Source code for

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import Iterable
from numbers import Integral, Real
from warnings import warn

from six import add_metaclass
import numpy as np

from .function import Tabulated1D, INTERPOLATION_SCHEME
from openmc.stats.univariate import Univariate, Tabular, Discrete, Mixture
import openmc.checkvalue as cv
from openmc.mixin import EqualityMixin
from .data import EV_PER_MEV
from .endf import get_tab1_record, get_tab2_record

[docs]class EnergyDistribution(EqualityMixin): """Abstract superclass for all energy distributions.""" def __init__(self): pass @abstractmethod def to_hdf5(self, group): pass @staticmethod
[docs] def from_hdf5(group): """Generate energy distribution from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Energy distribution """ energy_type = group.attrs['type'].decode() if energy_type == 'maxwell': return MaxwellEnergy.from_hdf5(group) elif energy_type == 'evaporation': return Evaporation.from_hdf5(group) elif energy_type == 'watt': return WattEnergy.from_hdf5(group) elif energy_type == 'madland-nix': return MadlandNix.from_hdf5(group) elif energy_type == 'discrete_photon': return DiscretePhoton.from_hdf5(group) elif energy_type == 'level': return LevelInelastic.from_hdf5(group) elif energy_type == 'continuous': return ContinuousTabular.from_hdf5(group) else: raise ValueError("Unknown energy distribution type: {}" .format(energy_type))
[docs] def from_endf(file_obj, params): """Generate energy distribution from an ENDF evaluation Parameters ---------- file_obj : file-like object ENDF file positioned at the start of a section for an energy distribution. params : list List of parameters at the start of the energy distribution that includes the LF value indicating what type of energy distribution is present. Returns ------- A sub-class of :class:`` """ lf = params[3] if lf == 1: return ArbitraryTabulated.from_endf(file_obj, params) elif lf == 5: return GeneralEvaporation.from_endf(file_obj, params) elif lf == 7: return MaxwellEnergy.from_endf(file_obj, params) elif lf == 9: return Evaporation.from_endf(file_obj, params) elif lf == 11: return WattEnergy.from_endf(file_obj, params) elif lf == 12: return MadlandNix.from_endf(file_obj, params)
[docs]class ArbitraryTabulated(EnergyDistribution): r"""Arbitrary tabulated function given in ENDF MF=5, LF=1 represented as .. math:: f(E \rightarrow E') = g(E \rightarrow E') Parameters ---------- energy : numpy.ndarray Array of incident neutron energies pdf : list of Tabulated outgoing energy distribution probability density functions Attributes ---------- energy : numpy.ndarray Array of incident neutron energies pdf : list of Tabulated outgoing energy distribution probability density functions """ def __init__(self, energy, pdf): super(ArbitraryTabulated, self).__init__() = energy self.pdf = pdf def to_hdf5(self, group): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod
[docs] def from_endf(cls, file_obj, params): """Generate arbitrary tabulated distribution from an ENDF evaluation Parameters ---------- file_obj : file-like object ENDF file positioned at the start of a section for an energy distribution. params : list List of parameters at the start of the energy distribution that includes the LF value indicating what type of energy distribution is present. Returns ------- Arbitrary tabulated distribution """ params, tab2 = get_tab2_record(file_obj) n_energies = params[5] energy = np.zeros(n_energies) pdf = [] for j in range(n_energies): params, func = get_tab1_record(file_obj) energy[j] = params[1] pdf.append(func) return cls(energy, pdf)
