Source code for

from collections import OrderedDict
from import Mapping, Callable
from copy import deepcopy
from io import StringIO
from math import pi
from numbers import Integral, Real
import os

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline

import openmc.checkvalue as cv
from openmc.mixin import EqualityMixin
from .ace import Table, get_metadata, get_table
from .data import ATOMIC_SYMBOL, EV_PER_MEV
from .endf import Evaluation, get_head_record, get_tab1_record, get_list_record
from .function import Tabulated1D

# Constants
MASS_ELECTRON_EV = 0.5109989461e6  # Electron mass energy
PLANCK_C = 1.2398419739062977e4  # Planck's constant times c in eV-Angstroms
FINE_STRUCTURE = 137.035999139  # Inverse fine structure constant
# classical electron radius in cm

# Electron subshell labels
_SUBSHELLS = [None, 'K', 'L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'M1', 'M2', 'M3', 'M4', 'M5',
              'N1', 'N2', 'N3', 'N4', 'N5', 'N6', 'N7', 'O1', 'O2', 'O3',
              'O4', 'O5', 'O6', 'O7', 'O8', 'O9', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4',
              'P5', 'P6', 'P7', 'P8', 'P9', 'P10', 'P11', 'Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3']

    501: ('Total photon interaction', 'total'),
    502: ('Photon coherent scattering', 'coherent'),
    504: ('Photon incoherent scattering', 'incoherent'),
    515: ('Pair production, electron field', 'pair_production_electron'),
    516: ('Total pair production', 'pair_production_total'),
    517: ('Pair production, nuclear field', 'pair_production_nuclear'),
    522: ('Photoelectric absorption', 'photoelectric'),
    525: ('Heating', 'heating'),
    526: ('Electro-atomic scattering', 'electro_atomic_scat'),
    527: ('Electro-atomic bremsstrahlung', 'electro_atomic_brem'),
    528: ('Electro-atomic excitation', 'electro_atomic_excit'),
    534: ('K (1s1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'K'),
    535: ('L1 (2s1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'L1'),
    536: ('L2 (2p1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'L2'),
    537: ('L3 (2p3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'L3'),
    538: ('M1 (3s1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'M1'),
    539: ('M2 (3p1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'M2'),
    540: ('M3 (3p3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'M3'),
    541: ('M4 (3d3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'M4'),
    542: ('M5 (3d5/2) subshell photoelectric', 'M5'),
    543: ('N1 (4s1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'N1'),
    544: ('N2 (4p1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'N2'),
    545: ('N3 (4p3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'N3'),
    546: ('N4 (4d3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'N4'),
    547: ('N5 (4d5/2) subshell photoelectric', 'N5'),
    548: ('N6 (4f5/2) subshell photoelectric', 'N6'),
    549: ('N7 (4f7/2) subshell photoelectric', 'N7'),
    550: ('O1 (5s1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'O1'),
    551: ('O2 (5p1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'O2'),
    552: ('O3 (5p3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'O3'),
    553: ('O4 (5d3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'O4'),
    554: ('O5 (5d5/2) subshell photoelectric', 'O5'),
    555: ('O6 (5f5/2) subshell photoelectric', 'O6'),
    556: ('O7 (5f7/2) subshell photoelectric', 'O7'),
    557: ('O8 (5g7/2) subshell photoelectric', 'O8'),
    558: ('O9 (5g9/2) subshell photoelectric', 'O9'),
    559: ('P1 (6s1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P1'),
    560: ('P2 (6p1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P2'),
    561: ('P3 (6p3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P3'),
    562: ('P4 (6d3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P4'),
    563: ('P5 (6d5/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P5'),
    564: ('P6 (6f5/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P6'),
    565: ('P7 (6f7/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P7'),
    566: ('P8 (6g7/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P8'),
    567: ('P9 (6g9/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P9'),
    568: ('P10 (6h9/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P10'),
    569: ('P11 (6h11/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P11'),
    570: ('Q1 (7s1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'Q1'),
    571: ('Q2 (7p1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'Q2'),
    572: ('Q3 (7p3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'Q3')

# Compton profiles are read from a pre-generated HDF5 file when they are first
# needed. The dictionary stores an array of electron momentum values (at which
# the profiles are tabulated) with the key 'pz' and the profile for each element
# is a 2D array with shape (n_shells, n_momentum_values) stored on the key Z

