Source code for openmc.tally_derivative

from numbers import Integral
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

import openmc.checkvalue as cv
from .mixin import EqualityMixin, IDManagerMixin

[docs]class TallyDerivative(EqualityMixin, IDManagerMixin): """A material perturbation derivative to apply to a tally. Parameters ---------- derivative_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the tally derivative. If none is specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned variable : str, optional Accepted values are 'density', 'nuclide_density', and 'temperature' material : int, optional The perturbed material ID nuclide : str, optional The perturbed nuclide. Only needed for 'nuclide_density' derivatives. Ex: 'Xe135' Attributes ---------- id : int Unique identifier for the tally derivative variable : str Accepted values are 'density', 'nuclide_density', and 'temperature' material : int The perturubed material ID nuclide : str The perturbed nuclide. Only needed for 'nuclide_density' derivatives. Ex: 'Xe135' """ next_id = 1 used_ids = set() def __init__(self, derivative_id=None, variable=None, material=None, nuclide=None): # Initialize Tally class attributes = derivative_id self.variable = variable self.material = material self.nuclide = nuclide def __repr__(self): string = 'Tally Derivative\n' string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tID', string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tVariable', self.variable) string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tMaterial', self.material) if self.variable == 'nuclide_density': string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tNuclide', self.nuclide) return string @property def variable(self): return self._variable @property def material(self): return self._material @property def nuclide(self): return self._nuclide @variable.setter def variable(self, var): if var is not None: cv.check_type('derivative variable', var, str) cv.check_value('derivative variable', var, ('density', 'nuclide_density', 'temperature')) self._variable = var @material.setter def material(self, mat): if mat is not None: cv.check_type('derivative material', mat, Integral) self._material = mat @nuclide.setter def nuclide(self, nuc): if nuc is not None: cv.check_type('derivative nuclide', nuc, str) self._nuclide = nuc
[docs] def to_xml_element(self): """Return XML representation of the tally derivative Returns ------- element : xml.etree.ElementTree.Element XML element containing derivative data """ element = ET.Element("derivative") element.set("id", str( element.set("variable", self.variable) element.set("material", str(self.material)) if self.variable == 'nuclide_density': element.set("nuclide", self.nuclide) return element
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml_element(cls, elem): """Generate tally derivative from an XML element Parameters ---------- elem : xml.etree.ElementTree.Element XML element Returns ------- openmc.TallyDerivative Tally derivative object """ derivative_id = int(elem.get("id")) variable = elem.get("variable") material = int(elem.get("material")) nuclide = elem.get("nuclide") if variable == "nuclide_density" else None return cls(derivative_id, variable, material, nuclide)