Source code for

from numbers import Real
from math import exp, erf, pi, sqrt
from copy import deepcopy
import warnings

import os
import h5py
import pickle
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import openmc.checkvalue as cv
from ..exceptions import DataError
from ..mixin import EqualityMixin
from .data import K_BOLTZMANN
from .neutron import IncidentNeutron
from .resonance import ResonanceRange

# Constants that determine which value to access
_MP_EA = 0       # Pole

# Residue indices
_MP_RS = 1       # Residue scattering
_MP_RA = 2       # Residue absorption
_MP_RF = 3       # Residue fission

# Polynomial fit indices
_FIT_S = 0       # Scattering
_FIT_A = 1       # Absorption
_FIT_F = 2       # Fission

# Upper temperature limit (K)

# Logging control

def _faddeeva(z):
    r"""Evaluate the complex Faddeeva function.

    Technically, the value we want is given by the equation:

    .. math::
        w(z) = \frac{i}{\pi} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{1}{z - t}
        \exp(-t^2) \text{d}t

    as shown in Equation 63 from Hwang, R. N. "A rigorous pole
    representation of multilevel cross sections and its practical
    applications." Nuclear Science and Engineering 96.3 (1987): 192-209.

    The :func:`scipy.special.wofz` function evaluates
    :math:`w(z) = \exp(-z^2) \text{erfc}(-iz)`. These two forms of the Faddeeva
    function are related by a transformation.

    If we call the integral form :math:`w_\text{int}`, and the function form

    .. math::
        w_\text{int}(z) =
            w_\text{fun}(z) & \text{for } \text{Im}(z) > 0\\
            -w_\text{fun}(z^*)^* & \text{for } \text{Im}(z) < 0

    z : complex
        Argument to the Faddeeva function.

        :math:`\frac{i}{\pi} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{1}{z - t} \exp(-t^2)

    from scipy.special import wofz
    if np.angle(z) > 0:
        return wofz(z)
        return -np.conj(wofz(z.conjugate()))

def _broaden_wmp_polynomials(E, dopp, n):
    r"""Evaluate Doppler-broadened windowed multipole curvefit.

    The curvefit is a polynomial of the form :math:`\frac{a}{E}
    + \frac{b}{\sqrt{E}} + c + d \sqrt{E} + \ldots`

    E : float
        Energy to evaluate at.
    dopp : float
        sqrt(atomic weight ratio / kT) in units of eV.
    n : int
        Number of components to the polynomial.

        The value of each Doppler-broadened curvefit polynomial term.

    sqrtE = sqrt(E)
    beta = sqrtE * dopp
    half_inv_dopp2 = 0.5 / dopp**2
    quarter_inv_dopp4 = half_inv_dopp2**2

    if beta > 6.0:
        # Save time, ERF(6) is 1 to machine precision.
        # beta/sqrtpi*exp(-beta**2) is also approximately 1 machine epsilon.
        erf_beta = 1.0
        exp_m_beta2 = 0.0
        erf_beta = erf(beta)
        exp_m_beta2 = exp(-beta**2)

    # Assume that, for sure, we'll use a second order (1/E, 1/V, const)
    # fit, and no less.

    factors = np.zeros(n)

    factors[0] = erf_beta / E
    factors[1] = 1.0 / sqrtE
    factors[2] = (factors[0] * (half_inv_dopp2 + E)
                  + exp_m_beta2 / (beta * sqrt(pi)))

    # Perform recursive broadening of high order components. range(1, n-2)
    # replaces a do i = 1, n-3.  All indices are reduced by one due to the
    # 1-based vs. 0-based indexing.
    for i in range(1, n-2):
        if i != 1:
            factors[i+2] = (-factors[i-2] * (i - 1.0) * i * quarter_inv_dopp4
                + factors[i] * (E + (1.0 + 2.0 * i) * half_inv_dopp2))
            factors[i+2] = factors[i]*(E + (1.0 + 2.0 * i) * half_inv_dopp2)

    return factors

def _vectfit_xs(energy, ce_xs, mts, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5, orders=None,
                n_vf_iter=30, log=False, path_out=None):
    """Convert point-wise cross section to multipole data via vector fitting.

    energy : np.ndarray
        Energy array
    ce_xs : np.ndarray
        Point-wise cross sections to be fitted, with shape (number of reactions,
        number of energy points)
    mts : Iterable of int
        Reaction list
    rtol : float, optional
        Relative error tolerance
    atol : float, optional
        Absolute error tolerance
    orders : Iterable of int, optional
        A list of orders (number of poles) to be searched
    n_vf_iter : int, optional
        Number of maximum VF iterations
    log : bool or int, optional
        Whether to print running logs (use int for verbosity control)
    path_out : str, optional
        Path to save the figures to show discrepancies between the original and
        fitted cross sections for different reactions

        (poles, residues)


    # import vectfit package:
    import vectfit as vf

    ne = energy.size
    nmt = len(mts)
    if ce_xs.shape != (nmt, ne):
        raise ValueError('Inconsistent cross section data.')