# Scaled bremsstrahlung DCSs are read from a data file provided by Selzter and
# Berger when they are first needed. The dictionary stores an array of n
# incident electron kinetic energies with key 'electron_energies', an array of
# k reduced photon energies with key 'photon_energies', and the cross sections
# for each element are in a 2D array with shape (n, k) stored on the key 'Z'.
# It also stores data used for calculating the density effect correction and
# stopping power, namely, the mean excitation energy with the key 'I', number
# of electrons per subshell with the key 'num_electrons', and binding energies
# with the key 'ionization_energy'.

[docs]class AtomicRelaxation(EqualityMixin): """Atomic relaxation data. This class stores the binding energy, number of electrons, and electron transitions possible from ioniziation for each electron subshell of an atom. All of the data originates from an ENDF-6 atomic relaxation sub-library (NSUB=6). Instances of this class are not normally instantiated directly but rather created using the factory method :math:`AtomicRelaxation.from_endf`. Parameters ---------- binding_energy : dict Dictionary indicating the binding energy in eV (values) for given subshells (keys). The subshells should be given as strings, e.g., 'K', 'L1', 'L2', etc. num_electrons : dict Dictionary indicating the number of electrons in a subshell when neutral (values) for given subshells (keys). The subshells should be given as strings, e.g., 'K', 'L1', 'L2', etc. transitions : pandas.DataFrame Dictionary indicating allowed transitions and their probabilities (values) for given subshells (keys). The subshells should be given as strings, e.g., 'K', 'L1', 'L2', etc. The transitions are represented as a DataFrame with columns indicating the secondary and tertiary subshell, the energy of the transition in eV, and the fractional probability of the transition. Attributes ---------- binding_energy : dict Dictionary indicating the binding energy in eV (values) for given subshells (keys). The subshells should be given as strings, e.g., 'K', 'L1', 'L2', etc. num_electrons : dict Dictionary indicating the number of electrons in a subshell when neutral (values) for given subshells (keys). The subshells should be given as strings, e.g., 'K', 'L1', 'L2', etc. subshells : list List of subshells as strings, e.g. ``['K', 'L1', ...]`` transitions : pandas.DataFrame Dictionary indicating allowed transitions and their probabilities (values) for given subshells (keys). The subshells should be given as strings, e.g., 'K', 'L1', 'L2', etc. The transitions are represented as a DataFrame with columns indicating the secondary and tertiary subshell, the energy of the transition in eV, and the fractional probability of the transition. See Also -------- IncidentPhoton """ def __init__(self, binding_energy, num_electrons, transitions): self.binding_energy = binding_energy self.num_electrons = num_electrons self.transitions = transitions self._e_fluorescence = {} @property def binding_energy(self): return self._binding_energy @property def num_electrons(self): return self._num_electrons @property def subshells(self): return list(sorted(self.binding_energy.keys())) @property def transitions(self): return self._transitions @binding_energy.setter def binding_energy(self, binding_energy): cv.check_type('binding energies', binding_energy, Mapping) for subshell, energy in binding_energy.items(): cv.check_value('subshell', subshell, _SUBSHELLS) cv.check_type('binding energy', energy, Real) cv.check_greater_than('binding energy', energy, 0.0, True) self._binding_energy = binding_energy @num_electrons.setter def num_electrons(self, num_electrons): cv.check_type('number of electrons', num_electrons, Mapping) for subshell, num in num_electrons.items(): cv.check_value('subshell', subshell, _SUBSHELLS) cv.check_type('number of electrons', num, Real) cv.check_greater_than('number of electrons', num, 0.0, True) self._num_electrons = num_electrons @transitions.setter def transitions(self, transitions): cv.check_type('transitions', transitions, Mapping) for subshell, df in transitions.items(): cv.check_value('subshell', subshell, _SUBSHELLS) cv.check_type('transitions', df, pd.DataFrame) self._transitions = transitions
