Source code for

"""This module is for reading ACE-format cross sections. ACE stands for "A
Compact ENDF" format and originated from work on MCNP_. It is used in a number
of other Monte Carlo particle transport codes.

ACE-format cross sections are typically generated from ENDF_ files through a
cross section processing program like NJOY_. The ENDF data consists of tabulated
thermal data, ENDF/B resonance parameters, distribution parameters in the
unresolved resonance region, and tabulated data in the fast region. After the
ENDF data has been reconstructed and Doppler-broadened, the ACER module
generates ACE-format cross sections.

.. _MCNP:
.. _NJOY:
.. _ENDF:


from __future__ import division, unicode_literals
from os import SEEK_CUR
import struct
import sys

from six import string_types
import numpy as np

from openmc.mixin import EqualityMixin
from import ENDF_FLOAT_RE

[docs]def ascii_to_binary(ascii_file, binary_file): """Convert an ACE file in ASCII format (type 1) to binary format (type 2). Parameters ---------- ascii_file : str Filename of ASCII ACE file binary_file : str Filename of binary ACE file to be written """ # Open ASCII file ascii = open(ascii_file, 'r') # Set default record length record_length = 4096 # Read data from ASCII file lines = ascii.readlines() ascii.close() # Open binary file binary = open(binary_file, 'wb') idx = 0 while idx < len(lines): # check if it's a > 2.0.0 version header if lines[idx].split()[0][1] == '.': if lines[idx + 1].split()[3] == '3': idx = idx + 3 else: raise NotImplementedError('Only backwards compatible ACE' 'headers currently supported') # Read/write header block hz = lines[idx][:10].encode('UTF-8') aw0 = float(lines[idx][10:22]) tz = float(lines[idx][22:34]) hd = lines[idx][35:45].encode('UTF-8') hk = lines[idx + 1][:70].encode('UTF-8') hm = lines[idx + 1][70:80].encode('UTF-8') binary.write(struct.pack(str('=10sdd10s70s10s'), hz, aw0, tz, hd, hk, hm)) # Read/write IZ/AW pairs data = ' '.join(lines[idx + 2:idx + 6]).split() iz = list(map(int, data[::2])) aw = list(map(float, data[1::2])) izaw = [item for sublist in zip(iz, aw) for item in sublist] binary.write(struct.pack(str('=' + 16*'id'), *izaw)) # Read/write NXS and JXS arrays. Null bytes are added at the end so # that XSS will start at the second record nxs = list(map(int, ' '.join(lines[idx + 6:idx + 8]).split())) jxs = list(map(int, ' '.join(lines[idx + 8:idx + 12]).split())) binary.write(struct.pack(str('=16i32i{0}x'.format(record_length - 500)), *(nxs + jxs))) # Read/write XSS array. Null bytes are added to form a complete record # at the end of the file n_lines = (nxs[0] + 3)//4 xss = list(map(float, ' '.join(lines[ idx + 12:idx + 12 + n_lines]).split())) extra_bytes = record_length - ((len(xss)*8 - 1) % record_length + 1) binary.write(struct.pack(str('={0}d{1}x'.format(nxs[0], extra_bytes)), *xss)) # Advance to next table in file idx += 12 + n_lines # Close binary file binary.close()
def get_table(filename, name=None): """Read a single table from an ACE file Parameters ---------- filename : str Path of the ACE library to load table from name : str, optional Name of table to load, e.g. '92235.71c' Returns ------- ACE table with specified name. If no name is specified, the first table in the file is returned. """ lib = Library(filename) if name is None: return lib.tables[0] else: for table in lib.tables: if == name: return table else: raise ValueError('Could not find ACE table with name: {}' .format(name))
[docs]class Library(EqualityMixin): """A Library objects represents an ACE-formatted file which may contain multiple tables with data. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path of the ACE library file to load. table_names : None, str, or iterable, optional Tables from the file to read in. If None, reads in all of the tables. If str, reads in only the single table of a matching name. verbose : bool, optional Determines whether output is printed to the stdout when reading a Library Attributes ---------- tables : list List of :class:`Table` instances """ def __init__(self, filename, table_names=None, verbose=False): if isinstance(table_names, string_types): table_names = [table_names] if table_names is not None: table_names = set(table_names) self.tables = [] # Determine whether file is ASCII or binary try: fh = open(filename, 'rb') # Grab 10 lines of the library sb = b''.join([fh.readline() for i in range(10)]) # Try to decode it with ascii sb.decode('ascii') # No exception so proceed with ASCII - reopen in non-binary fh.close() with open(filename, 'r') as fh: self._read_ascii(fh, table_names, verbose) except UnicodeDecodeError: fh.close() with open(filename, 'rb') as fh: self._read_binary(fh, table_names, verbose) def _read_binary(self, ace_file, table_names, verbose=False, recl_length=4096, entries=512): """Read a binary (Type 2) ACE table. Parameters ---------- ace_file : file Open ACE file table_names : None, str, or iterable Tables from the file to read in. If None, reads in all of the tables. If str, reads in only the single table of a matching name. verbose : str, optional Whether to display what tables are being read. Defaults to False. recl_length : int, optional Fortran record length in binary file. Default value is 4096 bytes. entries : int, optional Number of entries per record. The default is 512 corresponding to a record length of 4096 bytes with double precision data. """ while