Source code for openmc.mgxs.library

import sys
import os
import copy
import pickle
from numbers import Integral
from collections import OrderedDict
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np

import openmc
import openmc.mgxs
import openmc.checkvalue as cv

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    basestring = str

[docs]class Library(object): """A multi-group cross section library for some energy group structure. This class can be used for both OpenMC input generation and tally data post-processing to compute spatially-homogenized and energy-integrated multi-group cross sections for deterministic neutronics calculations. This class helps automate the generation of MGXS objects for some energy group structure and domain type. The Library serves as a collection for MGXS objects with routines to automate the initialization of tallies for input files, the loading of tally data from statepoint files, data storage, energy group condensation and more. Parameters ---------- openmc_geometry : openmc.Geometry A geometry which has been initialized with a root universe by_nuclide : bool If true, computes cross sections for each nuclide in each domain mgxs_types : Iterable of str The types of cross sections in the library (e.g., ['total', 'scatter']) name : str, optional Name of the multi-group cross section. library Used as a label to identify tallies in OpenMC 'tallies.xml' file. Attributes ---------- openmc_geometry : openmc.Geometry An geometry which has been initialized with a root universe opencg_geometry : opencg.Geometry An OpenCG geometry object equivalent to the OpenMC geometry encapsulated by the summary file. Use of this attribute requires installation of the OpenCG Python module. by_nuclide : bool If true, computes cross sections for each nuclide in each domain mgxs_types : Iterable of str The types of cross sections in the library (e.g., ['total', 'scatter']) domain_type : {'material', 'cell', 'distribcell', 'universe'} Domain type for spatial homogenization domains : Iterable of openmc.Material, openmc.Cell or openmc.Universe The spatial domain(s) for which MGXS in the Library are computed correction : {'P0', None} Apply the P0 correction to scattering matrices if set to 'P0' legendre_order : int The highest legendre moment in the scattering matrices (default is 0) energy_groups : openmc.mgxs.EnergyGroups Energy group structure for energy condensation tally_trigger : openmc.Trigger An (optional) tally precision trigger given to each tally used to compute the cross section all_mgxs : collections.OrderedDict MGXS objects keyed by domain ID and cross section type sp_filename : str The filename of the statepoint with tally data used to the compute cross sections keff : Real or None The combined keff from the statepoint file with tally data used to compute cross sections (for eigenvalue calculations only) name : str, optional Name of the multi-group cross section library. Used as a label to identify tallies in OpenMC 'tallies.xml' file. sparse : bool Whether or not the Library's tallies use SciPy's LIL sparse matrix format for compressed data storage """ def __init__(self, openmc_geometry, by_nuclide=False, mgxs_types=None, name=''): self._name = '' self._openmc_geometry = None self._opencg_geometry = None self._by_nuclide = None self._mgxs_types = [] self._domain_type = None self._domains = 'all' self._energy_groups = None self._correction = 'P0' self._legendre_order = 0 self._tally_trigger = None self._all_mgxs = OrderedDict() self._sp_filename = None self._keff = None self._sparse = False = name self.openmc_geometry = openmc_geometry self.by_nuclide = by_nuclide if mgxs_types is not None: self.mgxs_types = mgxs_types def __deepcopy__(self, memo): existing = memo.get(id(self)) # If this is the first time we have tried to copy this object, copy it if existing is None: clone = type(self).__new__(type(self)) clone._name = clone._openmc_geometry = self.openmc_geometry clone._opencg_geometry = None clone._by_nuclide = self.by_nuclide clone._mgxs_types = self.mgxs_types clone._domain_type = self.domain_type clone._domains = copy.deepcopy( clone._correction = self.correction clone._legendre_order = self.legendre_order clone._energy_groups = copy.deepcopy(self.energy_groups, memo) clone._tally_trigger = copy.deepcopy(self.tally_trigger, memo) clone._all_mgxs = copy.deepcopy(self.all_mgxs) clone._sp_filename = self._sp_filename clone._keff = self._keff clone._sparse = self.sparse clone._all_mgxs = OrderedDict() for domain in clone.all_mgxs[] = OrderedDict() for mgxs_type in self.mgxs_types: mgxs = copy.deepcopy(self.all_mgxs[][mgxs_type]) clone.all_mgxs[][mgxs_type] = mgxs memo[id(self)] = clone return clone # If this object