[docs] @classmethod def from_ace(cls, ace): """Generate atomic relaxation data from an ACE file Parameters ---------- ace : ACE table to read from Returns ------- Atomic relaxation data """ # Create data dictionaries binding_energy = {} num_electrons = {} transitions = {} # Get shell designators n = ace.nxs[7] idx = ace.jxs[11] shells = [_SUBSHELLS[int(i)] for i in ace.xss[idx : idx+n]] # Get number of electrons for each shell idx = ace.jxs[12] for shell, num in zip(shells, ace.xss[idx : idx+n]): num_electrons[shell] = num # Get binding energy for each shell idx = ace.jxs[13] for shell, e in zip(shells, ace.xss[idx : idx+n]): binding_energy[shell] = e*EV_PER_MEV # Get transition table columns = ['secondary', 'tertiary', 'energy (eV)', 'probability'] idx = ace.jxs[18] for i, subi in enumerate(shells): n_transitions = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[15] + i]) if n_transitions > 0: records = [] for j in range(n_transitions): subj = _SUBSHELLS[int(ace.xss[idx])] subk = _SUBSHELLS[int(ace.xss[idx + 1])] etr = ace.xss[idx + 2]*EV_PER_MEV if j == 0: ftr = ace.xss[idx + 3] else: ftr = ace.xss[idx + 3] - ace.xss[idx - 1] records.append((subj, subk, etr, ftr)) idx += 4 # Create dataframe for transitions transitions[subi] = pd.DataFrame.from_records( records, columns=columns) return cls(binding_energy, num_electrons, transitions)
[docs] @classmethod def from_endf(cls, ev_or_filename): """Generate atomic relaxation data from an ENDF evaluation Parameters ---------- ev_or_filename : str or ENDF atomic relaxation evaluation to read from. If given as a string, it is assumed to be the filename for the ENDF file. Returns ------- Atomic relaxation data """ if isinstance(ev_or_filename, Evaluation): ev = ev_or_filename else: ev = Evaluation(ev_or_filename) # Atomic relaxation data is always MF=28, MT=533 if (28, 533) not in ev.section: raise IOError('{} does not appear to be an atomic relaxation ' 'sublibrary.'.format(ev)) # Determine number of subshells file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[28, 533]) params = get_head_record(file_obj) n_subshells = params[4] # Create data dictionaries binding_energy = {} num_electrons = {} transitions = {} columns = ['secondary', 'tertiary', 'energy (eV)', 'probability'] # Read data for each subshell for i in range(n_subshells): params, list_items = get_list_record(file_obj) subi = _SUBSHELLS[int(params[0])] n_transitions = int(params[5]) binding_energy[subi] = list_items[0] num_electrons[subi] = list_items[1] if n_transitions > 0: # Read transition data records = [] for j in range(n_transitions): subj = _SUBSHELLS[int(list_items[6*(j+1)])] subk = _SUBSHELLS[int(list_items[6*(j+1) + 1])] etr = list_items[6*(j+1) + 2] ftr = list_items[6*(j+1) + 3] records.append((subj, subk, etr, ftr)) # Create dataframe for transitions transitions[subi] = pd.DataFrame.from_records( records, columns=columns) # Return instance of class return cls(binding_energy, num_electrons, transitions)
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, group): """Generate atomic relaxation data from an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Atomic relaxation data """ # Create data dictionaries binding_energy = {} num_electrons = {} transitions = {} designators = [s.decode() for s in group.attrs['designators']] columns = ['secondary', 'tertiary', 'energy (eV)', 'probability'] for shell in designators: # Shell group sub_group = group[shell] # Read subshell binding energy and number of electrons if 'binding_energy' in sub_group.attrs: binding_energy[shell] = sub_group.attrs['binding_energy'] if 'num_electrons' in sub_group.attrs: num_electrons[shell] = sub_group.attrs['num_electrons'] # Read transition data if 'transitions' in sub_group: df = pd.DataFrame(sub_group['transitions'][()], columns=columns) # Replace float indexes back to subshell strings df[columns[:2]] = df[columns[:2]].replace( np.arange(float(len(_SUBSHELLS))), _SUBSHELLS) transitions[shell] = df return cls(binding_energy, num_electrons, transitions)
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group, shell): """Write atomic relaxation data to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to shell : str The subshell to write data for """ # Write subshell binding energy and number of electrons group.attrs['binding_energy'] = self.binding_energy[shell] group.attrs['num_electrons'] = self.num_electrons[shell] # Write transition data with replacements if shell in self.transitions: df = self.transitions[shell].replace( _SUBSHELLS, range(len(_SUBSHELLS))) group.create_dataset('transitions', data=df.values.astype(float))
