– Model Building¶
Convenience Functions¶
Return a Material with the composition of boron dissolved in water. |
Create regions separated by a series of surfaces. |
Convenience function for building a fuel pin |
Composite Surfaces¶
Conical frustum. |
Generalized cruciform prism |
Infinite cylindrical sector composite surface. |
Hexagonal prism comoposed of six planar surfaces |
Infinite isogonal octagon composite surface |
Arbitrarily oriented orthogonal box |
Polygon formed from a path of closed points. |
Rectangular parallelpiped composite surface |
Infinite rectangular prism bounded by four planar surfaces. |
Right circular cylinder composite surface |
Vessel composed of cylinder with semi-ellipsoid top and bottom. |
One-sided cone parallel the x-axis |
One-sided cone parallel the y-axis |
One-sided cone parallel the z-axis |
TRISO Fuel Modeling¶
Tristructural-isotopic (TRISO) micro fuel particle |
Create a lattice containing TRISO particles for optimized tracking. |
Generate a random, non-overlapping configuration of spheres within a container. |
Model Container¶
Model container. |