
class openmc.UnstructuredMesh(filename: Union[str, PathLike], library: str, mesh_id: Optional[int] = None, name: str = '', length_multiplier: float = 1.0, options: Optional[str] = None)[source]

A 3D unstructured mesh

New in version 0.12.

Changed in version 0.12.2: Support for libMesh unstructured meshes was added.

  • filename (str or pathlib.Path) – Location of the unstructured mesh file

  • library ({'moab', 'libmesh'}) – Mesh library used for the unstructured mesh tally

  • mesh_id (int) – Unique identifier for the mesh

  • name (str) – Name of the mesh

  • length_multiplier (float) – Constant multiplier to apply to mesh coordinates

  • options (str, optional) – Special options that control spatial search data structures used. This is currently only used to set parameters for MOAB’s AdaptiveKDTree. If None, OpenMC internally uses a default of “MAX_DEPTH=20;PLANE_SET=2;”.

  • id (int) – Unique identifier for the mesh

  • name (str) – Name of the mesh

  • filename (str) – Name of the file containing the unstructured mesh

  • length_multiplier (float) – Multiplicative factor to apply to mesh coordinates

  • library ({'moab', 'libmesh'}) – Mesh library used for the unstructured mesh tally

  • options (str) –

    Special options that control spatial search data structures used. This is currently only used to set parameters for MOAB’s AdaptiveKDTree. If None, OpenMC internally uses a default of “MAX_DEPTH=20;PLANE_SET=2;”.

  • output (bool) – Indicates whether or not automatic tally output should be generated for this mesh

  • volumes (Iterable of float) – Volumes of the unstructured mesh elements

  • centroids (numpy.ndarray) – Centroids of the mesh elements with array shape (n_elements, 3)

  • vertices (numpy.ndarray) –

    Coordinates of the mesh vertices with array shape (n_elements, 3)

    New in version 0.13.1.

  • connectivity (numpy.ndarray) –

    Connectivity of the elements with array shape (n_elements, 8)

    New in version 0.13.1.

  • element_types (Iterable of integers) –

    Mesh element types

    New in version 0.13.1.

  • total_volume (float) – Volume of the unstructured mesh in total

  • bounding_box (openmc.BoundingBox) – Axis-aligned bounding box of the mesh as defined by the upper-right and lower-left coordinates.

centroid(bin: int)[source]

Return the vertex averaged centroid of an element


bin (int) – Bin ID for the returned centroid


x, y, z values of the element centroid

Return type


classmethod from_hdf5(group: Group)[source]

Create mesh from HDF5 group


group (h5py.Group) – Group in HDF5 file


Instance of a MeshBase subclass

Return type


classmethod from_xml_element(elem: Element)[source]

Generate unstructured mesh object from XML element


elem (lxml.etree._Element) – XML element


UnstructuredMesh generated from an XML element

Return type



Return XML representation of the mesh


element – XML element containing mesh data

Return type


property volumes

Return Volumes for every mesh cell if populated by a StatePoint file


volumes – Volumes

Return type


write_data_to_vtk(filename: Optional[Union[str, PathLike]] = None, datasets: Optional[dict] = None, volume_normalization: bool = True)[source]

Map data to unstructured VTK mesh elements.

  • filename (str or pathlib.Path) – Name of the VTK file to write

  • datasets (dict) – Dictionary whose keys are the data labels and values are numpy appropriately sized arrays of the data

  • volume_normalization (bool) – Whether or not to normalize the data by the volume of the mesh elements


Map data to unstructured VTK mesh elements.

Deprecated since version 0.13: Use UnstructuredMesh.write_data_to_vtk() instead.

  • filename (str or pathlib.Path) – Name of the VTK file to write.

  • datasets (dict) – Dictionary whose keys are the data labels and values are the data sets.

  • volume_normalization (bool) – Whether or not to normalize the data by the volume of the mesh elements