Source code for

import itertools
from math import sqrt
import os
import re
from warnings import warn

# Isotopic abundances from Meija J, Coplen T B, et al, "Isotopic compositions
# of the elements 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report)", Pure. Appl. Chem. 88 (3),
# pp. 293-306 (2013). The "representative isotopic abundance" values from
# column 9 are used except where an interval is given, in which case the
# "best measurement" is used.
# Note that the abundances are given as atomic fractions!
    'H1': 0.99984426, 'H2': 0.00015574, 'He3': 0.000002,
    'He4': 0.999998, 'Li6': 0.07589, 'Li7': 0.92411,
    'Be9': 1.0, 'B10': 0.1982, 'B11': 0.8018,
    'C12': 0.988922, 'C13': 0.011078, 'N14': 0.996337,
    'N15': 0.003663, 'O16': 0.9976206, 'O17': 0.000379,
    'O18': 0.0020004, 'F19': 1.0, 'Ne20': 0.9048,
    'Ne21': 0.0027, 'Ne22': 0.0925, 'Na23': 1.0,
    'Mg24': 0.78951, 'Mg25': 0.1002, 'Mg26': 0.11029,
    'Al27': 1.0, 'Si28': 0.9222968, 'Si29': 0.0468316,
    'Si30': 0.0308716, 'P31': 1.0, 'S32': 0.9504074,
    'S33': 0.0074869, 'S34': 0.0419599, 'S36': 0.0001458,
    'Cl35': 0.757647, 'Cl37': 0.242353, 'Ar36': 0.003336,
    'Ar38': 0.000629, 'Ar40': 0.996035, 'K39': 0.932581,
    'K40': 0.000117, 'K41': 0.067302, 'Ca40': 0.96941,
    'Ca42': 0.00647, 'Ca43': 0.00135, 'Ca44': 0.02086,
    'Ca46': 0.00004, 'Ca48': 0.00187, 'Sc45': 1.0,
    'Ti46': 0.0825, 'Ti47': 0.0744, 'Ti48': 0.7372,
    'Ti49': 0.0541, 'Ti50': 0.0518, 'V50': 0.0025,
    'V51': 0.9975, 'Cr50': 0.04345, 'Cr52': 0.83789,
    'Cr53': 0.09501, 'Cr54': 0.02365, 'Mn55': 1.0,
    'Fe54': 0.05845, 'Fe56': 0.91754, 'Fe57': 0.02119,
    'Fe58': 0.00282, 'Co59': 1.0, 'Ni58': 0.680769,
    'Ni60': 0.262231, 'Ni61': 0.011399, 'Ni62': 0.036345,
    'Ni64': 0.009256, 'Cu63': 0.6915, 'Cu65': 0.3085,
    'Zn64': 0.4917, 'Zn66': 0.2773, 'Zn67': 0.0404,
    'Zn68': 0.1845, 'Zn70': 0.0061, 'Ga69': 0.60108,
    'Ga71': 0.39892, 'Ge70': 0.2052, 'Ge72': 0.2745,
    'Ge73': 0.0776, 'Ge74': 0.3652, 'Ge76': 0.0775,
    'As75': 1.0, 'Se74': 0.0086, 'Se76': 0.0923,
    'Se77': 0.076, 'Se78': 0.2369, 'Se80': 0.498,
    'Se82': 0.0882, 'Br79': 0.50686, 'Br81': 0.49314,
    'Kr78': 0.00355, 'Kr80': 0.02286, 'Kr82': 0.11593,
    'Kr83': 0.115, 'Kr84': 0.56987, 'Kr86': 0.17279,
    'Rb85': 0.7217, 'Rb87': 0.2783, 'Sr84': 0.0056,
    'Sr86': 0.0986, 'Sr87': 0.07, 'Sr88': 0.8258,
    'Y89': 1.0, 'Zr90': 0.5145, 'Zr91': 0.1122,
    'Zr92': 0.1715, 'Zr94': 0.1738, 'Zr96': 0.028,
    'Nb93': 1.0, 'Mo92': 0.14649, 'Mo94': 0.09187,
    'Mo95': 0.15873, 'Mo96': 0.16673, 'Mo97': 0.09582,
    'Mo98': 0.24292, 'Mo100': 0.09744, 'Ru96': 0.0554,
    'Ru98': 0.0187, 'Ru99': 0.1276, 'Ru100': 0.126,
    'Ru101': 0.1706, 'Ru102': 0.3155, 'Ru104': 0.1862,
    'Rh103': 1.0, 'Pd102': 0.0102, 'Pd104': 0.1114,
    'Pd105': 0.2233, 'Pd106': 0.2733, 'Pd108': 0.2646,
