import copy
from itertools import repeat
from .abc import Integrator, SIIntegrator, OperatorResult, add_params
from ._matrix_funcs import (
cf4_f1, cf4_f2, cf4_f3, cf4_f4, celi_f1, celi_f2,
leqi_f1, leqi_f2, leqi_f3, leqi_f4, rk4_f1, rk4_f4
__all__ = [
"PredictorIntegrator", "CECMIntegrator", "CF4Integrator",
"CELIIntegrator", "EPCRK4Integrator", "LEQIIntegrator",
"SICELIIntegrator", "SILEQIIntegrator"]
class PredictorIntegrator(Integrator):
r"""Deplete using a first-order predictor algorithm.
Implements the first-order predictor algorithm. This algorithm is
mathematically defined as:
.. math::
\mathbf{n}_{i+1} = \exp\left(h\mathbf{A}(\mathbf{n}_i) \right) \mathbf{n}_i
_num_stages = 1
[docs] def __call__(self, n, rates, dt, source_rate, _i=None):
"""Perform the integration across one time step
n : list of numpy.ndarray
List of atom number arrays for each material. Each array in the list
contains the number of [atom] of each nuclide.
rates : openmc.deplete.ReactionRates
Reaction rates from operator
dt : float
Time in [s] for the entire depletion interval
source_rate : float
Power in [W] or source rate in [neutron/sec]
_i : int or None
Iteration index. Not used
proc_time : float
Time spent in CRAM routines for all materials in [s]
n_list : list of list of numpy.ndarray
Concentrations at end of interval
op_results : empty list
Kept for consistency with API. No intermediate calls to operator
with predictor
proc_time, n_end = self._timed_deplete(n, rates, dt)
return proc_time, [n_end], []
class CECMIntegrator(Integrator):
r"""Deplete using the CE/CM algorithm.
Implements the second order `CE/CM predictor-corrector algorithm
"CE/CM" stands for constant extrapolation on predictor and constant
midpoint on corrector. This algorithm is mathematically defined as:
.. math::
\mathbf{n}_{i+1/2} &= \exp \left (\frac{h}{2}\mathbf{A}(\mathbf{n}_i)
\right) \mathbf{n}_i \\
\mathbf{n}_{i+1} &= \exp \left(h \mathbf{A}(\mathbf{n}_{i+1/2}) \right)
_num_stages = 2
[docs] def __call__(self, n, rates, dt, source_rate, _i=None):
"""Integrate using CE/CM
n : list of numpy.ndarray
List of atom number arrays for each material. Each array in the list
contains the number of [atom] of each nuclide.
rates : openmc.deplete.ReactionRates
Reaction rates from operator
dt : float
Time in [s] for the entire depletion interval
source_rate : float
Power in [W] or source rate in [neutron/sec]
_i : int, optional
Current iteration count. Not used
proc_time : float
Time spent in CRAM routines for all materials in [s]
n_list : list of list of numpy.ndarray
Concentrations at each of the intermediate points with
the final concentration as the last element
op_results : list of openmc.deplete.OperatorResult
Eigenvalue and reaction rates from transport simulations
# deplete across first half of interval
time0, n_middle = self._timed_deplete(n, rates, dt / 2)
res_middle = self.operator(n_middle, source_rate)
# deplete across entire interval with BOS concentrations,
# MOS reaction rates
time1, n_end = self._timed_deplete(n, res_middle.rates, dt)
return time0 + time1, [n_middle, n_end], [res_middle]
class CF4Integrator(Integrator):
r"""Deplete using the CF4 algorithm.
Implements the fourth order `commutator-free Lie algorithm
This algorithm is mathematically defined as:
.. math::
\mathbf{A}_1 &= h\mathbf{A}(\mathbf{n}_i) \\
\hat{\mathbf{n}}_1 &= \exp \left ( \frac{\mathbf{A}_1}{2} \right ) \mathbf{n}_i \\
\mathbf{A}_2 &= h\mathbf{A}(\hat{\mathbf{n}}_1) \\
\hat{\mathbf{n}}_2 &= \exp \left ( \frac{\mathbf{A}_2}{2} \right ) \mathbf{n}_i \\
\mathbf{A}_3 &= h \mathbf{A}(\hat{\mathbf{n}}_2) \\
\hat{\mathbf{n}}_3 &= \exp \left ( -\frac{\mathbf{A}_1}{2} + \mathbf{A}_3
\right ) \hat{\mathbf{n}}_1 \\
\mathbf{A}_4 &= h\mathbf{A}(\hat{\mathbf{n}}_3) \\
\mathbf{n}_{i+1} &= \exp \left ( \frac{\mathbf{A}_1}{4} + \frac{\mathbf{A}_2}{6}
+ \frac{\mathbf{A}_3}{6} - \frac{\mathbf{A}_4}{12} \right )
\exp \left ( -\frac{\mathbf{A}_1}{12} + \frac{\mathbf{A}_2}{6} +
\frac{\mathbf{A}_3}{6} + \frac{\mathbf{A}_4}{4} \right ) \mathbf{n}_i.
