Source code for openmc.weight_windows

from __future__ import annotations
from numbers import Real, Integral
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Dict, Sequence
import warnings

import lxml.etree as ET
import numpy as np
import h5py

import openmc
from openmc.filter import _PARTICLES
from openmc.mesh import MeshBase, RectilinearMesh, CylindricalMesh, SphericalMesh, UnstructuredMesh
import openmc.checkvalue as cv
from openmc.checkvalue import PathLike
from ._xml import get_text, clean_indentation
from .mixin import IDManagerMixin

[docs]class WeightWindows(IDManagerMixin): """Mesh-based weight windows This class enables you to specify weight window parameters that are used in a simulation. Multiple sets of weight windows can be defined for different meshes and different particles. An iterable of :class:`WeightWindows` instances can be assigned to the :attr:`openmc.Settings.weight_windows` attribute, which is then exported to XML. Weight window lower/upper bounds are to be specified for each combination of a mesh element and an energy bin. Thus the total number of bounds should be equal to the product of the number of mesh bins and the number of energy bins. .. versionadded:: 0.13 Parameters ---------- mesh : openmc.MeshBase Mesh for the weight windows lower_ww_bounds : Iterable of Real A list of values for which each value is the lower bound of a weight window upper_ww_bounds : Iterable of Real A list of values for which each value is the upper bound of a weight window upper_bound_ratio : float Ratio of the lower to upper weight window bounds energy_bounds : Iterable of Real A list of values for which each successive pair constitutes a range of energies in [eV] for a single bin. If no energy bins are provided, the maximum and minimum energy for the data available at runtime. particle_type : {'neutron', 'photon'} Particle type the weight windows apply to survival_ratio : float Ratio of the survival weight to the lower weight window bound for rouletting max_lower_bound_ratio : float Maximum allowed ratio of a particle's weight to the weight window's lower bound. A factor will be applied to raise the weight window to be lower than the particle's weight by a factor of max_lower_bound_ratio during transport if exceeded. max_split : int Maximum allowable number of particles when splitting weight_cutoff : float Threshold below which particles will be terminated id : int Unique identifier for the weight window settings. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. Attributes ---------- id : int Unique identifier for the weight window settings. mesh : openmc.MeshBase Mesh for the weight windows with dimension (ni, nj, nk) particle_type : str Particle type the weight windows apply to energy_bounds : Iterable of Real A list of values for which each successive pair constitutes a range of energies in [eV] for a single bin num_energy_bins : int Number of energy bins lower_ww_bounds : numpy.ndarray of float An array of values for which each value is the lower bound of a weight window. Shape: (ni, nj, nk, num_energy_bins) for StructuredMesh; (num_elements, num_energy_bins) for UnstructuredMesh upper_ww_bounds : numpy.ndarray of float An array of values for which each value is the upper bound of a weight window. Shape: (ni, nj, nk, num_energy_bins) for StructuredMesh; (num_elements, num_energy_bins) for UnstructuredMesh survival_ratio : float Ratio of the survival weight to the lower weight window bound for rouletting max_lower_bound_ratio: float Maximum allowed ratio of a particle's weight to the weight window's lower bound. (Default: 1.0) max_split : int Maximum allowable number of particles when splitting weight_cutoff : float Threshold below which particles will be terminated See Also -------- openmc.Settings """ next_id = 1 used_ids = set() def __init__( self, mesh: MeshBase, lower_ww_bounds: Iterable[float], upper_ww_bounds: Optional[Iterable[float]] = None, upper_bound_ratio: Optional[float] = None, energy_bounds: Optional[Iterable[Real]] = None, particle_type: str = 'neutron', survival_ratio: float = 3, max_lower_bound_ratio: Optional[float] = None, max_split: int = 10, weight_cutoff: float = 1.e-38, id: Optional[int] = None ): self.mesh = mesh = id self.particle_type = particle_type self._energy_bounds = None if energy_bounds is not None: self.energy_bounds = energy_bounds self.lower_ww_bounds = lower_ww_bounds if upper_ww_bounds is not None and upper_bound_ratio: raise ValueError("Exactly one of upper_ww_bounds and " "upper_bound_ratio must be present.") if upper_ww_bounds is None and upper_bound_ratio is None: raise ValueError("Exactly one of upper_ww_bounds and " "upper_bound_ratio must be present.") if upper_bound_ratio: self.upper_ww_bounds = [ lb * upper_bound_ratio for lb in self.lower_ww_bounds ] if upper_ww_bounds is not None: self.upper_ww_bounds = upper_ww_bounds if len(self.lower_ww_bounds) != len(self.upper_ww_bounds): raise ValueError('Size of the lower and upper weight ' 'window bounds do not match') self.survival_ratio = survival_ratio self._max_lower_bound_ratio = None if max_lower_bound_ratio is not None: self.max_lower_bound_ratio = max_lower_bound_ratio self.max_split = max_split self.weight_cutoff = weight_cutoff def __repr__(self) -> str: string = type(self).__name__ + '\n' string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tID', self._id) string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tMesh', self.mesh) string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tParticle Type', self._particle_type) string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tEnergy Bounds', self._energy_bounds) string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tMax lower bound ratio', self.max_lower_bound_ratio) string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tLower WW Bounds', self._lower_ww_bounds) string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tUpper WW Bounds', self._upper_ww_bounds) string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tSurvival Ratio', self._survival_ratio) string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tMax Split', self._max_split) string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tWeight Cutoff', self._weight_cutoff) return string def __eq__(self, other: WeightWindows) -> bool: # ensure that `other` is a WeightWindows object if not isinstance(other, WeightWindows): return False # TODO: add ability to check mesh equality # check several attributes directly attrs = ('particle_type', 'survival_ratio', 'max_lower_bound_ratio', 'max_split', 'weight_cutoff') for attr in attrs: if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(other, attr): return False # save most expensive checks for last if not np.array_equal(self.energy_bounds, other.energy_bounds): return False if not np.array_equal(self.lower_ww_bounds, other.lower_ww_bounds): return False if not np.array_equal(self.upper_ww_bounds, other.upper_ww_bounds): return False return True @property def mesh(self) -> MeshBase: return self._mesh @mesh.setter def mesh(self, mesh: MeshBase): cv.check_type('Weight window mesh', mesh, MeshBase) self._mesh = mesh @property def particle_type(self) -> str: return self._particle_type @particle_type.setter def particle_type(self, pt: str): cv.check_value('Particle type', pt, _PARTICLES) self._particle_type = pt @property def energy_bounds(self) -> Iterable[Real]: return self._energy_bounds @energy_bounds.setter def energy_bounds(self, bounds: Iterable[float]): cv.check_type('Energy bounds', bounds, Iterable, Real) self._energy_bounds = np.asarray(bounds) @property def num_energy_bins(self) -> int: if self.energy_bounds is None: return 1 return self.energy_bounds.size - 1 @property def lower_ww_bounds(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._lower_ww_bounds @lower_ww_bounds.setter def lower_ww_bounds(self, bounds: Iterable[float]): cv.check_iterable_type('Lower WW bounds', bounds, Real, min_depth=1, max_depth=4) # reshape data