [cm^2]. This is the square of the radius of the cone 1 cm from. This can also be treated as the square of the slope of the cone relative to its axis. boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. albedo : float, optional Albedo of the surfaces as a ratio of particle weight after interaction with the surface to the initial weight. Values must be positive. Only applicable if the boundary type is 'reflective', 'periodic', or 'white'. name : str, optional Name of the cone. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. Attributes ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate of the apex in [cm] y0 : float y-coordinate of the apex in [cm] z0 : float z-coordinate of the apex in [cm] r2 : float Parameter related to the aperature boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. albedo : float Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ _type = 'z-cone' _coeff_keys = ('x0', 'y0', 'z0', 'r2') def __init__(self, x0=0., y0=0., z0=0., r2=1., *args, **kwargs): R2 = kwargs.pop('R2', None) if R2 is not None: warn(_WARNING_UPPER.format(type(self).__name__, 'r2', 'R2'), FutureWarning) r2 = R2 kwargs = _future_kwargs_warning_helper(type(self), *args, **kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) for key, val in zip(self._coeff_keys, (x0, y0, z0, r2)): setattr(self, key, val) x0 = SurfaceCoefficient('x0') y0 = SurfaceCoefficient('y0') z0 = SurfaceCoefficient('z0') r2 = SurfaceCoefficient('r2') dx = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) dy = SurfaceCoefficient(0.) dz = SurfaceCoefficient(1.) def _get_base_coeffs(self): x0, y0, z0, r2 = self.x0, self.y0, self.z0, self.r2 c = -r2 a = b = 1. d = e = f = 0. g, h, j = -2*x0, -2*y0, 2*z0*r2 k = x0*x0 + y0*y0 - r2*z0*z0 return (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k)
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): x = point[0] - self.x0 y = point[1] - self.y0 z = point[2] - self.z0 return x*x + y*y - self.r2*z*z
[docs]class Quadric(QuadricMixin, Surface): """A surface of the form :math:`Ax^2 + By^2 + Cz^2 + Dxy + Eyz + Fxz + Gx + Hy + Jz + K = 0`. Parameters ---------- a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k : float, optional coefficients for the surface. All default to 0. boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. albedo : float, optional Albedo of the surfaces as a ratio of particle weight after interaction with the surface to the initial weight. Values must be positive. Only applicable if the boundary type is 'reflective', 'periodic', or 'white'. name : str, optional Name of the surface. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. Attributes ---------- a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k : float coefficients for the surface boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. albedo : float Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ _type = 'quadric' _coeff_keys = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k') def __init__(self, a=0., b=0., c=0., d=0., e=0., f=0., g=0., h=0., j=0., k=0., *args, **kwargs): kwargs = _future_kwargs_warning_helper(type(self), *args, **kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) for key, val in zip(self._coeff_keys, (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k)): setattr(self, key, val) a = SurfaceCoefficient('a') b = SurfaceCoefficient('b') c = SurfaceCoefficient('c') d = SurfaceCoefficient('d') e = SurfaceCoefficient('e') f = SurfaceCoefficient('f') g = SurfaceCoefficient('g') h = SurfaceCoefficient('h') j = SurfaceCoefficient('j') k = SurfaceCoefficient('k') def _get_base_coeffs(self): return tuple(getattr(self, c) for c in self._coeff_keys)
class TorusMixin: """A Mixin class implementing common functionality for torus surfaces""" _coeff_keys = ('x0', 'y0', 'z0', 'a', 'b', 'c') def __init__(self, x0=0., y0=0., z0=0., a=0., b=0., c=0., **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) for key, val in zip(self._coeff_keys, (x0, y0, z0, a, b, c)): setattr(self, key, val) x0 = SurfaceCoefficient('x0') y0 = SurfaceCoefficient('y0') z0 = SurfaceCoefficient('z0') a = SurfaceCoefficient('a') b = SurfaceCoefficient('b') c = SurfaceCoefficient('c') def translate(self, vector, inplace=False): surf = self if inplace else self.clone() surf.x0 += vector[0] surf.y0 += vector[1] surf.z0 += vector[2] return surf def rotate(self, rotation, pivot=(0., 0., 0.), order='xyz', inplace=False): pivot = np.asarray(pivot) rotation = np.asarray(rotation, dtype=float) # Allow rotation matrix to be passed in