_num_stages = 4
[docs] def __call__(self, n_bos, bos_rates, dt, source_rate, _i=None):
"""Perform the integration across one time step
n_bos : list of numpy.ndarray
List of atom number arrays for each material. Each array in the list
contains the number of [atom] of each nuclide.
bos_rates : openmc.deplete.ReactionRates
Reaction rates from operator
dt : float
Time in [s] for the entire depletion interval
source_rate : float
Power in [W] or source rate in [neutron/sec]
_i : int, optional
Current depletion step index. Not used
proc_time : float
Time spent in CRAM routines for all materials in [s]
n_list : list of numpy.ndarray
Concentrations at each of the intermediate points with
the final concentration as the last element
op_results : list of openmc.deplete.OperatorResult
Eigenvalue and reaction rates from intermediate transport
# Step 1: deplete with matrix 1/2*A(y0)
time1, n_eos1 = self._timed_deplete(
n_bos, bos_rates, dt, matrix_func=cf4_f1)
res1 = self.operator(n_eos1, source_rate)
# Step 2: deplete with matrix 1/2*A(y1)
time2, n_eos2 = self._timed_deplete(
n_bos, res1.rates, dt, matrix_func=cf4_f1)
res2 = self.operator(n_eos2, source_rate)
# Step 3: deplete with matrix -1/2*A(y0)+A(y2)
list_rates = list(zip(bos_rates, res2.rates))
time3, n_eos3 = self._timed_deplete(
n_eos1, list_rates, dt, matrix_func=cf4_f2)
res3 = self.operator(n_eos3, source_rate)
# Step 4: deplete with two matrix exponentials
list_rates = list(zip(bos_rates, res1.rates, res2.rates, res3.rates))
time4, n_inter = self._timed_deplete(
n_bos, list_rates, dt, matrix_func=cf4_f3)
time5, n_eos5 = self._timed_deplete(
n_inter, list_rates, dt, matrix_func=cf4_f4)
return (time1 + time2 + time3 + time4 + time5,
[n_eos1, n_eos2, n_eos3, n_eos5],
[res1, res2, res3])
class CELIIntegrator(Integrator):
r"""Deplete using the CE/LI CFQ4 algorithm.
Implements the CE/LI Predictor-Corrector algorithm using the `fourth order
commutator-free integrator <>`_.
"CE/LI" stands for constant extrapolation on predictor and linear
interpolation on corrector. This algorithm is mathematically defined as:
.. math::
\mathbf{n}_{i+1}^p &= \exp \left ( h \mathbf{A}(\mathbf{n}_i ) \right )
\mathbf{n}_i \\
\mathbf{n}_{i+1} &= \exp \left( \frac{h}{12} \mathbf{A}(\mathbf{n}_i) +
\frac{5h}{12} \mathbf{A}(\mathbf{n}_{i+1}^p) \right)
\exp \left( \frac{5h}{12} \mathbf{A}(\mathbf{n}_i) +
\frac{h}{12} \mathbf{A}(\mathbf{n}_{i+1}^p) \right) \mathbf{n}_i.
_num_stages = 2
[docs] def __call__(self, n_bos, rates, dt, source_rate, _i=None):
"""Perform the integration across one time step
n_bos : list of numpy.ndarray
List of atom number arrays for each material. Each array in the list
contains the number of [atom] of each nuclide.
rates : openmc.deplete.ReactionRates
Reaction rates from operator
dt : float
Time in [s] for the entire depletion interval
source_rate : float
Power in [W] or source rate in [neutron/sec]
_i : int, optional
Current iteration count. Not used
proc_time : float
Time spent in CRAM routines for all materials in [s]
n_list : list of list of numpy.ndarray
Concentrations at each of the intermediate points with
the final concentration as the last element
op_results : list of openmc.deplete.OperatorResult
Eigenvalue and reaction rates from intermediate transport
# deplete to end using BOS rates
proc_time, n_ce = self._timed_deplete(n_bos, rates, dt)
res_ce = self.operator(n_ce, source_rate)
# deplete using two matrix exponentials
list_rates = list(zip(rates, res_ce.rates))
time_le1, n_inter = self._timed_deplete(
n_bos, list_rates, dt, matrix_func=celi_f1)
time_le2, n_end = self._timed_deplete(
n_inter, list_rates, dt, matrix_func=celi_f2)
return proc_time + time_le1 + time_le1, [n_ce, n_end], [res_ce]
class EPCRK4Integrator(Integrator):
r"""Deplete using the EPC-RK4 algorithm.