    # construct test data: interpolate xs with finer grids
    n_finer = 10
    ne_test = (ne - 1)*n_finer + 1
    test_energy = np.interp(np.arange(ne_test),
                            np.arange(ne_test, step=n_finer), energy)
    test_energy[[0, -1]] = energy[[0, -1]]  # avoid numerical issue
    test_xs_ref = np.zeros((nmt, ne_test))
    for i in range(nmt):
        test_xs_ref[i] = np.interp(test_energy, energy, ce_xs[i])

    if log:
        print("  energy: {:.3e} to {:.3e} eV ({} points)".format(
              energy[0], energy[-1], ne))
        print("  error tolerance: rtol={}, atol={}".format(rtol, atol))

    # transform xs (sigma) and energy (E) to f (sigma*E) and s (sqrt(E)) to be
    # compatible with the multipole representation
    f = ce_xs * energy
    s = np.sqrt(energy)
    test_s = np.sqrt(test_energy)

    # inverse weighting is used for minimizing the relative deviation instead of
    # absolute deviation in vector fitting
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
        weight = 1.0/f

    # avoid too large weights which will harm the fitting accuracy
    min_cross_section = 1e-7
    for i in range(nmt):
        if np.all(ce_xs[i] <= min_cross_section):
            weight[i] = 1.0
        elif np.any(ce_xs[i] <= min_cross_section):
            weight[i, ce_xs[i] <= min_cross_section] = \
               max(weight[i, ce_xs[i] > min_cross_section])

    # detect peaks (resonances) and determine VF order search range
    peaks, _ = find_peaks(ce_xs[0] + ce_xs[1])
    n_peaks = peaks.size
    if orders is not None:
        # make sure orders are even integers
        orders = list(set([int(i/2)*2 for i in orders if i >= 2]))
        lowest_order = max(2, 2*n_peaks)
        highest_order = max(200, 4*n_peaks)
        orders = list(range(lowest_order, highest_order + 1, 2))

    if log:
        print("Found {} peaks".format(n_peaks))
        print("Fitting orders from {} to {}".format(orders[0], orders[-1]))

    # perform VF with increasing orders
    found_ideal = False
    n_discarded = 0  # for accelation, number of discarded searches
    best_quality = best_ratio = -np.inf
    for i, order in enumerate(orders):
        if log:
            print("Order={}({}/{})".format(order, i, len(orders)))
        # initial guessed poles
        poles_r = np.linspace(s[0], s[-1], order//2)
        poles = poles_r + poles_r*0.01j
        poles = np.sort(np.append(poles, np.conj(poles)))

        found_better = False
        # fitting iteration
        for i_vf in range(n_vf_iter):
            if log >= DETAILED_LOGGING:
                print("VF iteration {}/{}".format(i_vf + 1, n_vf_iter))

            # call vf
            poles, residues, cf, f_fit, rms = vf.vectfit(f, s, poles, weight)

            # convert real pole to conjugate pairs
            n_real_poles = 0
            new_poles = []
            for p in poles:
                p_r, p_i = np.real(p), np.imag(p)
                if (s[0] <= p_r <= s[-1]) and p_i == 0.:
                    new_poles += [p_r+p_r*0.01j, p_r-p_r*0.01j]
                    n_real_poles += 1
                    new_poles += [p]
            new_poles = np.array(new_poles)
            # re-calculate residues if poles changed
            if n_real_poles > 0:
                if log >= DETAILED_LOGGING:
                    print("  # real poles: {}".format(n_real_poles))
                new_poles, residues, cf, f_fit, rms = \
                      vf.vectfit(f, s, new_poles, weight, skip_pole=True)

            # assess the result on test grid
            test_xs = vf.evaluate(test_s, new_poles, residues) / test_energy
            abserr = np.abs(test_xs - test_xs_ref)
            with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'):
                relerr = abserr / test_xs_ref
                if np.any(np.isnan(abserr)):
                    maxre, ratio, ratio2 = np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf
                elif np.all(abserr <= atol):
                    maxre, ratio, ratio2 = 0., 1., 1.
                    maxre = np.max(relerr[abserr > atol])
                    ratio = np.sum((relerr < rtol) | (abserr < atol)) / relerr.size
                    ratio2 = np.sum((relerr < 10*rtol) | (abserr < atol)) / relerr.size

            # define a metric for choosing the best fitting results
            # basically, it is preferred to have more points within accuracy
            # tolerance, smaller maximum deviation and fewer poles
            #TODO: improve the metric with clearer basis
            quality = ratio + ratio2 - min(0.1*maxre, 1) - 0.001*new_poles.size

            if np.any(test_xs < -atol):
                quality = -np.inf

            if log >= DETAILED_LOGGING:
                print("  # poles: {}".format(new_poles.size))
                print("  Max relative error: {:.3f}%".format(maxre*100))
                print("  Satisfaction: {:.1f}%, {:.1f}%".format(ratio*100, ratio2*100))
                print("  Quality: {:.2f}".format(quality))

            if quality > best_quality:
                if log >= DETAILED_LOGGING:
                    print("  Best so far!")
                found_better = True
                best_quality, best_ratio = quality, ratio
                best_poles, best_residues = new_poles, residues
                best_test_xs, best_relerr = test_xs, relerr
                if best_ratio >= 1.0:
                    if log:
                        print("Found ideal results. Stop!")
                    found_ideal = True
                if log >= DETAILED_LOGGING:
                    print("  Discarded!")

        if found_ideal:

        # acceleration
        if found_better:
            n_discarded = 0
            if order > max(2*n_peaks, 50) and best_ratio > 0.7:
                n_discarded += 1
                if n_discarded >= 10 or (n_discarded >= 5 and best_ratio > 0.9):
                    if log >= DETAILED_LOGGING:
                        print("Couldn't get better results. Stop!")