directly, otherwise build it if rotation.ndim == 2: check_length('surface rotation', rotation.ravel(), 9) Rmat = rotation else: Rmat = get_rotation_matrix(rotation, order=order) # Only can handle trivial rotation matrices close = np.isclose if not np.all(close(Rmat, -1.0) | close(Rmat, 0.0) | close(Rmat, 1.0)): raise NotImplementedError('Torus surfaces cannot handle generic rotations') # Translate surface to pivot surf = self.translate(-pivot, inplace=inplace) # Determine "center" of torus and a point above it (along main axis) center = [surf.x0, surf.y0, surf.z0] above_center = center.copy() index = ['x-torus', 'y-torus', 'z-torus'].index(surf._type) above_center[index] += 1 # Compute new rotated torus center center = Rmat @ center # Figure out which axis should be used after rotation above_center = Rmat @ above_center new_index = np.where(np.isclose(np.abs(above_center - center), 1.0))[0][0] cls = [XTorus, YTorus, ZTorus][new_index] # Create rotated torus kwargs = { 'boundary_type': surf.boundary_type, 'albedo': surf.albedo, 'name':, 'a': surf.a, 'b': surf.b, 'c': surf.c } if inplace: kwargs['surface_id'] = surf = cls(x0=center[0], y0=center[1], z0=center[2], **kwargs) return surf.translate(pivot, inplace=inplace) def _get_base_coeffs(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class XTorus(TorusMixin, Surface): r"""A torus of the form :math:`(x - x_0)^2/B^2 + (\sqrt{(y - y_0)^2 + (z - z_0)^2} - A)^2/C^2 - 1 = 0`. .. versionadded:: 0.13.0 Parameters ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate of the center of the axis of revolution in [cm] y0 : float y-coordinate of the center of the axis of revolution in [cm] z0 : float z-coordinate of the center of the axis of revolution in [cm] a : float Major radius of the torus in [cm] b : float Minor radius of the torus in [cm] (parallel to axis of revolution) c : float Minor radius of the torus in [cm] (perpendicular to axis of revolution) kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to the :class:`Surface` constructor Attributes ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate of the center of the axis of revolution in [cm] y0 : float y-coordinate of the center of the axis of revolution in [cm] z0 : float z-coordinate of the center of the axis of revolution in [cm] a : float Major radius of the torus in [cm] b : float Minor radius of the torus in [cm] (parallel to axis of revolution) c : float Minor radius of the torus in [cm] (perpendicular to axis of revolution) boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. albedo : float Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ _type = 'x-torus'
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): x = point[0] - self.x0 y = point[1] - self.y0 z = point[2] - self.z0 a = self.a b = self.b c = self.c return (x*x)/(b*b) + (math.sqrt(y*y + z*z) - a)**2/(c*c) - 1
[docs] def bounding_box(self, side): x0, y0, z0 = self.x0, self.y0, self.z0 a, b, c = self.a, self.b, self.c if side == '-': return BoundingBox( np.array([x0 - b, y0 - a - c, z0 - a - c]), np.array([x0 + b, y0 + a + c, z0 + a + c]) ) elif side == '+': return BoundingBox.infinite()
[docs]class YTorus(TorusMixin, Surface): r"""A torus of the form :math:`(y - y_0)^2/B^2 + (\sqrt{(x - x_0)^2 + (z - z_0)^2} - A)^2/C^2 - 1 = 0`. .. versionadded:: 0.13.0 Parameters ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate of the center of the axis of revolution in [cm] y0 : float y-coordinate of the center of the axis of revolution in [cm] z0 : float z-coordinate of the center of the axis of revolution in [cm] a : float Major radius of the torus in [cm] b : float Minor radius of the torus in [cm] (parallel to axis of revolution) c : float Minor radius of the torus in [cm] (perpendicular to axis of revolution) kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to the :class:`Surface` constructor Attributes ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate of the center of the axis of revolution in [cm] y0 : float y-coordinate of the center of the axis of revolution in [cm] z0 : float z-coordinate of the center of the axis of revolution in [cm] a : float Major radius of the torus in [cm] b : float Minor radius of the torus in [cm] (parallel to axis of revolution) c : float Minor radius of the torus (perpendicular to axis of revolution) boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. albedo : float Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ _type = 'y-torus'
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): x = point[0] - self.x0 y = point[1] - self.y0 z = point[2] - self.z0 a = self.a b = self.b c = self.c return (y*y)/(b*b) + (math.sqrt(x*x + z*z) - a)**2/(c*c) - 1
[docs] def bounding_box(self, side): x0, y0, z0 = self.x0, self.y0, self.z0 a, b, c = self.a, self.b, self.c if side == '-': return BoundingBox( np.array([x0 - a - c, y0 - b, z0 - a - c]), np.array([x0 + a + c, y0 + b, z0 + a + c]) ) elif side == '+': return BoundingBox.infinite()
[docs]class ZTorus(TorusMixin, Surface): r"""A torus of the form :math:`(z - z_0)^2/B^2 + (\sqrt{(x - x_0)^2 + (y - y_0)^2} - A)^2/C^2 - 1 = 0`. .. versionadded:: 0.13.0 Parameters ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate of the center of the axis of revolution in [cm] y0 : float y-coordinate of the center of the axis of revolution in [cm] z0 : float z-coordinate of the center of the axis of revolution in [cm] a : float Major radius of the torus in [cm] b : float Minor radius of the torus in [cm] (parallel to axis of revolution) c : float Minor radius of the torus in [cm] (perpendicular to axis of revolution) kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to the :class:`Surface` constructor Attributes ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate of the center of the axis of revolution in [cm] y0 : float y-coordinate of the center of the axis of revolution in [cm] z0 : float z-coordinate of the center of the axis of revolution in [cm] a : float Major radius of the torus in [cm] b : float Minor radius of the torus in [cm] (parallel to axis of revolution) c : float Minor radius of the torus in [cm] (perpendicular to axis of revolution) boundary_type : {'transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'white'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. albedo : float Boundary albedo as a positive multiplier of particle weight coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ _type = 'z-torus'
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): x = point[0] - self.x0 y = point[1] - self.y0 z = point[2] - self.z0 a = self.a b = self.b c = self.c return (z*z)/(b*b) + (math.sqrt(x*x + y*y) - a)**2/(c*c) - 1
[docs] def bounding_box(self, side): x0, y0, z0 = self.x0, self.y0, self.z0 a, b, c = self.a, self.b, self.c if side == '-': return BoundingBox( np.array([x0 - a - c, y0 - a - c, z0 - b]), np.array([x0 + a + c, y0 + a + c, z0 + b]) ) elif side == '+': return BoundingBox.infinite()
[docs]class Halfspace(Region): """A positive or negative half-space region. A half-space is either of the two parts into which a two-dimension surface divides the three-dimensional Euclidean space. If the equation of the surface is :math:`f(x,y,z) = 0`, the region for which :math:`f(x,y,z) < 0` is referred to as the negative half-space and the region for which :math:`f(x,y,z) > 0` is referred to as the positive half-space. Instances of Halfspace are generally not instantiated directly. Rather, they can be created from an existing Surface through the __neg__ and __pos__ operators, as the following example demonstrates: >>> sphere = openmc.Sphere(surface_id=1, r=10.0) >>> inside_sphere = -sphere >>> outside_sphere = +sphere >>> type(inside_sphere) <class 'openmc.surface.Halfspace'> Parameters ---------- surface : openmc.Surface Surface which divides Euclidean space. side : {'+', '-'} Indicates whether the positive or negative half-space is used. Attributes ---------- surface : openmc.Surface Surface which divides Euclidean space. side : {'+', '-'} Indicates whether the positive or negative half-space is used. bounding_box : openmc.BoundingBox Lower-left and upper-right coordinates of an axis-aligned bounding box """ def __init__(self, surface, side): self.surface = surface self.side = side def __and__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Intersection): return Intersection([self] + other[:]) else: return Intersection((self, other)) def __or__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Union): return Union([self] + other[:]) else: return Union((self, other)) def __invert__(self) -> Halfspace: return -self.surface if self.side == '+' else +self.surface def __contains__(self, point): """Check whether a point is contained in the half-space. Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float Cartesian coordinates, :math:`(x',y',z')`, of the point Returns ------- bool Whether the point is in the half-space """ val = self.surface.evaluate(point) return val >= 0. if self.side == '+' else val < 0. @property def surface(self): return self._surface @surface.setter def surface(self, surface): check_type('surface', surface, Surface) self._surface = surface @property def side(self): return self._side @side.setter def side(self, side): check_value('side', side, ('+', '-')) self._side = side @property def bounding_box(self): return self.surface.bounding_box(self.side) def __str__(self): return '-' + str( if self.side == '-' \ else str(