according to mesh and energy bins bounds = np.asarray(bounds) if isinstance(self.mesh, UnstructuredMesh): bounds = bounds.reshape(-1, self.num_energy_bins) else: bounds = bounds.reshape(*self.mesh.dimension, self.num_energy_bins) self._lower_ww_bounds = bounds @property def upper_ww_bounds(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._upper_ww_bounds @upper_ww_bounds.setter def upper_ww_bounds(self, bounds: Iterable[float]): cv.check_iterable_type('Upper WW bounds', bounds, Real, min_depth=1, max_depth=4) # reshape data according to mesh and energy bins bounds = np.asarray(bounds) if isinstance(self.mesh, UnstructuredMesh): bounds = bounds.reshape(-1, self.num_energy_bins) else: bounds = bounds.reshape(*self.mesh.dimension, self.num_energy_bins) self._upper_ww_bounds = bounds @property def survival_ratio(self) -> float: return self._survival_ratio @survival_ratio.setter def survival_ratio(self, val: float): cv.check_type('Survival ratio', val, Real) cv.check_greater_than('Survival ratio', val, 1.0, True) self._survival_ratio = val @property def max_lower_bound_ratio(self) -> float: return self._max_lower_bound_ratio @max_lower_bound_ratio.setter def max_lower_bound_ratio(self, val: float): cv.check_type('Maximum lower bound ratio', val, Real) cv.check_greater_than('Maximum lower bound ratio', val, 1.0, equality=True) self._max_lower_bound_ratio = val @property def max_split(self) -> int: return self._max_split @max_split.setter def max_split(self, val: int): cv.check_type('Max split', val, Integral) self._max_split = val @property def weight_cutoff(self) -> float: return self._weight_cutoff @weight_cutoff.setter def weight_cutoff(self, cutoff: float): cv.check_type('Weight cutoff', cutoff, Real) cv.check_greater_than('Weight cutoff', cutoff, 0.0, True) self._weight_cutoff = cutoff def to_xml_element(self) -> ET.Element: """Return an XML representation of the weight window settings Returns ------- element : lxml.etree._Element XML element containing the weight window information """ element = ET.Element('weight_windows') element.set('id', str(self._id)) subelement = ET.SubElement(element, 'mesh') subelement.text = str( subelement = ET.SubElement(element, 'particle_type') subelement.text = self.particle_type subelement = ET.SubElement(element, 'energy_bounds') subelement.text = ' '.join(str(e) for e in self.energy_bounds) subelement = ET.SubElement(element, 'lower_ww_bounds') subelement.text = ' '.join(str(b) for b in self.lower_ww_bounds.ravel('F')) subelement = ET.SubElement(element, 'upper_ww_bounds') subelement.text = ' '.join(str(b) for b in self.upper_ww_bounds.ravel('F')) subelement = ET.SubElement(element, 'survival_ratio') subelement.text = str(self.survival_ratio) if self.max_lower_bound_ratio is not None: subelement = ET.SubElement(element, 'max_lower_bound_ratio') subelement.text = str(self.max_lower_bound_ratio) subelement = ET.SubElement(element, 'max_split') subelement.text = str(self.max_split) subelement = ET.SubElement(element, 'weight_cutoff') subelement.text = str(self.weight_cutoff) return element @classmethod def from_xml_element(cls, elem: ET.Element, meshes: Dict[int, MeshBase]) -> WeightWindows: """Generate weight window settings from an XML element Parameters ---------- elem : lxml.etree._Element XML element meshes : dict Dictionary mapping IDs to mesh objects Returns ------- openmc.WeightWindows Weight windows object """ # Get mesh for weight windows mesh_id = int(get_text(elem, 'mesh')) if mesh_id not in meshes: raise ValueError(f'Could not locate mesh with ID "{mesh_id}"') mesh = meshes[mesh_id] # Read all other parameters lower_ww_bounds = [float(l) for l in get_text(elem, 'lower_ww_bounds').split()] upper_ww_bounds = [float(u) for u in get_text(elem, 'upper_ww_bounds').split()] e_bounds = [float(b) for b in get_text(elem, 'energy_bounds').split()] particle_type = get_text(elem, 'particle_type') survival_ratio = float(get_text(elem, 'survival_ratio')) ww_shape = (len(e_bounds) - 