
class openmc.Filter(bins, filter_id=None)[source]

Tally modifier that describes phase-space and other characteristics.

  • bins (Integral or Iterable of Integral or Iterable of Real) – The bins for the filter. This takes on different meaning for different filters. See the docstrings for sublcasses of this filter or the online documentation for more details.
  • filter_id (int) – Unique identifier for the filter
  • bins (Integral or Iterable of Integral or Iterable of Real) – The bins for the filter
  • id (int) – Unique identifier for the filter
  • num_bins (Integral) – The number of filter bins

Determine if filter can be merged with another.

Parameters:other (openmc.Filter) – Filter to compare with
Returns:Whether the filter can be merged
Return type:bool

Make sure given bins are valid for this filter.

classmethod from_hdf5(group, **kwargs)[source]

Construct a new Filter instance from HDF5 data.

Parameters:group (h5py.Group) – HDF5 group to read from
Keyword Arguments:
 meshes (dict) – Dictionary mapping integer IDs to openmc.MeshBase objects. Only used for openmc.MeshFilter objects.

Returns the index in the Filter for some bin.

Parameters:filter_bin (int or tuple) – The bin is the integer ID for ‘material’, ‘surface’, ‘cell’, ‘cellborn’, and ‘universe’ Filters. The bin is an integer for the cell instance ID for ‘distribcell’ Filters. The bin is a 2-tuple of floats for ‘energy’ and ‘energyout’ filters corresponding to the energy boundaries of the bin of interest. The bin is an (x,y,z) 3-tuple for ‘mesh’ filters corresponding to the mesh cell of interest.
Returns:filter_index – The index in the Tally data array for this filter bin.
Return type:int
get_pandas_dataframe(data_size, stride, **kwargs)[source]

Builds a Pandas DataFrame for the Filter’s bins.

This method constructs a Pandas DataFrame object for the filter with columns annotated by filter bin information. This is a helper method for Tally.get_pandas_dataframe().

  • data_size (int) – The total number of bins in the tally corresponding to this filter
  • stride (int) – Stride in memory for the filter
Keyword Arguments:

paths (bool) – Only used for DistribcellFilter. If True (default), expand distribcell indices into multi-index columns describing the path to that distribcell through the CSG tree. NOTE: This option assumes that all distribcell paths are of the same length and do not have the same universes and cells but different lattice cell indices.


A Pandas DataFrame with columns of strings that characterize the filter’s bins. The number of rows in the DataFrame is the same as the total number of bins in the corresponding tally, with the filter bin appropriately tiled to map to the corresponding tally bins.

Return type:


See also

Tally.get_pandas_dataframe(), CrossFilter.get_pandas_dataframe()


Determine if another filter is a subset of this filter.

If all of the bins in the other filter are included as bins in this filter, then it is a subset of this filter.

Parameters:other (openmc.Filter) – The filter to query as a subset of this filter
Returns:Whether or not the other filter is a subset of this filter
Return type:bool

Merge this filter with another.

Parameters:other (openmc.Filter) – Filter to merge with
Returns:merged_filter – Filter resulting from the merge
Return type:openmc.Filter

Return XML Element representing the Filter.

Returns:element – XML element containing filter data
Return type:xml.etree.ElementTree.Element