    # merge conjugate poles
    real_idx = []
    conj_idx = []
    found_conj = False
    for i, p in enumerate(best_poles):
        if found_conj:
            found_conj = False
        if np.imag(p) == 0.:
            if i < best_poles.size and np.conj(p) == best_poles[i + 1]:
                found_conj = True
                raise RuntimeError("Complex poles are not conjugate!")
    if log:
        print("Found {} real poles and {} conjugate complex pairs.".format(
               len(real_idx), len(conj_idx)))
    mp_poles = best_poles[real_idx + conj_idx]
    mp_residues = np.concatenate((best_residues[:, real_idx],
                                  best_residues[:, conj_idx]*2), axis=1)/1j
    if log:
        print("Final number of poles: {}".format(mp_poles.size))

    if path_out:
        if not os.path.exists(path_out):
        for i, mt in enumerate(mts):
            if not test_xs_ref[i].any():
            fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
            lns1 = ax1.loglog(test_energy, test_xs_ref[i], 'g', label="ACE xs")
            lns2 = ax1.loglog(test_energy, best_test_xs[i], 'b', label="VF xs")
            ax2 = ax1.twinx()
            lns3 = ax2.loglog(test_energy, best_relerr[i], 'r',
                              label="Relative error", alpha=0.5)
            lns = lns1 + lns2 + lns3
            labels = [l.get_label() for l in lns]
            ax1.legend(lns, labels, loc='best')
            ax1.set_xlabel('energy (eV)')
            ax1.set_ylabel('cross section (b)', color='b')
            ax1.tick_params('y', colors='b')
            ax2.set_ylabel('relative error', color='r')
            ax2.tick_params('y', colors='r')

            plt.title("MT {} vector fitted with {} poles".format(mt, mp_poles.size))
            fig_file = os.path.join(path_out, "{:.0f}-{:.0f}_MT{}.png".format(
                                    energy[0], energy[-1], mt))
            if log:
                print("Saved figure: {}".format(fig_file))

    return (mp_poles, mp_residues)

def vectfit_nuclide(endf_file, njoy_error=5e-4, vf_pieces=None,
                    log=False, path_out=None, mp_filename=None, **kwargs):
    r"""Generate multipole data for a nuclide from ENDF.

    endf_file : str
        Path to ENDF evaluation
    njoy_error : float, optional
        Fractional error tolerance for processing point-wise data with NJOY
    vf_pieces : integer, optional
        Number of equal-in-momentum spaced energy pieces for data fitting
    log : bool or int, optional
        Whether to print running logs (use int for verbosity control)
    path_out : str, optional
        Path to write out mutipole data file and vector fitting figures
    mp_filename : str, optional
        File name to write out multipole data
        Keyword arguments passed to :func:``

        Dictionary containing necessary multipole data of the nuclide


    # ======================================================================

    # make 0K ACE data using njoy
    if log:
        print("Running NJOY to get 0K point-wise data (error={})...".format(njoy_error))

    nuc_ce = IncidentNeutron.from_njoy(endf_file, temperatures=[0.0],
             error=njoy_error, broadr=False, heatr=False, purr=False)

    if log:
        print("Parsing cross sections within resolved resonance range...")

    # Determine upper energy: the lower of RRR upper bound and first threshold
    endf_res = IncidentNeutron.from_endf(endf_file).resonances
    if hasattr(endf_res, 'resolved') and \
       hasattr(endf_res.resolved, 'energy_max') and \
       type(endf_res.resolved) is not ResonanceRange:
        E_max = endf_res.resolved.energy_max
    elif hasattr(endf_res, 'unresolved') and \
         hasattr(endf_res.unresolved, 'energy_min'):
        E_max = endf_res.unresolved.energy_min
        E_max =['0K'][-1]
    E_max_idx = np.searchsorted(['0K'], E_max, side='right') - 1
    for mt in nuc_ce.reactions:
        if hasattr(nuc_ce.reactions[mt].xs['0K'], '_threshold_idx'):
            threshold_idx = nuc_ce.reactions[mt].xs['0K']._threshold_idx
            if 0 < threshold_idx < E_max_idx:
                E_max_idx = threshold_idx