has been copied before, return the first copy made else: return existing @property def openmc_geometry(self): return self._openmc_geometry @property def opencg_geometry(self): if self._opencg_geometry is None: from openmc.opencg_compatible import get_opencg_geometry self._opencg_geometry = get_opencg_geometry(self._openmc_geometry) return self._opencg_geometry @property def name(self): return self._name @property def mgxs_types(self): return self._mgxs_types @property def by_nuclide(self): return self._by_nuclide @property def domain_type(self): return self._domain_type @property def domains(self): if self._domains == 'all': if self.domain_type == 'material': return self.openmc_geometry.get_all_materials() elif self.domain_type in ['cell', 'distribcell']: return self.openmc_geometry.get_all_material_cells() elif self.domain_type == 'universe': return self.openmc_geometry.get_all_universes() else: raise ValueError('Unable to get domains without a domain type') else: return self._domains @property def energy_groups(self): return self._energy_groups @property def correction(self): return self._correction @property def legendre_order(self): return self._legendre_order @property def tally_trigger(self): return self._tally_trigger @property def num_groups(self): return self.energy_groups.num_groups @property def all_mgxs(self): return self._all_mgxs @property def sp_filename(self): return self._sp_filename @property def keff(self): return self._keff @property def sparse(self): return self._sparse @openmc_geometry.setter def openmc_geometry(self, openmc_geometry): cv.check_type('openmc_geometry', openmc_geometry, openmc.Geometry) self._openmc_geometry = openmc_geometry self._opencg_geometry = None @name.setter def name(self, name): cv.check_type('name', name, basestring) self._name = name @mgxs_types.setter def mgxs_types(self, mgxs_types): if mgxs_types == 'all': self._mgxs_types = openmc.mgxs.MGXS_TYPES else: cv.check_iterable_type('mgxs_types', mgxs_types, basestring) for mgxs_type in mgxs_types: cv.check_value('mgxs_type', mgxs_type, openmc.mgxs.MGXS_TYPES) self._mgxs_types = mgxs_types @by_nuclide.setter def by_nuclide(self, by_nuclide): cv.check_type('by_nuclide', by_nuclide, bool) self._by_nuclide = by_nuclide @domain_type.setter def domain_type(self, domain_type): cv.check_value('domain type', domain_type, openmc.mgxs.DOMAIN_TYPES) self._domain_type = domain_type @domains.setter def domains(self, domains): # Use all materials, cells or universes in the geometry as domains if domains == 'all': self._domains = domains # User specified a list of material, cell or universe domains else: if self.domain_type == 'material': cv.check_iterable_type('domain', domains, openmc.Material) all_domains = self.openmc_geometry.get_all_materials() elif self.domain_type in ['cell', 'distribcell']: cv.check_iterable_type('domain', domains, openmc.Cell) all_domains = self.openmc_geometry.get_all_material_cells() elif self.domain_type == 'universe': cv.check_iterable_type('domain', domains, openmc.Universe) all_domains = self.openmc_geometry.get_all_universes() else: raise ValueError('Unable to set domains with domain ' 'type "{}"'.format(self.domain_type)) # Check that each domain can be found in the geometry for domain in domains: if domain not in all_domains: raise ValueError('Domain "{}" could not be found in the ' 'geometry.'.format(domain)) self._domains = domains @energy_groups.setter def energy_groups(self, energy_groups): cv.check_type('energy groups', energy_groups, openmc.mgxs.EnergyGroups) self._energy_groups = energy_groups @correction.setter def correction(self, correction): cv.check_value('correction', correction, ('P0', None)) if correction == 'P0' and self.legendre_order > 0: warn('The P0 correction will be ignored since the scattering ' 'order "{}" is greater than zero'.format(self.legendre_order)) self._correction = correction @legendre_order.setter def legendre_order(self, legendre_order): cv.check_type('legendre_order', legendre_order, Integral) cv.check_greater_than('legendre_order', legendre_order, 0, equality=True) cv.check_less_than('legendre_order', legendre_order, 10, equality=True) if self.correction == 'P0' and legendre_order > 0: msg = 'The P0 correction will be ignored since the scattering ' \ 'order {} is greater than zero'.format(self.legendre_order) warn(msg, RuntimeWarning) self.correction = None self._legendre_order = legendre_order @tally_trigger.setter def tally_trigger(self, tally_trigger): cv.check_type('tally trigger', tally_trigger, openmc.Trigger) self._tally_trigger = tally_trigger @sparse.setter def sparse(self, sparse): """Convert tally data from NumPy arrays to SciPy list of lists (LIL) sparse matrices, and vice versa. This property may be used to reduce the amount of data in memory during tally data processing. The tally data will be stored as SciPy LIL matrices internally within the Tally object. All tally data access properties and methods will return data as a dense NumPy array. """ cv.check_type('sparse', sparse, bool) # Sparsify or densify each MGXS in the Library for domain in for mgxs_type in self.mgxs_types: mgxs = self.get_mgxs(domain, mgxs_type) mgxs.sparse = self.sparse self._sparse = sparse
