
class openmc.StatePoint(filepath, autolink=True)[source]

State information on a simulation at a certain point in time (at the end of a given batch). Statepoints can be used to analyze tally results as well as restart a simulation.

  • filepath (str or Path) – Path to file to load

  • autolink (bool, optional) – Whether to automatically link in metadata from a summary.h5 file and stochastic volume calculation results from volume_*.h5 files. Defaults to True.

  • cmfd_on (bool) – Indicate whether CMFD is active

  • cmfd_balance (numpy.ndarray) – Residual neutron balance for each batch

  • cmfd_dominance – Dominance ratio for each batch

  • cmfd_entropy (numpy.ndarray) – Shannon entropy of CMFD fission source for each batch

  • cmfd_indices (numpy.ndarray) – Number of CMFD mesh cells and energy groups. The first three indices correspond to the x-, y-, and z- spatial directions and the fourth index is the number of energy groups.

  • cmfd_srccmp (numpy.ndarray) – Root-mean-square difference between OpenMC and CMFD fission source for each batch

  • cmfd_src (numpy.ndarray) – CMFD fission source distribution over all mesh cells and energy groups.

  • current_batch (int) – Number of batches simulated

  • date_and_time (datetime.datetime) – Date and time at which statepoint was written

  • entropy (numpy.ndarray) – Shannon entropy of fission source at each batch

  • filters (dict) – Dictionary whose keys are filter IDs and whose values are Filter objects

  • generations_per_batch (int) – Number of fission generations per batch

  • global_tallies (numpy.ndarray of compound datatype) – Global tallies for k-effective estimates and leakage. The compound datatype has fields ‘name’, ‘sum’, ‘sum_sq’, ‘mean’, and ‘std_dev’.

  • k_combined (uncertainties.UFloat) –

    Combined estimator for k-effective

    Deprecated since version 0.13.1.

  • k_col_abs (float) – Cross-product of collision and absorption estimates of k-effective

  • k_col_tra (float) – Cross-product of collision and tracklength estimates of k-effective

  • k_abs_tra (float) – Cross-product of absorption and tracklength estimates of k-effective

  • k_generation (numpy.ndarray) – Estimate of k-effective for each batch/generation

  • keff (uncertainties.UFloat) –

    Combined estimator for k-effective

    New in version 0.13.1.

  • meshes (dict) – Dictionary whose keys are mesh IDs and whose values are MeshBase objects

  • n_batches (int) – Number of batches

  • n_inactive (int) – Number of inactive batches

  • n_particles (int) – Number of particles per generation

  • n_realizations (int) – Number of tally realizations

  • path (str) – Working directory for simulation

  • photon_transport (bool) – Indicate whether photon transport is active

  • run_mode (str) – Simulation run mode, e.g. ‘eigenvalue’

  • runtime (dict) – Dictionary whose keys are strings describing various runtime metrics and whose values are time values in seconds.

  • seed (int) – Pseudorandom number generator seed

  • source (numpy.ndarray of compound datatype) – Array of source sites. The compound datatype has fields ‘r’, ‘u’, ‘E’, ‘wgt’, ‘delayed_group’, ‘surf_id’, and ‘particle’, corresponding to the position, direction, energy, weight, delayed group, surface ID and particle type of the source site, respectively.

  • source_present (bool) – Indicate whether source sites are present

  • sparse (bool) – Whether or not the tallies uses SciPy’s LIL sparse matrix format for compressed data storage

  • tallies (dict) – Dictionary whose keys are tally IDs and whose values are Tally objects

  • tallies_present (bool) – Indicate whether user-defined tallies are present

  • tally_derivatives (dict) – Dictionary whose keys are tally derivative IDs and whose values are TallyDerivative objects

  • version (tuple of Integral) – Version of OpenMC

  • summary (None or openmc.Summary) – A summary object if the statepoint has been linked with a summary file


Add volume information to the geometry within the file


volume_calc (openmc.VolumeCalculation) – Results from a stochastic volume calculation


Close the statepoint HDF5 file and the corresponding summary HDF5 file if present.

get_tally(scores=[], filters=[], nuclides=[], name=None, id=None, estimator=None, exact_filters=False, exact_nuclides=False, exact_scores=False)[source]

Finds and returns a Tally object with certain properties.

This routine searches the list of Tallies and returns the first Tally found which satisfies all of the input parameters.

NOTE: If any of the “exact” parameters are False (default), the input parameters do not need to match the complete Tally specification and may only represent a subset of the Tally’s properties. If an “exact” parameter is True then number of scores, filters, or nuclides in the parameters must precisely match those of any matching Tally.

  • scores (list, optional) – A list of one or more score strings (default is []).

  • filters (list, optional) – A list of Filter objects (default is []).

  • nuclides (list, optional) – A list of Nuclide objects (default is []).

  • name (str, optional) – The name specified for the Tally (default is None).

  • id (Integral, optional) – The id specified for the Tally (default is None).

  • estimator (str, optional) – The type of estimator (‘tracklength’, ‘analog’; default is None).

  • exact_filters (bool) – If True, the number of filters in the parameters must be identical to those in the matching Tally. If False (default), the filters in the parameters may be a subset of those in the matching Tally.

  • exact_nuclides (bool) – If True, the number of nuclides in the parameters must be identical to those in the matching Tally. If False (default), the nuclides in the parameters may be a subset of those in the matching Tally.

  • exact_scores (bool) – If True, the number of scores in the parameters must be identical to those in the matching Tally. If False (default), the scores in the parameters may be a subset of those in the matching Tally.


tally – A tally matching the specified criteria

Return type



LookupError – If a Tally meeting all of the input parameters cannot be found in the statepoint.

Links Tallies and Filters with Summary model information.

This routine retrieves model information (materials, geometry) from a Summary object populated with an HDF5 ‘summary.h5’ file and inserts it into the Tally objects. This can be helpful when viewing and manipulating large scale Tally data. Note that it is necessary to link against a summary to populate the Tallies with any user-specified “name” XML tags.


summary (openmc.Summary) – A Summary object.


ValueError – An error when the argument passed to the ‘summary’ parameter is not an openmc.Summary object.