[docs]class IncidentPhoton(EqualityMixin): r"""Photon interaction data. This class stores photo-atomic, photo-nuclear, atomic relaxation, Compton profile, stopping power, and bremsstrahlung data assembled from different sources. To create an instance, the factory method :meth:`IncidentPhoton.from_endf` can be used. To add atomic relaxation or Compton profile data, set the :attr:`IncidentPhoton.atomic_relaxation` and :attr:`IncidentPhoton.compton_profiles` attributes directly. Parameters ---------- atomic_number : int Number of protons in the target nucleus Attributes ---------- atomic_number : int Number of protons in the target nucleus atomic_relaxation : or None Atomic relaxation data bremsstrahlung : dict Dictionary of bremsstrahlung data with keys 'I' (mean excitation energy in [eV]), 'num_electrons' (number of electrons in each subshell), 'ionization_energy' (ionization potential of each subshell), 'electron_energy' (incident electron kinetic energy values in [eV]), 'photon_energy' (ratio of the energy of the emitted photon to the incident electron kinetic energy), and 'dcs' (cross section values in [b]). The cross sections are in scaled form: :math:`(\beta^2/Z^2) E_k (d\sigma/dE_k)`, where :math:`E_k` is the energy of the emitted photon. A negative number of electrons in a subshell indicates conduction electrons. compton_profiles : dict Dictionary of Compton profile data with keys 'num_electrons' (number of electrons in each subshell), 'binding_energy' (ionization potential of each subshell), and 'J' (Hartree-Fock Compton profile as a function of the projection of the electron momentum on the scattering vector, :math:`p_z` for each subshell). Note that subshell occupancies may not match the atomic relaxation data. reactions : collections.OrderedDict Contains the cross sections for each photon reaction. The keys are MT values and the values are instances of :class:`PhotonReaction`. """ def __init__(self, atomic_number): self.atomic_number = atomic_number self._atomic_relaxation = None self.reactions = OrderedDict() self.compton_profiles = {} self.bremsstrahlung = {} def __contains__(self, mt): return mt in self.reactions def __getitem__(self, mt): if mt in self.reactions: return self.reactions[mt] else: raise KeyError('No reaction with MT={}.'.format(mt)) def __repr__(self): return "<IncidentPhoton: {}>".format( def __iter__(self): return iter(self.reactions.values()) @property def atomic_number(self): return self._atomic_number @property def atomic_relaxation(self): return self._atomic_relaxation @property def name(self): return ATOMIC_SYMBOL[self.atomic_number] @atomic_number.setter def atomic_number(self, atomic_number): cv.check_type('atomic number', atomic_number, Integral) cv.check_greater_than('atomic number', atomic_number, 0, True) self._atomic_number = atomic_number @atomic_relaxation.setter def atomic_relaxation(self, atomic_relaxation): cv.check_type('atomic relaxation data', atomic_relaxation, AtomicRelaxation) self._atomic_relaxation = atomic_relaxation
[docs] @classmethod def from_ace(cls, ace_or_filename): """Generate incident photon data from an ACE table Parameters ---------- ace_or_filename : str or ACE table to read from. If given as a string, it is assumed to be the filename for the ACE file. Returns ------- Photon interaction data """ # First obtain the data for the first provided ACE table/file if isinstance(ace_or_filename, Table): ace = ace_or_filename else: ace = get_table(ace_or_filename) # Get atomic number based on name of ACE table zaid, xs ='.') if not xs.endswith('p'): raise TypeError("{} is not a photoatomic transport ACE table.".format(ace)) Z = get_metadata(int(zaid))[2] # Read each reaction data = cls(Z) for mt in (502, 504, 517, 522, 525): data.reactions[mt] = PhotonReaction.from_ace(ace, mt) # Get heating cross sections [eV-barn] from factors [eV per collision] # by multiplying with total xs data.reactions[525].xs.y *= sum([data.reactions[mt].xs.y for mt in (502, 504, 517, 522)]) # Compton profiles n_shell = ace.nxs[5] if n_shell != 0: # Get number of electrons in each shell idx = ace.jxs[6] data.compton_profiles['num_electrons'] = ace.xss[idx : idx+n_shell] # Get binding energy for each shell idx = ace.jxs[7] e = ace.xss[idx : idx+n_shell]*EV_PER_MEV data.compton_profiles['binding_energy'] = e # Create Compton profile for each electron shell profiles = [] for k in range(n_shell): # Get number of momentum values and interpolation scheme loca = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[9] + k]) jj = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[10] + loca - 1]) m = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[10] + loca]) # Read momentum and PDF idx = ace.jxs[10] + loca + 1 pz = ace.xss[idx : idx+m] pdf = ace.xss[idx+m : idx+2*m] # Create proflie function J_k = Tabulated1D(pz, pdf, [m], [jj]) profiles.append(J_k) data.compton_profiles['J'] = profiles # Subshell photoelectric xs and atomic relaxation data if ace.nxs[7] > 0: data.atomic_relaxation = AtomicRelaxation.from_ace(ace) # Get subshell designators n_subshells = ace.nxs[7] idx = ace.jxs[11] designators = [int(i) for i in ace.xss[idx : idx+n_subshells]] # Get energy grid for subshell photoionization n_energy = ace.nxs[3] idx = ace.jxs[1] energy = np.exp(ace.xss[idx : idx+n_energy])*EV_PER_MEV # Get cross section for each subshell idx = ace.jxs[16] for d in designators: # Create photon reaction mt = 533 + d rx = PhotonReaction(mt) data.reactions[mt] = rx # Store cross section, determining threshold xs = ace.xss[idx : idx+n_energy].copy() nonzero = (xs != 0.0) xs[nonzero] = np.exp(xs[nonzero]) threshold = np.where(xs > 0.0)[0][0] rx.xs = Tabulated1D(energy[threshold:], xs[threshold:], [n_energy - threshold], [5]) idx += n_energy # Copy binding energy shell = _SUBSHELLS[d] e = data.atomic_relaxation.binding_energy[shell] rx.subshell_binding_energy = e else: raise ValueError("ACE table {} does not have subshell data. Only " "newer ACE photoatomic libraries are supported " "(e.g., eprdata14).".format( # Add bremsstrahlung DCS data data._add_bremsstrahlung() return data
[docs] @classmethod def from_endf(cls, photoatomic, relaxation=None): """Generate incident photon data from an ENDF evaluation Parameters ---------- photoatomic : str or ENDF photoatomic data evaluation to read from. If given as a string, it is assumed to be the filename for the ENDF file. relaxation : str or, optional ENDF atomic relaxation data evaluation to read from. If given as a string, it is assumed to be the filename for the ENDF file. Returns ------- Photon interaction data """ if isinstance(photoatomic, Evaluation): ev = photoatomic else: ev = Evaluation(photoatomic) Z =['atomic_number'] data = cls(Z) # Read each reaction for mf, mt, nc, mod in ev.reaction_list: if mf == 23: data.reactions[mt] = PhotonReaction.from_endf(ev, mt) # Add atomic relaxation data if it hasn't been added already if relaxation is not None: data.atomic_relaxation = AtomicRelaxation.from_endf(relaxation) # If Compton profile data hasn't been loaded, do so if not _COMPTON_PROFILES: filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'compton_profiles.h5') with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f: _COMPTON_PROFILES['pz'] = f['pz'][()] for i in range(1, 101): group = f['{:03}'.format(i)] num_electrons = group['num_electrons'][()] binding_energy = group['binding_energy'][()]*EV_PER_MEV J = group['J'][()] _COMPTON_PROFILES[i] = {'num_electrons': num_electrons, 'binding_energy': binding_energy, 'J': J} # Add Compton profile data pz = _COMPTON_PROFILES['pz'] profile = _COMPTON_PROFILES[Z] data.compton_profiles['num_electrons'] = profile['num_electrons'] data.compton_profiles['binding_energy'] = profile['binding_energy'] data.compton_profiles['J'] = [Tabulated1D(pz, J_k) for J_k in profile['J']] # Add bremsstrahlung DCS data data._add_bremsstrahlung() return data
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, group_or_filename): """Generate photon reaction from an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group_or_filename : h5py.Group or str HDF5 group containing interaction data. If given as a string, it is assumed to be the filename for the HDF5 file, and the first group is used to read from. Returns ------- Photon interaction data """ if isinstance(group_or_filename, h5py.Group): group = group_or_filename need_to_close = False else: h5file = h5py.File(str(group_or_filename), 'r') need_to_close = True # Make sure version matches if 'version' in h5file.attrs: major, minor = h5file.attrs['version'] # For now all versions of HDF5 data can be read else: raise IOError( 