Source code for

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals
from collections import Iterable, Callable, MutableMapping
from copy import deepcopy
from numbers import Real, Integral
from warnings import warn
from io import StringIO

from six import string_types
import numpy as np

import openmc.checkvalue as cv
from openmc.mixin import EqualityMixin
from openmc.stats import Uniform, Tabular, Legendre
from .angle_distribution import AngleDistribution
from .angle_energy import AngleEnergy
from .correlated import CorrelatedAngleEnergy
from .endf import get_head_record, get_tab1_record, get_list_record, \
    get_tab2_record, get_cont_record
from .energy_distribution import EnergyDistribution, LevelInelastic, \
from .function import Tabulated1D, Polynomial
from .kalbach_mann import KalbachMann
from .laboratory import LaboratoryAngleEnergy
from .nbody import NBodyPhaseSpace
from .product import Product
from .uncorrelated import UncorrelatedAngleEnergy

REACTION_NAME = {1: '(n,total)', 2: '(n,elastic)', 4: '(n,level)',
                 5: '(n,misc)', 11: '(n,2nd)', 16: '(n,2n)', 17: '(n,3n)',
                 18: '(n,fission)', 19: '(n,f)', 20: '(n,nf)', 21: '(n,2nf)',
                 22: '(n,na)', 23: '(n,n3a)', 24: '(n,2na)', 25: '(n,3na)',
                 27: '(n,absorption)', 28: '(n,np)', 29: '(n,n2a)',
                 30: '(n,2n2a)', 32: '(n,nd)', 33: '(n,nt)', 34: '(n,nHe-3)',
                 35: '(n,nd2a)', 36: '(n,nt2a)', 37: '(n,4n)', 38: '(n,3nf)',
                 41: '(n,2np)', 42: '(n,3np)', 44: '(n,n2p)', 45: '(n,npa)',
                 91: '(n,nc)', 101: '(n,disappear)', 102: '(n,gamma)',
                 103: '(n,p)', 104: '(n,d)', 105: '(n,t)', 106: '(n,3He)',
                 107: '(n,a)', 108: '(n,2a)', 109: '(n,3a)', 111: '(n,2p)',
                 112: '(n,pa)', 113: '(n,t2a)', 114: '(n,d2a)', 115: '(n,pd)',
                 116: '(n,pt)', 117: '(n,da)', 152: '(n,5n)', 153: '(n,6n)',
                 154: '(n,2nt)', 155: '(n,ta)', 156: '(n,4np)', 157: '(n,3nd)',
                 158: '(n,nda)', 159: '(n,2npa)', 160: '(n,7n)', 161: '(n,8n)',
                 162: '(n,5np)', 163: '(n,6np)', 164: '(n,7np)', 165: '(n,4na)',
                 166: '(n,5na)', 167: '(n,6na)', 168: '(n,7na)', 169: '(n,4nd)',
                 170: '(n,5nd)', 171: '(n,6nd)', 172: '(n,3nt)', 173: '(n,4nt)',
                 174: '(n,5nt)', 175: '(n,6nt)', 176: '(n,2n3He)',
                 177: '(n,3n3He)', 178: '(n,4n3He)', 179: '(n,3n2p)',
                 180: '(n,3n3a)', 181: '(n,3npa)', 182: '(n,dt)',
                 183: '(n,npd)', 184: '(n,npt)', 185: '(n,ndt)',
                 186: '(n,np3He)', 187: '(n,nd3He)', 188: '(n,nt3He)',
                 189: '(n,nta)', 190: '(n,2n2p)', 191: '(n,p3He)',
                 192: '(n,d3He)', 193: '(n,3Hea)', 194: '(n,4n2p)',
                 195: '(n,4n2a)', 196: '(n,4npa)', 197: '(n,3p)',
                 198: '(n,n3p)', 199: '(n,3n2pa)', 200: '(n,5n2p)', 444: '(n,damage)',
                 649: '(n,pc)', 699: '(n,dc)', 749: '(n,tc)', 799: '(n,3Hec)',
                 849: '(n,ac)', 891: '(n,2nc)'}
REACTION_NAME.update({i: '(n,n{})'.format(i - 50) for i in range(50, 91)})
REACTION_NAME.update({i: '(n,p{})'.format(i - 600) for i in range(600, 649)})
REACTION_NAME.update({i: '(n,d{})'.format(i - 650) for i in range(650, 699)})
REACTION_NAME.update({i: '(n,t{})'.format(i - 700) for i in range(700, 749)})
REACTION_NAME.update({i: '(n,3He{})'.format(i - 750) for i in range(750, 799)})
REACTION_NAME.update({i: '(n,a{})'.format(i - 800) for i in range(800, 849)})
REACTION_NAME.update({i: '(n,2n{})'.format(i - 875) for i in range(875, 891)})