    # parse energy and cross sections
    energy =['0K'][:E_max_idx + 1]
    E_min, E_max = energy[0], energy[-1]
    n_points = energy.size
    total_xs = nuc_ce[1].xs['0K'](energy)
    elastic_xs = nuc_ce[2].xs['0K'](energy)

        absorption_xs = nuc_ce[27].xs['0K'](energy)
    except KeyError:
        absorption_xs = np.zeros_like(total_xs)

    fissionable = False
        fission_xs = nuc_ce[18].xs['0K'](energy)
        fissionable = True
    except KeyError:

    # make vectors
    if fissionable:
        ce_xs = np.vstack((elastic_xs, absorption_xs, fission_xs))
        mts = [2, 27, 18]
        ce_xs = np.vstack((elastic_xs, absorption_xs))
        mts = [2, 27]

    if log:
        print("  MTs: {}".format(mts))
        print("  Energy range: {:.3e} to {:.3e} eV ({} points)".format(
              E_min, E_max, n_points))

    # ======================================================================

    if vf_pieces is None:
        # divide into pieces for complex nuclides
        peaks, _ = find_peaks(total_xs)
        n_peaks = peaks.size
        if n_peaks > 200 or n_points > 30000 or n_peaks * n_points > 100*10000:
            vf_pieces = max(5, n_peaks // 50,  n_points // 2000)
            vf_pieces = 1
    piece_width = (sqrt(E_max) - sqrt(E_min)) / vf_pieces

    alpha = nuc_ce.atomic_weight_ratio/(K_BOLTZMANN*TEMPERATURE_LIMIT)

    poles, residues = [], []
    # VF piece by piece
    for i_piece in range(vf_pieces):
        if log:
            print("Vector fitting piece {}/{}...".format(i_piece + 1, vf_pieces))
        # start E of this piece
        e_bound = (sqrt(E_min) + piece_width*(i_piece-0.5))**2
        if i_piece == 0 or sqrt(alpha*e_bound) < 4.0:
            e_start = E_min
            e_start_idx = 0
            e_start = max(E_min, (sqrt(alpha*e_bound) - 4.0)**2/alpha)
            e_start_idx = np.searchsorted(energy, e_start, side='right') - 1
        # end E of this piece
        e_bound = (sqrt(E_min) + piece_width*(i_piece + 1))**2
        e_end = min(E_max, (sqrt(alpha*e_bound) + 4.0)**2/alpha)
        e_end_idx = np.searchsorted(energy, e_end, side='left') + 1
        e_idx = range(e_start_idx, min(e_end_idx + 1, n_points))

        p, r = _vectfit_xs(energy[e_idx], ce_xs[:, e_idx], mts, log=log,
                           path_out=path_out, **kwargs)


    # collect multipole data into a dictionary
    mp_data = {"name":,
               "AWR": nuc_ce.atomic_weight_ratio,
               "E_min": E_min,
               "E_max": E_max,
               "poles": poles,
               "residues": residues}

    # dump multipole data to file
    if path_out:
        if not os.path.exists(path_out):
        if not mp_filename:
            mp_filename = "{}_mp.pickle".format(
        mp_filename = os.path.join(path_out, mp_filename)
        with open(mp_filename, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(mp_data, f)
        if log:
            print("Dumped multipole data to file: {}".format(mp_filename))

    return mp_data

def _windowing(mp_data, n_cf, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5, n_win=None, spacing=None,
    """Generate windowed multipole library from multipole data with specific
        settings of window size, curve fit order, etc.

    mp_data : dict
        Multipole data
    n_cf : int
        Curve fitting order
    rtol : float, optional
        Maximum relative error tolerance
    atol : float, optional
        Minimum absolute error tolerance
    n_win : int, optional
        Number of equal-in-mementum spaced energy windows
    spacing : float, optional
        Inner window spacing (sqrt energy space)
    log : bool or int, optional
        Whether to print running logs (use int for verbosity control)

        Resonant cross sections represented in the windowed multipole


    # import vectfit package:
    import vectfit as vf

    # unpack multipole data
    name = mp_data["name"]
    awr = mp_data["AWR"]
    E_min = mp_data["E_min"]
    E_max = mp_data["E_max"]
    mp_poles = mp_data["poles"]
    mp_residues = mp_data["residues"]

    n_pieces = len(mp_poles)
    piece_width = (sqrt(E_max) - sqrt(E_min)) / n_pieces

    # determine window size
    if n_win is None:
        if spacing is not None:
            # ensure the windows are within the multipole energy range
            n_win = int((sqrt(E_max) - sqrt(E_min)) / spacing)
            E_max = (sqrt(E_min) + n_win*spacing)**2
            n_win = 1000
    # inner window size
    spacing = (sqrt(E_max) - sqrt(E_min)) / n_win
    # make sure inner window size is smaller than energy piece size
    if spacing > piece_width:
        raise ValueError('Window spacing cannot be larger than piece spacing.')

    if log:
        print("  config: # windows={}, spacing={}, CF order={}".format(
               n_win, spacing, n_cf))
        print("  error tolerance: rtol={}, atol={}".format(rtol, atol))

    # sort poles (and residues) by the real component of the pole
    for ip in range(n_pieces):
        indices = mp_poles[ip].argsort()
        mp_poles[ip] = mp_poles[ip][indices]
        mp_residues[ip] = mp_residues[ip][:, indices]