1,) + mesh.dimension[::-1] lower_ww_bounds = np.array(lower_ww_bounds).reshape(ww_shape).T upper_ww_bounds = np.array(upper_ww_bounds).reshape(ww_shape).T max_lower_bound_ratio = None if get_text(elem, 'max_lower_bound_ratio'): max_lower_bound_ratio = float(get_text(elem, 'max_lower_bound_ratio')) max_split = int(get_text(elem, 'max_split')) weight_cutoff = float(get_text(elem, 'weight_cutoff')) id = int(get_text(elem, 'id')) return cls( mesh=mesh, lower_ww_bounds=lower_ww_bounds, upper_ww_bounds=upper_ww_bounds, energy_bounds=e_bounds, particle_type=particle_type, survival_ratio=survival_ratio, max_lower_bound_ratio=max_lower_bound_ratio, max_split=max_split, weight_cutoff=weight_cutoff, id=id ) @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, group: h5py.Group, meshes: Dict[int, MeshBase]) -> WeightWindows: """Create weight windows from HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group Group in HDF5 file meshes : dict Dictionary mapping IDs to mesh objects Returns ------- openmc.WeightWindows A weight window object """ id = int('/')[-1].lstrip('weight_windows')) mesh_id = group['mesh'][()] mesh = meshes[mesh_id] ptype = group['particle_type'][()].decode() e_bounds = group['energy_bounds'][()] # weight window bounds are stored with the shape (e, k, j, i) # in C++ and HDF5 -- the opposite of how they are stored here shape = (e_bounds.size - 1, *mesh.dimension[::-1]) lower_ww_bounds = group['lower_ww_bounds'][()].reshape(shape).T upper_ww_bounds = group['upper_ww_bounds'][()].reshape(shape).T survival_ratio = group['survival_ratio'][()] max_lower_bound_ratio = None if group.get('max_lower_bound_ratio') is not None: max_lower_bound_ratio = group['max_lower_bound_ratio'][()] max_split = group['max_split'][()] weight_cutoff = group['weight_cutoff'][()] return cls( mesh=mesh, lower_ww_bounds=lower_ww_bounds, upper_ww_bounds=upper_ww_bounds, energy_bounds=e_bounds, particle_type=ptype, survival_ratio=survival_ratio, max_lower_bound_ratio=max_lower_bound_ratio, max_split=max_split, weight_cutoff=weight_cutoff, id=id )
[docs]def wwinp_to_wws(path: PathLike) -> List[WeightWindows]: """Create WeightWindows instances from a wwinp file .. versionadded:: 0.13.1 Parameters ---------- path : str or pathlib.Path Path to the wwinp file Returns ------- list of openmc.WeightWindows """ with open(path) as wwinp: # BLOCK 1 header = wwinp.readline().split(None, 4) # read file type, time-dependence, number of # particles, mesh type and problem identifier _if, iv, ni, nr = [int(x) for x in header[:4]] # header value checks if _if != 1: raise ValueError(f'Found incorrect file type, if: {_if}') if iv > 1: # read number of time bins for each particle, 'nt(' nt = np.fromstring(wwinp.readline(), sep=' ', dtype=int) # raise error if time bins are present for now raise ValueError('Time-dependent weight windows ' 'are not yet supported') else: nt = ni * [1] # read number of energy bins for each particle, 'ne(' ne = np.fromstring(wwinp.readline(), sep=' ', dtype=int) # read coarse mesh dimensions and lower left corner mesh_description = np.fromstring(wwinp.readline(), sep=' ') nfx, nfy, nfz = mesh_description[:3].astype(int) xyz0 = mesh_description[3:] # read cylindrical and spherical mesh vectors if present if nr == 16: # read number of coarse bins line_arr = np.fromstring(wwinp.readline(), sep=' ') ncx, ncy, ncz = line_arr[:3].astype(int) # read polar vector (x1, y1, z1) xyz1 = line_arr[3:] # read azimuthal vector (x2, y2, z2) line_arr = np.fromstring(wwinp.readline(), sep=' ') xyz2 = line_arr[:3] # oriented polar and azimuthal vectors aren't yet supported if np.count_nonzero(xyz1) or np.count_nonzero(xyz2): raise NotImplementedError('Custom sphere/cylinder orientations are not supported') # read geometry type nwg = int(line_arr[-1]) elif nr == 10: # read rectilinear data: # number of coarse mesh bins and mesh type ncx, ncy, ncz, nwg = \ np.fromstring(wwinp.readline(), sep=' ').astype(int) else: raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid mesh