Source code for openmc.material

from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from numbers import Real, Integral
import warnings
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import sys

import openmc
import openmc.checkvalue as cv
from openmc.clean_xml import sort_xml_elements, clean_xml_indentation

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    basestring = str

# A static variable for auto-generated Material IDs

def reset_auto_material_id():
    """Reset counter for auto-generated material IDs."""
    AUTO_MATERIAL_ID = 10000

# Units for density supported by OpenMC
DENSITY_UNITS = ['g/cm3', 'g/cc', 'kg/cm3', 'atom/b-cm', 'atom/cm3', 'sum',

[docs]class Material(object): """A material composed of a collection of nuclides/elements that can be assigned to a region of space. Parameters ---------- material_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the material. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. name : str, optional Name of the material. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. Attributes ---------- id : int Unique identifier for the material density : float Density of the material (units defined separately) density_units : str Units used for `density`. Can be one of 'g/cm3', 'g/cc', 'kg/cm3', 'atom/b-cm', 'atom/cm3', 'sum', or 'macro'. The 'macro' unit only applies in the case of a multi-group calculation. elements : list of tuple List in which each item is a 3-tuple consisting of an :class:`openmc.Element` instance, the percent density, and the percent type ('ao' or 'wo'). nuclides : list of tuple List in which each item is a 3-tuple consisting of an :class:`openmc.Nuclide` instance, the percent density, and the percent type ('ao' or 'wo'). """ def __init__(self, material_id=None, name=''): # Initialize class attributes = material_id = name self._density = None self._density_units = '' # A list of tuples (nuclide, percent, percent type) self._nuclides = [] # The single instance of Macroscopic data present in this material # (only one is allowed, hence this is different than _nuclides, etc) self._macroscopic = None # A list of tuples (element, percent, percent type) self._elements = [] # If specified, a list of tuples of (table name, xs identifier) self._sab = [] # If true, the material will be initialized as distributed self._convert_to_distrib_comps = False # If specified, this file will be used instead of composition values self._distrib_otf_file = None def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Material): return False elif != return False elif != return False # FIXME: We cannot compare densities since OpenMC outputs densities # in atom/b-cm in summary.h5 irregardless of input units, and we # cannot compute the sum percent in Python since we lack AWR #elif self.density != other.density: # return False #elif self._nuclides != other._nuclides: # return False #elif self._elements != other._elements: # return False elif self._sab != other._sab: return False else: return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) def __repr__(self): string = 'Material\n' string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tID', '=\t', self._id) string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tName', '=\t', self._name) string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}'.format('\tDensity', '=\t', self._density) string += ' [{0}]\n'.format(self._density_units) string += '{0: <16}\n'.format('\tS(a,b) Tables') for sab in self._sab: string += '{0: <16}{1}[{2}{3}]\n'.format('\tS(a,b)', '=\t', sab[0], sab[1]) string += '{0: <16}\n'.format('\tNuclides') for nuclide, percent, percent_type in self._nuclides: string += '{0: <16}'.format('\t{}.{0.xs}'.format(nuclide)) string += '=\t{0: <12} [{1}]\n'.format(percent, percent_type) if self._macroscopic is not None: string += '{0: <16}\n'.format('\tMacroscopic Data') string += '{0: <16}'.format('\t{0}'.format(self._macroscopic)) string += '{0: <16}\n'.format('\tElements') for element, percent, percent_type in self._elements: string += '{0: <16}'.format('\t{}.