[docs]class GeneralEvaporation(EnergyDistribution): r"""General evaporation spectrum given in ENDF MF=5, LF=5 represented as .. math:: f(E \rightarrow E') = g(E'/\theta(E)) Parameters ---------- theta : Tabulated function of incident neutron energy :math:`E` g : Tabulated function of :math:`x = E'/\theta(E)` u : float Constant introduced to define the proper upper limit for the final particle energy such that :math:`0 \le E' \le E - U` Attributes ---------- theta : Tabulated function of incident neutron energy :math:`E` g : Tabulated function of :math:`x = E'/\theta(E)` u : float Constant introduced to define the proper upper limit for the final particle energy such that :math:`0 \le E' \le E - U` """ def __init__(self, theta, g, u): super(GeneralEvaporation, self).__init__() self.theta = theta self.g = g self.u = u def to_hdf5(self, group): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def from_ace(cls, ace, idx=0): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod
[docs] def from_endf(cls, file_obj, params): """Generate general evaporation spectrum from an ENDF evaluation Parameters ---------- file_obj : file-like object ENDF file positioned at the start of a section for an energy distribution. params : list List of parameters at the start of the energy distribution that includes the LF value indicating what type of energy distribution is present. Returns ------- General evaporation spectrum """ u = params[0] params, theta = get_tab1_record(file_obj) params, g = get_tab1_record(file_obj) return cls(theta, g, u)
[docs]class MaxwellEnergy(EnergyDistribution): r"""Simple Maxwellian fission spectrum represented as .. math:: f(E \rightarrow E') = \frac{\sqrt{E'}}{I} e^{-E'/\theta(E)} Parameters ---------- theta : Tabulated function of incident neutron energy u : float Constant introduced to define the proper upper limit for the final particle energy such that :math:`0 \le E' \le E - U` Attributes ---------- theta : Tabulated function of incident neutron energy u : float Constant introduced to define the proper upper limit for the final particle energy such that :math:`0 \le E' \le E - U` """ def __init__(self, theta, u): super(MaxwellEnergy, self).__init__() self.theta = theta self.u = u @property def theta(self): return self._theta @property def u(self): return self._u @theta.setter def theta(self, theta): cv.check_type('Maxwell theta', theta, Tabulated1D) self._theta = theta @u.setter def u(self, u): cv.check_type('Maxwell restriction energy', u, Real) self._u = u
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write distribution to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['type'] = np.string_('maxwell') group.attrs['u'] = self.u self.theta.to_hdf5(group, 'theta')
[docs] def from_hdf5(cls, group): """Generate Maxwell distribution from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Maxwell distribution """ theta = Tabulated1D.from_hdf5(group['theta']) u = group.attrs['u'] return cls(theta, u)
[docs] def from_ace(cls, ace, idx=0): """Create a Maxwell distribution from an ACE table Parameters ---------- ace : An ACE table idx : int Offset to read from in XSS array (default of zero) Returns ------- Maxwell distribution """ # Read nuclear temperature -- since units are MeV, convert to eV theta = Tabulated1D.from_ace(ace, idx) theta.y *= EV_PER_MEV # Restriction energy nr = int(ace.xss[idx]) ne = int(ace.xss[idx + 1 + 2*nr]) u = ace.xss[idx + 2 + 2*nr + 2*ne]*EV_PER_MEV return cls(theta, u)
[docs] def from_endf(cls, file_obj, params): """Generate Maxwell distribution from an ENDF evaluation Parameters ---------- file_obj : file-like object ENDF file positioned at the start of a section for an energy distribution. params : list List of parameters at the start of the energy distribution that includes the LF value indicating what type of energy distribution is present. Returns ------- Maxwell distribution """ u = params[0] params, theta = get_tab1_record(file_obj) return cls(theta, u)