def _get_products(ev, mt):
    """Generate products from MF=6 in an ENDF evaluation

    ev :
        ENDF evaluation to read from
    mt : int
        The MT value of the reaction to get products for

    products : list of
        Products of the reaction

    file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[6, mt])

    # Read HEAD record
    items = get_head_record(file_obj)
    reference_frame = {1: 'laboratory', 2: 'center-of-mass',
                       3: 'light-heavy', 4: 'breakup'}[items[3]]
    n_products = items[4]

    products = []
    for i in range(n_products):
        # Get yield for this product
        params, yield_ = get_tab1_record(file_obj)

        za = params[0]
        awr = params[1]
        lip = params[2]
        law = params[3]

        if za == 0:
            p = Product('photon')
        elif za == 1:
            p = Product('neutron')
        elif za == 1000:
            p = Product('electron')
            z = za // 1000
            a = za % 1000
            p = Product('{}{}'.format(ATOMIC_SYMBOL[z], a))

        p.yield_ = yield_

        # Set reference frame
        if reference_frame == 'laboratory':
            p.center_of_mass = False
        elif reference_frame == 'center-of-mass':
            p.center_of_mass = True
        elif reference_frame == 'light-heavy':
            p.center_of_mass = (awr <= 4.0)

        if law == 0:
            # No distribution given
        if law == 1:
            # Continuum energy-angle distribution

            # Peak ahead to determine type of distribution
            position = file_obj.tell()
            params = get_cont_record(file_obj)

            lang = params[2]
            if lang == 1:
                p.distribution = [CorrelatedAngleEnergy.from_endf(file_obj)]
            elif lang == 2:
                p.distribution = [KalbachMann.from_endf(file_obj)]

        elif law == 2:
            # Discrete two-body scattering
            params, tab2 = get_tab2_record(file_obj)
            ne = params[5]
            energy = np.zeros(ne)
            mu = []
            for i in range(ne):
                items, values = get_list_record(file_obj)
                energy[i] = items[1]
                lang = items[2]
                if lang == 0:
                elif lang == 12:
                    mu.append(Tabular(values[::2], values[1::2]))
                elif lang == 14:
                    mu.append(Tabular(values[::2], values[1::2],

            angle_dist = AngleDistribution(energy, mu)
            dist = UncorrelatedAngleEnergy(angle_dist)
            p.distribution = [dist]
            # TODO: Add level-inelastic info?

        elif law == 3:
            # Isotropic discrete emission
            p.distribution = [UncorrelatedAngleEnergy()]
            # TODO: Add level-inelastic info?

        elif law == 4:
            # Discrete two-body recoil

        elif law == 5:
            # Charged particle elastic scattering

        elif law == 6:
            # N-body phase-space distribution
            p.distribution = [NBodyPhaseSpace.from_endf(file_obj)]

        elif law == 7:
            # Laboratory energy-angle distribution
            p.distribution = [LaboratoryAngleEnergy.from_endf(file_obj)]


    return products

def _get_fission_products_ace(ace):
    """Generate fission products from an ACE table

    ace :
        ACE table to read from

    products : list of
        Prompt and delayed fission neutrons
    derived_products : list of
        "Total" fission neutron

    # No NU block
    if ace.jxs[2] == 0:
        return None, None

    products = []
    derived_products = []