{0.xs}'.format(element)) string += '=\t{0: <12} [{1}]\n'.format(percent, percent_type) return string @property def id(self): return self._id @property def name(self): return self._name @property def density(self): return self._density @property def density_units(self): return self._density_units @property def elements(self): return self._elements @property def nuclides(self): return self._nuclides @property def convert_to_distrib_comps(self): return self._convert_to_distrib_comps @property def distrib_otf_file(self): return self._distrib_otf_file @id.setter def id(self, material_id): if material_id is None: global AUTO_MATERIAL_ID self._id = AUTO_MATERIAL_ID AUTO_MATERIAL_ID += 1 else: cv.check_type('material ID', material_id, Integral) cv.check_greater_than('material ID', material_id, 0, equality=True) self._id = material_id @name.setter def name(self, name): if name is not None: cv.check_type('name for Material ID="{0}"'.format(self._id), name, basestring) self._name = name else: self._name = ''
[docs] def set_density(self, units, density=None): """Set the density of the material Parameters ---------- units : {'g/cm3', 'g/cc', 'km/cm3', 'atom/b-cm', 'atom/cm3', 'sum', 'macro'} Physical units of density. density : float, optional Value of the density. Must be specified unless units is given as 'sum'. """ cv.check_value('density units', units, DENSITY_UNITS) self._density_units = units if units is 'sum': if density is not None: msg = 'Density "{0}" for Material ID="{1}" is ignored ' \ 'because the unit is "sum"'.format(density, warnings.warn(msg) else: if density is None: msg = 'Unable to set the density for Material ID="{0}" ' \ 'because a density value must be given when not using ' \ '"sum" unit'.format( raise ValueError(msg) cv.check_type('the density for Material ID="{0}"'.format(, density, Real) self._density = density
@distrib_otf_file.setter def distrib_otf_file(self, filename): # TODO: remove this when distributed materials are merged warnings.warn('This feature is not yet implemented in a release ' 'version of openmc') if not isinstance(filename, basestring) and filename is not None: msg = 'Unable to add OTF material file to Material ID="{0}" with a ' \ 'non-string name "{1}"'.format(self._id, filename) raise ValueError(msg) self._distrib_otf_file = filename @convert_to_distrib_comps.setter def convert_to_distrib_comps(self): # TODO: remove this when distributed materials are merged warnings.warn('This feature is not yet implemented in a release ' 'version of openmc') self._convert_to_distrib_comps = True
[docs] def add_nuclide(self, nuclide, percent, percent_type='ao'): """Add a nuclide to the material Parameters ---------- nuclide : str or openmc.Nuclide Nuclide to add percent : float Atom or weight percent percent_type : {'ao', 'wo'} 'ao' for atom percent and 'wo' for weight percent """ if self._macroscopic is not None: msg = 'Unable to add a Nuclide to Material ID="{0}" as a ' \ 'macroscopic data-set has already been added'.format(self._id) raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(nuclide, (openmc.Nuclide, basestring)): msg = 'Unable to add a Nuclide to Material ID="{0}" with a ' \ 'non-Nuclide value "{1}"'.format(self._id, nuclide) raise ValueError(msg) elif not isinstance(percent, Real): msg = 'Unable to add a Nuclide to Material ID="{0}" with a ' \ 'non-floating point value "{1}"'.format(self._id, percent) raise ValueError(msg) elif percent_type not in ['ao', 'wo', 'at/g-cm']: msg = 'Unable to add a Nuclide to Material ID="{0}" with a ' \ 'percent type "{1}"'.format(self._id, percent_type) raise ValueError(msg) if isinstance(nuclide, openmc.Nuclide): # Copy this Nuclide to separate it from the Nuclide in # other Materials nuclide = deepcopy(nuclide) else: nuclide = openmc.Nuclide(nuclide) self._nuclides.append((nuclide, percent, percent_type))
[docs] def remove_nuclide(self, nuclide): """Remove a nuclide from the material Parameters ---------- nuclide : openmc.Nuclide Nuclide to remove """ if not isinstance(nuclide, openmc.Nuclide): msg = 'Unable to remove a Nuclide "{0}" in Material ID="{1}" ' \ 'since it is not a Nuclide'.format(self._id, nuclide) raise ValueError(msg) # If the Material contains the Nuclide, delete it for nuc in self._nuclides: if nuclide == nuc: self._nuclides.remove(nuc)