[docs]class Evaporation(EnergyDistribution): r"""Evaporation spectrum represented as .. math:: f(E \rightarrow E') = \frac{E'}{I} e^{-E'/\theta(E)} Parameters ---------- theta : Tabulated function of incident neutron energy u : float Constant introduced to define the proper upper limit for the final particle energy such that :math:`0 \le E' \le E - U` Attributes ---------- theta : Tabulated function of incident neutron energy u : float Constant introduced to define the proper upper limit for the final particle energy such that :math:`0 \le E' \le E - U` """ def __init__(self, theta, u): super(Evaporation, self).__init__() self.theta = theta self.u = u @property def theta(self): return self._theta @property def u(self): return self._u @theta.setter def theta(self, theta): cv.check_type('Evaporation theta', theta, Tabulated1D) self._theta = theta @u.setter def u(self, u): cv.check_type('Evaporation restriction energy', u, Real) self._u = u
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write distribution to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['type'] = np.string_('evaporation') group.attrs['u'] = self.u self.theta.to_hdf5(group, 'theta')
[docs] def from_hdf5(cls, group): """Generate evaporation spectrum from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Evaporation spectrum """ theta = Tabulated1D.from_hdf5(group['theta']) u = group.attrs['u'] return cls(theta, u)
[docs] def from_ace(cls, ace, idx=0): """Create an evaporation spectrum from an ACE table Parameters ---------- ace : An ACE table idx : int Offset to read from in XSS array (default of zero) Returns ------- Evaporation spectrum """ # Read nuclear temperature -- since units are MeV, convert to eV theta = Tabulated1D.from_ace(ace, idx) theta.y *= EV_PER_MEV # Restriction energy nr = int(ace.xss[idx]) ne = int(ace.xss[idx + 1 + 2*nr]) u = ace.xss[idx + 2 + 2*nr + 2*ne]*EV_PER_MEV return cls(theta, u)
[docs] def from_endf(cls, file_obj, params): """Generate evaporation spectrum from an ENDF evaluation Parameters ---------- file_obj : file-like object ENDF file positioned at the start of a section for an energy distribution. params : list List of parameters at the start of the energy distribution that includes the LF value indicating what type of energy distribution is present. Returns ------- Evaporation spectrum """ u = params[0] params, theta = get_tab1_record(file_obj) return cls(theta, u)
[docs]class WattEnergy(EnergyDistribution): r"""Energy-dependent Watt spectrum represented as .. math:: f(E \rightarrow E') = \frac{e^{-E'/a}}{I} \sinh \left ( \sqrt{bE'} \right ) Parameters ---------- a, b : Energy-dependent parameters tabulated as function of incident neutron energy u : float Constant introduced to define the proper upper limit for the final particle energy such that :math:`0 \le E' \le E - U` Attributes ---------- a, b : Energy-dependent parameters tabulated as function of incident neutron energy u : float Constant introduced to define the proper upper limit for the final particle energy such that :math:`0 \le E' \le E - U` """ def __init__(self, a, b, u): super(WattEnergy, self).__init__() self.a = a self.b = b self.u = u @property def a(self): return self._a @property def b(self): return self._b @property def u(self): return self._u @a.setter def a(self, a): cv.check_type('Watt a', a, Tabulated1D) self._a = a @b.setter def b(self, b): cv.check_type('Watt b', b, Tabulated1D) self._b = b @u.setter def u(self, u): cv.check_type('Watt restriction energy', u, Real) self._u = u
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write distribution to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['type'] = np.string_('watt') group.attrs['u'] = self.u self.a.to_hdf5(group, 'a') self.b.to_hdf5(group, 'b')
[docs] def from_hdf5(cls, group): """Generate Watt fission spectrum from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Watt fission spectrum """ a = Tabulated1D.from_hdf5(group['a']) b = Tabulated1D.from_hdf5(group['b']) u = group.attrs['u'] return cls(a, b, u)
