What’s New in 0.6.1¶
System Requirements¶
There are no special requirements for running the OpenMC code. As of this release, OpenMC has been tested on a variety of Linux distributions, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows 7. Memory requirements will vary depending on the size of the problem at hand (mostly on the number of nuclides in the problem).
New Features¶
Coarse mesh finite difference (CMFD) acceleration no longer requires PETSc
Statepoint file numbering is now zero-padded
Python scripts now compatible with Python 2 or 3
Ability to run particle restarts in fixed source calculations
Capability to filter box source by fissionable materials
Nuclide/element names are now case insensitive in input files
Improved treatment of resonance scattering for heavy nuclides
Bug Fixes¶
03e890: Check for energy-dependent multiplicities in ACE files
4439de: Fix distance-to-surface calculation for general plane surface
5808ed: Account for differences in URR band probabilities at different energies
2e60c0: Allow zero atom/weight percents in materials
3e0870: Don’t use PWD environment variable when setting path to input files
dc4776: Handle probability table resampling correctly
01178b: Fix metastables nuclides in NNDC cross_sections.xml file
62ec43: Don’t read tallies.xml when OpenMC is run in plotting mode
2a95ef: Prevent segmentation fault on “current” score without mesh filter
93e482: Check for negative values in probability tables
This release contains new contributions from the following people: