15. Random Ray Solver

In general, the random ray solver mode uses most of the same settings and run strategies as the standard Monte Carlo solver mode. For instance, random ray solves are also split up into inactive and active batches. However, there are a couple of settings that are unique to the random ray solver and a few areas that the random ray run strategy differs, both of which will be described in this section.

15.1. Enabling Random Ray Mode

To utilize the random ray solver, the random_ray dictionary must be present in the openmc.Settings Python class. There are a number of additional settings that must be specified within this dictionary that will be discussed below. Additionally, the “multi-group” energy mode must be specified.

15.2. Batches

In Monte Carlo simulations, inactive batches are used to let the fission source develop into a stationary distribution before active batches are performed that actually accumulate statistics. While this is true of random ray as well, in the random ray mode the inactive batches are also used to let the scattering source develop. Monte Carlo fully represents the scattering source within each iteration (by its nature of fully simulating particles from birth to death through any number of physical scattering events), whereas the scattering source in random ray can only represent as many scattering events as batches have been completed. For example, by iteration 10 in random ray, the scattering source only captures the behavior of neutrons through their 10th scattering event. Thus, while inactive batches are only required in an eigenvalue solve in Monte Carlo, inactive batches are required for both eigenvalue and fixed source solves in random ray mode due to this additional need to converge the scattering source.

The additional burden of converging the scattering source generally results in a higher requirement for the number of inactive batches—often by an order of magnitude or more. For instance, it may be reasonable to only use 50 inactive batches for a light water reactor simulation with Monte Carlo, but random ray might require 500 or more inactive batches. Similar to Monte Carlo, Shannon entropy can be used to gauge whether the combined scattering and fission source has fully developed.

Similar to Monte Carlo, active batches are used in the random ray solver mode to accumulate and converge statistics on unknown quantities (i.e., the random ray sources, scalar fluxes, as well as any user-specified tallies).

The batch parameters are set in the same manner as with the regular Monte Carlo solver:

settings = openmc.Settings()
settings.energy_mode = "multi-group"
settings.batches = 1200
settings.inactive = 600

15.3. Inactive Ray Length (Dead Zone)

A major issue with random ray is that the starting angular flux distribution for each sampled ray is unknown. Thus, an on-the-fly method is used to build a high quality approximation of the angular flux of the ray each iteration. This is accomplished by running the ray through an inactive length (also known as a dead zone length), where the ray is moved through the geometry and its angular flux is solved for via the normal MOC equation, but no information is written back to the system. Thus, the ray is run in a “read only” mode for the set inactive length. This parameter can be adjusted, in units of cm, as:

settings.random_ray['distance_inactive'] = 40.0

After several mean free paths are traversed, the angular flux spectrum of the ray becomes dominated by the in-scattering and fission source components that it picked up when travelling through the geometry, while its original (incorrect) starting angular flux is attenuated toward zero. Thus, longer selections of inactive ray length will asymptotically approach the true angular flux.

In practice, 10 mean free paths are sufficient (with light water reactors often requiring only about 10–50 cm of inactive ray length for the error to become undetectable). However, we caution that certain models with large quantities of void regions (even if just limited to a few streaming channels) may require significantly longer inactive ray lengths to ensure that the angular flux is accurate before the conclusion of the inactive ray length. Additionally, problems where a sensitive estimate of the uncollided flux is required (e.g., the detector response to fast neutrons is required, and the detected is located far away from the source in a moderator region) may require the user to specify an inactive length that is derived from the pyhsical geometry of the simulation problem rather than its material properties. For instance, consider a detector placed 30 cm outside of a reactor core, with a moderator region separating the detector from the core. In this case, rays sampled in the moderator region and heading toward the detector will begin life with a highly scattered thermal spectrum and will have an inaccurate fast spectrum. If the dead zone length is only 20 cm, we might imagine such rays writing to the detector tally within their active lengths, despite their innaccurate estimate of the uncollided fast angular flux. Thus, an inactive length of 100–200 cm would ensure that any such rays would still be within their inactive regions, and only rays that have actually traversed through the core (and thus have an accurate representation of the core’s emitted fast flux) will score to the detector region while in their active phase.