[docs] def build_library(self): """Initialize MGXS objects in each domain and for each reaction type in the library. This routine will populate the all_mgxs instance attribute dictionary with MGXS subclass objects keyed by each domain ID (e.g., Material IDs) and cross section type (e.g., 'nu-fission', 'total', etc.). """ # Initialize MGXS for each domain and mgxs type and store in dictionary for domain in self.all_mgxs[] = OrderedDict() for mgxs_type in self.mgxs_types: mgxs = openmc.mgxs.MGXS.get_mgxs(mgxs_type, mgxs.domain = domain mgxs.domain_type = self.domain_type mgxs.energy_groups = self.energy_groups mgxs.by_nuclide = self.by_nuclide # If a tally trigger was specified, add it to the MGXS if self.tally_trigger: mgxs.tally_trigger = self.tally_trigger # Specify whether to use a transport ('P0') correction if isinstance(mgxs, openmc.mgxs.ScatterMatrixXS): mgxs.correction = self.correction mgxs.legendre_order = self.legendre_order self.all_mgxs[][mgxs_type] = mgxs
[docs] def add_to_tallies_file(self, tallies_file, merge=True): """Add all tallies from all MGXS objects to a tallies file. NOTE: This assumes that :meth:`Library.build_library` has been called Parameters ---------- tallies_file : openmc.Tallies A Tallies collection to add each MGXS' tallies to generate a 'tallies.xml' input file for OpenMC merge : bool Indicate whether tallies should be merged when possible. Defaults to True. """ cv.check_type('tallies_file', tallies_file, openmc.Tallies) # Add tallies from each MGXS for each domain and mgxs type for domain in for mgxs_type in self.mgxs_types: mgxs = self.get_mgxs(domain, mgxs_type) for tally in mgxs.tallies.values(): tallies_file.append(tally, merge=merge)
[docs] def load_from_statepoint(self, statepoint): """Extracts tallies in an OpenMC StatePoint with the data needed to compute multi-group cross sections. This method is needed to compute cross section data from tallies in an OpenMC StatePoint object. NOTE: The statepoint must first be linked with an OpenMC Summary object. Parameters ---------- statepoint : openmc.StatePoint An OpenMC StatePoint object with tally data Raises ------ ValueError When this method is called with a statepoint that has not been linked with a summary object. """ cv.check_type('statepoint', statepoint, openmc.StatePoint) if statepoint.summary is None: msg = 'Unable to load data from a statepoint which has not been ' \ 'linked with a summary file' raise ValueError(msg) self._sp_filename = statepoint._f.filename self._openmc_geometry = statepoint.summary.openmc_geometry self._nuclides = statepoint.summary.nuclides if statepoint.run_mode == 'k-eigenvalue': self._keff = statepoint.k_combined[0] # Load tallies for each MGXS for each domain and mgxs type for domain in for mgxs_type in self.mgxs_types: mgxs = self.get_mgxs(domain, mgxs_type) mgxs.load_from_statepoint(statepoint) mgxs.sparse = self.sparse
[docs] def get_mgxs(self, domain, mgxs_type): """Return the MGXS object for some domain and reaction rate type. This routine searches the library for an MGXS object for the spatial domain and reaction rate type requested by the user. NOTE: This routine must be called after the build_library() routine. Parameters ---------- domain : Material or Cell or Universe or Integral The material, cell, or universe object of interest (or its ID) mgxs_type : {'total', 'transport', 'nu-transport', 'absorption', 'capture', 'fission', 'nu-fission', 'kappa-fission', 'scatter', 'nu-scatter', 'scatter matrix', 'nu-scatter matrix', 'multiplicity matrix', 'nu-fission matrix', chi'} The type of multi-group cross section object to return Returns ------- openmc.mgxs.MGXS The MGXS object for the requested domain and reaction rate type Raises ------ ValueError If no MGXS object can be found for the requested domain or multi-group cross section type """ if self.domain_type == 'material': cv.check_type('domain', domain, (openmc.Material, Integral)) elif self.domain_type == 'cell' or self.domain_type == 'distribcell': cv.check_type('domain', domain, (openmc.Cell, Integral)) elif self.domain_type == 'universe': cv.check_type('domain', domain, (openmc.Universe, Integral)) # Check that requested domain is included in library if isinstance(domain, Integral): domain_id = domain for domain in if domain_id == break else: msg = 'Unable to find MGXS for "{0}" "{1}" in ' \ 'library'.format(self.domain_type, domain_id) raise ValueError(msg) else: domain_id = # Check that requested domain is included in library if mgxs_type not in self.mgxs_types: msg = 'Unable to find MGXS type "{0}"'.format(mgxs_type) raise ValueError(msg) return self.all_mgxs[domain_id][mgxs_type]
