Source code for openmc.mesh

from collections import Iterable
from numbers import Real, Integral
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import sys

import numpy as np

import openmc.checkvalue as cv

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    basestring = str

# "Static" variable for auto-generated and Mesh IDs
AUTO_MESH_ID = 10000

def reset_auto_mesh_id():
    """Reset counter for auto-generated mesh IDs."""
    global AUTO_MESH_ID
    AUTO_MESH_ID = 10000

[docs]class Mesh(object): """A structured Cartesian mesh in two or three dimensions Parameters ---------- mesh_id : int Unique identifier for the mesh name : str Name of the mesh Attributes ---------- id : int Unique identifier for the mesh name : str Name of the mesh type : str Type of the mesh dimension : Iterable of int The number of mesh cells in each direction. lower_left : Iterable of float The lower-left corner of the structured mesh. If only two coordinate are given, it is assumed that the mesh is an x-y mesh. upper_right : Iterable of float The upper-right corner of the structrued mesh. If only two coordinate are given, it is assumed that the mesh is an x-y mesh. width : Iterable of float The width of mesh cells in each direction. """ def __init__(self, mesh_id=None, name=''): # Initialize Mesh class attributes = mesh_id = name self._type = 'regular' self._dimension = None self._lower_left = None self._upper_right = None self._width = None def __eq__(self, mesh2): # Check type if self._type != mesh2.type: return False # Check dimension elif self._dimension != mesh2.dimension: return False # Check width elif self._width != mesh2.width: return False # Check lower left / upper right elif self._lower_left != mesh2.lower_left and \ self._upper_right != mesh2.upper_right: return False else: return True @property def id(self): return self._id @property def name(self): return self._name @property def type(self): return self._type @property def dimension(self): return self._dimension @property def lower_left(self): return self._lower_left @property def upper_right(self): return self._upper_right @property def width(self): return self._width @property def num_mesh_cells(self): return @id.setter def id(self, mesh_id): if mesh_id is None: global AUTO_MESH_ID self._id = AUTO_MESH_ID AUTO_MESH_ID += 1 else: cv.check_type('mesh ID', mesh_id, Integral) cv.check_greater_than('mesh ID', mesh_id, 0, equality=True) self._id = mesh_id @name.setter def name(self, name): if name is not None: cv.check_type('name for mesh ID="{0}"'.format(self._id), name, basestring) self._name = name else: self._name = '' @type.setter def type(self, meshtype): cv.check_type('type for mesh ID="{0}"'.format(self._id), meshtype, basestring) cv.check_value('type for mesh ID="{0}"'.format(self._id), meshtype, ['regular']) self._type = meshtype @dimension.setter def dimension(self, dimension): cv.check_type('mesh dimension', dimension, Iterable, Integral) cv.check_length('mesh dimension', dimension, 2, 3) self._dimension = dimension @lower_left.setter def lower_left(self, lower_left): cv.check_type('mesh lower_left', lower_left, Iterable, Real) cv.check_length('mesh lower_left', lower_left, 2, 3) self._lower_left = lower_left @upper_right.setter def upper_right(self, upper_right): cv.check_type('mesh upper_right', upper_right, Iterable, Real) cv.check_length('mesh upper_right', upper_right, 2, 3) self._upper_right = upper_right @width.setter def width(self, width): cv.check_type('mesh width', width, Iterable, Real) cv.check_length('mesh width', width, 2, 3) self._width = width def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) def __repr__(self): string = 'Mesh\n' string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tID', '=\t', self._id) string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tName', '=\t', self._name) string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tType', '=\t', self._type) string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tBasis', '=\t', self._dimension) string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tWidth', '=\t', self._lower_left) string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tOrigin', '=\t', self._upper_right) string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tPixels', '=\t', self._width) return string
[docs] def get_mesh_xml(self): """Return XML representation of the mesh Returns ------- element : xml.etree.ElementTree.Element XML element containing mesh data """ element = ET.Element("mesh") element.set("id", str(self._id)) element.set("type", self._type) subelement = ET.SubElement(element, "dimension") subelement.text = ' '.join(map(str, self._dimension)) subelement = ET.SubElement(element, "lower_left") subelement.text = ' '.join(map(str, self._lower_left)) if self._upper_right is not None: subelement = ET.SubElement(element, "upper_right") subelement.text = ' '.join(map(str, self._upper_right)) if self._width is not None: subelement = ET.SubElement(element, "width") subelement.text = ' '.join(map(str, self._width)) return element