1. State Point File Format¶
The current version of the statepoint file format is 17.0.
- Attributes
filetype (char[]) – String indicating the type of file.
version (int[2]) – Major and minor version of the statepoint file format.
openmc_version (int[3]) – Major, minor, and release version number for OpenMC.
git_sha1 (char[40]) – Git commit SHA-1 hash.
date_and_time (char[]) – Date and time the summary was written.
path (char[]) – Path to directory containing input files.
tallies_present (int) – Flag indicating whether tallies are present (1) or not (0).
source_present (int) – Flag indicating whether the source bank is present (1) or not (0).
- Datasets
seed (int8_t) – Pseudo-random number generator seed.
energy_mode (char[]) – Energy mode of the run, either ‘continuous-energy’ or ‘multi-group’.
run_mode (char[]) – Run mode used, either ‘eigenvalue’ or ‘fixed source’.
n_particles (int8_t) – Number of particles used per generation.
n_batches (int) – Number of batches to simulate.
current_batch (int) – The number of batches already simulated.
n_inactive (int) – Number of inactive batches. Only present when run_mode is ‘eigenvalue’.
generations_per_batch (int) – Number of generations per batch. Only present when run_mode is ‘eigenvalue’.
k_generation (double[]) – k-effective for each generation simulated.
entropy (double[]) – Shannon entropy for each generation simulated.
k_col_abs (double) – Sum of product of collision/absorption estimates of k-effective.
k_col_tra (double) – Sum of product of collision/track-length estimates of k-effective.
k_abs_tra (double) – Sum of product of absorption/track-length estimates of k-effective.
k_combined (double[2]) – Mean and standard deviation of a combined estimate of k-effective.
n_realizations (int) – Number of realizations for global tallies.
global_tallies (double[][2]) – Accumulated sum and sum-of-squares for each global tally.
source_bank (Compound type) – Source bank information for each particle. The compound type has fields
, andparticle
, which represent the position, direction, energy, time, weight, delayed group, surface ID, and particle type (0=neutron, 1=photon, 2=electron, 3=positron), respectively. Only present when run_mode is ‘eigenvalue’.
- Attributes
n_tallies (int) – Number of user-defined tallies.
ids (int[]) – User-defined unique ID of each tally.
- Attributes
n_meshes (int) – Number of meshes in the problem.
ids (int[]) – User-defined unique ID of each mesh.
/tallies/meshes/mesh <uid>/
- Datasets
type (char[]) – Type of mesh.
dimension (int) – Number of mesh cells in each dimension.
lower_left (double[]) – Coordinates of lower-left corner of mesh.
upper_right (double[]) – Coordinates of upper-right corner of mesh.
width (double[]) – Width of each mesh cell in each dimension.
- Unstructured Mesh Only:
filename (char[]) – Name of the mesh file.
- library (char[]) – Mesh library used to represent the
mesh (“moab” or “libmesh”).
length_multiplier (double) Scaling factor applied to the mesh.
volumes (double[]) – Volume of each mesh cell.
vertices (double[]) – x, y, z values of the mesh vertices.
connectivity (int[]) – Connectivity array for the mesh cells.
element_types (int[]) – Mesh element types.
- Attributes
n_filters (int) – Number of filters in the problem.
ids (int[]) – User-defined unique ID of each filter.
/tallies/filters/filter <uid>/
- Datasets
type (char[]) – Type of the j-th filter. Can be ‘universe’, ‘material’, ‘cell’, ‘cellborn’, ‘surface’, ‘mesh’, ‘energy’, ‘energyout’, ‘distribcell’, ‘mu’, ‘polar’, ‘azimuthal’, ‘delayedgroup’, or ‘energyfunction’.
n_bins (int) – Number of bins for the j-th filter. Not present for ‘energyfunction’ filters.
bins (int[] or double[]) – Value for each filter bin of this type. Not present for ‘energyfunction’ filters.
energy (double[]) – Energy grid points for energyfunction interpolation. Only used for ‘energyfunction’ filters.
y (double[]) – Interpolant values for energyfunction interpolation. Only used for ‘energyfunction’ filters.
/tallies/derivatives/derivative <id>/
- Datasets
independent variable (char[]) – Independent variable of tally derivative.
material (int) – ID of the perturbed material.
nuclide (char[]) – Alias of the perturbed nuclide.
estimator (char[]) – Type of tally estimator, either ‘analog’, ‘tracklength’, or ‘collision’.
/tallies/tally <uid>/
- Attributes
internal (int) – Flag indicating the presence of tally data (0) or absence of tally data (1). All user defined tallies will have a value of 0 unless otherwise instructed.
- Datasets
n_realizations (int) – Number of realizations.
n_filters (int) – Number of filters used.
filters (int[]) – User-defined unique IDs of the filters on the tally
nuclides (char[][]) – Array of nuclides to tally. Note that if no nuclide is specified in the user input, a single ‘total’ nuclide appears here.
derivative (int) – ID of the derivative applied to the tally.
n_score_bins (int) – Number of scoring bins for a single nuclide.
score_bins (char[][]) – Values of specified scores.
results (double[][][2]) – Accumulated sum and sum-of-squares for each bin of the i-th tally. The first dimension represents combinations of filter bins, the second dimensions represents scoring bins, and the third dimension has two entries for the sum and the sum-of-squares.
All values are given in seconds and are measured on the master process.
- Datasets
total initialization (double) – Time spent reading inputs, allocating arrays, etc.
reading cross sections (double) – Time spent loading cross section libraries (this is a subset of initialization).
simulation (double) – Time spent between initialization and finalization.
transport (double) – Time spent transporting particles.
inactive batches (double) – Time spent in the inactive batches (including non-transport activities like communicating sites).
active batches (double) – Time spent in the active batches (including non-transport activities like communicating sites).
synchronizing fission bank (double) – Time spent sampling source particles from fission sites and communicating them to other processes for load balancing.
sampling source sites (double) – Time spent sampling source particles from fission sites.
SEND-RECV source sites (double) – Time spent communicating source sites between processes for load balancing.
accumulating tallies (double) – Time spent communicating tally results and evaluating their statistics.
writing statepoints (double) – Time spent writing statepoint files