What’s New in 0.7.0¶
System Requirements¶
There are no special requirements for running the OpenMC code. As of this release, OpenMC has been tested on a variety of Linux distributions, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows 7. Memory requirements will vary depending on the size of the problem at hand (mostly on the number of nuclides in the problem).
New Features¶
Complete Python API
Python 3 compatability for all scripts
All scripts consistently named openmc-* and installed together
New ‘distribcell’ tally filter for repeated cells
Ability to specify outer lattice universe
XML input validation utility (openmc-validate-xml)
Support for hexagonal lattices
Material union energy grid method
Tally triggers
Remove dependence on PETSc
Significant OpenMP performance improvements
Support for Fortran 2008 MPI interface
Use of Travis CI for continuous integration
Simplifications and improvements to test suite
Bug Fixes¶
This release contains new contributions from the following people: