C/C++ API¶
The libopenmc shared library that is built when installing OpenMC exports a
number of C interoperable functions and global variables that can be used for
in-memory coupling. While it is possible to directly use the C/C++ API as
documented here for coupling, most advanced users will find it easier to work
with the Python bindings in the openmc.lib
The C/C++ API is still experimental and may undergo substantial changes in future releases.
Type Definitions¶
type Bank¶
Attributes of a source particle.
double wgt¶
Weight of the particle
double xyz[3]¶
Position of the particle (units of cm)
double uvw[3]¶
Unit vector indicating direction of the particle
double E¶
Energy of the particle in eV
int delayed_group¶
If the particle is a delayed neutron, indicates which delayed precursor group it was born from. If not a delayed neutron, this member is zero.
double wgt¶
int openmc_calculate_volumes()¶
Run a stochastic volume calculation
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_cell_get_fill(int32_t index, int *type, int32_t **indices, int32_t *n)¶
Get the fill for a cell
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the cells array
type (int*) – Type of the fill
indices (int32_t**) – Array of material indices for cell
n (int32_t*) – Length of indices array
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_cell_get_id(int32_t index, int32_t *id)¶
Get the ID of a cell
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the cells array
id (int32_t*) – ID of the cell
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_cell_get_temperature(int32_t index, const int32_t *instance, double *T)¶
Get the temperature of a cell
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the cells array
instance (int32_t*) – Which instance of the cell. If a null pointer is passed, the temperature of the first instance is returned.
T (double*) – temperature of the cell
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_cell_set_fill(int32_t index, int type, int32_t n, const int32_t *indices)¶
Set the fill for a cell
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the cells array
type (int) – Type of the fill
n (int32_t) – Length of indices array
indices (const int32_t*) – Array of material indices for cell
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_cell_set_id(int32_t index, int32_t id)¶
Set the ID of a cell
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the cells array
id (int32_t) – ID of the cell
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_cell_set_temperature(index index, double T, const int32_t *instance, bool set_contained)¶
Set the temperature of a cell.
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the cells array
T (double) – Temperature in Kelvin
instance (const int32_t*) – Which instance of the cell. To set the temperature for all instances, pass a null pointer.
set_contained – If the cell is not filled by a material, whether to set the temperatures of all filled cells
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_energy_filter_get_bins(int32_t index, double **energies, int32_t *n)¶
Return the bounding energies for an energy filter
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the filters array
energies (double**) – Bounding energies of the bins for the energy filter
n (int32_t*) – Number of energies specified
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_energy_filter_set_bins(int32_t index, int32_t n, const double *energies)¶
Set the bounding energies for an energy filter
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the filters array
n (int32_t) – Number of energies specified
energies (const double*) – Bounding energies of the bins for the energy filter
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_extend_cells(int32_t n, int32_t *index_start, int32_t *index_end)¶
Extend the cells array by n elements
- Parameters
n (int32_t) – Number of cells to create
index_start (int32_t*) – Index of first new cell
index_end (int32_t*) – Index of last new cell
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_extend_filters(int32_t n, int32_t *index_start, int32_t *index_end)¶
Extend the filters array by n elements
- Parameters
n (int32_t) – Number of filters to create
index_start (int32_t*) – Index of first new filter
index_end (int32_t*) – Index of last new filter
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_extend_materials(int32_t n, int32_t *index_start, int32_t *index_end)¶
Extend the materials array by n elements
- Parameters
n (int32_t) – Number of materials to create
index_start (int32_t*) – Index of first new material
index_end (int32_t*) – Index of last new material
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_extend_sources(int32_t n, int32_t *index_start, int32_t *index_end)¶
Extend the external sources array by n elements
- Parameters
n (int32_t) – Number of sources to create
index_start (int32_t*) – Index of first new source
index_end (int32_t*) – Index of last new source
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_extend_tallies(int32_t n, int32_t *index_start, int32_t *index_end)¶
Extend the tallies array by n elements
- Parameters
n (int32_t) – Number of tallies to create
index_start (int32_t*) – Index of first new tally
index_end (int32_t*) – Index of last new tally
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_filter_get_id(int32_t index, int32_t *id)¶
Get the ID of a filter
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the filters array
id (int32_t*) – ID of the filter
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_filter_set_id(int32_t index, int32_t id)¶
Set the ID of a filter
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the filters array
id (int32_t) – ID of the filter
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_finalize()¶
Finalize a simulation
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_find(double *xyz, int rtype, int32_t *id, int32_t *instance)¶
Determine the ID of the cell/material containing a given point
- Parameters
xyz (double[3]) – Cartesian coordinates
rtype (int) – Which ID to return (1=cell, 2=material)
id (int32_t*) – ID of the cell/material found. If a material is requested and the point is in a void, the ID is 0. If an error occurs, the ID is -1.
instance (int32_t*) – If a cell is repeated in the geometry, the instance of the cell that was found and zero otherwise.
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_get_cell_index(int32_t id, int32_t *index)¶
Get the index in the cells array for a cell with a given ID
- Parameters
id (int32_t) – ID of the cell
index (int32_t*) – Index in the cells array
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_get_filter_index(int32_t id, int32_t *index)¶
Get the index in the filters array for a filter with a given ID
- Parameters
id (int32_t) – ID of the filter
index (int32_t*) – Index in the filters array
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
void openmc_get_filter_next_id(int32_t *id)¶
Get an integer ID that has not been used by any filters.
- Parameters
id (int32_t*) – Unused integer ID
int openmc_get_keff(double k_combined[2])¶
- Parameters
k_combined (double[2]) – Combined estimate of k-effective
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_get_material_index(int32_t id, int32_t *index)¶
Get the index in the materials array for a material with a given ID
- Parameters
id (int32_t) – ID of the material
index (int32_t*) – Index in the materials array
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_get_n_batches(int *n_batches, bool get_max_batches)¶
Get number of batches to simulate
- Parameters
n_batches (int*) – Number of batches to simulate
get_max_batches (bool) – Whether to return n_batches or n_max_batches (only relevant when triggers are used)
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_get_nuclide_index(const char name[], int *index)¶
Get the index in the nuclides array for a nuclide with a given name
- Parameters
name (const char[]) – Name of the nuclide
index (int*) – Index in the nuclides array
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_get_tally_index(int32_t id, int32_t *index)¶
Get the index in the tallies array for a tally with a given ID
- Parameters
id (int32_t) – ID of the tally
index (int32_t*) – Index in the tallies array
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_hard_reset()¶
Reset tallies, timers, and pseudo-random number generator state
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_init(int argc, char **argv, const void *intracomm)¶
Initialize OpenMC
- Parameters
argc (int) – Number of command-line arguments (including command)
argv (char**) – Command-line arguments
intracomm (const void*) – MPI intracommunicator. If MPI is not being used, a null pointer should be passed.
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_load_nuclide(const char *name, const double *temps, int n)¶
Load data for a nuclide from the HDF5 data library.
- Parameters
name (const char*) – Name of the nuclide.
temps (const double*) – Temperatures in [K] to load data at
n (int) – Number of temperatures
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_material_add_nuclide(int32_t index, const char name[], double density)¶
Add a nuclide to an existing material. If the nuclide already exists, the density is overwritten.
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the materials array
name (const char[]) – Name of the nuclide
density (double) – Density in atom/b-cm
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_material_get_densities(int32_t index, int **nuclides, double **densities, int *n)¶
Get density for each nuclide in a material.
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the materials array
nuclides (int**) – Pointer to array of nuclide indices
densities (double**) – Pointer to the array of densities
n (int*) – Length of the array
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_material_get_density(int32_t index, double *density)¶
Get density of a material.
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the materials array
density (double*) – Pointer to a density
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_material_get_id(int32_t index, int32_t *id)¶
Get the ID of a material
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the materials array
id (int32_t*) – ID of the material
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_material_set_density(int32_t index, double density, const char *units)¶
Set the density of a material.