[docs] def from_ace(cls, ace, idx): """Create a Watt fission spectrum from an ACE table Parameters ---------- ace : An ACE table idx : int Offset to read from in XSS array (default of zero) Returns ------- Watt fission spectrum """ # Energy-dependent a parameter -- units are MeV, convert to eV a = Tabulated1D.from_ace(ace, idx) a.y *= EV_PER_MEV # Advance index nr = int(ace.xss[idx]) ne = int(ace.xss[idx + 1 + 2*nr]) idx += 2 + 2*nr + 2*ne # Energy-dependent b parameter -- units are MeV^-1 b = Tabulated1D.from_ace(ace, idx) b.y /= EV_PER_MEV # Advance index nr = int(ace.xss[idx]) ne = int(ace.xss[idx + 1 + 2*nr]) idx += 2 + 2*nr + 2*ne # Restriction energy u = ace.xss[idx]*EV_PER_MEV return cls(a, b, u)
[docs] def from_endf(cls, file_obj, params): """Generate Watt fission spectrum from an ENDF evaluation Parameters ---------- file_obj : file-like object ENDF file positioned at the start of a section for an energy distribution. params : list List of parameters at the start of the energy distribution that includes the LF value indicating what type of energy distribution is present. Returns ------- Watt fission spectrum """ u = params[0] params, a = get_tab1_record(file_obj) params, b = get_tab1_record(file_obj) return cls(a, b, u)
[docs]class MadlandNix(EnergyDistribution): r"""Energy-dependent fission neutron spectrum (Madland and Nix) given in ENDF MF=5, LF=12 represented as .. math:: f(E \rightarrow E') = \frac{1}{2} [ g(E', E_F(L)) + g(E', E_F(H))] where .. math:: g(E',E_F) = \frac{1}{3\sqrt{E_F T_M}} \left [ u_2^{3/2} E_1 (u_2) - u_1^{3/2} E_1 (u_1) + \gamma \left ( \frac{3}{2}, u_2 \right ) - \gamma \left ( \frac{3}{2}, u_1 \right ) \right ] \\ u_1 = \left ( \sqrt{E'} - \sqrt{E_F} \right )^2 / T_M \\ u_2 = \left ( \sqrt{E'} + \sqrt{E_F} \right )^2 / T_M. Parameters ---------- efl, efh : float Constants which represent the average kinetic energy per nucleon of the fission fragment (efl = light, efh = heavy) tm : Parameter tabulated as a function of incident neutron energy Attributes ---------- efl, efh : float Constants which represent the average kinetic energy per nucleon of the fission fragment (efl = light, efh = heavy) tm : Parameter tabulated as a function of incident neutron energy """ def __init__(self, efl, efh, tm): super(MadlandNix, self).__init__() self.efl = efl self.efh = efh = tm @property def efl(self): return self._efl @property def efh(self): return self._efh @property def tm(self): return self._tm @efl.setter def efl(self, efl): name = 'Madland-Nix light fragment energy' cv.check_type(name, efl, Real) cv.check_greater_than(name, efl, 0.) self._efl = efl @efh.setter def efh(self, efh): name = 'Madland-Nix heavy fragment energy' cv.check_type(name, efh, Real) cv.check_greater_than(name, efh, 0.) self._efh = efh @tm.setter def tm(self, tm): cv.check_type('Madland-Nix maximum temperature', tm, Tabulated1D) self._tm = tm
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write distribution to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['type'] = np.string_('madland-nix') group.attrs['efl'] = self.efl group.attrs['efh'] = self.efh
[docs] def from_hdf5(cls, group): """Generate Madland-Nix fission spectrum from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Madland-Nix fission spectrum """ efl = group.attrs['efl'] efh = group.attrs['efh'] tm = Tabulated1D.from_hdf5(group['tm']) return cls(efl, efh, tm)
[docs] def from_endf(cls, file_obj, params): """Generate Madland-Nix fission spectrum from an ENDF evaluation Parameters ---------- file_obj : file-like object ENDF file positioned at the start of a section for an energy distribution. params : list List of parameters at the start of the energy distribution that includes the LF value indicating what type of energy distribution is present. Returns ------- Madland-Nix fission spectrum """ params, tm = get_tab1_record(file_obj) efl, efh = params[0:2] return cls(efl, efh, tm)