    'Pd110': 0.1172, 'Ag107': 0.51839, 'Ag109': 0.48161,
    'Cd106': 0.01245, 'Cd108': 0.00888, 'Cd110': 0.1247,
    'Cd111': 0.12795, 'Cd112': 0.24109, 'Cd113': 0.12227,
    'Cd114': 0.28754, 'Cd116': 0.07512, 'In113': 0.04281,
    'In115': 0.95719, 'Sn112': 0.0097, 'Sn114': 0.0066,
    'Sn115': 0.0034, 'Sn116': 0.1454, 'Sn117': 0.0768,
    'Sn118': 0.2422, 'Sn119': 0.0859, 'Sn120': 0.3258,
    'Sn122': 0.0463, 'Sn124': 0.0579, 'Sb121': 0.5721,
    'Sb123': 0.4279, 'Te120': 0.0009, 'Te122': 0.0255,
    'Te123': 0.0089, 'Te124': 0.0474, 'Te125': 0.0707,
    'Te126': 0.1884, 'Te128': 0.3174, 'Te130': 0.3408,
    'I127': 1.0, 'Xe124': 0.00095, 'Xe126': 0.00089,
    'Xe128': 0.0191, 'Xe129': 0.26401, 'Xe130': 0.04071,
    'Xe131': 0.21232, 'Xe132': 0.26909, 'Xe134': 0.10436,
    'Xe136': 0.08857, 'Cs133': 1.0, 'Ba130': 0.0011,
    'Ba132': 0.001, 'Ba134': 0.0242, 'Ba135': 0.0659,
    'Ba136': 0.0785, 'Ba137': 0.1123, 'Ba138': 0.717,
    'La138': 0.0008881, 'La139': 0.9991119, 'Ce136': 0.00186,
    'Ce138': 0.00251, 'Ce140': 0.88449, 'Ce142': 0.11114,
    'Pr141': 1.0, 'Nd142': 0.27153, 'Nd143': 0.12173,
    'Nd144': 0.23798, 'Nd145': 0.08293, 'Nd146': 0.17189,
    'Nd148': 0.05756, 'Nd150': 0.05638, 'Sm144': 0.0308,
    'Sm147': 0.15, 'Sm148': 0.1125, 'Sm149': 0.1382,
    'Sm150': 0.0737, 'Sm152': 0.2674, 'Sm154': 0.2274,
    'Eu151': 0.4781, 'Eu153': 0.5219, 'Gd152': 0.002,
    'Gd154': 0.0218, 'Gd155': 0.148, 'Gd156': 0.2047,
    'Gd157': 0.1565, 'Gd158': 0.2484, 'Gd160': 0.2186,
    'Tb159': 1.0, 'Dy156': 0.00056, 'Dy158': 0.00095,
    'Dy160': 0.02329, 'Dy161': 0.18889, 'Dy162': 0.25475,
    'Dy163': 0.24896, 'Dy164': 0.2826, 'Ho165': 1.0,
    'Er162': 0.00139, 'Er164': 0.01601, 'Er166': 0.33503,
    'Er167': 0.22869, 'Er168': 0.26978, 'Er170': 0.1491,
    'Tm169': 1.0, 'Yb168': 0.00123, 'Yb170': 0.02982,
    'Yb171': 0.14086, 'Yb172': 0.21686, 'Yb173': 0.16103,
    'Yb174': 0.32025, 'Yb176': 0.12995, 'Lu175': 0.97401,
    'Lu176': 0.02599, 'Hf174': 0.0016, 'Hf176': 0.0526,
    'Hf177': 0.186, 'Hf178': 0.2728, 'Hf179': 0.1362,
    'Hf180': 0.3508, 'Ta180': 0.0001201, 'Ta181': 0.9998799,
    'W180': 0.0012, 'W182': 0.265, 'W183': 0.1431,
    'W184': 0.3064, 'W186': 0.2843, 'Re185': 0.374,
    'Re187': 0.626, 'Os184': 0.0002, 'Os186': 0.0159,
    'Os187': 0.0196, 'Os188': 0.1324, 'Os189': 0.1615,
    'Os190': 0.2626, 'Os192': 0.4078, 'Ir191': 0.373,
    'Ir193': 0.627, 'Pt190': 0.00012, 'Pt192': 0.00782,
    'Pt194': 0.32864, 'Pt195': 0.33775, 'Pt196': 0.25211,
    'Pt198': 0.07356, 'Au197': 1.0, 'Hg196': 0.0015,
    'Hg198': 0.1004, 'Hg199': 0.1694, 'Hg200': 0.2314,
    'Hg201': 0.1317, 'Hg202': 0.2974, 'Hg204': 0.0682,
    'Tl203': 0.29524, 'Tl205': 0.70476, 'Pb204': 0.014,
    'Pb206': 0.241, 'Pb207': 0.221, 'Pb208': 0.524,
    'Bi209': 1.0, 'Th230': 0.0002, 'Th232': 0.9998,
    'Pa231': 1.0, 'U234': 0.000054, 'U235': 0.007204,
    'U238': 0.992742

