Source code for openmc.deplete.nuclide

"""Nuclide module.

Contains the per-nuclide components of a depletion chain.

import bisect
from import Mapping
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
from warnings import warn
from numbers import Real
    import lxml.etree as ET
except ImportError:
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from numpy import empty, searchsorted

from openmc.checkvalue import check_type

__all__ = [
    "DecayTuple", "ReactionTuple", "Nuclide", "FissionYield",

DecayTuple = namedtuple('DecayTuple', 'type target branching_ratio')
DecayTuple.__doc__ = """\
Decay mode information

type : str
    Type of the decay mode, e.g., 'beta-'
target : str or None
    Nuclide resulting from decay. A value of ``None`` implies the
    target does not exist in the currently configured depletion
branching_ratio : float
    Branching ratio of the decay mode

    DecayTuple.type.__doc__ = None = None
    DecayTuple.branching_ratio.__doc__ = None
except AttributeError:
    # Can't set __doc__ on properties on Python 3.4

ReactionTuple = namedtuple('ReactionTuple', 'type target Q branching_ratio')
ReactionTuple.__doc__ = """\
Transmutation reaction information

type : str
    Type of the reaction, e.g., 'fission'
target : str or None
    Nuclide resulting from reaction. A value of ``None``
    implies either no single target, e.g. from fission,
    or that the target nuclide is not considered
    in the current depletion chain
Q : float
    Q value of the reaction in [eV]
branching_ratio : float
    Branching ratio of the reaction

    ReactionTuple.type.__doc__ = None = None
    ReactionTuple.Q.__doc__ = None
    ReactionTuple.branching_ratio.__doc__ = None
except AttributeError:

[docs]class Nuclide: """Decay modes, reactions, and fission yields for a single nuclide. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional GND name of this nuclide, e.g. ``"He4"``, ``"Am242_m1"`` Attributes ---------- name : str or None Name of nuclide. half_life : float or None Half life of nuclide in [s]. decay_energy : float Energy deposited from decay in [eV]. n_decay_modes : int Number of decay pathways. decay_modes : list of openmc.deplete.DecayTuple Decay mode information. Each element of the list is a named tuple with attributes 'type', 'target', and 'branching_ratio'. n_reaction_paths : int Number of possible reaction pathways. reactions : list of openmc.deplete.ReactionTuple Reaction information. Each element of the list is a named tuple with attribute 'type', 'target', 'Q', and 'branching_ratio'. yield_data : FissionYieldDistribution or None Fission product yields at tabulated energies for this nuclide. Can be treated as a nested dictionary ``{energy: {product: yield}}`` yield_energies : tuple of float or None Energies at which fission product yields exist """ def __init__(self, name=None): # Information about the nuclide = name self.half_life = None self.decay_energy = 0.0 # Decay paths self.decay_modes = [] # Reaction paths self.reactions = [] # Neutron fission yields, if present self._yield_data = None @property def n_decay_modes(self): return len(self.decay_modes) @property def n_reaction_paths(self): return len(self.reactions) @property def yield_data(self): if self._yield_data is None: return None return self._yield_data @yield_data.setter def yield_data(self, fission_yields): if fission_yields is None: self._yield_data = None else: check_type("fission_yields", fission_yields, Mapping) if isinstance(fission_yields, FissionYieldDistribution): self._yield_data = fission_yields else: self._yield_data = FissionYieldDistribution(fission_yields) @property def yield_energies(self): if self._yield_data is None: return None return self.yield_data.energies
[docs] def add_decay_mode(self, type, target, branching_ratio): """Add decay mode to the nuclide Parameters ---------- type : str Type of the decay mode, e.g., 'beta-' target : str or None Nuclide resulting from decay. A value of ``None`` implies the target does not exist in the currently configured depletion chain branching_ratio : float Branching ratio of the decay mode """ self.decay_modes.append( DecayTuple(type, target, branching_ratio) )
[docs] def add_reaction(self, type, target, Q, branching_ratio): """Add transmutation reaction to the nuclide Parameters ---------- type : str Type of the reaction, e.g., 'fission' target : str or None Nuclide resulting from reaction. A value of ``None`` implies either no single target, e.g. from fission, or that the target nuclide is not considered in the current depletion chain Q : float Q value of the reaction in [eV] branching_ratio : float Branching ratio of the reaction """ self.reactions.append( ReactionTuple(type, target, Q, branching_ratio) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml(cls, element, root=None, fission_q=None): """Read nuclide from an XML element. Parameters ---------- element : xml.etree.ElementTree.Element XML element to read nuclide data from root : xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, optional Root XML element for chain file (only used when fission product yields are borrowed from another parent) fission_q : None or float User-supplied fission Q value [eV]. Will be read from the element if not given Returns ------- nuc : openmc.deplete.Nuclide Instance of a nuclide """ nuc = cls() = element.get('name') # Check for half-life if 'half_life' in element.attrib: nuc.half_life = float(element.get('half_life')) nuc.decay_energy = float(element.get('decay_energy', '0')) # Check for decay paths for decay_elem in element.iter('decay'): d_type = decay_elem.get('type') target = decay_elem.get('target') if target is not None and target.lower() == "nothing": target = None branching_ratio = float(decay_elem.get('branching_ratio')) nuc.decay_modes.append(DecayTuple(d_type, target, branching_ratio)) # Check for reaction paths for reaction_elem in element.iter('reaction'): r_type = reaction_elem.get('type') Q = float(reaction_elem.get('Q', '0')) branching_ratio = float(reaction_elem.get('branching_ratio', '1')) # If the type is not fission, get target and Q value, otherwise # just set null values if r_type != 'fission': target = reaction_elem.get('target') if target is not None and target.lower() == "nothing": target = None else: target = None if fission_q is not None: Q = fission_q # Append reaction nuc.reactions.append(ReactionTuple( r_type, target, Q, branching_ratio)) fpy_elem = element.find('neutron_fission_yields') if fpy_elem is not None: # Check for use of FPY from other nuclide parent = fpy_elem.get('parent') if parent is not None: assert root is not None fpy_elem = root.find( './/nuclide[@name="{}"]/neutron_fission_yields'.format(parent) ) if fpy_elem is None: raise ValueError( "Fission product yields for {0} borrow from {1}, but {1} is" " not present in the chain file or has no yields.".format(, parent )) nuc._fpy = parent nuc.yield_data = FissionYieldDistribution.from_xml_element(fpy_elem) return nuc
[docs] def to_xml_element(self): """Write nuclide to XML element. Returns ------- elem : xml.etree.ElementTree.Element XML element to write nuclide data to """ elem = ET.Element('nuclide') elem.set('name', if self.half_life is not None: elem.set('half_life', str(self.half_life)) elem.set('decay_modes', str(len(self.decay_modes))) elem.set('decay_energy', str(self.decay_energy)) for mode_type, daughter, br in self.decay_modes: mode_elem = ET.SubElement(elem, 'decay') mode_elem.set('type', mode_type) if daughter: mode_elem.set('target', daughter) mode_elem.set('branching_ratio', str(br)) elem.set('reactions', str(len(self.reactions))) for rx, daughter, Q, br in self.reactions: rx_elem = ET.SubElement(elem, 'reaction') rx_elem.set('type', rx) rx_elem.set('Q', str(Q)) if daughter is not None: rx_elem.set('target', daughter) if br != 1.0: rx_elem.set('branching_ratio', str(br)) if self.yield_data: fpy_elem = ET.SubElement(elem, 'neutron_fission_yields') if hasattr(self, '_fpy'): # Check for link to other nuclide data fpy_elem.set('parent', self._fpy) else: energy_elem = ET.SubElement(fpy_elem, 'energies') energy_elem.text = ' '.join(str(E) for E in self.yield_energies) self.yield_data.to_xml_element(fpy_elem) return elem
[docs] def validate(self, strict=True, quiet=False, tolerance=1e-4): """Search for possible inconsistencies The following checks are performed: 1) for all non-fission reactions and decay modes, does the sum of branching ratios equal about one? 2) for fission reactions, does the sum of fission yield fractions equal about two? Parameters ---------- strict : bool, optional Raise exceptions at the first inconsistency if true. Otherwise mark a warning quiet : bool, optional Flag to suppress warnings and return immediately at the first inconsistency. Used only if ``strict`` does not evaluate to ``True``. tolerance : float, optional Absolute tolerance for comparisons. Used to compare computed value ``x`` to intended value ``y`` as:: valid = (y - tolerance <= x <= y + tolerance) Returns ------- valid : bool True if no inconsistencies were found Raises ------ ValueError If ``strict`` evaluates to ``True`` and an inconistency was found See Also -------- openmc.deplete.Chain.validate """ msg_func = ("Nuclide {name} has {prop} that sum to {actual} " "instead of {expected} +/- {tol:7.4e}").format valid = True # check decay modes if self.decay_modes: sum_br = sum(m.branching_ratio for m in self.decay_modes) stat = 1.0 - tolerance <= sum_br <= 1.0 + tolerance if not stat: msg = msg_func(, actual=sum_br, expected=1.0, tol=tolerance, prop="decay mode branch ratios") if strict: raise ValueError(msg) elif quiet: return False warn(msg) valid = False if self.reactions: type_map = defaultdict(set) for reaction in self.reactions: type_map[reaction.type].add(reaction) for rxn_type, reactions in type_map.items(): sum_rxn = sum(rx.branching_ratio for rx in reactions) stat = 1.0 - tolerance <= sum_rxn <= 1.0 + tolerance if stat: continue msg = msg_func(, actual=sum_br, expected=1.0, tol=tolerance, prop="{} reaction branch ratios".format(rxn_type)) if strict: raise ValueError(msg) elif quiet: return False warn(msg) valid = False if self.yield_data: for energy, fission_yield in self.yield_data.items(): sum_yield = fission_yield.yields.sum() stat = 2.0 - tolerance <= sum_yield <= 2.0 + tolerance if stat: continue msg = msg_func(, actual=sum_yield, expected=2.0, tol=tolerance, prop="fission yields (E = {:7.4e} eV)".format(energy)) if strict: raise ValueError(msg) elif quiet: return False warn(msg) valid = False return valid
[docs]class FissionYieldDistribution(Mapping): """Energy-dependent fission product yields for a single nuclide Can be used as a dictionary mapping energies and products to fission yields:: >>> fydist = FissionYieldDistribution( ... {0.0253: {"Xe135": 0.021}}) >>> fydist[0.0253]["Xe135"] 0.021 Parameters ---------- fission_yields : dict Dictionary of energies and fission product yields for that energy. Expected to be of the form ``{float: {str: float}}``. The first float is the energy, typically in eV, that represents this distribution. The underlying dictionary maps fission products to their respective yields. Attributes ---------- energies : tuple Energies for which fission yields exist. Sorted by increasing energy products : tuple Fission products produced at all energies. Sorted by name. yield_matrix : numpy.ndarray Array ``(n_energy, n_products)`` where ``yield_matrix[g, j]`` is the fission yield of product ``j`` for energy group ``g``. See Also -------- * :meth:`from_xml_element` - Construction methods * :class:`FissionYield` - Class used for storing yields at a given energy """ def __init__(self, fission_yields): # mapping {energy: {product: value}} energies = sorted(fission_yields) # Get a consistent set of products to produce a matrix of yields shared_prod = set.union(*(set(x) for x in fission_yields.values())) ordered_prod = sorted(shared_prod) yield_matrix = empty((len(energies), len(shared_prod))) for g_index, energy in enumerate(energies): prod_map = fission_yields[energy] for prod_ix, product in enumerate(ordered_prod): yield_matrix[g_index, prod_ix] = prod_map.get(product, 0.0) self.energies = tuple(energies) self.products = tuple(ordered_prod) self.yield_matrix = yield_matrix def __len__(self): return len(self.energies) def __getitem__(self, energy): if energy not in self.energies: raise KeyError(energy) return FissionYield( self.products, self.yield_matrix[self.energies.index(energy)]) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.energies) def __repr__(self): return "<{} with {} products at {} energies>".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.yield_matrix.shape[1], len(self.energies))
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml_element(cls, element): """Construct a distribution from a depletion chain xml file Parameters ---------- element : xml.etree.ElementTree.Element XML element to pull fission yield data from Returns ------- FissionYieldDistribution """ all_yields = {} for yield_elem in element.iter("fission_yields"): energy = float(yield_elem.get("energy")) products = yield_elem.find("products").text.split() yields = map(float, yield_elem.find("data").text.split()) # Get a map of products to their corresponding yield all_yields[energy] = dict(zip(products, yields)) return cls(all_yields)
[docs] def to_xml_element(self, root): """Write fission yield data to an xml element Parameters ---------- root : xml.etree.ElementTree.Element Element to write distribution data to """ for energy, yield_obj in self.items(): yield_element = ET.SubElement(root, "fission_yields") yield_element.set("energy", str(energy)) product_elem = ET.SubElement(yield_element, "products") product_elem.text = " ".join(map(str, yield_obj.products)) data_elem = ET.SubElement(yield_element, "data") data_elem.text = " ".join(map(str, yield_obj.yields))
[docs] def restrict_products(self, possible_products): """Return a new distribution with select products .. versionadded:: 0.12 Parameters ---------- possible_products : iterable of str Candidate pool of fission products. Existing products not contained here will not exist in the new instance Returns ------- FissionYieldDistribution or None A value of None indicates no values in ``possible_products`` exist in :attr:`products` """ overlap = set(self.products).intersection(possible_products) if not overlap: return None products = sorted(overlap) indices = searchsorted(self.products, products) # coerce back to dictionary to pass back to __init__ new_yields = {} for ene, yields in zip(self.energies, self.yield_matrix.copy()): new_yields[ene] = dict(zip(products, yields[indices])) return type(self)(new_yields)
[docs]class FissionYield(Mapping): """Mapping for fission yields of a parent at a specific energy Separated to support nested dictionary-like behavior for :class:`FissionYieldDistribution`, and allowing math operations on a single vector of yields. Can in turn be used like a dictionary to fetch fission yields. Supports multiplication of a scalar to scale the fission yields and addition of another set of yields. Does not support resizing / inserting new products that do not exist. Parameters ---------- products : tuple of str Sorted products for this specific distribution yields : numpy.ndarray Fission product yields for each product in ``products`` Attributes ---------- products : tuple of str Products for this specific distribution yields : numpy.ndarray Fission product yields for each product in ``products`` Examples -------- >>> import numpy >>> fy_vector = FissionYield( ... ("I129", "Sm149", "Xe135"), ... numpy.array((0.001, 0.0003, 0.002))) >>> fy_vector["Xe135"] 0.002 >>> new = FissionYield(fy_vector.products, fy_vector.yields.copy()) >>> fy_vector *= 2 >>> fy_vector["Xe135"] 0.004 >>> new["Xe135"] 0.002 >>> (new + fy_vector)["Sm149"] 0.0009 >>> dict(new) == {"Xe135": 0.002, "I129": 0.001, "Sm149": 0.0003} True """ def __init__(self, products, yields): self.products = products self.yields = yields def __contains__(self, product): ix = bisect.bisect_left(self.products, product) return ix != len(self.products) and self.products[ix] == product def __getitem__(self, product): ix = bisect.bisect_left(self.products, product) if ix == len(self.products) or self.products[ix] != product: raise KeyError(product) return self.yields[ix] def __len__(self): return len(self.products) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.products)
[docs] def items(self): """Return pairs of product, yield""" return zip(self.products, self.yields)
def __add__(self, other): """Add one set of fission yields to this set, return new yields""" if not isinstance(other, FissionYield): return NotImplemented new = FissionYield(self.products, self.yields.copy()) new += other return new def __iadd__(self, other): """Increment value from other fission yield""" if not isinstance(other, FissionYield): return NotImplemented self.yields += other.yields return self def __radd__(self, other): return self + other def __imul__(self, scalar): """Scale these fission yields by a real scalar""" if not isinstance(scalar, Real): return NotImplemented self.yields *= scalar return self def __mul__(self, scalar): """Return a new set of yields scaled by a real scalar""" if not isinstance(scalar, Real): return NotImplemented new = FissionYield(self.products, self.yields.copy()) new *= scalar return new def __rmul__(self, scalar): return self * scalar def __repr__(self): return "<{} containing {} products and yields>".format( self.__class__.__name__, len(self)) # Avoid greedy numpy operations like np.float64 * fission_yield # converting this to an array on the fly. Force __rmul__ and # __radd__. See issue #1492 __array_ufunc__ = None