
class openmc.Region[source]

Region of space that can be assigned to a cell.

Region is an abstract base class that is inherited by openmc.Halfspace, openmc.Intersection, openmc.Union, and openmc.Complement. Each of those respective classes are typically not instantiated directly but rather are created through operators of the Surface and Region classes.


Create a copy of this region - each of the surfaces in the region’s nodes will be cloned and will have new unique IDs.


memo (dict or None) – A nested dictionary of previously cloned objects. This parameter is used internally and should not be specified by the user.


clone – The clone of this region

Return type


static from_expression(expression, surfaces)[source]

Generate a region given an infix expression.

  • expression (str) – Boolean expression relating surface half-spaces. The possible operators are union ‘|’, intersection ‘ ‘, and complement ‘~’. For example, ‘(1 -2) | 3 ~(4 -5)’.

  • surfaces (dict) – Dictionary whose keys are surface IDs that appear in the Boolean expression and whose values are Surface objects.


Recursively find all surfaces referenced by a region and return them


surfaces (collections.OrderedDict, optional) – Dictionary mapping surface IDs to openmc.Surface instances


surfaces – Dictionary mapping surface IDs to openmc.Surface instances

Return type



Recursively remove all redundant surfaces referenced by this region

New in version 0.12.


redundant_surfaces (dict) – Dictionary mapping redundant surface IDs to class:openmc.Surface instances that should replace them.

rotate(rotation, pivot=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), order='xyz', inplace=False, memo=None)[source]

Rotate surface by angles provided or by applying matrix directly.

New in version 0.12.

  • rotation (3-tuple of float, or 3x3 iterable) – A 3-tuple of angles \((\phi, \theta, \psi)\) in degrees where the first element is the rotation about the x-axis in the fixed laboratory frame, the second element is the rotation about the y-axis in the fixed laboratory frame, and the third element is the rotation about the z-axis in the fixed laboratory frame. The rotations are active rotations. Additionally a 3x3 rotation matrix can be specified directly either as a nested iterable or array.

  • pivot (iterable of float, optional) – (x, y, z) coordinates for the point to rotate about. Defaults to (0., 0., 0.)

  • order (str, optional) – A string of ‘x’, ‘y’, and ‘z’ in some order specifying which rotation to perform first, second, and third. Defaults to ‘xyz’ which means, the rotation by angle \(\phi\) about x will be applied first, followed by \(\theta\) about y and then \(\psi\) about z. This corresponds to an x-y-z extrinsic rotation as well as a z-y’-x’’ intrinsic rotation using Tait-Bryan angles \((\phi, \theta, \psi)\).

  • inplace (boolean) – Whether or not to return a new instance of Surface or to modify the coefficients of this Surface in place. Defaults to False.

  • memo (dict or None) – Dictionary used for memoization


Translated region

Return type


translate(vector, memo=None)[source]

Translate region in given direction

  • vector (iterable of float) – Direction in which region should be translated

  • memo (dict or None) – Dictionary used for memoization. This parameter is used internally and should not be specified by the user.


Translated region

Return type