    # Either prompt nu or total nu is given
    if ace.xss[ace.jxs[2]] > 0:
        whichnu = 'prompt' if ace.jxs[24] > 0 else 'total'

        neutron = Product('neutron')
        neutron.emission_mode = whichnu

        idx = ace.jxs[2]
        LNU = int(ace.xss[idx])
        if LNU == 1:
            # Polynomial function form of nu
            NC = int(ace.xss[idx+1])
            coefficients = ace.xss[idx+2 : idx+2+NC].copy()
            for i in range(coefficients.size):
                coefficients[i] *= EV_PER_MEV**(-i)
            neutron.yield_ = Polynomial(coefficients)
        elif LNU == 2:
            # Tabular data form of nu
            neutron.yield_ = Tabulated1D.from_ace(ace, idx + 1)


    # Both prompt nu and total nu
    elif ace.xss[ace.jxs[2]] < 0:
        # Read prompt neutron yield
        prompt_neutron = Product('neutron')
        prompt_neutron.emission_mode = 'prompt'

        idx = ace.jxs[2] + 1
        LNU = int(ace.xss[idx])
        if LNU == 1:
            # Polynomial function form of nu
            NC = int(ace.xss[idx+1])
            coefficients = ace.xss[idx+2 : idx+2+NC].copy()
            for i in range(coefficients.size):
                coefficients[i] *= EV_PER_MEV**(-i)
            prompt_neutron.yield_ = Polynomial(coefficients)
        elif LNU == 2:
            # Tabular data form of nu
            prompt_neutron.yield_ = Tabulated1D.from_ace(ace, idx + 1)

        # Read total neutron yield
        total_neutron = Product('neutron')
        total_neutron.emission_mode = 'total'

        idx = ace.jxs[2] + int(abs(ace.xss[ace.jxs[2]])) + 1
        LNU = int(ace.xss[idx])

        if LNU == 1:
            # Polynomial function form of nu
            NC = int(ace.xss[idx+1])
            coefficients = ace.xss[idx+2 : idx+2+NC].copy()
            for i in range(coefficients.size):
                coefficients[i] *= EV_PER_MEV**(-i)
            total_neutron.yield_ = Polynomial(coefficients)
        elif LNU == 2:
            # Tabular data form of nu
            total_neutron.yield_ = Tabulated1D.from_ace(ace, idx + 1)


    # Check for delayed nu data
    if ace.jxs[24] > 0:
        yield_delayed = Tabulated1D.from_ace(ace, ace.jxs[24] + 1)

        # Delayed neutron precursor distribution
        idx = ace.jxs[25]
        n_group = ace.nxs[8]
        total_group_probability = 0.
        for group in range(n_group):
            delayed_neutron = Product('neutron')
            delayed_neutron.emission_mode = 'delayed'

            # Convert units of inverse shakes to inverse seconds
            delayed_neutron.decay_rate = ace.xss[idx] * 1.e8

            group_probability = Tabulated1D.from_ace(ace, idx + 1)
            if np.all(group_probability.y == group_probability.y[0]):
                delayed_neutron.yield_ = deepcopy(yield_delayed)
                delayed_neutron.yield_.y *= group_probability.y[0]
                total_group_probability += group_probability.y[0]
                # Get union energy grid and ensure energies are within
                # interpolable range of both functions
                max_energy = min(yield_delayed.x[-1], group_probability.x[-1])
                energy = np.union1d(yield_delayed.x, group_probability.x)
                energy = energy[energy <= max_energy]

                # Calculate group yield
                group_yield = yield_delayed(energy) * group_probability(energy)
                delayed_neutron.yield_ = Tabulated1D(energy, group_yield)

            # Advance position
            nr = int(ace.xss[idx + 1])
            ne = int(ace.xss[idx + 2 + 2*nr])
            idx += 3 + 2*nr + 2*ne

            # Energy distribution for delayed fission neutrons
            location_start = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[26] + group])
                AngleEnergy.from_ace(ace, ace.jxs[27], location_start))


        # Renormalize delayed neutron yields to reflect fact that in ACE
        # file, the sum of the group probabilities is not exactly one
        for product in products[1:]:
            if total_group_probability > 0.:
                product.yield_.y /= total_group_probability

    return products, derived_products

def _get_fission_products_endf(ev):
    """Generate fission products from an ENDF evaluation

    ev :

    products : list of
        Prompt and delayed fission neutrons
    derived_products : list of
        "Total" fission neutron

    products = []
    derived_products = []

    if (1, 456) in ev.section:
        prompt_neutron = Product('neutron')
        prompt_neutron.emission_mode = 'prompt'