[docs]class DiscretePhoton(EnergyDistribution): """Discrete photon energy distribution Parameters ---------- primary_flag : int Indicator of whether the photon is a primary or non-primary photon. energy : float Photon energy (if lp==0 or lp==1) or binding energy (if lp==2). atomic_weight_ratio : float Atomic weight ratio of the target nuclide responsible for the emitted particle Attributes ---------- primary_flag : int Indicator of whether the photon is a primary or non-primary photon. energy : float Photon energy (if lp==0 or lp==1) or binding energy (if lp==2). atomic_weight_ratio : float Atomic weight ratio of the target nuclide responsible for the emitted particle """ def __init__(self, primary_flag, energy, atomic_weight_ratio): super(DiscretePhoton, self).__init__() self.primary_flag = primary_flag = energy self.atomic_weight_ratio = atomic_weight_ratio @property def primary_flag(self): return self._primary_flag @property def energy(self): return self._energy @property def atomic_weight_ratio(self): return self._atomic_weight_ratio @primary_flag.setter def primary_flag(self, primary_flag): cv.check_type('discrete photon primary_flag', primary_flag, Integral) self._primary_flag = primary_flag @energy.setter def energy(self, energy): cv.check_type('discrete photon energy', energy, Real) self._energy = energy @atomic_weight_ratio.setter def atomic_weight_ratio(self, atomic_weight_ratio): cv.check_type('atomic weight ratio', atomic_weight_ratio, Real) self._atomic_weight_ratio = atomic_weight_ratio
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write distribution to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['type'] = np.string_('discrete_photon') group.attrs['primary_flag'] = self.primary_flag group.attrs['energy'] = group.attrs['atomic_weight_ratio'] = self.atomic_weight_ratio
[docs] def from_hdf5(cls, group): """Generate discrete photon energy distribution from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Discrete photon energy distribution """ primary_flag = group.attrs['primary_flag'] energy = group.attrs['energy'] awr = group.attrs['atomic_weight_ratio'] return cls(primary_flag, energy, awr)
[docs] def from_ace(cls, ace, idx): """Generate discrete photon energy distribution from an ACE table Parameters ---------- ace : An ACE table idx : int Offset to read from in XSS array (default of zero) Returns ------- Discrete photon energy distribution """ primary_flag = int(ace.xss[idx]) energy = ace.xss[idx + 1]*EV_PER_MEV return cls(primary_flag, energy, ace.atomic_weight_ratio)
[docs]class LevelInelastic(EnergyDistribution): r"""Level inelastic scattering Parameters ---------- threshold : float Energy threshold in the laboratory system, :math:`(A + 1)/A * |Q|` mass_ratio : float :math:`(A/(A + 1))^2` Attributes ---------- threshold : float Energy threshold in the laboratory system, :math:`(A + 1)/A * |Q|` mass_ratio : float :math:`(A/(A + 1))^2` """ def __init__(self, threshold, mass_ratio): super(LevelInelastic, self).__init__() self.threshold = threshold self.mass_ratio = mass_ratio @property def threshold(self): return self._threshold @property def mass_ratio(self): return self._mass_ratio @threshold.setter def threshold(self, threshold): cv.check_type('level inelastic threhsold', threshold, Real) self._threshold = threshold @mass_ratio.setter def mass_ratio(self, mass_ratio): cv.check_type('level inelastic mass ratio', mass_ratio, Real) self._mass_ratio = mass_ratio
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write distribution to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['type'] = np.string_('level') group.attrs['threshold'] = self.threshold group.attrs['mass_ratio'] = self.mass_ratio
[docs] def from_hdf5(cls, group): """Generate level inelastic distribution from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Level inelastic scattering distribution """ threshold = group.attrs['threshold'] mass_ratio = group.attrs['mass_ratio'] return cls(threshold, mass_ratio)