Implements an extended predictor-corrector algorithm with traditional
Runge-Kutta 4 method. This algorithm is mathematically defined as:
.. math::
\mathbf{A}_1 &= h\mathbf{A}(\mathbf{n}_i) \\
\hat{\mathbf{n}}_1 &= \exp \left ( \frac{\mathbf{A}_1}{2} \right ) \mathbf{n}_i \\
\mathbf{A}_2 &= h\mathbf{A}(\hat{\mathbf{n}}_1) \\
\hat{\mathbf{n}}_2 &= \exp \left ( \frac{\mathbf{A}_2}{2} \right ) \mathbf{n}_i \\
\mathbf{A}_3 &= h \mathbf{A}(\hat{\mathbf{n}}_2) \\
\hat{\mathbf{n}}_3 &= \exp \left ( \mathbf{A}_3 \right ) \mathbf{n}_i \\
\mathbf{A}_4 &= h\mathbf{A}(\hat{\mathbf{n}}_3) \\
\mathbf{n}_{i+1} &= \exp \left ( \frac{\mathbf{A}_1}{6} + \frac{\mathbf{A}_2}{3}
+ \frac{\mathbf{A}_3}{3} + \frac{\mathbf{A}_4}{6} \right ) \mathbf{n}_i.
_num_stages = 4
[docs] def __call__(self, n, rates, dt, source_rate, _i=None):
"""Perform the integration across one time step
n : list of numpy.ndarray
List of atom number arrays for each material. Each array in the list
contains the number of [atom] of each nuclide.
rates : openmc.deplete.ReactionRates
Reaction rates from operator
dt : float
Time in [s] for the entire depletion interval
source_rate : float
Power in [W] or source rate in [neutron/sec]
_i : int, optional
Current depletion step index, unused.
proc_time : float
Time spent in CRAM routines for all materials in [s]
n_list : list of list of numpy.ndarray
Concentrations at each of the intermediate points with
the final concentration as the last element
op_results : list of openmc.deplete.OperatorResult
Eigenvalue and reaction rates from intermediate transport
# Step 1: deplete with matrix A(y0) / 2
time1, n1 = self._timed_deplete(n, rates, dt, matrix_func=rk4_f1)
res1 = self.operator(n1, source_rate)
# Step 2: deplete with matrix A(y1) / 2
time2, n2 = self._timed_deplete(n, res1.rates, dt, matrix_func=rk4_f1)
res2 = self.operator(n2, source_rate)
# Step 3: deplete with matrix A(y2)
time3, n3 = self._timed_deplete(n, res2.rates, dt)
res3 = self.operator(n3, source_rate)
# Step 4: deplete with matrix built from weighted rates
list_rates = list(zip(rates, res1.rates, res2.rates, res3.rates))
time4, n4 = self._timed_deplete(n, list_rates, dt, matrix_func=rk4_f4)
return (time1 + time2 + time3 + time4, [n1, n2, n3, n4], [res1, res2, res3])
class LEQIIntegrator(Integrator):
r"""Deplete using the LE/QI CFQ4 algorithm.
Implements the LE/QI Predictor-Corrector algorithm using the `fourth order
commutator-free integrator <>`_.