        # Prompt nu values
        file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[1, 456])
        lnu = get_head_record(file_obj)[3]
        if lnu == 1:
            # Polynomial representation
            items, coefficients = get_list_record(file_obj)
            prompt_neutron.yield_ = Polynomial(coefficients)
        elif lnu == 2:
            # Tabulated representation
            params, prompt_neutron.yield_ = get_tab1_record(file_obj)


    if (1, 452) in ev.section:
        total_neutron = Product('neutron')
        total_neutron.emission_mode = 'total'

        # Total nu values
        file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[1, 452])
        lnu = get_head_record(file_obj)[3]
        if lnu == 1:
            # Polynomial representation
            items, coefficients = get_list_record(file_obj)
            total_neutron.yield_ = Polynomial(coefficients)
        elif lnu == 2:
            # Tabulated representation
            params, total_neutron.yield_ = get_tab1_record(file_obj)

        if (1, 456) in ev.section:

    if (1, 455) in ev.section:
        file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[1, 455])

        # Determine representation of delayed nu data
        items = get_head_record(file_obj)
        ldg = items[2]
        lnu = items[3]

        if ldg == 0:
            # Delayed-group constants energy independent
            items, decay_constants = get_list_record(file_obj)
            for constant in decay_constants:
                delayed_neutron = Product('neutron')
                delayed_neutron.emission_mode = 'delayed'
                delayed_neutron.decay_rate = constant
        elif ldg == 1:
            # Delayed-group constants energy dependent
            raise NotImplementedError('Delayed neutron with energy-dependent '
                                      'group constants.')

        # In MF=1, MT=455, the delayed-group abundances are actually not
        # specified if the group constants are energy-independent. In this case,
        # the abundances must be inferred from MF=5, MT=455 where multiple
        # energy distributions are given.
        if lnu == 1:
            # Nu represented as polynomial
            items, coefficients = get_list_record(file_obj)
            yield_ = Polynomial(coefficients)
            for neutron in products[-6:]:
                neutron.yield_ = deepcopy(yield_)
        elif lnu == 2:
            # Nu represented by tabulation
            params, yield_ = get_tab1_record(file_obj)
            for neutron in products[-6:]:
                neutron.yield_ = deepcopy(yield_)

        if (5, 455) in ev.section:
            file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[5, 455])
            items = get_head_record(file_obj)
            nk = items[4]
            if nk != len(decay_constants):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Number of delayed neutron fission spectra ({}) does not '
                    'match number of delayed neutron precursors ({}).'.format(
                        nk, len(decay_constants)))
            for i in range(nk):
                params, applicability = get_tab1_record(file_obj)
                dist = UncorrelatedAngleEnergy()
       = EnergyDistribution.from_endf(file_obj, params)

                delayed_neutron = products[1 + i]
                yield_ = delayed_neutron.yield_

                # Here we handle the fact that the delayed neutron yield is the
                # product of the total delayed neutron yield and the
                # "applicability" of the energy distribution law in file 5.
                if isinstance(yield_, Tabulated1D):
                    if np.all(applicability.y == applicability.y[0]):
                        yield_.y *= applicability.y[0]
                        # Get union energy grid and ensure energies are within
                        # interpolable range of both functions
                        max_energy = min(yield_.x[-1], applicability.x[-1])
                        energy = np.union1d(yield_.x, applicability.x)
                        energy = energy[energy <= max_energy]

                        # Calculate group yield
                        group_yield = yield_(energy) * applicability(energy)
                        delayed_neutron.yield_ = Tabulated1D(energy, group_yield)
                elif isinstance(yield_, Polynomial):
                    if len(yield_) == 1:
                        delayed_neutron.yield_ = deepcopy(applicability)
                        delayed_neutron.yield_.y *= yield_.coef[0]
                        if np.all(applicability.y == applicability.y[0]):
                            yield_.coef[0] *= applicability.y[0]
                            raise NotImplementedError(
                                'Total delayed neutron yield and delayed group '
                                'probability are both energy-dependent.')