    # initialize an array to record whether each pole is used or not
    poles_unused = [np.ones_like(p, dtype=int) for p in mp_poles]

    # optimize the windows: the goal is to find the least set of significant
    # consecutive poles and curve fit coefficients to reproduce cross section
    win_data = []
    for iw in range(n_win):
        if log >= DETAILED_LOGGING:
            print("Processing window {}/{}...".format(iw + 1, n_win))

        # inner window boundaries
        inbegin = sqrt(E_min) + spacing * iw
        inend = inbegin + spacing
        incenter = (inbegin + inend) / 2.0
        # extend window energy range for Doppler broadening
        if iw == 0 or sqrt(alpha)*inbegin < 4.0:
            e_start = inbegin**2
            e_start = max(E_min, (sqrt(alpha)*inbegin - 4.0)**2/alpha)
        e_end = min(E_max, (sqrt(alpha)*inend + 4.0)**2/alpha)

        # locate piece and relevant poles
        i_piece = min(n_pieces - 1, int((inbegin - sqrt(E_min))/piece_width + 0.5))
        poles, residues = mp_poles[i_piece], mp_residues[i_piece]
        n_poles = poles.size

        # generate energy points for fitting: equally spaced in momentum
        n_points = min(max(100, int((e_end - e_start)*4)), 10000)
        energy_sqrt = np.linspace(np.sqrt(e_start), np.sqrt(e_end), n_points)
        energy = energy_sqrt**2

        # reference xs from multipole form, note the residue terms in the
        # multipole and vector fitting representations differ by a 1j
        xs_ref = vf.evaluate(energy_sqrt, poles, residues*1j) / energy

        # curve fit matrix
        matrix = np.vstack([energy**(0.5*i - 1) for i in range(n_cf + 1)]).T

        # start from 0 poles, initialize pointers to the center nearest pole
        center_pole_ind = np.argmin((np.fabs(poles.real - incenter)))
        lp = rp = center_pole_ind
        while True:
            if log >= DETAILED_LOGGING:
                print("Trying poles {} to {}".format(lp, rp))

            # calculate the cross sections contributed by the windowed poles
            if rp > lp:
                xs_wp = vf.evaluate(energy_sqrt, poles[lp:rp],
                                    residues[:, lp:rp]*1j) / energy
                xs_wp = np.zeros_like(xs_ref)

            # do least square curve fit on the remains
            coefs = np.linalg.lstsq(matrix, (xs_ref - xs_wp).T, rcond=None)[0]
            xs_fit = (matrix @ coefs).T

            # assess the result
            abserr = np.abs(xs_fit + xs_wp - xs_ref)
            with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'):
                relerr = abserr / xs_ref
            if not np.any(np.isnan(abserr)):
                re = relerr[abserr > atol]
                if re.size == 0 or np.all(re <= rtol) or \
                   (re.max() <= 2*rtol and (re > rtol).sum() <= 0.01*relerr.size) or \
                   (iw == 0 and np.all(relerr.mean(axis=1) <= rtol)):
                    # meet tolerances
                    if log >= DETAILED_LOGGING:
                        print("Accuracy satisfied.")

            # we expect pure curvefit will succeed for the first window
            # TODO: find the energy boundary below which no poles are allowed
            if iw == 0:
                raise RuntimeError('Pure curvefit failed for the first window!')

            # try to include one more pole (next center nearest)
            if rp >= n_poles:
                lp -= 1
            elif lp <= 0 or poles[rp] - incenter <= incenter - poles[lp - 1]:
                rp += 1
                lp -= 1

        # save data for this window
        win_data.append((i_piece, lp, rp, coefs))

        # mark the windowed poles as used poles
        poles_unused[i_piece][lp:rp] = 0

    # flatten and shrink by removing unused poles
    data = []  # used poles and residues
    for ip in range(n_pieces):
        used = (poles_unused[ip] == 0)
        # stack poles and residues for library format
        data.append(np.vstack([mp_poles[ip][used], mp_residues[ip][:, used]]).T)
    # stack poles/residues in sequence vertically
    data = np.vstack(data)
    # new start/end pole indices
    windows = []
    curvefit = []
    for iw in range(n_win):
        ip, lp, rp, coefs = win_data[iw]
        # adjust indices and change to 1-based for the library format
        n_prev_poles = sum([poles_unused[i].size for i in range(ip)])
        n_unused = sum([(poles_unused[i] == 1).sum() for i in range(ip)]) + \
                  (poles_unused[ip][:lp] == 1).sum()
        lp += n_prev_poles - n_unused + 1
        rp += n_prev_poles - n_unused
        windows.append([lp, rp])