'HDF5 data does not indicate a version. Your installation ' 'of the OpenMC Python API expects version {}.x data.' .format(HDF5_VERSION_MAJOR)) group = list(h5file.values())[0] Z = group.attrs['Z'] data = cls(Z) # Read energy grid energy = group['energy'][()] # Read cross section data for mt, (name, key) in _REACTION_NAME.items(): if key in group: rgroup = group[key] elif key in group['subshells']: rgroup = group['subshells'][key] else: continue data.reactions[mt] = PhotonReaction.from_hdf5(rgroup, mt, energy) # Check for necessary reactions for mt in (502, 504, 522): assert mt in data, "Reaction {} not found".format(mt) # Read atomic relaxation data.atomic_relaxation = AtomicRelaxation.from_hdf5(group['subshells']) # Read Compton profiles if 'compton_profiles' in group: rgroup = group['compton_profiles'] profile = data.compton_profiles profile['num_electrons'] = rgroup['num_electrons'][()] profile['binding_energy'] = rgroup['binding_energy'][()] # Get electron momentum values pz = rgroup['pz'][()] J = rgroup['J'][()] if pz.size != J.shape[1]: raise ValueError("'J' array shape is not consistent with the " "'pz' array shape") profile['J'] = [Tabulated1D(pz, Jk) for Jk in J] # Read bremsstrahlung if 'bremsstrahlung' in group: rgroup = group['bremsstrahlung'] data.bremsstrahlung['I'] = rgroup.attrs['I'] for key in ('dcs', 'electron_energy', 'ionization_energy', 'num_electrons', 'photon_energy'): data.bremsstrahlung[key] = rgroup[key][()] # If HDF5 file was opened here, make sure it gets closed if need_to_close: h5file.close() return data
[docs] def export_to_hdf5(self, path, mode='a', libver='earliest'): """Export incident photon data to an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to write HDF5 file to mode : {'r+', 'w', 'x', 'a'} Mode that is used to open the HDF5 file. This is the second argument to the :class:`h5py.File` constructor. libver : {'earliest', 'latest'} Compatibility mode for the HDF5 file. 'latest' will produce files that are less backwards compatible but have performance benefits. """ with h5py.File(str(path), mode, libver=libver) as f: # Write filetype and version f.attrs['filetype'] = np.string_('data_photon') if 'version' not in f.attrs: f.attrs['version'] = np.array(HDF5_VERSION) group = f.create_group( group.attrs['Z'] = Z = self.atomic_number # Determine union energy grid union_grid = np.array([]) for rx in self: union_grid = np.union1d(union_grid, rx.xs.x) group.create_dataset('energy', data=union_grid) # Write cross sections shell_group = group.create_group('subshells') designators = [] for mt, rx in self.reactions.items(): name, key = _REACTION_NAME[mt] if mt in (502, 504, 515, 517, 522, 525): sub_group = group.create_group(key) elif mt >= 534 and mt <= 572: # Subshell designators.append(key) sub_group = shell_group.create_group(key) # Write atomic relaxation if self.atomic_relaxation is not None: if key in self.atomic_relaxation.subshells: self.atomic_relaxation.to_hdf5(sub_group, key) else: continue rx.to_hdf5(sub_group, union_grid, Z) shell_group.attrs['designators'] = np.array(designators, dtype='S') # Write Compton profiles if self.compton_profiles: compton_group = group.create_group('compton_profiles') profile = self.compton_profiles compton_group.create_dataset('num_electrons', data=profile['num_electrons']) compton_group.create_dataset('binding_energy', data=profile['binding_energy']) # Get electron momentum values compton_group.create_dataset('pz', data=profile['J'][0].x) # Create/write 2D array of profiles J = np.array([Jk.y for Jk in profile['J']]) compton_group.create_dataset('J', data=J) # Write bremsstrahlung if self.bremsstrahlung: brem_group = group.create_group('bremsstrahlung') for key, value in self.bremsstrahlung.items(): if key == 'I': brem_group.attrs[key] = value else: brem_group.create_dataset(key, data=value)