    return products, derived_products

def _get_photon_products_ace(ace, rx):
    """Generate photon products from an ACE table

    ace :
        ACE table to read from
    rx :
        Reaction that generates photons

    photons : list of openmc.Products
        Photons produced from reaction with given MT

    n_photon_reactions = ace.nxs[6]
    photon_mts = ace.xss[ace.jxs[13]:ace.jxs[13] +

    photons = []
    for i in range(n_photon_reactions):
        # Determine corresponding reaction
        neutron_mt = photon_mts[i] // 1000

        # Restrict to photons that match the requested MT. Note that if the
        # photon is assigned to MT=18 but the file splits fission into
        # MT=19,20,21,38, we assign the photon product to each of the individual
        # reactions
        if neutron_mt == 18:
            if not in (18, 19, 20, 21, 38):
        elif neutron_mt !=

        # Create photon product and assign to reactions
        photon = Product('photon')

        # ==================================================================
        # Photon yield / production cross section

        loca = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[14] + i])
        idx = ace.jxs[15] + loca - 1
        mftype = int(ace.xss[idx])
        idx += 1

        if mftype in (12, 16):
            # Yield data taken from ENDF File 12 or 6
            mtmult = int(ace.xss[idx])
            assert mtmult == neutron_mt

            # Read photon yield as function of energy
            photon.yield_ = Tabulated1D.from_ace(ace, idx + 1)

        elif mftype == 13:
            # Cross section data from ENDF File 13

            # Energy grid index at which data starts
            threshold_idx = int(ace.xss[idx]) - 1
            n_energy = int(ace.xss[idx + 1])
            energy = ace.xss[ace.jxs[1] + threshold_idx:
                             ace.jxs[1] + threshold_idx + n_energy]*EV_PER_MEV

            # Get photon production cross section
            photon_prod_xs = ace.xss[idx + 2:idx + 2 + n_energy]
            neutron_xs = list(rx.xs.values())[0](energy)
            idx = np.where(neutron_xs > 0.)

            # Calculate photon yield
            yield_ = np.zeros_like(photon_prod_xs)
            yield_[idx] = photon_prod_xs[idx] / neutron_xs[idx]
            photon.yield_ = Tabulated1D(energy, yield_)

            raise ValueError("MFTYPE must be 12, 13, 16. Got {0}".format(

        # ==================================================================
        # Photon energy distribution

        location_start = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[18] + i])
        distribution = AngleEnergy.from_ace(ace, ace.jxs[19], location_start)
        assert isinstance(distribution, UncorrelatedAngleEnergy)

        # ==================================================================
        # Photon angular distribution
        loc = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[16] + i])

        if loc == 0:
            # No angular distribution data are given for this reaction,
            # isotropic scattering is asssumed in LAB
            energy = np.array([photon.yield_.x[0], photon.yield_.x[-1]])
            mu_isotropic = Uniform(-1., 1.)
            distribution.angle = AngleDistribution(
                energy, [mu_isotropic, mu_isotropic])
            distribution.angle = AngleDistribution.from_ace(ace, ace.jxs[17], loc)

        # Add to list of distributions

    return photons

def _get_photon_products_endf(ev, rx):
    """Generate photon products from an ENDF evaluation

    ev :
        ENDF evaluation to read from
    rx :
        Reaction that generates photons

    photons : list of openmc.Products
        Photons produced from reaction with given MT

    products = []

    if (12, in ev.section:
        file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[12,])

        items = get_head_record(file_obj)
        option = items[2]

        if option == 1:
            # Multiplicities given
            n_discrete_photon = items[4]
            if n_discrete_photon > 1:
                items, total_yield = get_tab1_record(file_obj)
            for k in range(n_discrete_photon):
                photon = Product('photon')

                # Get photon yield
                items, photon.yield_ = get_tab1_record(file_obj)

                # Get photon energy distribution
                law = items[3]
                dist = UncorrelatedAngleEnergy()
                if law == 1:
                    # TODO: Get file 15 distribution
                elif law == 2:
                    energy = items[1]
                    primary_flag = items[2]
           = DiscretePhoton(primary_flag, energy,


        elif option == 2:
            # Transition probability arrays given
            ppyield = {}
            ppyield['type'] = 'transition'
            ppyield['transition'] = transition = {}