15.4. Active Ray Length and Number of Rays

Once the inactive length of the ray has completed, the active region of the ray begins. The ray is now run in regular mode, where changes in angular flux as it traverses through each flat source region are written back to the system, so as to contribute to the estimate for the iteration scalar flux (which is used to compute the source for the next iteration). The active ray length can be adjusted, in units of [cm], as:

settings.random_ray['distance_active'] = 400.0

Assuming that a sufficient inactive ray length is used so that the starting angular flux is highly accurate, any selection of active length greater than zero is theoretically acceptable. However, in order to adequately sample the full integration domain, a selection of a very short track length would require a very high number of rays to be selected. Due to the static costs per ray of computing the starting angular flux in the dead zone, typically very short ray lengths are undesireable. Thus, to amortize the per-ray cost of the inactive region of the ray, it is desirable to select a very long inactive ray length. For example, if the inactive length is set to 20 cm, a 200 cm active ray length ensures that only about 10% of the overall simulation runtime is spent in the inactive ray phase integration, making the dead zone a relatively inexpensive way of estimating the angular flux.

Thus, to fully amortize the cost of the dead zone integration, one might ask why not simply run a single ray per iteration with an extremely long active length? While this is also theoretically possible, this results in two issues. The first problem is that each ray only represents a single angular sample. As we want to sample the angular phase space of the simulation with similar fidelity to the spatial phase space, we naturally want a lot of angles. This means in practice, we want to balance the need to amortize the cost of the inactive region of the ray with the need to sample lots of angles. The second problem is that parallelism in OpenMC is expressed in terms of rays, with each being processed by an independent MPI rank and/or OpenMP thread, thus we want to ensure each thread has many rays to process.

In practical terms, the best strategy is typically to set an active ray length that is about 10 times that of the inactive ray length. This is often the right balance between ensuring not too much time is spent in the dead zone, while still adequately sampling the angular phase space. However, as discussed in the previous section, some types of simulation may demand that additional thought be applied to this parameter. For instance, in the same example where we have a detector region far outside a reactor core, we want to make sure that there is enough active ray length that rays exiting the core can reach the detector region. For example, if the detector were to be 30 cm outside of the core, then we would need to ensure that at least a few hundred cm of active length were used so as to ensure even rays with indirect angles will be able to reach the target region.

The number of rays each iteration can be set by reusing the normal Monte Carlo particle count selection parameter, as:

settings.particles = 2000

15.5. Ray Density

In the preceding sections, it was argued that for most use cases, the inactive length for a ray can be determined by taking a multiple of the mean free path for the limiting energy group. The active ray length could then be set by taking a multiple of the inactive length. With these parameters set, how many rays per iteration should be run?

There are three basic settings that control the density of the stochastic quadrature being used to integrate the domain each iteration. These three variables are:

  • The number of rays (in OpenMC settings parlance, “particles”)

  • The inactive distance per ray

  • The active distance per ray

While the inactive and active ray lengths can usually be chosen by simply examining the geometry, tallies, and cross section data, one has much more flexibility in the choice of the number of rays to run. Consider a few scenarios:

  • If a choice of zero rays is made, then no information is gained by the system after each batch.

  • If a choice of rays close to zero is made, then some information is gained after each batch, but many source regions may not have been visited that iteration, which is not ideal numerically and can result in instability. Empirically, we have found that the simulation can remain stable and produce accurate results even when on average 20% or more of the cells have zero rays passing through them each iteration. However, besides the cost of transporting rays, a new neutron source must be computed based on the scalar flux at each iteration. This cost is dictated only by the number of source regions and energy groups—it is independent of the number of rays. Thus, in practical terms, if too few rays are run, then the simulation runtime becomes dominated by the fixed cost of source updates, making it inefficient overall given that a huge number of active batches will likely be required to converge statistics to acceptable levels. Additionally, if many cells are missed each iteration, then the fission and scattering sources may not develop very quickly, resulting in a need for far more inactive batches than might otherwise be required.

  • If a choice of running a very large number of rays is made such that you guarantee that all cells are hit each iteration, this avoids any issues with numerical instability. As even more rays are run, this reduces the number of active batches that must be used to converge statistics and therefore minimizes the fixed per-iteration source update costs. While this seems advantageous, it has the same practical downside as with Monte Carlo—namely, that the inactive batches tend to be overly well integrated, resulting in a lot of wasted time. This issue is actually much more serious than in Monte Carlo (where typically only tens of inactive batches are needed), as random ray often requires hundreds or even thousands of inactive batches. Thus, minimizing the cost of the source updates in the active phase needs to be balanced against the increased cost of the inactive phase of the simulation.

  • If a choice of rays is made such that relatively few (e.g., around 0.1%) of cells are missed each iteration, the cost of the inactive batches of the simulation is minimized. In this “goldilocks” regime, there is very little chance of numerical instability, and enough information is gained by each cell to progress the fission and scattering sources forward at their maximum rate. However, the inactive batches can proceed with minimal cost. While this will result in the active phase of the simulation requiring more batches (and correspondingly higher source update costs), the added cost is typically far less than the savings by making the inactive phase much cheaper.

To help you set this parameter, OpenMC will report the average flat source region miss rate at the end of the simulation. Additionally, OpenMC will alert you if very high miss rates are detected, indicating that more rays and/or a longer active ray length might improve numerical performance. Thus, a “guess and check” approach to this parameter is recommended, where a very low guess is made, a few iterations are performed, and then the simulation is restarted with a larger value until the “low ray density” messages go away.


In summary, the user should select an inactive length corresponding to many times the mean free path of a particle, generally O(10–100) cm, to ensure accuracy of the starting angular flux. The active length should be 10× the inactive length to amortize its cost. The number of rays should be enough so that nearly all FSRs are hit at least once each power iteration (the hit fraction is reported by OpenMC for empirical user adjustment).


For simulations where long range uncollided flux estimates need to be accurately resolved (e.g., shielding, detector response, and problems with significant void areas), make sure that selections for inactive and active ray lengths are sufficiently long to allow for transport to occur between source and target regions of interest.

15.6. Ray Source

Random ray requires that the ray source be uniform in space and isotropic in angle. To facilitate sampling, the user must specify a single random ray source for sampling rays in both eigenvalue and fixed source solver modes. The random ray integration source should be of type openmc.IndependentSource, and is specified as part of the openmc.Settings.random_ray dictionary. Note that the source must not be limited to only fissionable regions. Additionally, the source box must cover the entire simulation domain. In the case of a simulation domain that is not box shaped, a box source should still be used to bound the domain but with the source limited to rejection sampling the actual simulation universe (which can be specified via the domains field of the openmc.IndependentSource Python class). Similar to Monte Carlo sources, for two-dimensional problems (e.g., a 2D pincell) it is desirable to make the source bounded near the origin of the infinite dimension. An example of an acceptable ray source for a two-dimensional 2x2 lattice would look like:

pitch = 1.26
lower_left  = (-pitch, -pitch, -pitch)
upper_right = ( pitch,  pitch,  pitch)
uniform_dist = openmc.stats.Box(lower_left, upper_right)
settings.random_ray['ray_source'] = openmc.IndependentSource(space=uniform_dist)


The random ray source is not related to the underlying particle flux or source distribution of the simulation problem. It is akin to the selection of an integration quadrature. Thus, in fixed source mode, the ray source still needs to be provided and still needs to be uniform in space and angle throughout the simulation domain. In fixed source mode, the user will provide physical particle fixed sources in addition to the random ray source.

15.7. Subdivision of Flat Source Regions

While the scattering and fission sources in Monte Carlo are treated continuously, they are assumed to be invariant (flat) within a MOC or random ray flat source region (FSR). This introduces bias into the simulation, which can be remedied by reducing the physical size of the FSR to dimensions below that of typical mean free paths of particles.

In OpenMC, this subdivision currently must be done manually. The level of subdivision needed will be dependent on the fidelity the user requires. For typical light water reactor analysis, consider the following example subdivision of a two-dimensional 2x2 reflective pincell lattice:


Figure 13: Material definition for an asymmetrical 2x2 lattice (1.26 cm pitch)


Figure 14: FSR decomposition for an asymmetrical 2x2 lattice (1.26 cm pitch)

In the future, automated subdivision of FSRs via mesh overlay may be supported.

15.8. Tallies

Most tallies, filters, and scores that you would expect to work with a multigroup solver like random ray are supported. For example, you can define 3D mesh tallies with energy filters and flux, fission, and nu-fission scores, etc. There are some restrictions though. For starters, it is assumed that all filter mesh boundaries will conform to physical surface boundaries (or lattice boundaries) in the simulation geometry. It is acceptable for multiple cells (FSRs) to be contained within a mesh element (e.g., pincell-level or assembly-level tallies should work), but it is currently left as undefined behavior if a single simulation cell is contained in multiple mesh elements.

Supported scores:
  • flux

  • total

  • fission

  • nu-fission

  • events

Supported Estimators:
  • tracklength

Supported Filters:
  • cell

  • cell instance

  • distribcell

  • energy

  • material

  • mesh

  • universe

Note that there is no difference between the analog, tracklength, and collision estimators in random ray mode as individual particles are not being simulated. Tracklength-style tally estimation is inherent to the random ray method.