[docs] def get_surfaces(self, surfaces=None): """ Returns the surface that this is a halfspace of. Parameters ---------- surfaces : dict, optional Dictionary mapping surface IDs to :class:`openmc.Surface` instances Returns ------- surfaces : dict Dictionary mapping surface IDs to :class:`openmc.Surface` instances """ if surfaces is None: surfaces = {} surfaces[] = self.surface return surfaces
[docs] def remove_redundant_surfaces(self, redundant_surfaces): """Recursively remove all redundant surfaces referenced by this region Parameters ---------- redundant_surfaces : dict Dictionary mapping redundant surface IDs to surface IDs for the :class:`openmc.Surface` instances that should replace them. """ surf = redundant_surfaces.get( if surf is not None: self.surface = surf
[docs] def clone(self, memo=None): """Create a copy of this halfspace, with a cloned surface with a unique ID. Parameters ---------- memo : dict or None A nested dictionary of previously cloned objects. This parameter is used internally and should not be specified by the user. Returns ------- clone : openmc.Halfspace The clone of this halfspace """ if memo is None: memo = dict clone = deepcopy(self) clone.surface = self.surface.clone(memo) return clone
[docs] def translate(self, vector, inplace=False, memo=None): """Translate half-space in given direction Parameters ---------- vector : iterable of float Direction in which region should be translated memo : dict or None Dictionary used for memoization Returns ------- openmc.Halfspace Translated half-space """ if memo is None: memo = {} # If translated surface not in memo, add it key = (self.surface, tuple(vector)) if key not in memo: memo[key] = self.surface.translate(vector, inplace) # Return translated half-space return type(self)(memo[key], self.side)
[docs] def rotate(self, rotation, pivot=(0., 0., 0.), order='xyz', inplace=False, memo=None): r"""Rotate surface by angles provided or by applying matrix directly. .. versionadded:: 0.12 Parameters ---------- rotation : 3-tuple of float, or 3x3 iterable A 3-tuple of angles :math:`(\phi, \theta, \psi)` in degrees where the first element is the rotation about the x-axis in the fixed laboratory frame, the second element is the rotation about the y-axis in the fixed laboratory frame, and the third element is the rotation about the z-axis in the fixed laboratory frame. The rotations are active rotations. Additionally a 3x3 rotation matrix can be specified directly either as a nested iterable or array. pivot : iterable of float, optional (x, y, z) coordinates for the point to rotate about. Defaults to (0., 0., 0.) order : str, optional A string of 'x', 'y', and 'z' in some order specifying which rotation to perform first, second, and third. Defaults to 'xyz' which means, the rotation by angle :math:`\phi` about x will be applied first, followed by :math:`\theta` about y and then :math:`\psi` about z. This corresponds to an x-y-z extrinsic rotation as well as a z-y'-x'' intrinsic rotation using Tait-Bryan angles :math:`(\phi, \theta, \psi)`. inplace : bool Whether or not to return a new instance of Surface or to modify the coefficients of this Surface in place. Defaults to False. memo : dict or None Dictionary used for memoization Returns ------- openmc.Halfspace Translated half-space """ if memo is None: memo = {} # If rotated surface not in memo, add it key = (self.surface, tuple(np.ravel(rotation)), tuple(pivot), order, inplace) if key not in memo: memo[key] = self.surface.rotate(rotation, pivot=pivot, order=order, inplace=inplace) # Return rotated half-space return type(self)(memo[key], self.side)
_SURFACE_CLASSES = {cls._type: cls for cls in Surface.__subclasses__()} # Set virtual base classes for "casting" up the hierarchy Plane._virtual_base = Plane XPlane._virtual_base = Plane YPlane._virtual_base = Plane ZPlane._virtual_base = Plane Cylinder._virtual_base = Cylinder XCylinder._virtual_base = Cylinder YCylinder._virtual_base = Cylinder ZCylinder._virtual_base = Cylinder Cone._virtual_base = Cone XCone._virtual_base = Cone YCone._virtual_base = Cone ZCone._virtual_base = Cone Sphere._virtual_base = Sphere Quadric._virtual_base = Quadric