            # Determine whether simple (LG=1) or complex (LG=2) transitions
            lg = items[3]

            # Get transition data
            items, values = get_list_record(file_obj)
            transition['energy_start'] = items[0]
            transition['energies'] = np.array(values[::lg + 1])
            transition['direct_probability'] = np.array(values[1::lg + 1])
            if lg == 2:
                # Complex case
                transition['conditional_probability'] = np.array(
                    values[2::lg + 1])

    elif (13, in ev.section:
        file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[13,])

        # Determine option
        items = get_head_record(file_obj)
        n_discrete_photon = items[4]
        if n_discrete_photon > 1:
            items, total_xs = get_tab1_record(file_obj)
        for k in range(n_discrete_photon):
            photon = Product('photon')
            items, xs = get_tab1_record(file_obj)

            # Re-interpolation photon production cross section and neutron cross
            # section to union energy grid
            energy = np.union1d(xs.x, rx.xs['0K'].x)
            photon_prod_xs = xs(energy)
            neutron_xs = rx.xs['0K'](energy)
            idx = np.where(neutron_xs > 0)

            # Calculate yield as ratio
            yield_ = np.zeros_like(energy)
            yield_[idx] = photon_prod_xs[idx] / neutron_xs[idx]
            photon.yield_ = Tabulated1D(energy, yield_)

            # Get photon energy distribution
            law = items[3]
            dist = UncorrelatedAngleEnergy()
            if law == 1:
                # TODO: Get file 15 distribution
            elif law == 2:
                energy = items[1]
                primary_flag = items[2]
       = DiscretePhoton(primary_flag, energy,