15.9. Plotting

Visualization of geometry is handled in the same way as normal with OpenMC (see plotting guide for more details). That is, openmc --plot is handled without any modifications, as the random ray solver uses the same geometry definition as in Monte Carlo.

In addition to OpenMC’s standard geometry plotting mode, the random ray solver also features an additional method of data visualization. If a plots.xml file is present, any voxel plots that are defined will be output at the end of a random ray simulation. Rather than being stored in HDF5 file format, the random ray plotting will generate .vtk files that can be directly read and plotted with Paraview.

In fixed source Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, by default the only thing global tally provided is the leakage fraction. In a k-eigenvalue MC simulation, by default global tallies are collected for the eigenvalue and leakage fraction. Spatial flux information must be manually requested, and often fine-grained spatial meshes are considered costly/unnecessary, so it is impractical in MC mode to plot spatial flux or power info by default. Conversely, in random ray, the solver functions by estimating the multigroup source and flux spectrums in every fine-grained FSR each iteration. Thus, for random ray, in both fixed source and eigenvalue simulations, the simulation always finishes with a well converged flux estimate for all areas. As such, it is much more common in random ray, MOC, and other deterministic codes to provide spatial flux information by default. In the future, all FSR data will be made available in the statepoint file, which facilitates plotting and manipulation through the Python API; at present, statepoint support is not available.

Only voxel plots will be used to generate output; other plot types present in the plots.xml file will be ignored. The following fields will be written to the VTK structured grid file:

  • material

  • FSR index

  • flux spectrum (for each energy group)

  • total fission source (integrated across all energy groups)

15.10. Inputting Multigroup Cross Sections (MGXS)

Multigroup cross sections for use with OpenMC’s random ray solver are input the same way as with OpenMC’s traditional multigroup Monte Carlo mode. There is more information on generating multigroup cross sections via OpenMC in the multigroup materials user guide. You may also wish to use an existing multigroup library. An example of using OpenMC’s Python interface to generate a correctly formatted mgxs.h5 input file is given in the OpenMC Jupyter notebook collection.


Currently only isotropic and isothermal multigroup cross sections are supported in random ray mode. To represent multiple material temperatures, separate materials can be defined each with a separate multigroup dataset corresponding to a given temperature.

15.11. Putting it All Together: Example Inputs

An example of a settings definition for random ray is given below:

# Geometry and MGXS material definition of 2x2 lattice (not shown)
pitch = 1.26
group_edges = [1e-5, 0.0635, 10.0, 1.0e2, 1.0e3, 0.5e6, 1.0e6, 20.0e6]

# Instantiate a settings object for a random ray solve
settings = openmc.Settings()
settings.energy_mode = "multi-group"
settings.batches = 1200
settings.inactive = 600
settings.particles = 2000

settings.random_ray['distance_inactive'] = 40.0
settings.random_ray['distance_active'] = 400.0

# Create an initial uniform spatial source distribution for sampling rays
lower_left  = (-pitch, -pitch, -pitch)
upper_right = ( pitch,  pitch,  pitch)
uniform_dist = openmc.stats.Box(lower_left, upper_right)
settings.random_ray['ray_source'] = openmc.IndependentSource(space=uniform_dist)


# Define tallies

# Create a mesh filter
mesh = openmc.RegularMesh()
mesh.dimension = (2, 2)
mesh.lower_left = (-pitch/2, -pitch/2)
mesh.upper_right = (pitch/2, pitch/2)
mesh_filter = openmc.MeshFilter(mesh)

# Create a multigroup energy filter
energy_filter = openmc.EnergyFilter(group_edges)

# Create tally using our two filters and add scores
tally = openmc.Tally()
tally.filters = [mesh_filter, energy_filter]
tally.scores = ['flux', 'fission', 'nu-fission']

# Instantiate a Tallies collection and export to XML
tallies = openmc.Tallies([tally])

# Create voxel plot
plot = openmc.Plot()
plot.origin = [0, 0, 0]
plot.width = [2*pitch, 2*pitch, 1]
plot.pixels = [1000, 1000, 1]
plot.type = 'voxel'

# Instantiate a Plots collection and export to XML
plots = openmc.Plots([plot])

All other inputs (e.g., geometry, materials) will be unchanged from a typical Monte Carlo run (see the geometry and multigroup materials user guides for more information).

There is also a complete example of a pincell available in the openmc/examples/pincell_random_ray folder.