description (nr) found: {nr}') # read BLOCK 2 and BLOCK 3 data into a single array ww_data = np.fromstring(, sep=' ') # extract mesh data from the ww_data array start_idx = 0 # first values in the mesh definition arrays are the first # coordinate of the grid end_idx = start_idx + 1 + 3 * ncx i0, i_vals = ww_data[start_idx], ww_data[start_idx+1:end_idx] start_idx = end_idx end_idx = start_idx + 1 + 3 * ncy j0, j_vals = ww_data[start_idx], ww_data[start_idx+1:end_idx] start_idx = end_idx end_idx = start_idx + 1 + 3 * ncz k0, k_vals = ww_data[start_idx], ww_data[start_idx+1:end_idx] start_idx = end_idx # mesh consistency checks if nr == 16 and nwg == 1 or nr == 10 and nwg != 1: raise ValueError(f'Mesh description in header ({nr}) ' f'does not match the mesh type ({nwg})') if nr == 10 and (xyz0 != (i0, j0, k0)).any(): raise ValueError(f'Mesh origin in the header ({xyz0}) ' f' does not match the origin in the mesh ' f' description ({i0, j0, k0})') # create openmc mesh object grids = [] mesh_definition = [(i0, i_vals, nfx), (j0, j_vals, nfy), (k0, k_vals, nfz)] for grid0, grid_vals, n_pnts in mesh_definition: # file spec checks for the mesh definition if (grid_vals[2::3] != 1.0).any(): raise ValueError('One or more mesh ratio value, qx, ' 'is not equal to one') s = int(grid_vals[::3].sum()) if s != n_pnts: raise ValueError(f'Sum of the fine bin entries, {s}, does ' f'not match the number of fine bins, {n_pnts}') # extend the grid based on the next coarse bin endpoint, px # and the number of fine bins in the coarse bin, sx intervals = grid_vals.reshape(-1, 3) coords = [grid0] for sx, px, qx in intervals: coords += np.linspace(coords[-1], px, int(sx + 1)).tolist()[1:] grids.append(np.array(coords)) if nwg == 1: mesh = RectilinearMesh() mesh.x_grid, mesh.y_grid, mesh.z_grid = grids elif nwg == 2: mesh = CylindricalMesh( r_grid=grids[0], z_grid=grids[1], phi_grid=grids[2], origin = xyz0, ) elif nwg == 3: mesh = SphericalMesh( r_grid=grids[0], theta_grid=grids[1], phi_grid=grids[2], origin = xyz0 ) # extract weight window values from array wws = [] for ne_i, nt_i, particle_type in zip(ne, nt, ('neutron', 'photon')): # no information to read for this particle if # either the energy bins or time bins are empty if ne_i == 0 or nt_i == 0: continue if iv > 1: # time bins are parsed but unused for now end_idx = start_idx + nt_i time_bounds = ww_data[start_idx:end_idx] np.insert(time_bounds, (0,), (0.0,)) start_idx = end_idx # read energy boundaries end_idx = start_idx + ne_i energy_bounds = np.insert(ww_data[start_idx:end_idx], (0,), (0.0,)) # convert from MeV to eV energy_bounds *= 1e6 start_idx = end_idx # read weight window values end_idx = start_idx + (nfx * nfy * nfz) * nt_i * ne_i # read values and reshape according to ordering # slowest to fastest: t, e, z, y, x # reorder with transpose since our ordering is x, y, z, e, t ww_shape = (nt_i, ne_i, nfz, nfy, nfx) ww_values = ww_data[start_idx:end_idx].reshape(ww_shape).T # Only use first time bin since we don't support time dependent weight # windows yet. ww_values = ww_values[:, :, :, :, 0] start_idx = end_idx # create a weight window object ww = WeightWindows(id=None, mesh=mesh, lower_ww_bounds=ww_values, upper_bound_ratio=5.0, energy_bounds=energy_bounds, particle_type=particle_type) wws.append(ww) return wws
[docs]class WeightWindowGenerator: """Class passed to setting to govern weight window generation using the OpenMC executable Parameters ---------- mesh : :class:`openmc.MeshBase` Mesh used to represent the weight windows spatially energy_bounds : Iterable of Real A list of values for which each successive pair constitutes a range of energies in [eV] for a single bin. If no energy bins are provided, the maximum and minimum energy for the data available at runtime. particle_type : {'neutron', 'photon'} Particle type the weight windows apply to method : {'magic'} The weight window generation methodology applied during an update. Only 'magic' is currently supported. max_realizations : int The upper limit for number of tally realizations when generating weight windows. update_interval : int The number of tally realizations between updates. on_the_fly : bool Whether or not to apply weight windows on the fly. Attributes ---------- mesh : openmc.MeshBase Mesh used to represent the weight windows spatially energy_bounds : Iterable of Real A list of values for which each successive pair constitutes a range of energies in [eV] for a single bin particle_type : {'neutron', 'photon'} Particle type the weight windows apply to method : {'magic'} The weight window generation methodology applied during an update. Only 'magic' is currently supported. max_realizations : int The upper limit for number of tally realizations when generating weight windows. update_interval : int The number of tally realizations between updates. update_parameters : dict A set of parameters related to the update. on_the_fly : bool Whether or not to apply weight windows on the fly. """ _MAGIC_PARAMS = {'value': str, 'threshold': float, 'ratio': float} def __init__( self, mesh: openmc.MeshBase, energy_bounds: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None, particle_type: str = 'neutron', method: str = 'magic', max_realizations: int = 1, update_interval: int = 1, on_the_fly: bool = True ): self._update_parameters = None self.mesh = mesh self._energy_bounds = None if energy_bounds is not None: self.energy_bounds = energy_bounds self.particle_type = particle_type self.method = method self.max_realizations = max_realizations self.update_interval = update_interval self.on_the_fly = on_the_fly def __repr__(self): string = type(self).__name__ + '\n' string += f'\t{"Mesh":<20}=\t{}\n' string += f'\t{"Particle:":<20}=\t{self.particle_type}\n' string += f'\t{"Energy Bounds:":<20}=\t{self.energy_bounds}\n' string += f'\t{"Method":<20}=\t{self.method}\n' string += f'\t{"Max Realizations:":<20}=\t{self.max_realizations}\n' string += f'\t{"Update Interval:":<20}=\t{self.update_interval}\n' string += f'\t{"On The Fly:":<20}=\t{self.on_the_fly}\n' if self.update_parameters is not None: string += f'\t{"Update Parameters:":<20}\n\t\t\t{self.update_parameters}\n' string return string @property def mesh(self) -> openmc.MeshBase: return self._mesh @mesh.setter def mesh(self, m: openmc.MeshBase): cv.check_type('mesh', m, openmc.MeshBase) self._mesh = m @property def energy_bounds(self) -> Iterable[Real]: return self._energy_bounds @energy_bounds.setter def energy_bounds(self, eb: Iterable[float]): cv.check_type('energy bounds', eb, Iterable, Real) self._energy_bounds = eb @property def particle_type(self) -> str: return self._particle_type @particle_type.setter def particle_type(self, pt: str): cv.check_value('particle type', pt, ('neutron', 'photon')) self._particle_type = pt @property def method(self) -> str: return self._method @method.setter def method(self, m: str): cv.check_type('generation method', m, str) cv.check_value('generation method', m, {'magic'}) self._method = m if self._update_parameters is not None: try: self._check_update_parameters() except (TypeError, KeyError): warnings.warn(f'Update parameters are invalid for the "{m}" method.') @property def max_realizations(self) -> int: return self._max_realizations @max_realizations.setter def max_realizations(self, m: int): cv.check_type('max tally realizations', m, Integral) cv.check_greater_than('max tally realizations', m, 0) self._max_realizations = m @property def update_interval(self) -> int: return self._update_interval @update_interval.setter def update_interval(self, ui: int): cv.check_type('update interval', ui, Integral) cv.check_greater_than('update interval', ui , 0) self._update_interval = ui @property def update_parameters(self) -> dict: return self._update_parameters def _check_update_parameters(self, params: dict): if self.method == 'magic': check_params = self._MAGIC_PARAMS for key, val in params.items(): if key not in check_params: raise ValueError(f'Invalid param "{key}" for {self.method} ' 'weight window generation') cv.check_type(f'weight window generation param: "{key}"', val, self._MAGIC_PARAMS[key]) @update_parameters.setter def update_parameters(self, params: dict): self._check_update_parameters(params) self._update_parameters = params @property def on_the_fly(self) -> bool: return self._on_the_fly @on_the_fly.setter def on_the_fly(self, otf: bool): cv.check_type('on the fly generation', otf, bool) self._on_the_fly = otf def _update_parameters_subelement(self, element: ET.Element): if not self.update_parameters: return params_element = ET.SubElement(element, 'update_parameters') for pname, value in self.update_parameters.items(): param_element = ET.SubElement(params_element, pname) param_element.text = str(value) @classmethod def _sanitize_update_parameters(cls, method: str, update_parameters: dict): """ Attempt to convert update parameters to their appropriate types Parameters ---------- method : str The update method for which these update parameters should comply update_parameters : dict The update parameters as-read from the XML node (keys: str, values: str) """ if method == 'magic': check_params = cls._MAGIC_PARAMS for param, param_type in check_params.items(): if param in update_parameters: update_parameters[param] = param_type(update_parameters[param]) def to_xml_element(self): """Creates a 'weight_window_generator' element to be written to an XML file. """ element = ET.Element('weight_windows_generator') mesh_elem = ET.SubElement(element, 'mesh') mesh_elem.text = str( if self.energy_bounds is not None: subelement = ET.SubElement(element, 'energy_bounds') subelement.text = ' '.join(str(e) for e in self.energy_bounds) particle_elem = ET.SubElement(element, 'particle_type') particle_elem.text = self.particle_type realizations_elem = ET.SubElement(element, 'max_realizations') realizations_elem.text = str(self.max_realizations) update_interval_elem = ET.SubElement(element, 'update_interval') update_interval_elem.text = str(self.update_interval) otf_elem = ET.SubElement(element, 'on_the_fly') otf_elem.text = str(self.on_the_fly).lower() method_elem = ET.SubElement(element, 'method') method_elem.text = self.method if self.update_parameters is not None: self._update_parameters_subelement(element) clean_indentation(element) return element @classmethod def from_xml_element(cls, elem: ET.Element, meshes: dict) -> WeightWindowGenerator: """ Create a weight window generation object from an XML element Parameters ---------- elem : xml.etree.ElementTree.Element XML element meshes : dict A dictionary with IDs as keys and openmc.MeshBase instances as values Returns ------- openmc.WeightWindowGenerator """ mesh_id = int(get_text(elem, 'mesh')) mesh = meshes[mesh_id] energy_bounds = [float(x) for x in get_text(elem, 'energy_bounds').split()] particle_type = get_text(elem, 'particle_type') wwg = cls(mesh, energy_bounds, particle_type) wwg.max_realizations = int(get_text(elem, 'max_realizations')) wwg.update_interval = int(get_text(elem, 'update_interval')) wwg.on_the_fly = bool(get_text(elem, 'on_the_fly')) wwg.method = get_text(elem, 'method') if elem.find('update_parameters') is not None: update_parameters = {} params_elem = elem.find('update_parameters') for entry in params_elem: update_parameters[entry.tag] = entry.text cls._sanitize_update_parameters(wwg.method, update_parameters) wwg.update_parameters = update_parameters return wwg
[docs]def hdf5_to_wws(path='weight_windows.h5'): """Create WeightWindows instances from a weight windows HDF5 file .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 Parameters ---------- path : cv.PathLike Path to the weight windows hdf5 file Returns ------- list of openmc.WeightWindows """ with h5py.File(path) as h5_file: # read in all of the meshes in the mesh node meshes = {} for mesh_group in h5_file['meshes']: mesh = MeshBase.from_hdf5(h5_file['meshes'][mesh_group]) meshes[] = mesh return [WeightWindows.from_hdf5(ww, meshes) for ww in h5_file['weight_windows'].values()]