    return products

[docs]class Reaction(EqualityMixin): """A nuclear reaction A Reaction object represents a single reaction channel for a nuclide with an associated cross section and, if present, a secondary angle and energy distribution. Parameters ---------- mt : int The ENDF MT number for this reaction. Attributes ---------- center_of_mass : bool Indicates whether scattering kinematics should be performed in the center-of-mass or laboratory reference frame. grid above the threshold value in barns. mt : int The ENDF MT number for this reaction. q_value : float The Q-value of this reaction in eV. xs : dict of str to Microscopic cross section for this reaction as a function of incident energy; these cross sections are provided in a dictionary where the key is the temperature of the cross section set. products : Iterable of Reaction products derived_products : Iterable of Derived reaction products. Used for 'total' fission neutron data when prompt/delayed data also exists. """ def __init__(self, mt): self._center_of_mass = True self._q_value = 0. self._xs = {} self._products = [] self._derived_products = [] = mt def __repr__(self): if in REACTION_NAME: return "<Reaction: MT={} {}>".format(, REACTION_NAME[]) else: return "<Reaction: MT={}>".format( @property def center_of_mass(self): return self._center_of_mass @property def q_value(self): return self._q_value @property def products(self): return self._products @property def derived_products(self): return self._derived_products @property def xs(self): return self._xs @center_of_mass.setter def center_of_mass(self, center_of_mass): cv.check_type('center of mass', center_of_mass, (bool, np.bool_)) self._center_of_mass = center_of_mass @q_value.setter def q_value(self, q_value): cv.check_type('Q value', q_value, Real) self._q_value = q_value @products.setter def products(self, products): cv.check_type('reaction products', products, Iterable, Product) self._products = products @derived_products.setter def derived_products(self, derived_products): cv.check_type('reaction derived products', derived_products, Iterable, Product) self._derived_products = derived_products @xs.setter def xs(self, xs): cv.check_type('reaction cross section dictionary', xs, MutableMapping) for key, value in xs.items(): cv.check_type('reaction cross section temperature', key, string_types) cv.check_type('reaction cross section', value, Callable) self._xs = xs
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write reaction to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['mt'] = if in REACTION_NAME: group.attrs['label'] = np.string_(REACTION_NAME[]) else: group.attrs['label'] = np.string_( group.attrs['Q_value'] = self.q_value group.attrs['center_of_mass'] = 1 if self.center_of_mass else 0 for T in self.xs: Tgroup = group.create_group(T) if self.xs[T] is not None: dset = Tgroup.create_dataset('xs', data=self.xs[T].y) if hasattr(self.xs[T], '_threshold_idx'): threshold_idx = self.xs[T]._threshold_idx + 1 else: threshold_idx = 1 dset.attrs['threshold_idx'] = threshold_idx for i, p in enumerate(self.products): pgroup = group.create_group('product_{}'.format(i)) p.to_hdf5(pgroup)
[docs] def from_hdf5(cls, group, energy): """Generate reaction from an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from energy : dict Dictionary whose keys are temperatures (e.g., '300K') and values are arrays of energies at which cross sections are tabulated at. Returns ------- Reaction data """ mt = group.attrs['mt'] rx = cls(mt) rx.q_value = group.attrs['Q_value'] rx.center_of_mass = bool(group.attrs['center_of_mass']) # Read cross section at each temperature for T, Tgroup in group.items(): if T.endswith('K'): if 'xs' in Tgroup: # Make sure temperature has associated energy grid if T not in energy: raise ValueError( 'Could not create reaction cross section for MT={} ' 'at T={} because no corresponding energy grid ' 'exists.'.format(mt, T)) xs = Tgroup['xs'].value threshold_idx = Tgroup['xs'].attrs['threshold_idx'] - 1 tabulated_xs = Tabulated1D(energy[T][threshold_idx:], xs) tabulated_xs._threshold_idx = threshold_idx rx.xs[T] = tabulated_xs # Determine number of products n_product = 0 for name in group: if name.startswith('product_'): n_product += 1 # Read reaction products for i in range(n_product): pgroup = group['product_{}'.format(i)] rx.products.append(Product.from_hdf5(pgroup)) return rx
@classmethod def from_ace(cls, ace, i_reaction): # Get nuclide energy grid n_grid = ace.nxs[3] grid = ace.xss[ace.jxs[1]:ace.jxs[1] + n_grid]*EV_PER_MEV # Convert data temperature to a "300.0K" number for indexing # temperature data strT = str(int(round(ace.temperature*EV_PER_MEV / K_BOLTZMANN))) + "K" if i_reaction > 0: mt = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[3] + i_reaction - 1]) rx = cls(mt) # Get Q-value of reaction rx.q_value = ace.xss[ace.jxs[4] + i_reaction - 1]*EV_PER_MEV # ================================================================== # CROSS SECTION # Get locator for cross-section data loc = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[6] + i_reaction - 1]) # Determine starting index on energy grid threshold_idx = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[7] + loc - 1]) - 1 # Determine number of energies in reaction n_energy = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[7] + loc]) energy = grid[threshold_idx:threshold_idx + n_energy] # Read reaction cross section xs = ace.xss[ace.jxs[7] + loc + 1:ace.jxs[7] + loc + 1 + n_energy] # Fix negatives -- known issue for Y89 in JEFF 3.2 