# Dictionary to give element symbols from IUPAC names
# (and some common mispellings)
ELEMENT_SYMBOL = {'neutron': 'n', 'hydrogen': 'H', 'helium': 'He',
                 'lithium': 'Li', 'beryllium': 'Be', 'boron': 'B',
                 'carbon': 'C', 'nitrogen': 'N', 'oxygen': 'O', 'fluorine': 'F',
                 'neon': 'Ne', 'sodium': 'Na', 'magnesium': 'Mg',
                 'aluminium': 'Al', 'aluminum': 'Al', 'silicon': 'Si',
                 'phosphorus': 'P', 'sulfur': 'S', 'sulphur': 'S',
                 'chlorine': 'Cl', 'argon': 'Ar', 'potassium': 'K',
                 'calcium': 'Ca', 'scandium': 'Sc', 'titanium': 'Ti',
                 'vanadium': 'V', 'chromium': 'Cr', 'manganese': 'Mn',
                 'iron': 'Fe', 'cobalt': 'Co', 'nickel': 'Ni', 'copper': 'Cu',
                 'zinc': 'Zn', 'gallium': 'Ga', 'germanium': 'Ge',
                 'arsenic': 'As', 'selenium': 'Se', 'bromine': 'Br',
                 'krypton': 'Kr', 'rubidium': 'Rb', 'strontium': 'Sr',
                 'yttrium': 'Y', 'zirconium': 'Zr', 'niobium': 'Nb',
                 'molybdenum': 'Mo', 'technetium': 'Tc', 'ruthenium': 'Ru',
                 'rhodium': 'Rh', 'palladium': 'Pd', 'silver': 'Ag',
                 'cadmium': 'Cd', 'indium': 'In', 'tin': 'Sn', 'antimony': 'Sb',
                 'tellurium': 'Te', 'iodine': 'I', 'xenon': 'Xe',
                 'caesium': 'Cs', 'cesium': 'Cs', 'barium': 'Ba',
                 'lanthanum': 'La', 'cerium': 'Ce', 'praseodymium': 'Pr',
                 'neodymium': 'Nd', 'promethium': 'Pm', 'samarium': 'Sm',
                 'europium': 'Eu', 'gadolinium': 'Gd', 'terbium': 'Tb',
                 'dysprosium': 'Dy', 'holmium': 'Ho', 'erbium': 'Er',
                 'thulium': 'Tm', 'ytterbium': 'Yb', 'lutetium': 'Lu',
                 'hafnium': 'Hf', 'tantalum': 'Ta', 'tungsten': 'W',
                 'wolfram': 'W', 'rhenium': 'Re', 'osmium': 'Os',
                 'iridium': 'Ir', 'platinum': 'Pt', 'gold': 'Au',
                 'mercury': 'Hg', 'thallium': 'Tl', 'lead': 'Pb',
                 'bismuth': 'Bi', 'polonium': 'Po', 'astatine': 'At',
                 'radon': 'Rn', 'francium': 'Fr', 'radium': 'Ra',
                 'actinium': 'Ac', 'thorium': 'Th', 'protactinium': 'Pa',
                 'uranium': 'U', 'neptunium': 'Np', 'plutonium': 'Pu',
                 'americium': 'Am', 'curium': 'Cm', 'berkelium': 'Bk',
                 'californium': 'Cf', 'einsteinium': 'Es', 'fermium': 'Fm',
                 'mendelevium': 'Md', 'nobelium': 'No', 'lawrencium': 'Lr',
                 'rutherfordium': 'Rf', 'dubnium': 'Db', 'seaborgium': 'Sg',
                 'bohrium': 'Bh', 'hassium': 'Hs', 'meitnerium': 'Mt',
                 'darmstadtium': 'Ds', 'roentgenium': 'Rg', 'copernicium': 'Cn',
                 'nihonium': 'Nh', 'flerovium': 'Fl', 'moscovium': 'Mc',
                 'livermorium': 'Lv', 'tennessine': 'Ts', 'oganesson': 'Og'}

ATOMIC_SYMBOL = {0: 'n', 1: 'H', 2: 'He', 3: 'Li', 4: 'Be', 5: 'B', 6: 'C',
                 7: 'N', 8: 'O', 9: 'F', 10: 'Ne', 11: 'Na', 12: 'Mg', 13: 'Al',
                 14: 'Si', 15: 'P', 16: 'S', 17: 'Cl', 18: 'Ar', 19: 'K',
                 20: 'Ca', 21: 'Sc', 22: 'Ti', 23: 'V', 24: 'Cr', 25: 'Mn',
                 26: 'Fe', 27: 'Co', 28: 'Ni', 29: 'Cu', 30: 'Zn', 31: 'Ga',
                 32: 'Ge', 33: 'As', 34: 'Se', 35: 'Br', 36: 'Kr', 37: 'Rb',
                 38: 'Sr', 39: 'Y', 40: 'Zr', 41: 'Nb', 42: 'Mo', 43: 'Tc',
                 44: 'Ru', 45: 'Rh', 46: 'Pd', 47: 'Ag', 48: 'Cd', 49: 'In',
                 50: 'Sn', 51: 'Sb', 52: 'Te', 53: 'I', 54: 'Xe', 55: 'Cs',
                 56: 'Ba', 57: 'La', 58: 'Ce', 59: 'Pr', 60: 'Nd', 61: 'Pm',
                 62: 'Sm', 63: 'Eu', 64: 'Gd', 65: 'Tb', 66: 'Dy', 67: 'Ho',
                 68: 'Er', 69: 'Tm', 70: 'Yb', 71: 'Lu', 72: 'Hf', 73: 'Ta',
                 74: 'W', 75: 'Re', 76: 'Os', 77: 'Ir', 78: 'Pt', 79: 'Au',
                 80: 'Hg', 81: 'Tl', 82: 'Pb', 83: 'Bi', 84: 'Po', 85: 'At',
                 86: 'Rn', 87: 'Fr', 88: 'Ra', 89: 'Ac', 90: 'Th', 91: 'Pa',
                 92: 'U', 93: 'Np', 94: 'Pu', 95: 'Am', 96: 'Cm', 97: 'Bk',
                 98: 'Cf', 99: 'Es', 100: 'Fm', 101: 'Md', 102: 'No',
                 103: 'Lr', 104: 'Rf', 105: 'Db', 106: 'Sg', 107: 'Bh',
                 108: 'Hs', 109: 'Mt', 110: 'Ds', 111: 'Rg', 112: 'Cn',
                 113: 'Nh', 114: 'Fl', 115: 'Mc', 116: 'Lv', 117: 'Ts',
                 118: 'Og'}
ATOMIC_NUMBER = {value: key for key, value in ATOMIC_SYMBOL.items()}

# Values here are from the Committee on Data for Science and Technology
# (CODATA) 2018 recommendation (

# The value of the Boltzman constant in units of eV / K
K_BOLTZMANN = 8.617333262e-5

# Unit conversions
EV_PER_MEV = 1.0e6
JOULE_PER_EV = 1.602176634e-19

# Avogadro's constant
AVOGADRO = 6.02214076e23

# Neutron mass in units of amu
NEUTRON_MASS = 1.00866491595

# Used in atomic_mass function as a cache

# Regex for GND nuclide names (used in zam function)
_GND_NAME_RE = re.compile(r'([A-Zn][a-z]*)(\d+)((?:_[em]\d+)?)')

[docs]def atomic_mass(isotope): """Return atomic mass of isotope in atomic mass units. Atomic mass data comes from the `Atomic Mass Evaluation 2016 <>`_. Parameters ---------- isotope : str Name of isotope, e.g., 'Pu239' Returns ------- float Atomic mass of isotope in [amu] """ if not _ATOMIC_MASS: # Load data from AME2016 file mass_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'mass16.txt') with open(mass_file, 'r') as ame: # Read lines in file starting at line 40 for line in itertools.islice(ame, 39, None): name = '{}{}'.format(line[20:22].strip(), int(line[16:19])) mass = float(line[96:99]) + 1e-6*float( line[100:106] + '.' + line[107:112]) _ATOMIC_MASS[name.lower()] = mass # For isotopes found in some libraries that represent all natural # isotopes of their element (e.g. C0), calculate the atomic mass as # the sum of the atomic mass times the natural abudance of the isotopes # that make up the element. for element in ['C', 'Zn', 'Pt', 'Os', 'Tl']: isotope_zero = element.lower() + '0' _ATOMIC_MASS[isotope_zero] = 0. for iso, abundance in isotopes(element): _ATOMIC_MASS[isotope_zero] += abundance * _ATOMIC_MASS[iso.lower()] # Get rid of metastable information if '_' in isotope: isotope = isotope[:isotope.find('_')] return _ATOMIC_MASS[isotope.lower()]
[docs]def atomic_weight(element): """Return atomic weight of an element in atomic mass units. Computes an average of the atomic mass of each of element's naturally occurring isotopes weighted by their relative abundance. Parameters ---------- element : str Element symbol (e.g., 'H') or name (e.g., 'helium') Returns ------- float Atomic weight of element in [amu] """ weight = 0. for nuclide, abundance in isotopes(element): weight += atomic_mass(nuclide) * abundance if weight > 0.: return weight else: raise ValueError("No naturally-occurring isotopes for element '{}'." .format(element))
[docs]def water_density(temperature, pressure=0.1013): """Return the density of liquid water at a given temperature and pressure. The density is calculated from a polynomial fit using equations and values from the 2012 version of the IAPWS-IF97 formulation. Only the equations for region 1 are implemented here. Region 1 is limited to liquid water below 100 [MPa] with a temperature above 273.15 [K], below 623.15 [K], and below saturation. Reference: International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam, "Revised Release on the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam", IAPWS R7-97(2012). Parameters ---------- temperature : float Water temperature in units of [K] pressure : float Water pressure in units of [MPa] Returns ------- float Water density in units of [g/cm^3] """ # Make sure the temperature and pressure are inside the min/max region 1 # bounds. (Relax the 273.15 bound to 273 in case a user wants 0 deg C data # but they only use 3 digits for their