def _add_bremsstrahlung(self): """Add the data used in the thick-target bremsstrahlung approximation """ # Load bremsstrahlung data if it has not yet been loaded if not _BREMSSTRAHLUNG: # Add data used for density effect correction filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'density_effect.h5') with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f: for i in range(1, 101): group = f['{:03}'.format(i)] _BREMSSTRAHLUNG[i] = { 'I': group.attrs['I'], 'num_electrons': group['num_electrons'][()], 'ionization_energy': group['ionization_energy'][()] } filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'BREMX.DAT') with open(filename, 'r') as fh: brem = # Incident electron kinetic energy grid in eV _BREMSSTRAHLUNG['electron_energy'] = np.logspace(3, 9, 200) log_energy = np.log(_BREMSSTRAHLUNG['electron_energy']) # Get number of tabulated electron and photon energy values n = int(brem[37]) k = int(brem[38]) # Index in data p = 39 # Get log of incident electron kinetic energy values, used for # cubic spline interpolation in log energy. Units are in MeV, so # convert to eV. logx = np.log(np.fromiter(brem[p:p+n], float, n)*EV_PER_MEV) p += n # Get reduced photon energy values _BREMSSTRAHLUNG['photon_energy'] = np.fromiter(brem[p:p+k], float, k) p += k for i in range(1, 101): dcs = np.empty([len(log_energy), k]) # Get the scaled cross section values for each electron energy # and reduced photon energy for this Z. Units are in mb, so # convert to b. y = np.reshape(np.fromiter(brem[p:p+n*k], float, n*k), (n, k))*1.0e-3 p += k*n for j in range(k): # Cubic spline interpolation in log energy and linear DCS cs = CubicSpline(logx, y[:, j]) # Get scaled DCS values (barns) on new energy grid dcs[:, j] = cs(log_energy) _BREMSSTRAHLUNG[i]['dcs'] = dcs # Add bremsstrahlung DCS data self.bremsstrahlung['electron_energy'] = _BREMSSTRAHLUNG['electron_energy'] self.bremsstrahlung['photon_energy'] = _BREMSSTRAHLUNG['photon_energy'] self.bremsstrahlung.update(_BREMSSTRAHLUNG[self.atomic_number])
[docs]class PhotonReaction(EqualityMixin): """Photon-induced reaction Parameters ---------- mt : int The ENDF MT number for this reaction. Attributes ---------- anomalous_real : Real part of the anomalous scattering factor anomlaous_imag : Imaginary part of the anomalous scatttering factor mt : int The ENDF MT number for this reaction. scattering_factor : Coherent or incoherent form factor. xs : Callable Cross section as a function of incident photon energy """ def __init__(self, mt): = mt self._xs = None self._scattering_factor = None self._anomalous_real = None self._anomalous_imag = None def __repr__(self): if in _REACTION_NAME: return "<Photon Reaction: MT={} {}>".format(, _REACTION_NAME[][0]) else: return "<Photon Reaction: MT={}>".format( @property def anomalous_real(self): return self._anomalous_real @property def anomalous_imag(self): return self._anomalous_imag @property def scattering_factor(self): return self._scattering_factor @property def xs(self): return self._xs @anomalous_real.setter def anomalous_real(self, anomalous_real): cv.check_type('real part of anomalous scattering factor', anomalous_real, Callable) self._anomalous_real = anomalous_real @anomalous_imag.setter def anomalous_imag(self, anomalous_imag): cv.check_type('imaginary part of anomalous scattering factor', anomalous_imag, Callable) self._anomalous_imag = anomalous_imag @scattering_factor.setter def scattering_factor(self, scattering_factor): cv.check_type('scattering factor', scattering_factor, Callable) self._scattering_factor = scattering_factor @xs.setter def xs(self, xs): cv.check_type('reaction cross section', xs, Callable) self._xs = xs
[docs] @classmethod def from_ace(cls, ace, mt): """Generate photon reaction from an ACE table Parameters ---------- ace : ACE table to read from mt : int The MT value of the reaction to get data for Returns ------- Photon reaction data """ # Create instance rx = cls(mt) # Get energy grid (stored as logarithms) n = ace.nxs[3] idx = ace.jxs[1] energy = np.exp(ace.xss[idx : idx+n])*EV_PER_MEV # Get index for appropriate reaction if mt == 502: # Coherent scattering idx = ace.jxs[1] + 2*n elif mt == 504: # Incoherent scattering idx = ace.jxs[1] + n elif mt == 517: # Pair production idx = ace.jxs[1] + 4*n elif mt == 522: # Photoelectric idx = ace.jxs[1] + 3*n elif mt == 525: # Heating idx = ace.jxs[5] else: raise ValueError('ACE photoatomic cross sections do not have ' 'data for MT={}.'