"LE/QI" stands for linear extrapolation on predictor and quadratic
interpolation on corrector. This algorithm is mathematically defined as:
.. math::
\mathbf{A}_{-1} &= \mathbf{A}(\mathbf{n}_{i-1}) \\
\mathbf{A}_0 &= \mathbf{A}(\mathbf{n}_i) \\
\mathbf{F}_1 &= \frac{-h_i}{12h_{i-1}} \mathbf{A}_{-1} + \frac{6h_{i-1}
+ h_i}{12h_{i-1}} \mathbf{A}_0 \\
\mathbf{F}_2 &= \frac{-5h_i}{12h_{i-1}} \mathbf{A}_{-1} + \frac{6h_{i-1}
+ 5h_i}{12h_{i-1}} \mathbf{A}_0 \\
\mathbf{n}_{i+1}^p &= \exp (h_i \mathbf{F}_1) \exp(h_i \mathbf{F}_2)
\mathbf{n}_i \\
\mathbf{A}_1 &= \mathbf{A}(\mathbf{n}_{i+1}^p) \\
\mathbf{F}_3 &= \frac{-h_i^2}{12 h_{i-1} (h_{i-1} + h_i)} \mathbf{A}_{-1} +
\frac{5 h_{i-1}^2 + 6 h_i h_{i-1} + h_i^2}{12 h_{i-1} (h_{i-1} +
h_i)} \mathbf{A}_0 + \frac{h_{i-1}}{12 (h_{i-1} + h_i)} \mathbf{A}_1 \\
\mathbf{F}_4 &= \frac{-h_i^2}{12 h_{i-1} (h_{i-1} + h_i)} \mathbf{A}_{-1} +
\frac{h_{i-1}^2 + 2 h_i h_{i-1} + h_i^2}{12 h_{i-1} (h_{i-1} + h_i)}
\mathbf{A}_0 + \frac{5 h_{i-1} + 4 h_i}{12 (h_{i-1} + h_i)} \mathbf{A}_1 \\
\mathbf{n}_{i+1} &= \exp(h_i \mathbf{F}_4) \exp(h_i \mathbf{F}_3) \mathbf{n}_i
It is initialized using the CE/LI algorithm.
_num_stages = 2
[docs] def __call__(self, n_bos, bos_rates, dt, source_rate, i):
"""Perform the integration across one time step
n_bos : list of numpy.ndarray
List of atom number arrays for each material. Each array in the list
contains the number of [atom] of each nuclide.
bos_rates : openmc.deplete.ReactionRates
Reaction rates from operator
dt : float
Time in [s] for the entire depletion interval
source_rate : float
Power in [W] or source rate in [neutron/sec]
i : int
Current depletion step index
proc_time : float
Time spent in CRAM routines for all materials in [s]
n_list : list of list of numpy.ndarray
Concentrations at each of the intermediate points with
the final concentration as the last element
op_results : list of openmc.deplete.OperatorResult
Eigenvalue and reaction rates from intermediate transport
if i == 0:
if self._i_res < 1: # need at least previous transport solution
self._prev_rates = bos_rates
return CELIIntegrator.__call__(
self, n_bos, bos_rates, dt, source_rate, i)
prev_res = self.operator.prev_res[-2]
prev_dt = self.timesteps[i] - prev_res.time[0]
self._prev_rates = prev_res.rates[0]
prev_dt = self.timesteps[i - 1]
# Remaining LE/QI
bos_res = self.operator(n_bos, source_rate)
le_inputs = list(zip(
self._prev_rates, bos_res.rates, repeat(prev_dt), repeat(dt)))
time1, n_inter = self._timed_deplete(
n_bos, le_inputs, dt, matrix_func=leqi_f1)
time2, n_eos0 = self._timed_deplete(
n_inter, le_inputs, dt, matrix_func=leqi_f2)
res_inter = self.operator(n_eos0, source_rate)
qi_inputs = list(zip(
self._prev_rates, bos_res.rates, res_inter.rates,
repeat(prev_dt), repeat(dt)))
time3, n_inter = self._timed_deplete(
n_bos, qi_inputs, dt, matrix_func=leqi_f3)
time4, n_eos1 = self._timed_deplete(
n_inter, qi_inputs, dt, matrix_func=leqi_f4)
# store updated rates
self._prev_rates = copy.deepcopy(bos_res.rates)
return (
time1 + time2 + time3 + time4, [n_eos0, n_eos1],
[bos_res, res_inter])
class SICELIIntegrator(SIIntegrator):
r"""Deplete using the SI-CE/LI CFQ4 algorithm.