[docs] def add_macroscopic(self, macroscopic): """Add a macroscopic to the material. This will also set the density of the material to 1.0, unless it has been otherwise set, as a default for Macroscopic cross sections. Parameters ---------- macroscopic : str or openmc.Macroscopic Macroscopic to add """ # Ensure no nuclides, elements, or sab are added since these would be # incompatible with macroscopics if self._nuclides or self._elements or self._sab: msg = 'Unable to add a Macroscopic data set to Material ID="{0}" ' \ 'with a macroscopic value "{1}" as an incompatible data ' \ 'member (i.e., nuclide, element, or S(a,b) table) ' \ 'has already been added'.format(self._id, macroscopic) raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(macroscopic, (openmc.Macroscopic, basestring)): msg = 'Unable to add a Macroscopic to Material ID="{0}" with a ' \ 'non-Macroscopic value "{1}"'.format(self._id, macroscopic) raise ValueError(msg) if isinstance(macroscopic, openmc.Macroscopic): # Copy this Macroscopic to separate it from the Macroscopic in # other Materials macroscopic = deepcopy(macroscopic) else: macroscopic = openmc.Macroscopic(macroscopic) if self._macroscopic is None: self._macroscopic = macroscopic else: msg = 'Unable to add a Macroscopic to Material ID="{0}". ' \ 'Only one Macroscopic allowed per ' \ 'Material.'.format(self._id) raise ValueError(msg) # Generally speaking, the density for a macroscopic object will # be 1.0. Therefore, lets set density to 1.0 so that the user # doesnt need to set it unless its needed. # Of course, if the user has already set a value of density, # then we will not override it. if self._density is None: self.set_density('macro', 1.0)
[docs] def remove_macroscopic(self, macroscopic): """Remove a macroscopic from the material Parameters ---------- macroscopic : openmc.Macroscopic Macroscopic to remove """ if not isinstance(macroscopic, openmc.Macroscopic): msg = 'Unable to remove a Macroscopic "{0}" in Material ID="{1}" ' \ 'since it is not a Macroscopic'.format(self._id, macroscopic) raise ValueError(msg) # If the Material contains the Macroscopic, delete it if == self._macroscopic = None
[docs] def add_element(self, element, percent, percent_type='ao', expand=False): """Add a natural element to the material Parameters ---------- element : openmc.Element or str Element to add percent : float Atom or weight percent percent_type : {'ao', 'wo'}, optional 'ao' for atom percent and 'wo' for weight percent. Defaults to atom percent. expand : bool, optional Whether to expand the natural element into its naturally-occurring isotopes. Defaults to False. """ if self._macroscopic is not None: msg = 'Unable to add an Element to Material ID="{0}" as a ' \ 'macroscopic data-set has already been added'.format(self._id) raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(element, (openmc.Element, basestring)): msg = 'Unable to add an Element to Material ID="{0}" with a ' \ 'non-Element value "{1}"'.format(self._id, element) raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(percent, Real): msg = 'Unable to add an Element to Material ID="{0}" with a ' \ 'non-floating point value "{1}"'.format(self._id, percent) raise ValueError(msg) if percent_type not in ['ao', 'wo']: msg = 'Unable to add an Element to Material ID="{0}" with a ' \ 'percent type "{1}"'.format(self._id, percent_type) raise ValueError(msg) # Copy this Element to separate it from same Element in other Materials if isinstance(element, openmc.Element): element = deepcopy(element) else: element = openmc.Element(element) if expand: if percent_type == 'wo': raise NotImplementedError('Expanding natural element based on ' 'weight percent is not yet supported.') for isotope, abundance in element.expand(): self._nuclides.append((isotope, percent*abundance, percent_type)) else: self._elements.append((element, percent, percent_type))
[docs] def remove_element(self, element): """Remove a natural element from the material Parameters ---------- element : openmc.Element Element to remove """ if not isinstance(element, openmc.Element): msg = 'Unable to remove "{0}" in Material ID="{1}" ' \ 'since it is not an Element'.format(, element) raise ValueError(msg) # If the Material contains the Nuclide, delete it for elm in self._elements: if element == elm: self._nuclides.remove(elm)