[docs] def get_condensed_library(self, coarse_groups): """Construct an energy-condensed version of this library. This routine condenses each of the multi-group cross sections in the library to a coarse energy group structure. NOTE: This routine must be called after the load_from_statepoint(...) routine loads the tallies from the statepoint into each of the cross sections. Parameters ---------- coarse_groups : openmc.mgxs.EnergyGroups The coarse energy group structure of interest Returns ------- Library A new multi-group cross section library condensed to the group structure of interest Raises ------ ValueError When this method is called before a statepoint has been loaded See also -------- MGXS.get_condensed_xs(coarse_groups) """ if self.sp_filename is None: msg = 'Unable to get a condensed coarse group cross section ' \ 'library since the statepoint has not yet been loaded' raise ValueError(msg) cv.check_type('coarse_groups', coarse_groups, openmc.mgxs.EnergyGroups) cv.check_less_than('coarse groups', coarse_groups.num_groups, self.num_groups, equality=True) cv.check_value('upper coarse energy', coarse_groups.group_edges[-1], [self.energy_groups.group_edges[-1]]) cv.check_value('lower coarse energy', coarse_groups.group_edges[0], [self.energy_groups.group_edges[0]]) # Clone this Library to initialize the condensed version condensed_library = copy.deepcopy(self) condensed_library.energy_groups = coarse_groups # Condense the MGXS for each domain and mgxs type for domain in for mgxs_type in self.mgxs_types: mgxs = condensed_library.get_mgxs(domain, mgxs_type) condensed_mgxs = mgxs.get_condensed_xs(coarse_groups) condensed_library.all_mgxs[][mgxs_type] = condensed_mgxs return condensed_library
[docs] def get_subdomain_avg_library(self): """Construct a subdomain-averaged version of this library. This routine averages each multi-group cross section across distribcell instances. The method performs spatial homogenization to compute the scalar flux-weighted average cross section across the subdomains. NOTE: This method is only relevant for distribcell domain types and simplys returns a deep copy of the library for all other domains types. Returns ------- openmc.mgxs.Library A new multi-group cross section library averaged across subdomains Raises ------ ValueError When this method is called before a statepoint has been loaded See also -------- MGXS.get_subdomain_avg_xs(subdomains) """ if self.sp_filename is None: msg = 'Unable to get a subdomain-averaged cross section ' \ 'library since the statepoint has not yet been loaded' raise ValueError(msg) # Clone this Library to initialize the subdomain-averaged version subdomain_avg_library = copy.deepcopy(self) if subdomain_avg_library.domain_type == 'distribcell': subdomain_avg_library.domain_type = 'cell' else: return subdomain_avg_library # Subdomain average the MGXS for each domain and mgxs type for domain in for mgxs_type in self.mgxs_types: mgxs = subdomain_avg_library.get_mgxs(domain, mgxs_type) if mgxs.domain_type == 'distribcell': avg_mgxs = mgxs.get_subdomain_avg_xs() subdomain_avg_library.all_mgxs[][mgxs_type] = avg_mgxs return subdomain_avg_library
[docs] def build_hdf5_store(self, filename='mgxs.h5', directory='mgxs', subdomains='all', nuclides='all', xs_type='macro', row_column='inout'): """Export the multi-group cross section library to an HDF5 binary file. This method constructs an HDF5 file which stores the library's multi-group cross section data. The data is stored in a hierarchy of HDF5 groups from the domain type, domain id, subdomain id (for distribcell domains), nuclides and cross section types. Two datasets for the mean and standard deviation are stored for each subdomain entry in the HDF5 file. The number of groups is stored as a file attribute. NOTE: This requires the h5py Python package. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename for the HDF5 file. Defaults to 'mgxs.h5'. directory : str Directory for the HDF5 file. Defaults to 'mgxs'. subdomains : {'all', 'avg'} Report all subdomains or the average of all subdomain cross sections in the report. Defaults to 'all'. nuclides : {'all', 'sum'} The nuclides of the cross-sections to include in the report. This may be a list of nuclide name strings (e.g., ['U-235', 'U-238']). The special string 'all' will report the cross sections for all nuclides in the spatial domain. The special string 'sum' will report the cross sections summed over all nuclides. Defaults to 'all'. xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'} Store the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or barns. Defaults to 'macro'. row_column: {'inout', 'outin'} Store scattering matrices indexed first by incoming group and second by outgoing group ('inout'), or vice versa ('outin'). Defaults to 'inout'. Raises ------ ValueError When this method is called before a statepoint has been loaded See also -------- MGXS.build_hdf5_store(filename, directory, xs_type) """ if self.sp_filename is None: msg = 'Unable to export multi-group cross section library ' \ 'since a statepoint has not yet been loaded' raise ValueError(msg) cv.check_type('filename', filename, basestring) cv.check_type('directory', directory, basestring) import h5py # Make directory if it does not exist if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) # Add an attribute for the number of energy groups to the HDF5 file full_filename = os.path.join(directory, filename) full_filename = full_filename.replace(' ', '-') f = h5py.File(full_filename, 'w') f.attrs['# groups'] = self.num_groups f.close() # Export MGXS for each domain and mgxs type to an HDF5 file for domain in for mgxs_type in self.mgxs_types: mgxs = self.all_mgxs[][mgxs_type] if subdomains == 'avg': mgxs = mgxs.get_subdomain_avg_xs() mgxs.build_hdf5_store(filename, directory, xs_type=xs_type, nuclides=nuclides, row_column=row_column)
[docs] def dump_to_file(self, filename='mgxs', directory='mgxs'): """Store this Library object in a pickle binary file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename for the pickle file. Defaults to 'mgxs'. directory : str Directory for the pickle file. Defaults to 'mgxs'. See also -------- Library.load_from_file(filename, directory) """ cv.check_type('filename', filename, basestring) cv.check_type('directory', directory, basestring) # Make directory if it does not exist if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) full_filename = os.path.join(directory, filename + '.pkl') full_filename = full_filename.replace(' ', '-') # Load and return pickled Library object pickle.dump(self, open(full_filename, 'wb'))
[docs] def load_from_file(filename='mgxs', directory='mgxs'): """Load a Library object from a pickle binary file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename for the pickle file. Defaults to 'mgxs'. directory : str Directory for the pickle file. Defaults to 'mgxs'. Returns ------- Library A Library object loaded from the pickle binary file See also -------- Library.dump_to_file(mgxs_lib, filename, directory) """ cv.check_type('filename', filename, basestring) cv.check_type('directory', directory, basestring) # Make directory if it does not exist if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) full_filename = os.path.join(directory, filename + '.pkl') full_filename = full_filename.replace(' ', '-') # Load and return pickled Library object return pickle.load(open(full_filename, 'rb'))
[docs] def get_xsdata(self, domain, xsdata_name, nuclide='total', xs_type='macro', xs_id='1m', order=None, tabular_legendre=None, tabular_points=33): """Generates an openmc.XSdata object describing a multi-group cross section data set for eventual combination in to an openmc.MGXSLibrary object (i.e., the library). Parameters ---------- domain : openmc.Material or openmc.Cell or openmc.Universe The domain for spatial homogenization xsdata_name : str Name to apply to the "xsdata" entry produced by this method nuclide : str A nuclide name string (e.g., 'U-235'). Defaults to 'total' to obtain a material-wise macroscopic cross section. xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'} Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or barns. Defaults to 'macro'. If the Library object is not tallied by nuclide this will be set to 'macro' regardless. xs_ids : str Cross section set identifier. Defaults to '1m'. order : int Scattering order for this data entry. Default is None, which will set the XSdata object to use the order of the Library. tabular_legendre : None or bool Flag to denote whether or not the Legendre expansion of the scattering angular distribution is to be converted to a tabular representation by OpenMC. A value of `True` means that it is to be converted while a value of `False` means that it will not be. Defaults to `None` which leaves the default behavior of OpenMC in place (the distribution is converted to a tabular representation). tabular_points : int This parameter is not used unless the ``tabular_legendre`` parameter is set to `True`. In this case, this parameter sets