    # construct the WindowedMultipole object
    wmp = WindowedMultipole(name)
    wmp.spacing = spacing
    wmp.sqrtAWR = sqrt(awr)
    wmp.E_min = E_min
    wmp.E_max = E_max = data = np.asarray(windows)
    wmp.curvefit = np.asarray(curvefit)
    # TODO: check if Doppler brodening of the polynomial curvefit is negligible
    wmp.broaden_poly = np.ones((n_win,), dtype=bool)

    return wmp

[docs]class WindowedMultipole(EqualityMixin): """Resonant cross sections represented in the windowed multipole format. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the nuclide using the GNDS naming convention Attributes ---------- name : str Name of the nuclide using the GNDS naming convention spacing : float The width of each window in sqrt(E)-space. For example, the frst window will end at (sqrt(E_min) + spacing)**2 and the second window at (sqrt(E_min) + 2*spacing)**2. sqrtAWR : float Square root of the atomic weight ratio of the target nuclide. E_min : float Lowest energy in eV the library is valid for. E_max : float Highest energy in eV the library is valid for. data : np.ndarray A 2D array of complex poles and residues. data[i, 0] gives the energy at which pole i is located. data[i, 1:] gives the residues associated with the i-th pole. There are 3 residues, one each for the scattering, absorption, and fission channels. windows : np.ndarray A 2D array of Integral values. windows[i, 0] - 1 is the index of the first pole in window i. windows[i, 1] - 1 is the index of the last pole in window i. broaden_poly : np.ndarray A 1D array of boolean values indicating whether or not the polynomial curvefit in that window should be Doppler broadened. curvefit : np.ndarray A 3D array of Real curvefit polynomial coefficients. curvefit[i, 0, :] gives coefficients for the scattering cross section in window i. curvefit[i, 1, :] gives absorption coefficients and curvefit[i, 2, :] gives fission coefficients. The polynomial terms are increasing powers of sqrt(E) starting with 1/E e.g: a/E + b/sqrt(E) + c + d sqrt(E) + ... """ def __init__(self, name): = name self.spacing = None self.sqrtAWR = None self.E_min = None self.E_max = None = None = None self.broaden_poly = None self.curvefit = None @property def name(self): return self._name @property def fit_order(self): return self.curvefit.shape[1] - 1 @property def fissionable(self): return[1] == 4 @property def n_poles(self): return[0] @property def n_windows(self): return[0] @property def poles_per_window(self): return ([:, 1] -[:, 0] + 1).mean() @property def spacing(self): return self._spacing @property def sqrtAWR(self): return self._sqrtAWR @property def E_min(self): return self._E_min @property def E_max(self): return self._E_max @property def data(self): return self._data @property def windows(self): return self._windows @property def broaden_poly(self): return self._broaden_poly @property def curvefit(self): return self._curvefit @name.setter def name(self, name): cv.check_type('name', name, str) self._name = name @spacing.setter def spacing(self, spacing): if spacing is not None: cv.check_type('spacing', spacing, Real) cv.check_greater_than('spacing', spacing, 0.0, equality=False) self._spacing = spacing @sqrtAWR.setter def sqrtAWR(self, sqrtAWR): if sqrtAWR is not None: cv.check_type('sqrtAWR', sqrtAWR, Real) cv.check_greater_than('sqrtAWR', sqrtAWR, 0.0, equality=False) self._sqrtAWR = sqrtAWR @E_min.setter def E_min(self, E_min): if E_min is not None: cv.check_type('E_min', E_min, Real) cv.check_greater_than('E_min', E_min, 0.0, equality=True) self._E_min = E_min @E_max.setter def E_max(self, E_max): if E_max is not None: cv.check_type('E_max', E_max, Real) cv.check_greater_than('E_max', E_max, 0.0, equality=False) self._E_max = E_max @data.setter def data(self, data): if data is not None: cv.check_type('data', data, np.ndarray) if len(data.shape) != 2: raise ValueError('Multipole data arrays must be 2D') if data.shape[1] not in (3, 4): raise ValueError( 'data.shape[1] must be 3 or 4. One value for the pole.' ' One each for the scattering and absorption residues. ' 'Possibly one more for a fission residue.') if not np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.complexfloating): raise TypeError('Multipole data arrays must be complex dtype') self._data = data @windows.setter def windows(self, windows): if windows is not None: cv.check_type('windows', windows, np.ndarray) if len(windows.shape) != 2: raise ValueError('Multipole windows arrays must be 2D') if not np.issubdtype(windows.dtype, np.integer): raise TypeError('Multipole windows arrays must be integer' ' dtype') self._windows = windows @broaden_poly.setter def broaden_poly(self, broaden_poly): if broaden_poly is not None: cv.check_type('broaden_poly', broaden_poly, np.ndarray) if len(broaden_poly.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('Multipole broaden_poly arrays must be 1D') if not np.issubdtype(broaden_poly.dtype, np.bool_): raise TypeError('Multipole broaden_poly arrays must be boolean' ' dtype') self._broaden_poly = broaden_poly @curvefit.setter def curvefit(self, curvefit): if curvefit is not None: cv.check_type('curvefit', curvefit, np.ndarray) if len(curvefit.shape) != 3: raise ValueError('Multipole curvefit arrays must be 3D') if curvefit.shape[2] not in (2, 3): # sig_s, sig_a (maybe sig_f) raise ValueError('The third dimension of multipole curvefit' ' arrays must have a length of 2 or 3') if not np.issubdtype(curvefit.dtype, np.floating): raise TypeError('Multipole curvefit arrays must be float dtype') self._curvefit = curvefit
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, group_or_filename): """Construct a WindowedMultipole object from an HDF5 group or file. Parameters ---------- group_or_filename : h5py.Group or str HDF5 group containing multipole data. If given as a string, it is assumed to be the filename for the HDF5 file, and the first group is used to read from. Returns ------- Resonant cross sections represented in the windowed multipole format. """ if isinstance(group_or_filename, h5py.Group): group = group_or_filename need_to_close = False else: h5file = h5py.File(str(group_or_filename), 'r') need_to_close = True # Make sure version matches if 'version' in h5file.attrs: major, minor = h5file.attrs['version'] if major != WMP_VERSION_MAJOR: raise DataError( 'WMP data format uses version {}. {} whereas your ' 'installation of the OpenMC Python API expects version ' '{}.x.'.format(major, minor, WMP_VERSION_MAJOR)) else: raise DataError( 'WMP data does not indicate a version. Your installation of ' 'the OpenMC Python API expects version {}.x data.' .format(WMP_VERSION_MAJOR)) group = list(h5file.values())[0] name =[1:] out = cls(name) # Read scalars. out.spacing = group['spacing'][()] out.sqrtAWR = group['sqrtAWR'][()] out.E_min = group['E_min'][()] out.E_max = group['E_max'][()] # Read arrays. err = "WMP '{}' array shape is not consistent with the '{}' array shape" = group['data'][()] = group['windows'][()] out.broaden_poly = group['broaden_poly'][...].astype(bool) if out.broaden_poly.shape[0] !=[0]: raise ValueError(err.format('broaden_poly', 'windows')) out.curvefit = group['curvefit'][()] if out.curvefit.shape[0] !=[0]: raise ValueError(err.format('curvefit', 'windows')) # _broaden_wmp_polynomials assumes the curve fit has at least 3 terms. if out.fit_order < 2: raise ValueError("Windowed multipole is only supported for " "curvefits with 3 or more terms.") # If HDF5 file was opened here, make sure it gets closed if need_to_close: h5file.close() return out
[docs] @classmethod def from_endf(cls, endf_file, log=False, vf_options=None, wmp_options=None): """Generate windowed multipole neutron data from an ENDF evaluation. .. versionadded:: 0.12.1 Parameters ---------- endf_file : str Path to ENDF evaluation log : bool or int, optional Whether to print running logs (use int for verbosity control) vf_options : dict, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments, e.g. {'njoy_error': 0.001}, passed to :func:`` wmp_options : dict, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments, e.g. {'search': True, 'rtol': 0.01}, passed to :func:`` Returns ------- Resonant cross sections represented in the windowed multipole format. """ if vf_options is None: vf_options = {} if wmp_options is None: wmp_options = {} if log: vf_options.update(log=log) wmp_options.update(log=log) # generate multipole data from EDNF mp_data = vectfit_nuclide(endf_file, **vf_options) # windowing return cls.from_multipole(mp_data, **wmp_options)
[docs] @classmethod def from_multipole(cls, mp_data, search=None, log=False, **kwargs): """Generate windowed multipole neutron data from multipole data. Parameters ---------- mp_data : dictionary or str Dictionary or Path to the multipole data stored in a pickle file search : bool, optional Whether to search for optimal window size and curvefit order. Defaults to True if no windowing parameters are specified. log : bool or int, optional Whether to print running logs (use int for verbosity control) **kwargs Keyword arguments passed to :func:`` Returns ------- Resonant cross sections represented in the windowed multipole format. """ if isinstance(mp_data, str): # load multipole data from file with open(mp_data, 'rb') as f: mp_data = pickle.load(f) if search is None: if 'n_cf' in kwargs and ('n_win' in kwargs or 'spacing' in kwargs): search = False else: search = True # windowing with specific options if not search: # set default value for curvefit order if not specified if 'n_cf' not in kwargs: kwargs.update(n_cf=5) return _windowing(mp_data, log=log, **kwargs) # search optimal WMP from a range of window sizes and CF orders if log: print("Start searching ...") n_poles = sum([p.size for p in mp_data["poles"]]) n_win_min = max(5, n_poles // 20) n_win_max = 2000 if n_poles < 2000 else 8000 best_wmp = best_metric = None for n_w in np.unique(np.linspace(n_win_min, n_win_max, 20, dtype=int)): for n_cf in range(10, 1, -1): if log: print("Testing N_win={} N_cf={}".format(n_w, n_cf)) # update arguments dictionary kwargs.update(n_win=n_w, n_cf=n_cf) # windowing try: wmp = _windowing(mp_data, log=log, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if log: print('Failed: ' + str(e)) break # select wmp library with metric: # - performance: average # used poles per window and CF order # - memory: # windows metric = -(wmp.poles_per_window * 10. + wmp.fit_order * 1. + wmp.n_windows * 0.01) if best_wmp is None or metric > best_metric: if log: print("Best library so far.") best_wmp = deepcopy(wmp) best_metric = metric # return the best wmp library if log: print("Final library: {} poles, {} windows, {:.2g} poles per window, " "{} CF order".format(best_wmp.n_poles, best_wmp.n_windows, best_wmp.poles_per_window, best_wmp.fit_order)) return best_wmp