.format(mt)) # Store cross section xs = ace.xss[idx : idx+n].copy() if mt == 525: # Get heating factors in [eV per collision] xs *= EV_PER_MEV else: nonzero = (xs != 0.0) xs[nonzero] = np.exp(xs[nonzero]) # Replace zero elements to small non-zero to enable log-log xs[~nonzero] = np.exp(-500.0) rx.xs = Tabulated1D(energy, xs, [n], [5]) # Get form factors for incoherent/coherent scattering new_format = (ace.nxs[6] > 0) if mt == 502: idx = ace.jxs[3] if new_format: n = (ace.jxs[4] - ace.jxs[3]) // 3 x = ace.xss[idx : idx+n] idx += n else: x = np.array([ 0.0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.12, 0.15, 0.18, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3.0, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.8, 4.0, 4.2, 4.4, 4.6, 4.8, 5.0, 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.8, 6.0]) n = x.size ff = ace.xss[idx+n : idx+2*n] rx.scattering_factor = Tabulated1D(x, ff) elif mt == 504: idx = ace.jxs[2] if new_format: n = (ace.jxs[3] - ace.jxs[2]) // 2 x = ace.xss[idx : idx+n] idx += n else: x = np.array([ 0.0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 8.0 ]) n = x.size ff = ace.xss[idx : idx+n] rx.scattering_factor = Tabulated1D(x, ff) return rx
[docs] @classmethod def from_endf(cls, ev, mt): """Generate photon reaction from an ENDF evaluation Parameters ---------- ev : ENDF photo-atomic interaction data evaluation mt : int The MT value of the reaction to get data for Returns ------- Photon reaction data """ rx = cls(mt) # Read photon cross section if (23, mt) in ev.section: file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[23, mt]) get_head_record(file_obj) params, rx.xs = get_tab1_record(file_obj) # Set subshell binding energy and/or fluorescence yield if mt >= 534 and mt <= 599: rx.subshell_binding_energy = params[0] if mt >= 534 and mt <= 572: rx.fluorescence_yield = params[1] # Read form factors / scattering functions if (27, mt) in ev.section: file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[27, mt]) get_head_record(file_obj) params, rx.scattering_factor = get_tab1_record(file_obj) # Check for anomalous scattering factor if mt == 502: if (27, 506) in ev.section: file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[27, 506]) get_head_record(file_obj) params, rx.anomalous_real = get_tab1_record(file_obj) if (27, 505) in ev.section: file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[27, 505]) get_head_record(file_obj) params, rx.anomalous_imag = get_tab1_record(file_obj) return rx
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, group, mt, energy): """Generate photon reaction from an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from mt : int The MT value of the reaction to get data for energy : Iterable of float arrays of energies at which cross sections are tabulated at Returns ------- Photon reaction data """ # Create instance rx = cls(mt) # Cross sections xs = group['xs'][()] # Replace zero elements to small non-zero to enable log-log xs[xs == 0.0] = np.exp(-500.0) # Threshold threshold_idx = 0 if 'threshold_idx' in group['xs'].attrs: threshold_idx = group['xs'].attrs['threshold_idx'] # Store cross section rx.xs = Tabulated1D(energy[threshold_idx:], xs, [len(xs)], [5]) # Check for anomalous scattering factor if 'anomalous_real' in group: rx.anomalous_real = Tabulated1D.from_hdf5(group['anomalous_real']) if 'anomalous_imag' in group: rx.anomalous_imag = Tabulated1D.from_hdf5(group['anomalous_imag']) # Check for factors / scattering functions if 'scattering_factor' in group: rx.scattering_factor = Tabulated1D.from_hdf5(group['scattering_factor']) return rx
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group, energy, Z): """Write photon reaction to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to energy : Iterable of float arrays of energies at which cross sections are tabulated at Z : int atomic number """ # Write cross sections if >= 534 and <= 572: # Determine threshold threshold = self.xs.x[0] idx = np.searchsorted(energy, threshold, side='right') - 1 # Interpolate cross section onto union grid and write photoionization = self.xs(energy[idx:]) group.create_dataset('xs', data=photoionization) assert len(energy) == len(photoionization) + idx group['xs'].attrs['threshold_idx'] = idx else: group.create_dataset('xs', data=self.xs(energy)) # Write scattering factor if self.scattering_factor is not None: if == 502: # Create integrated form factor ff = deepcopy(self.scattering_factor) ff.x *= ff.x ff.y *= ff.y/Z**2 int_ff = Tabulated1D(ff.x, ff.integral()) int_ff.to_hdf5(group, 'integrated_scattering_factor') self.scattering_factor.to_hdf5(group, 'scattering_factor') if self.anomalous_real is not None: self.anomalous_real.to_hdf5(group, 'anomalous_real') if self.anomalous_imag is not None: self.anomalous_imag.to_hdf5(group, 'anomalous_imag')