if np.any(xs < 0.0): warn("Negative cross sections found for MT={} in {}. Setting " "to zero.".format(, xs[xs < 0.0] = 0.0 tabulated_xs = Tabulated1D(energy, xs) tabulated_xs._threshold_idx = threshold_idx rx.xs[strT] = tabulated_xs # ================================================================== # YIELD AND ANGLE-ENERGY DISTRIBUTION # Determine multiplicity ty = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[5] + i_reaction - 1]) rx.center_of_mass = (ty < 0) if i_reaction < ace.nxs[5] + 1: if ty != 19: if abs(ty) > 100: # Energy-dependent neutron yield idx = ace.jxs[11] + abs(ty) - 101 yield_ = Tabulated1D.from_ace(ace, idx) else: # 0-order polynomial i.e. a constant yield_ = Polynomial((abs(ty),)) neutron = Product('neutron') neutron.yield_ = yield_ rx.products.append(neutron) else: assert mt in (18, 19, 20, 21, 38) rx.products, rx.derived_products = _get_fission_products_ace(ace) for p in rx.products: if p.emission_mode in ('prompt', 'total'): neutron = p break else: raise Exception("Couldn't find prompt/total fission neutron") # Determine locator for ith energy distribution lnw = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[10] + i_reaction - 1]) while lnw > 0: # Applicability of this distribution neutron.applicability.append(Tabulated1D.from_ace( ace, ace.jxs[11] + lnw + 2)) # Read energy distribution data neutron.distribution.append(AngleEnergy.from_ace( ace, ace.jxs[11], lnw, rx)) lnw = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[11] + lnw - 1]) else: # Elastic scattering mt = 2 rx = cls(mt) # Get elastic cross section values elastic_xs = ace.xss[ace.jxs[1] + 3*n_grid:ace.jxs[1] + 4*n_grid] # Fix negatives -- known issue for Ti46,49,50 in JEFF 3.2 if np.any(elastic_xs < 0.0): warn("Negative elastic scattering cross section found for {}. " "Setting to zero.".format( elastic_xs[elastic_xs < 0.0] = 0.0 tabulated_xs = Tabulated1D(grid, elastic_xs) tabulated_xs._threshold_idx = 0 rx.xs[strT] = tabulated_xs # No energy distribution for elastic scattering neutron = Product('neutron') neutron.distribution.append(UncorrelatedAngleEnergy()) rx.products.append(neutron) # ====================================================================== # ANGLE DISTRIBUTION (FOR UNCORRELATED) if i_reaction < ace.nxs[5] + 1: # Check if angular distribution data exist loc = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[8] + i_reaction]) if loc <= 0: # Angular distribution is either given as part of a product # angle-energy distribution or is not given at all (in which # case isotropic scattering is assumed) angle_dist = None else: angle_dist = AngleDistribution.from_ace(ace, ace.jxs[9], loc) # Apply angular distribution to each uncorrelated angle-energy # distribution if angle_dist is not None: for d in neutron.distribution: d.angle = angle_dist # ====================================================================== # PHOTON PRODUCTION rx.products += _get_photon_products_ace(ace, rx) return rx @classmethod
[docs] def from_endf(cls, ev, mt): """Generate a reaction from an ENDF evaluation Parameters ---------- ev : ENDF evaluation mt : int The MT value of the reaction to get angular distributions for Returns ------- rx : Reaction data """ rx = Reaction(mt) # Integrated cross section if (3, mt) in ev.section: file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[3, mt]) get_head_record(file_obj) params, rx.xs['0K'] = get_tab1_record(file_obj) rx.q_value = params[1] # Get fission product yields (nu) as well as delayed neutron energy # distributions if mt in (18, 19, 20, 21, 38): rx.products, rx.derived_products = _get_fission_products_endf(ev) if (6, mt) in ev.section: # Product angle-energy distribution for product in _get_products(ev, mt): if mt in (18, 19, 20, 21, 38) and product.particle == 'neutron': rx.products[0].applicability = product.applicability rx.products[0].distribution = product.distribution else: rx.products.append(product) elif (4, mt) in ev.section or (5, mt) in ev.section: # Uncorrelated angle-energy distribution neutron = Product('neutron') # Note that the energy distribution for MT=455 is read in # _get_fission_products_endf rather than here if (5, mt) in ev.section: file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[5, mt]) items = get_head_record(file_obj) nk = items[4] for i in range(nk): params, applicability = get_tab1_record(file_obj) dist = UncorrelatedAngleEnergy() = EnergyDistribution.from_endf(file_obj, params) neutron.applicability.append(applicability) neutron.distribution.append(dist) elif mt == 2: # Elastic scattering -- no energy distribution is given since it # can be calulcated analytically dist = UncorrelatedAngleEnergy() neutron.distribution.append(dist) elif mt >= 51 and mt < 91: # Level inelastic scattering -- no energy distribution is given # since it can be calculated analytically. Here we determine the # necessary parameters to create a LevelInelastic object dist = UncorrelatedAngleEnergy() A =['mass'] threshold = (A + 1.)/A*abs(rx.q_value) mass_ratio = (A/(A + 1.))**2 = LevelInelastic(threshold, mass_ratio) neutron.distribution.append(dist) if (4, mt) in ev.section: for dist in neutron.distribution: dist.angle = AngleDistribution.from_endf(ev, mt) if mt in (18, 19, 20, 21, 38) and (5, mt) in ev.section: # For fission reactions, rx.products[0].applicability = neutron.applicability rx.products[0].distribution = neutron.distribution else: rx.products.append(neutron) if (12, mt) in ev.section or (13, mt) in ev.section: rx.products += _get_photon_products_endf(ev, rx) return rx