class, num_electrons, transitions)[source]

Atomic relaxation data.

This class stores the binding energy, number of electrons, and electron transitions possible from ioniziation for each electron subshell of an atom. All of the data originates from an ENDF-6 atomic relaxation sub-library (NSUB=6). Instances of this class are not normally instantiated directly but rather created using the factory method \(AtomicRelaxation.from_endf\).

  • binding_energy (dict) – Dictionary indicating the binding energy in eV (values) for given subshells (keys). The subshells should be given as strings, e.g., ‘K’, ‘L1’, ‘L2’, etc.

  • num_electrons (dict) – Dictionary indicating the number of electrons in a subshell when neutral (values) for given subshells (keys). The subshells should be given as strings, e.g., ‘K’, ‘L1’, ‘L2’, etc.

  • transitions (pandas.DataFrame) – Dictionary indicating allowed transitions and their probabilities (values) for given subshells (keys). The subshells should be given as strings, e.g., ‘K’, ‘L1’, ‘L2’, etc. The transitions are represented as a DataFrame with columns indicating the secondary and tertiary subshell, the energy of the transition in eV, and the fractional probability of the transition.

  • binding_energy (dict) – Dictionary indicating the binding energy in eV (values) for given subshells (keys). The subshells should be given as strings, e.g., ‘K’, ‘L1’, ‘L2’, etc.

  • num_electrons (dict) – Dictionary indicating the number of electrons in a subshell when neutral (values) for given subshells (keys). The subshells should be given as strings, e.g., ‘K’, ‘L1’, ‘L2’, etc.

  • transitions (pandas.DataFrame) – Dictionary indicating allowed transitions and their probabilities (values) for given subshells (keys). The subshells should be given as strings, e.g., ‘K’, ‘L1’, ‘L2’, etc. The transitions are represented as a DataFrame with columns indicating the secondary and tertiary subshell, the energy of the transition in eV, and the fractional probability of the transition.

See also


classmethod from_ace(ace)[source]

Generate atomic relaxation data from an ACE file


ace ( – ACE table to read from


Atomic relaxation data

Return type

classmethod from_endf(ev_or_filename)[source]

Generate atomic relaxation data from an ENDF evaluation


ev_or_filename (str or – ENDF atomic relaxation evaluation to read from. If given as a string, it is assumed to be the filename for the ENDF file.


Atomic relaxation data

Return type

classmethod from_hdf5(group)[source]

Generate atomic relaxation data from an HDF5 group


group (h5py.Group) – HDF5 group to read from


Atomic relaxation data

Return type

to_hdf5(group, shell)[source]

Write atomic relaxation data to an HDF5 group

  • group (h5py.Group) – HDF5 group to write to

  • shell (str) – The subshell to write data for