[docs] def from_ace(cls, ace, idx): """Generate level inelastic distribution from an ACE table Parameters ---------- ace : An ACE table idx : int Offset to read from in XSS array (default of zero) Returns ------- Level inelastic scattering distribution """ threshold = ace.xss[idx]*EV_PER_MEV mass_ratio = ace.xss[idx + 1] return cls(threshold, mass_ratio)
[docs]class ContinuousTabular(EnergyDistribution): """Continuous tabular distribution Parameters ---------- breakpoints : Iterable of int Breakpoints defining interpolation regions interpolation : Iterable of int Interpolation codes energy : Iterable of float Incoming energies at which distributions exist energy_out : Iterable of openmc.stats.Univariate Distribution of outgoing energies corresponding to each incoming energy Attributes ---------- breakpoints : Iterable of int Breakpoints defining interpolation regions interpolation : Iterable of int Interpolation codes energy : Iterable of float Incoming energies at which distributions exist energy_out : Iterable of openmc.stats.Univariate Distribution of outgoing energies corresponding to each incoming energy """ def __init__(self, breakpoints, interpolation, energy, energy_out): super(ContinuousTabular, self).__init__() self.breakpoints = breakpoints self.interpolation = interpolation = energy self.energy_out = energy_out @property def breakpoints(self): return self._breakpoints @property def interpolation(self): return self._interpolation @property def energy(self): return self._energy @property def energy_out(self): return self._energy_out @breakpoints.setter def breakpoints(self, breakpoints): cv.check_type('continuous tabular breakpoints', breakpoints, Iterable, Integral) self._breakpoints = breakpoints @interpolation.setter def interpolation(self, interpolation): cv.check_type('continuous tabular interpolation', interpolation, Iterable, Integral) self._interpolation = interpolation @energy.setter def energy(self, energy): cv.check_type('continuous tabular incoming energy', energy, Iterable, Real) self._energy = energy @energy_out.setter def energy_out(self, energy_out): cv.check_type('continuous tabular outgoing energy', energy_out, Iterable, Univariate) self._energy_out = energy_out
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write distribution to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['type'] = np.string_('continuous') dset = group.create_dataset('energy', dset.attrs['interpolation'] = np.vstack((self.breakpoints, self.interpolation)) # Determine total number of (E,p) pairs and create array n_pairs = sum(len(d) for d in self.energy_out) pairs = np.empty((3, n_pairs)) # Create array for offsets offsets = np.empty(len(self.energy_out), dtype=int) interpolation = np.empty(len(self.energy_out), dtype=int) n_discrete_lines = np.empty(len(self.energy_out), dtype=int) j = 0 # Populate offsets and pairs array for i, eout in enumerate(self.energy_out): n = len(eout) offsets[i] = j if isinstance(eout, Mixture): discrete, continuous = eout.distribution n_discrete_lines[i] = m = len(discrete) interpolation[i] = 1 if continuous.interpolation == 'histogram' else 2 pairs[0, j:j+m] = discrete.x pairs[1, j:j+m] = discrete.p pairs[2, j:j+m] = discrete.c pairs[0, j+m:j+n] = continuous.x pairs[1, j+m:j+n] = continuous.p pairs[2, j+m:j+n] = continuous.c else: if isinstance(eout, Tabular): n_discrete_lines[i] = 0 interpolation[i] = 1 if eout.interpolation == 'histogram' else 2 elif isinstance(eout, Discrete): n_discrete_lines[i] = n interpolation[i] = 1 pairs[0, j:j+n] = eout.x pairs[1, j:j+n] = eout.p pairs[2, j:j+n] = eout.c j += n # Create dataset for distributions dset = group.create_dataset('distribution', data=pairs) # Write interpolation as attribute dset.attrs['offsets'] = offsets dset.attrs['interpolation'] = interpolation dset.attrs['n_discrete_lines'] = n_discrete_lines