True: start_position = ace_file.tell() # Check for end-of-file if len( == 0: return # Read name, atomic mass ratio, temperature, date, comment, and # material name, atomic_weight_ratio, temperature, date, comment, mat = \ struct.unpack(str('=10sdd10s70s10s'), name = name.decode().strip() # Read ZAID/awr combinations data = struct.unpack(str('=' + 16*'id'), pairs = list(zip(data[::2], data[1::2])) # Read NXS nxs = list(struct.unpack(str('=16i'), # Determine length of XSS and number of records length = nxs[0] n_records = (length + entries - 1)//entries # verify that we are supposed to read this table in if (table_names is not None) and (name not in table_names): + recl_length*(n_records + 1)) continue if verbose: kelvin = round(temperature * 1e6 / 8.617342e-5) print("Loading nuclide {0} at {1} K".format(name, kelvin)) # Read JXS jxs = list(struct.unpack(str('=32i'), # Read XSS + recl_length) xss = list(struct.unpack(str('={0}d'.format(length)),*8))) # Insert zeros at beginning of NXS, JXS, and XSS arrays so that the # indexing will be the same as Fortran. This makes it easier to # follow the ACE format specification. nxs.insert(0, 0) nxs = np.array(nxs, dtype=int) jxs.insert(0, 0) jxs = np.array(jxs, dtype=int) xss.insert(0, 0.0) xss = np.array(xss) # Create ACE table with data read in table = Table(name, atomic_weight_ratio, temperature, pairs, nxs, jxs, xss) self.tables.append(table) # Advance to next record + recl_length*(n_records + 1)) def _read_ascii(self, ace_file, table_names, verbose=False): """Read an ASCII (Type 1) ACE table. Parameters ---------- ace_file : file Open ACE file table_names : None, str, or iterable Tables from the file to read in. If None, reads in all of the tables. If str, reads in only the single table of a matching name. verbose : str, optional Whether to display what tables are being read. Defaults to False. """ tables_seen = set() lines = [ace_file.readline() for i in range(13)] while len(lines) != 0 and lines[0].strip() != '': # Read name of table, atomic mass ratio, and temperature. If first # line is empty, we are at end of file # check if it's a 2.0 style header if lines[0].split()[0][1] == '.': words = lines[0].split() name = words[1] words = lines[1].split() atomic_weight_ratio = float(words[0]) temperature = float(words[1]) commentlines = int(words[3]) for i in range(commentlines): lines.pop(0) lines.append(ace_file.readline()) else: words = lines[0].split() name = words[0] atomic_weight_ratio = float(words[1]) temperature = float(words[2]) datastr = ' '.join(lines[2:6]).split() pairs = list(zip(map(int, datastr[::2]), map(float, datastr[1::2]))) datastr = '0 ' + ' '.join(lines[6:8]) nxs = np.fromstring(datastr, sep=' ', dtype=int) n_lines = (nxs[1] + 3)//4 n_bytes = len(lines[-1]) * (n_lines - 2) + 1 # Ensure that we have more tables to read in if (table_names is not None) and (table_names < tables_seen): break tables_seen.add(name) # verify that we are suppossed to read this table in if (table_names is not None) and (name not in table_names):, SEEK_CUR) ace_file.readline() lines = [ace_file.readline() for i in range(13)] continue # read and fix over-shoot lines += ace_file.readlines(n_bytes) if 12 + n_lines < len(lines): goback = sum([len(line) for line in lines[12+n_lines:]]) lines = lines[:12+n_lines], SEEK_CUR) if verbose: kelvin = round(temperature * 1e6 / 8.617342e-5) print("Loading nuclide {0} at {1} K".format(name, kelvin)) # Insert zeros at beginning of NXS, JXS, and XSS arrays so that the # indexing will be the same as Fortran. This makes it easier to # follow the ACE format specification. datastr = '0 ' + ' '.join(lines[8:12]) jxs = np.fromstring(datastr, dtype=int, sep=' ') datastr = '0.0 ' + ''.join(lines[12:12+n_lines]) xss = np.fromstring(datastr, sep=' ') # When NJOY writes an ACE file, any values less than 1e-100 actually # get written without the 'e'. Thus, what we do here is check # whether the xss array is of the right size (if a number like # 1.0-120 is encountered, np.fromstring won't capture any numbers # after it). If it's too short, then we apply the ENDF float regular # expression. We don't do this by default because it's expensive! if xss.size != nxs[1] + 1: datastr = ENDF_FLOAT_RE.sub(r'\1e\2', datastr) xss = np.fromstring(datastr, sep=' ') assert xss.size == nxs[1] + 1 table = Table(name, atomic_weight_ratio, temperature, pairs, nxs, jxs, xss) self.tables.append(table) # Read all data blocks lines = [ace_file.readline() for i in range(13)]
[docs]class Table(EqualityMixin): """ACE cross section table Parameters ---------- name : str ZAID identifier of the table, e.g. '92235.70c'. atomic_weight_ratio : float Atomic mass ratio of the target nuclide. temperature : float Temperature of the target nuclide in MeV. pairs : list of tuple 16 pairs of ZAIDs and atomic weight ratios. Used for thermal scattering tables to indicate what isotopes scattering is applied to. nxs : numpy.ndarray Array that defines various lengths with in the table jxs : numpy.ndarray Array that gives locations in the ``xss`` array for various blocks of data xss : numpy.ndarray Raw data for the ACE table """ def __init__(self, name, atomic_weight_ratio, temperature, pairs, nxs, jxs, xss): = name self.atomic_weight_ratio = atomic_weight_ratio self.temperature = temperature self.pairs = pairs self.nxs = nxs self.jxs = jxs self.xss = xss def __repr__(self): return "<ACE Table: {}>".format(