the number of equally-spaced points in the domain of [-1,1] to be used in building the tabular distribution. Default is `33`. Returns ------- xsdata : openmc.XSdata Multi-Group Cross Section data set object. Raises ------ ValueError When the Library object is initialized with insufficient types of cross sections for the Library. See also -------- Library.create_mg_library() """ cv.check_type('domain', domain, (openmc.Material, openmc.Cell, openmc.Cell)) cv.check_type('xsdata_name', xsdata_name, basestring) cv.check_type('nuclide', nuclide, basestring) cv.check_value('xs_type', xs_type, ['macro', 'micro']) cv.check_type('xs_id', xs_id, basestring) cv.check_type('order', order, (type(None), Integral)) if order is not None: cv.check_greater_than('order', order, 0, equality=True) cv.check_less_than('order', order, 10, equality=True) cv.check_type('tabular_legendre', tabular_legendre, (type(None), bool)) if tabular_points is not None: cv.check_greater_than('tabular_points', tabular_points, 1) # Make sure statepoint has been loaded if self._sp_filename is None: msg = 'A StatePoint must be loaded before calling ' \ 'the create_mg_library() function' raise ValueError(msg) # If gathering material-specific data, set the xs_type to macro if not self.by_nuclide: xs_type = 'macro' # Build & add metadata to XSdata object name = xsdata_name if nuclide is not 'total': name += '_' + nuclide name += '.' + xs_id xsdata = openmc.XSdata(name, self.energy_groups) if order is None: # Set the order to the Library's order (the defualt behavior) xsdata.order = self.legendre_order else: # Set the order of the xsdata object to the minimum of # the provided order or the Library's order. xsdata.order = min(order, self.legendre_order) # Set the tabular_legendre option if needed if tabular_legendre is not None: xsdata.tabular_legendre = {'enable': tabular_legendre, 'num_points': tabular_points} if nuclide is not 'total': xsdata.zaid = self._nuclides[nuclide][0] xsdata.awr = self._nuclides[nuclide][1] # Now get xs data itself if 'nu-transport' in self.mgxs_types and self.correction == 'P0': mymgxs = self.get_mgxs(domain, 'nu-transport') xsdata.set_total_mgxs(mymgxs, xs_type=xs_type, nuclide=[nuclide]) elif 'total' in self.mgxs_types: mymgxs = self.get_mgxs(domain, 'total') xsdata.set_total_mgxs(mymgxs, xs_type=xs_type, nuclide=[nuclide]) if 'absorption' in self.mgxs_types: mymgxs = self.get_mgxs(domain, 'absorption') xsdata.set_absorption_mgxs(mymgxs, xs_type=xs_type, nuclide=[nuclide]) if 'fission' in self.mgxs_types: mymgxs = self.get_mgxs(domain, 'fission') xsdata.set_fission_mgxs(mymgxs, xs_type=xs_type, nuclide=[nuclide]) if 'kappa-fission' in self.mgxs_types: mymgxs = self.get_mgxs(domain, 'kappa-fission') xsdata.set_kappa_fission_mgxs(mymgxs, xs_type=xs_type, nuclide=[nuclide]) # For chi and nu-fission we can either have only a nu-fission matrix # provided, or vectors of chi and nu-fission provided if 'nu-fission matrix' in self.mgxs_types: mymgxs = self.get_mgxs(domain, 'nu-fission matrix') xsdata.set_nu_fission_mgxs(mymgxs, xs_type=xs_type, nuclide=[nuclide]) else: if 'chi' in self.mgxs_types: mymgxs = self.get_mgxs(domain, 'chi') xsdata.set_chi_mgxs(mymgxs, xs_type=xs_type, nuclide=[nuclide]) if 'nu-fission' in self.mgxs_types: mymgxs = self.get_mgxs(domain, 'nu-fission') xsdata.set_nu_fission_mgxs(mymgxs, xs_type=xs_type, nuclide=[nuclide]) # If multiplicity matrix is available, prefer that if 'multiplicity matrix' in self.mgxs_types: mymgxs = self.get_mgxs(domain, 'multiplicity matrix') xsdata.set_multiplicity_mgxs(mymgxs, xs_type=xs_type, nuclide=[nuclide]) using_multiplicity = True # multiplicity wil fall back to using scatter and nu-scatter elif ((('scatter matrix' in self.mgxs_types) and ('nu-scatter matrix' in self.mgxs_types))): scatt_mgxs = self.get_mgxs(domain, 'scatter matrix') nuscatt_mgxs = self.get_mgxs(domain, 'nu-scatter matrix') xsdata.set_multiplicity_mgxs(nuscatt_mgxs, scatt_mgxs, xs_type=xs_type, nuclide=[nuclide]) using_multiplicity = True else: using_multiplicity = False if using_multiplicity: nuscatt_mgxs = self.get_mgxs(domain, 'nu-scatter matrix') xsdata.set_scatter_mgxs(nuscatt_mgxs, xs_type=xs_type, nuclide=[nuclide]) else: if 'nu-scatter matrix' in self.mgxs_types: nuscatt_mgxs = self.get_mgxs(domain, 'nu-scatter matrix') xsdata.set_scatter_mgxs(nuscatt_mgxs, xs_type=xs_type, nuclide=[nuclide]) # Since we are not using multiplicity, then # scattering multiplication (nu-scatter) must be # accounted for approximately by using an adjusted # absorption cross section. if 'total' in self.mgxs_types: xsdata.absorption = \ np.subtract(, np.sum(xsdata.scatter[0, :, :], axis=1)) return xsdata