[docs] def from_hdf5(cls, group): """Generate continuous tabular distribution from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Continuous tabular energy distribution """ interp_data = group['energy'].attrs['interpolation'] energy_breakpoints = interp_data[0, :] energy_interpolation = interp_data[1, :] energy = group['energy'].value data = group['distribution'] offsets = data.attrs['offsets'] interpolation = data.attrs['interpolation'] n_discrete_lines = data.attrs['n_discrete_lines'] energy_out = [] n_energy = len(energy) for i in range(n_energy): # Determine length of outgoing energy distribution and number of # discrete lines j = offsets[i] if i < n_energy - 1: n = offsets[i+1] - j else: n = data.shape[1] - j m = n_discrete_lines[i] # Create discrete distribution if lines are present if m > 0: eout_discrete = Discrete(data[0, j:j+m], data[1, j:j+m]) eout_discrete.c = data[2, j:j+m] p_discrete = eout_discrete.c[-1] # Create continuous distribution if m < n: interp = INTERPOLATION_SCHEME[interpolation[i]] eout_continuous = Tabular(data[0, j+m:j+n], data[1, j+m:j+n], interp) eout_continuous.c = data[2, j+m:j+n] # If both continuous and discrete are present, create a mixture # distribution if m == 0: eout_i = eout_continuous elif m == n: eout_i = eout_discrete else: eout_i = Mixture([p_discrete, 1. - p_discrete], [eout_discrete, eout_continuous]) energy_out.append(eout_i) return cls(energy_breakpoints, energy_interpolation, energy, energy_out)
[docs] def from_ace(cls, ace, idx, ldis): """Generate continuous tabular energy distribution from ACE data Parameters ---------- ace : ACE table to read from idx : int Index in XSS array of the start of the energy distribution data (LDIS + LOCC - 1) ldis : int Index in XSS array of the start of the energy distribution block (e.g. JXS[11]) Returns ------- Continuous tabular energy distribution """ # Read number of interpolation regions and incoming energies n_regions = int(ace.xss[idx]) n_energy_in = int(ace.xss[idx + 1 + 2*n_regions]) # Get interpolation information idx += 1 if n_regions > 0: breakpoints = ace.xss[idx:idx + n_regions].astype(int) interpolation = ace.xss[idx + n_regions:idx + 2*n_regions].astype(int) else: breakpoints = np.array([n_energy_in]) interpolation = np.array([2]) # Incoming energies at which distributions exist idx += 2*n_regions + 1 energy = ace.xss[idx:idx + n_energy_in]*EV_PER_MEV # Location of distributions idx += n_energy_in loc_dist = ace.xss[idx:idx + n_energy_in].astype(int) # Initialize variables energy_out = [] # Read each outgoing energy distribution for i in range(n_energy_in): idx = ldis + loc_dist[i] - 1 # intt = interpolation scheme (1=hist, 2=lin-lin) INTTp = int(ace.xss[idx]) intt = INTTp % 10 n_discrete_lines = (INTTp - intt)//10 if intt not in (1, 2): warn("Interpolation scheme for continuous tabular distribution " "is not histogram or linear-linear.") intt = 2 n_energy_out = int(ace.xss[idx + 1]) data = ace.xss[idx + 2:idx + 2 + 3*n_energy_out].copy() data.shape = (3, n_energy_out) data[0,:] *= EV_PER_MEV # Create continuous distribution eout_continuous = Tabular(data[0][n_discrete_lines:], data[1][n_discrete_lines:]/EV_PER_MEV, INTERPOLATION_SCHEME[intt]) eout_continuous.c = data[2][n_discrete_lines:] # If discrete lines are present, create a mixture distribution if n_discrete_lines > 0: eout_discrete = Discrete(data[0][:n_discrete_lines], data[1][:n_discrete_lines]) eout_discrete.c = data[2][:n_discrete_lines] if n_discrete_lines == n_energy_out: eout_i = eout_discrete else: p_discrete = min(sum(eout_discrete.p), 1.0) eout_i = Mixture([p_discrete, 1. - p_discrete], [eout_discrete, eout_continuous]) else: eout_i = eout_continuous energy_out.append(eout_i) return cls(breakpoints, interpolation, energy, energy_out)