def _evaluate(self, E, T): """Compute scattering, absorption, and fission cross sections. Parameters ---------- E : Real Energy of the incident neutron in eV. T : Real Temperature of the target in K. Returns ------- 3-tuple of Real Scattering, absorption, and fission microscopic cross sections at the given energy and temperature. """ if E < self.E_min: return (0, 0, 0) if E > self.E_max: return (0, 0, 0) # ====================================================================== # Bookkeeping # Define some frequently used variables. sqrtkT = sqrt(K_BOLTZMANN * T) sqrtE = sqrt(E) invE = 1.0 / E # Locate us. The i_window calc omits a + 1 present in F90 because of # the 1-based vs. 0-based indexing. Similarly startw needs to be # decreased by 1. endw does not need to be decreased because # range(startw, endw) does not include endw. i_window = min(self.n_windows - 1, int(np.floor((sqrtE - sqrt(self.E_min)) / self.spacing))) startw =[i_window, 0] - 1 endw =[i_window, 1] # Initialize the ouptut cross sections. sig_s = 0.0 sig_a = 0.0 sig_f = 0.0 # ====================================================================== # Add the contribution from the curvefit polynomial. if sqrtkT != 0 and self.broaden_poly[i_window]: # Broaden the curvefit. dopp = self.sqrtAWR / sqrtkT broadened_polynomials = _broaden_wmp_polynomials(E, dopp, self.fit_order + 1) for i_poly in range(self.fit_order + 1): sig_s += (self.curvefit[i_window, i_poly, _FIT_S] * broadened_polynomials[i_poly]) sig_a += (self.curvefit[i_window, i_poly, _FIT_A] * broadened_polynomials[i_poly]) if self.fissionable: sig_f += (self.curvefit[i_window, i_poly, _FIT_F] * broadened_polynomials[i_poly]) else: temp = invE for i_poly in range(self.fit_order + 1): sig_s += self.curvefit[i_window, i_poly, _FIT_S] * temp sig_a += self.curvefit[i_window, i_poly, _FIT_A] * temp if self.fissionable: sig_f += self.curvefit[i_window, i_poly, _FIT_F] * temp temp *= sqrtE # ====================================================================== # Add the contribution from the poles in this window. if sqrtkT == 0.0: # If at 0K, use asymptotic form. for i_pole in range(startw, endw): psi_chi = -1j / ([i_pole, _MP_EA] - sqrtE) c_temp = psi_chi / E sig_s += ([i_pole, _MP_RS] * c_temp).real sig_a += ([i_pole, _MP_RA] * c_temp).real if self.fissionable: sig_f += ([i_pole, _MP_RF] * c_temp).real else: # At temperature, use Faddeeva function-based form. dopp = self.sqrtAWR / sqrtkT for i_pole in range(startw, endw): Z = (sqrtE -[i_pole, _MP_EA]) * dopp w_val = _faddeeva(Z) * dopp * invE * sqrt(pi) sig_s += ([i_pole, _MP_RS] * w_val).real sig_a += ([i_pole, _MP_RA] * w_val).real if self.fissionable: sig_f += ([i_pole, _MP_RF] * w_val).real return sig_s, sig_a, sig_f def __call__(self, E, T): """Compute scattering, absorption, and fission cross sections. Parameters ---------- E : Real or Iterable of Real Energy of the incident neutron in eV. T : Real Temperature of the target in K. Returns ------- 3-tuple of Real or 3-tuple of numpy.ndarray Scattering, absorption, and fission microscopic cross sections at the given energy and temperature. """ fun = np.vectorize(lambda x: self._evaluate(x, T)) return fun(E)
[docs] def export_to_hdf5(self, path, mode='a', libver='earliest'): """Export windowed multipole data to an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to write HDF5 file to mode : {'r+', 'w', 'x', 'a'} Mode that is used to open the HDF5 file. This is the second argument to the :class:`h5py.File` constructor. libver : {'earliest', 'latest'} Compatibility mode for the HDF5 file. 'latest' will produce files that are less backwards compatible but have performance benefits. """ # Open file and write version. with h5py.File(str(path), mode, libver=libver) as f: f.attrs['filetype'] = np.string_('data_wmp') f.attrs['version'] = np.array(WMP_VERSION) g = f.create_group( # Write scalars. g.create_dataset('spacing', data=np.array(self.spacing)) g.create_dataset('sqrtAWR', data=np.array(self.sqrtAWR)) g.create_dataset('E_min', data=np.array(self.E_min)) g.create_dataset('E_max', data=np.array(self.E_max)) # Write arrays. g.create_dataset('data', g.create_dataset('windows', g.create_dataset('broaden_poly', data=self.broaden_poly.astype(np.int8)) g.create_dataset('curvefit', data=self.curvefit)