[docs] def create_mg_library(self, xs_type='macro', xsdata_names=None, xs_ids=None, tabular_legendre=None, tabular_points=33): """Creates an openmc.MGXSLibrary object to contain the MGXS data for the Multi-Group mode of OpenMC. Parameters ---------- xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'} Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or barns. Defaults to 'macro'. If the Library object is not tallied by nuclide this will be set to 'macro' regardless. xsdata_names : Iterable of str List of names to apply to the "xsdata" entries in the resultant mgxs data file. Defaults to 'set1', 'set2', ... xs_ids : str or Iterable of str Cross section set identifier (i.e., '71c') for all data sets (if only str) or for each individual one (if iterable of str). Defaults to '1m'. tabular_legendre : None or bool Flag to denote whether or not the Legendre expansion of the scattering angular distribution is to be converted to a tabular representation by OpenMC. A value of `True` means that it is to be converted while a value of `False` means that it will not be. Defaults to `None` which leaves the default behavior of OpenMC in place (the distribution is converted to a tabular representation). tabular_points : int This parameter is not used unless the ``tabular_legendre`` parameter is set to `True`. In this case, this parameter sets the number of equally-spaced points in the domain of [-1,1] to be used in building the tabular distribution. Default is `33`. Returns ------- mgxs_file : openmc.MGXSLibrary Multi-Group Cross Section File that is ready to be printed to the file of choice by the user. Raises ------ ValueError When the Library object is initialized with insufficient types of cross sections for the Library. See also -------- Library.dump_to_file() Library.create_mg_mode() """ # Check to ensure the Library contains the correct # multi-group cross section types self.check_library_for_openmc_mgxs() cv.check_value('xs_type', xs_type, ['macro', 'micro']) if xsdata_names is not None: cv.check_iterable_type('xsdata_names', xsdata_names, basestring) if xs_ids is not None: if isinstance(xs_ids, basestring): # If we only have a string lets convert it now to a list # of strings. xs_ids = [xs_ids for i in range(len(] else: cv.check_iterable_type('xs_ids', xs_ids, basestring) else: xs_ids = ['1m' for i in range(len(] # If gathering material-specific data, set the xs_type to macro if not self.by_nuclide: xs_type = 'macro' # Initialize file mgxs_file = openmc.MGXSLibrary(self.energy_groups) # Create the xsdata object and add it to the mgxs_file for i, domain in enumerate( if self.by_nuclide: nuclides = list(domain.get_all_nuclides().keys()) else: nuclides = ['total'] for nuclide in nuclides: # Build & add metadata to XSdata object if xsdata_names is None: xsdata_name = 'set' + str(i + 1) else: xsdata_name = xsdata_names[i] if nuclide is not 'total': xsdata_name += '_' + nuclide xsdata = self.get_xsdata(domain, xsdata_name, nuclide=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, xs_id=xs_ids[i], tabular_legendre=tabular_legendre, tabular_points=tabular_points) mgxs_file.add_xsdata(xsdata) return mgxs_file
[docs] def create_mg_mode(self, xsdata_names=None, xs_ids=None, tabular_legendre=None, tabular_points=33): """Creates an openmc.MGXSLibrary object to contain the MGXS data for the Multi-Group mode of OpenMC as well as the associated openmc.Materials and openmc.Geometry objects. The created Geometry is the same as that used to generate the MGXS data, with the only differences being modifications to point to newly-created Materials which point to the multi-group data. This method only creates a macroscopic MGXS Library even if nuclidic tallies are specified in the Library. Parameters ---------- xsdata_names : Iterable of str List of names to apply to the "xsdata" entries in the resultant mgxs data file. Defaults to 'set1', 'set2', ... xs_ids : str or Iterable of str Cross section set identifier (i.e., '71c') for all data sets (if only str) or for each individual one (if iterable of str). Defaults to '1m'. tabular_legendre : None or bool Flag to denote whether or not the Legendre expansion of the scattering angular distribution is to be converted to a tabular representation by OpenMC. A value of `True` means that it is to be converted while a value of `False` means that it will not be. Defaults to `None` which leaves the default behavior of OpenMC in place (the distribution is converted to a tabular representation). tabular_points : int This parameter is not used unless the ``tabular_legendre`` parameter is set to `True`. In this case, this parameter sets the number of equally-spaced points in the domain of [-1,1] to be used in building the tabular distribution. Default is `33`. Returns ------- mgxs_file : openmc.MGXSLibrary Multi-Group Cross Section File that is ready to be printed to the file of choice by the user. materials : openmc.Materials Materials file ready to be printed with all the macroscopic data present within this Library. geometry : openmc.Geometry Materials file ready to be printed with all the macroscopic data present within this Library. Raises ------ ValueError When the Library object is initialized with insufficient types of cross sections for the Library. See also -------- Library.create_mg_library() Library.dump_to_file() """ # Check to ensure the Library contains the correct # multi-group cross section types self.check_library_for_openmc_mgxs() if xsdata_names is not None: cv.check_iterable_type('xsdata_names', xsdata_names, basestring) if xs_ids is not None: if isinstance(xs_ids, basestring): # If we only have a string lets convert it now to a list # of strings. xs_ids = [xs_ids for i in range(len(] else: cv.check_iterable_type('xs_ids', xs_ids, basestring) else: xs_ids = ['1m' for i in range(len(] xs_type = 'macro' # Initialize MGXS File mgxs_file = openmc.MGXSLibrary(self.energy_groups) # Create a copy of the Geometry to differentiate for these Macroscopics geometry = copy.deepcopy(self.openmc_geometry) materials = openmc.Materials() # Get all Cells from the Geometry for differentiation all_cells = geometry.get_all_material_cells() # Create the xsdata object and add it to the mgxs_file for i, domain in enumerate( # Build & add metadata to XSdata object if xsdata_names is None: xsdata_name = 'set' + str(i + 1) else: xsdata_name = xsdata_names[i] # Create XSdata and Macroscopic for this domain xsdata = self.get_xsdata(domain, xsdata_name, nuclide='total', xs_type=xs_type, xs_id=xs_ids[i], tabular_legendre=tabular_legendre, tabular_points=tabular_points) mgxs_file.add_xsdata(xsdata) macroscopic = openmc.Macroscopic(name=xsdata_name, xs=xs_ids[i]) # Create Material and add to collection material = openmc.Material(name=xsdata_name + '.' + xs_ids[i]) material.add_macroscopic(macroscopic) materials.append(material) # Differentiate Geometry with new Material if self.domain_type == 'material': # Fill all appropriate Cells with new Material for cell in all_cells: if == cell.fill = material elif self.domain_type == 'cell': for cell in all_cells: if == cell.fill = material return mgxs_file, materials, geometry
[docs] def check_library_for_openmc_mgxs(self): """This routine will check the MGXS Types within a Library to ensure the MGXS types provided can be used to create a MGXS Library for OpenMC's Multi-Group mode. The rules to check include: - Either total or transport should be present. - Both can be available if one wants, but we should use whatever corresponds to Library.correction (if P0: transport) - Absorption and total (or transport) are required. - A nu-fission cross section and chi values are not required as a fixed source problem could be the target. - Fission and kappa-fission are not required as they are only needed to support tallies the user may wish to request. - A nu-scatter matrix is required. - Having a multiplicity matrix is preferred. - Having both nu-scatter (of any order) and scatter (at least isotropic) matrices is the second choice. - If only nu-scatter, need total (not transport), to be used in adjusting absorption (i.e., reduced_abs = tot - nuscatt) See also -------- Library.create_mg_library() Library.create_mg_mode() """ error_flag = False # Ensure absorption is present if 'absorption' not in self.mgxs_types: error_flag = True warn('An "absorption" MGXS type is required but not provided.') # Ensure nu-scattering matrix is required if 'nu-scatter matrix' not in self.mgxs_types: error_flag = True warn('A "nu-scatter matrix" MGXS type is required but not provided.') else: # Ok, now see the status of scatter and/or multiplicity if ((('scatter matrix' not in self.mgxs_types) and ('multiplicity matrix' not in self.mgxs_types))): # We dont have data needed for multiplicity matrix, therefore # we need total, and not transport. if 'total' not in self.mgxs_types: error_flag = True warn('A "total" MGXS type is required if a ' 'scattering matrix is not provided.') # Total or transport can be present, but if using # self.correction=="P0", then we should use transport. if (((self.correction is "P0") and ('nu-transport' not in self.mgxs_types))): error_flag = True warn('A "nu-transport" MGXS type is required since a "P0" ' 'correction is applied, but a "nu-transport" MGXS is ' 'not provided.') elif (((self.correction is None) and ('total' not in self.mgxs_types))): error_flag = True warn('A "total" MGXS type is required, but not provided.') if error_flag: raise ValueError('Invalid MGXS configuration encountered.')