[docs] def add_s_alpha_beta(self, name, xs): r"""Add an :math:`S(\alpha,\beta)` table to the material Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the :math:`S(\alpha,\beta)` table xs : str Cross section identifier, e.g. '71t' """ if self._macroscopic is not None: msg = 'Unable to add an S(a,b) table to Material ID="{0}" as a ' \ 'macroscopic data-set has already been added'.format(self._id) raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(name, basestring): msg = 'Unable to add an S(a,b) table to Material ID="{0}" with a ' \ 'non-string table name "{1}"'.format(self._id, name) raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(xs, basestring): msg = 'Unable to add an S(a,b) table to Material ID="{0}" with a ' \ 'non-string cross-section identifier "{1}"'.format(self._id, xs) raise ValueError(msg) self._sab.append((name, xs))
def make_isotropic_in_lab(self): for nuclide, percent, percent_type in self._nuclides: nuclide.scattering = 'iso-in-lab' for element, percent, percent_type in self._elements: element.scattering = 'iso-in-lab'
[docs] def get_all_nuclides(self): """Returns all nuclides in the material Returns ------- nuclides : dict Dictionary whose keys are nuclide names and values are 2-tuples of (nuclide, density) """ nuclides = OrderedDict() for nuclide, density, density_type in self._nuclides: nuclides[] = (nuclide, density) for element, density, density_type in self._elements: # Expand natural element into isotopes for isotope, abundance in element.expand(): nuclides[] = (isotope, density*abundance) return nuclides
def _get_nuclide_xml(self, nuclide, distrib=False): xml_element = ET.Element("nuclide") xml_element.set("name", nuclide[0].name) if not distrib: if nuclide[2] == 'ao': xml_element.set("ao", str(nuclide[1])) else: xml_element.set("wo", str(nuclide[1])) if nuclide[0].xs is not None: xml_element.set("xs", nuclide[0].xs) if not nuclide[0].scattering is None: xml_element.set("scattering", nuclide[0].scattering) return xml_element def _get_macroscopic_xml(self, macroscopic): xml_element = ET.Element("macroscopic") xml_element.set("name", if macroscopic.xs is not None: xml_element.set("xs", macroscopic.xs) return xml_element def _get_element_xml(self, element, distrib=False): xml_element = ET.Element("element") xml_element.set("name", str(element[0].name)) if not distrib: if element[2] == 'ao': xml_element.set("ao", str(element[1])) else: xml_element.set("wo", str(element[1])) if element[0].xs is not None: xml_element.set("xs", element[0].xs) if not element[0].scattering is None: xml_element.set("scattering", element[0].scattering) return xml_element def _get_nuclides_xml(self, nuclides, distrib=False): xml_elements = [] for nuclide in nuclides: xml_elements.append(self._get_nuclide_xml(nuclide, distrib)) return xml_elements def _get_elements_xml(self, elements, distrib=False): xml_elements = [] for element in elements: xml_elements.append(self._get_element_xml(element, distrib)) return xml_elements
[docs] def get_material_xml(self): """Return XML representation of the material Returns ------- element : xml.etree.ElementTree.Element XML element containing material data """ # Create Material XML element element = ET.Element("material") element.set("id", str(self._id)) if len(self._name) > 0: element.set("name", str(self._name)) # Create density XML subelement subelement = ET.SubElement(element, "density") if self._density_units is not 'sum': subelement.set("value", str(self._density)) subelement.set("units", self._density_units) if not self._convert_to_distrib_comps: if self._macroscopic is None: # Create nuclide XML subelements subelements = self._get_nuclides_xml(self._nuclides) for subelement in subelements: element.append(subelement) # Create element XML subelements subelements = self._get_elements_xml(self._elements) for subelement in subelements: element.append(subelement) else: # Create macroscopic XML subelements subelement = self._get_macroscopic_xml(self._macroscopic) element.append(subelement) else: subelement = ET.SubElement(element, "compositions") comps = [] allnucs = self._nuclides + self._elements dist_per_type = allnucs[0][2] for nuc, per, typ in allnucs: if not typ == dist_per_type: msg = 'All nuclides and elements in a distributed ' \ 'material must have the same type, either ao or wo' raise ValueError(msg) comps.append(per) if self._distrib_otf_file is None: # Create values and units subelements subsubelement = ET.SubElement(subelement, "values") subsubelement.text = ' '.join([str(c) for c in comps]) subsubelement = ET.SubElement(subelement, "units") subsubelement.text = dist_per_type else: # Specify the materials file subsubelement = ET.SubElement(subelement, "otf_file_path") subsubelement.text = self._distrib_otf_file if self._macroscopic is None: # Create nuclide XML subelements subelements = self._get_nuclides_xml(self._nuclides, distrib=True) for subelement_nuc in subelements: subelement.append(subelement_nuc) # Create element XML subelements subelements = self._get_elements_xml(self._elements, distrib=True) for subsubelement in subelements: subelement.append(subsubelement) else: # Create macroscopic XML subelements subsubelement = self._get_macroscopic_xml(self._macroscopic) subelement.append(subsubelement) if len(self._sab) > 0: for sab in self._sab: subelement = ET.SubElement(element, "sab") subelement.set("name", sab[0]) subelement.set("xs", sab[1]) return element
[docs]class Materials(cv.CheckedList): """Collection of Materials used for an OpenMC simulation. This class corresponds directly to the materials.xml input file. It can be thought of as a normal Python list where each member is a :class:`Material`. It behaves like a list as the following example demonstrates: >>> fuel = openmc.Material() >>> clad = openmc.Material() >>> water = openmc.Material() >>> m = openmc.Materials([fuel]) >>> m.append(water) >>> m += [clad] Parameters ---------- materials : Iterable of openmc.Material Materials to add to the collection Attributes ---------- default_xs : str The default cross section identifier applied to a nuclide when none is specified """ def __init__(self, materials=None): super(Materials, self).__init__(Material, 'materials collection') self._default_xs = None self._materials_file = ET.Element("materials") if materials is not None: self += materials @property def default_xs(self): return self._default_xs @default_xs.setter def default_xs(self, xs): cv.check_type('default xs', xs, basestring) self._default_xs = xs
[docs] def add_material(self, material): """Append material to collection .. deprecated:: 0.8 Use :meth:`Materials.append` instead. Parameters ---------- material : openmc.Material Material to add """ warnings.warn("Materials.add_material(...) has been deprecated and may be " "removed in a future version. Use Material.append(...) " "instead.", DeprecationWarning) self.append(material)
[docs] def add_materials(self, materials): """Add multiple materials to the collection .. deprecated:: 0.8 Use compound assignment instead. Parameters ---------- materials : Iterable of openmc.Material Materials to add """ warnings.warn("Materials.add_materials(...) has been deprecated and may be " "removed in a future version. Use compound assignment " "instead.", DeprecationWarning) for material in materials: self.append(material)
[docs] def append(self, material): """Append material to collection Parameters ---------- material : openmc.Material Material to append """ super(Materials, self).append(material)
[docs] def insert(self, index, material): """Insert material before index Parameters ---------- index : int Index in list material : openmc.Material Material to insert """ super(Materials, self).insert(index, material)
[docs] def remove_material(self, material): """Remove a material from the file .. deprecated:: 0.8 Use :meth:`Materials.remove` instead. Parameters ---------- material : openmc.Material Material to remove """ warnings.warn("Materials.remove_material(...) has been deprecated and " "may be removed in a future version. Use " "Materials.remove(...) instead.", DeprecationWarning) self.remove(material)
def make_isotropic_in_lab(self): for material in self: material.make_isotropic_in_lab() def _create_material_subelements(self): if self._default_xs is not None: subelement = ET.SubElement(self._materials_file, "default_xs") subelement.text = self._default_xs for material in self: xml_element = material.get_material_xml() self._materials_file.append(xml_element)
[docs] def export_to_xml(self): """Create a materials.xml file that can be used for a simulation. """ # Reset xml element tree self._materials_file.clear() self._create_material_subelements() # Clean the indentation in the file to be user-readable sort_xml_elements(self._materials_file) clean_xml_indentation(self._materials_file) # Write the XML Tree to the materials.xml file tree = ET.ElementTree(self._materials_file) tree.write("materials.xml", xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8', method="xml")