Implements the stochastic implicit CE/LI predictor-corrector algorithm
using the `fourth order commutator-free integrator
Detailed algorithm can be found in section 3.2 in `Colin Josey's thesis
_num_stages = 2
[docs] def __call__(self, n_bos, bos_rates, dt, source_rate, _i=None):
"""Perform the integration across one time step
n_bos : list of numpy.ndarray
List of atom number arrays for each material. Each array in the list
contains the number of [atom] of each nuclide.
bos_rates : openmc.deplete.ReactionRates
Reaction rates from operator
dt : float
Time in [s] for the entire depletion interval
source_rate : float
Power in [W] or source rate in [neutron/sec]
_i : int, optional
Current depletion step index. Not used
proc_time : float
Time spent in CRAM routines for all materials in [s]
n_bos_list : list of list of numpy.ndarray
Concentrations at each of the intermediate points with
the final concentration as the last element
op_results : list of openmc.deplete.OperatorResult
Eigenvalue and reaction rates from intermediate transport
proc_time, n_eos = self._timed_deplete(n_bos, bos_rates, dt)
n_inter = copy.deepcopy(n_eos)
# Begin iteration
for j in range(self.n_steps + 1):
inter_res = self.operator(n_inter, source_rate)
if j <= 1:
res_bar = copy.deepcopy(inter_res)
rates = 1/j * inter_res.rates + (1 - 1 / j) * res_bar.rates
k = 1/j * inter_res.k + (1 - 1 / j) * res_bar.k
res_bar = OperatorResult(k, rates)
list_rates = list(zip(bos_rates, res_bar.rates))
time1, n_inter = self._timed_deplete(
n_bos, list_rates, dt, matrix_func=celi_f1)
time2, n_inter = self._timed_deplete(
n_inter, list_rates, dt, matrix_func=celi_f2)
proc_time += time1 + time2
# end iteration
return proc_time, [n_eos, n_inter], [res_bar]
class SILEQIIntegrator(SIIntegrator):
r"""Deplete using the SI-LE/QI CFQ4 algorithm.
Implements the Stochastic Implicit LE/QI Predictor-Corrector algorithm
using the `fourth order commutator-free integrator
Detailed algorithm can be found in Section 3.2 in `Colin Josey's thesis
_num_stages = 2
[docs] def __call__(self, n_bos, bos_rates, dt, source_rate, i):
"""Perform the integration across one time step
n_bos : list of numpy.ndarray
List of atom number arrays for each material. Each array in the list
contains the number of [atom] of each nuclide.
bos_rates : list of openmc.deplete.ReactionRates
Reaction rates from operator for all depletable materials
dt : float
Time in [s] for the entire depletion interval
source_rate : float
Power in [W] or source rate in [neutron/sec]
i : int
Current depletion step index
proc_time : float
Time spent in CRAM routines for all materials in [s]
n_list : list of list of numpy.ndarray
Concentrations at each of the intermediate points with
the final concentration as the last element
op_results : list of openmc.deplete.OperatorResult
Eigenvalue and reaction rates from intermediate transport
if i == 0:
if self._i_res < 1:
self._prev_rates = bos_rates
# Perform CELI for initial steps
return SICELIIntegrator.__call__(
self, n_bos, bos_rates, dt, source_rate, i)
prev_res = self.operator.prev_res[-2]
prev_dt = self.timesteps[i] - prev_res.time[0]
self._prev_rates = prev_res.rates[0]
prev_dt = self.timesteps[i - 1]
# Perform remaining LE/QI
inputs = list(zip(self._prev_rates, bos_rates,
repeat(prev_dt), repeat(dt)))
proc_time, n_inter = self._timed_deplete(
n_bos, inputs, dt, matrix_func=leqi_f1)
time1, n_eos = self._timed_deplete(
n_inter, inputs, dt, matrix_func=leqi_f2)
proc_time += time1
n_inter = copy.deepcopy(n_eos)
for j in range(self.n_steps + 1):
inter_res = self.operator(n_inter, source_rate)
if j <= 1:
res_bar = copy.deepcopy(inter_res)
rates = 1 / j * inter_res.rates + (1 - 1 / j) * res_bar.rates
k = 1 / j * inter_res.k + (1 - 1 / j) * res_bar.k
res_bar = OperatorResult(k, rates)
inputs = list(zip(self._prev_rates, bos_rates, res_bar.rates,
repeat(prev_dt), repeat(dt)))
time1, n_inter = self._timed_deplete(
n_bos, inputs, dt, matrix_func=leqi_f3)
time2, n_inter = self._timed_deplete(
n_inter, inputs, dt, matrix_func=leqi_f4)
proc_time += time1 + time2
return proc_time, [n_eos, n_inter], [res_bar]
integrator_by_name = {
'cecm': CECMIntegrator,
'predictor': PredictorIntegrator,
'cf4': CF4Integrator,
'epc_rk4': EPCRK4Integrator,
'si_celi': SICELIIntegrator,
'si_leqi': SILEQIIntegrator,
'celi': CELIIntegrator,
'leqi': LEQIIntegrator