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the materials array
density (double) – Density of the material
units (const char*) – Units for density
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_material_set_densities(int32_t index, int n, const char **name, const double *density)¶
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the materials array
n (int) – Length of name/density
name (const char**) – Array of nuclide names
density (const double*) – Array of densities
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_material_set_id(int32_t index, int32_t id)¶
Set the ID of a material
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the materials array
id (int32_t) – ID of the material
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_material_filter_get_bins(int32_t index, int32_t **bins, int32_t *n)¶
Get the bins for a material filter
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the filters array
bins (int32_t**) – Index in the materials array for each bin
n (int32_t*) – Number of bins
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_material_filter_set_bins(int32_t index, int32_t n, const int32_t *bins)¶
Set the bins for a material filter
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the filters array
n (int32_t) – Number of bins
bins (const int32_t*) – Index in the materials array for each bin
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_mesh_filter_set_mesh(int32_t index, int32_t index_mesh)¶
Set the mesh for a mesh filter
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the filters array
index_mesh (int32_t) – Index in the meshes array
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_next_batch()¶
Simulate next batch of particles. Must be called after openmc_simulation_init().
- Returns
Integer indicating whether simulation has finished (negative) or not finished (zero).
- Return type
int openmc_nuclide_name(int index, char **name)¶
Get name of a nuclide
- Parameters
index (int) – Index in the nuclides array
name (char**) – Name of the nuclide
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_plot_geometry()¶
Run plotting mode.
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_reset()¶
Resets all tally scores
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_remove_tally(int32_t index);¶
Given an index of a tally, remove it from the tallies array :param int index: Index in tallies array :return: Return status (negative if an error occurs) :rtype: int
int openmc_run()¶
Run a simulation
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_set_n_batches(int32_t n_batches, bool set_max_batches, bool add_statepoint_batch)¶
Set number of batches and number of max batches
- Parameters
n_batches (int32_t) – Number of batches to simulate
set_max_batches (bool) – Whether to set settings::n_max_batches or settings::n_batches (only relevant when triggers are used)
add_statepoint_batch (bool) – Whether to add n_batches to settings::statepoint_batch
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_simulation_finalize()¶
Finalize a simulation.
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_simulation_init()¶
Initialize a simulation. Must be called after openmc_init().
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_source_bank(struct Bank **ptr, int64_t *n)¶
Return a pointer to the source bank array.
- Parameters
ptr (struct Bank**) – Pointer to the source bank array
n (int64_t*) – Length of the source bank array
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_source_set_strength(int32_t index, double strength)¶
Set the strength of an external source
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the external source array
strength (double) – Source strength
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_statepoint_write(const char filename[], const bool *write_source)¶
Write a statepoint file
- Parameters
filename (const char[]) – Name of file to create. If a null pointer is passed, a filename is assigned automatically.
write_source (const bool*) – Whether to include the source bank
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurs)
- Return type
int openmc_tally_get_id(int32_t index, int32_t *id)¶
Get the ID of a tally
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the tallies array
id (int32_t*) – ID of the tally
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_tally_get_filters(int32_t index, int32_t **indices, int *n)¶
Get filters specified in a tally
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the tallies array
indices (int32_t**) – Array of filter indices
n (int*) – Number of filters
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_tally_get_n_realizations(int32_t index, int32_t *n)¶
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the tallies array
n (int32_t*) – Number of realizations
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_tally_get_nuclides(int32_t index, int **nuclides, int *n)¶
Get nuclides specified in a tally
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the tallies array
nuclides (int**) – Array of nuclide indices
n (int*) – Number of nuclides
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_tally_get_scores(int32_t index, int **scores, int *n)¶
Get scores specified for a tally
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the tallies array
scores (int**) – Array of scores
n (int*) – Number of scores
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_tally_results(int32_t index, double **ptr, int shape_[3])¶
Get a pointer to tally results array.
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the tallies array
ptr (double**) – Pointer to the results array
shape (int[3]) – Shape of the results array
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_tally_set_filters(int32_t index, int n, const int32_t *indices)¶
Set filters for a tally
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the tallies array
n (int) – Number of filters
indices (const int32_t*) – Array of filter indices
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_tally_set_id(int32_t index, int32_t id)¶
Set the ID of a tally
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the tallies array
id (int32_t) – ID of the tally
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_tally_set_nuclides(int32_t index, int n, const char **nuclides)¶
Set the nuclides for a tally
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the tallies array
n (int) – Number of nuclides
nuclides (const char**) – Array of nuclide names
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type
int openmc_tally_set_scores(int32_t index, int n, const int *scores)¶
Set scores for a tally
- Parameters
index (int32_t) – Index in the tallies array
n (int) – Number of scores
scores (const int*) – Array of scores
- Returns
Return status (negative if an error occurred)
- Return type