conversion to K.) if pressure > 100.0: warn("Results are not valid for pressures above 100 MPa.") elif pressure < 0.0: raise ValueError("Pressure must be positive.") if temperature < 273: warn("Results are not valid for temperatures below 273.15 K.") elif temperature > 623.15: warn("Results are not valid for temperatures above 623.15 K.") elif temperature <= 0.0: raise ValueError('Temperature must be positive.') # IAPWS region 4 parameters n4 = [0.11670521452767e4, -0.72421316703206e6, -0.17073846940092e2, 0.12020824702470e5, -0.32325550322333e7, 0.14915108613530e2, -0.48232657361591e4, 0.40511340542057e6, -0.23855557567849, 0.65017534844798e3] # Compute the saturation temperature at the given pressure. beta = pressure**(0.25) E = beta**2 + n4[2] * beta + n4[5] F = n4[0] * beta**2 + n4[3] * beta + n4[6] G = n4[1] * beta**2 + n4[4] * beta + n4[7] D = 2.0 * G / (-F - sqrt(F**2 - 4 * E * G)) T_sat = 0.5 * (n4[9] + D - sqrt((n4[9] + D)**2 - 4.0 * (n4[8] + n4[9] * D))) # Make sure we aren't above saturation. (Relax this bound by .2 degrees # for deg C to K conversions.) if temperature > T_sat + 0.2: warn("Results are not valid for temperatures above saturation " "(above the boiling point).") # IAPWS region 1 parameters R_GAS_CONSTANT = 0.461526 # kJ / kg / K ref_p = 16.53 # MPa ref_T = 1386 # K n1f = [0.14632971213167, -0.84548187169114, -0.37563603672040e1, 0.33855169168385e1, -0.95791963387872, 0.15772038513228, -0.16616417199501e-1, 0.81214629983568e-3, 0.28319080123804e-3, -0.60706301565874e-3, -0.18990068218419e-1, -0.32529748770505e-1, -0.21841717175414e-1, -0.52838357969930e-4, -0.47184321073267e-3, -0.30001780793026e-3, 0.47661393906987e-4, -0.44141845330846e-5, -0.72694996297594e-15, -0.31679644845054e-4, -0.28270797985312e-5, -0.85205128120103e-9, -0.22425281908000e-5, -0.65171222895601e-6, -0.14341729937924e-12, -0.40516996860117e-6, -0.12734301741641e-8, -0.17424871230634e-9, -0.68762131295531e-18, 0.14478307828521e-19, 0.26335781662795e-22, -0.11947622640071e-22, 0.18228094581404e-23, -0.93537087292458e-25] I1f = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 8, 8, 21, 23, 29, 30, 31, 32] J1f = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -9, -7, -1, 0, 1, 3, -3, 0, 1, 3, 17, -4, 0, 6, -5, -2, 10, -8, -11, -6, -29, -31, -38, -39, -40, -41] # Nondimensionalize the pressure and temperature. pi = pressure / ref_p tau = ref_T / temperature # Compute the derivative of gamma (dimensionless Gibbs free energy) with # respect to pi. gamma1_pi = 0.0 for n, I, J in zip(n1f, I1f, J1f): gamma1_pi -= n * I * (7.1 - pi)**(I - 1) * (tau - 1.222)**J # Compute the leading coefficient. This sets the units at # 1 [MPa] * [kg K / kJ] * [1 / K] # = 1e6 [N / m^2] * 1e-3 [kg K / N / m] * [1 / K] # = 1e3 [kg / m^3] # = 1 [g / cm^3] coeff = pressure / R_GAS_CONSTANT / temperature # Compute and return the density. return coeff / pi / gamma1_pi
[docs]def gnd_name(Z, A, m=0): """Return nuclide name using GND convention Parameters ---------- Z : int Atomic number A : int Mass number m : int, optional Metastable state Returns ------- str Nuclide name in GND convention, e.g., 'Am242_m1' """ if m > 0: return '{}{}_m{}'.format(ATOMIC_SYMBOL[Z], A, m) else: return '{}{}'.format(ATOMIC_SYMBOL[Z], A)
[docs]def isotopes(element): """Return naturally occurring isotopes and their abundances .. versionadded:: 0.12.1 Parameters ---------- element : str Element symbol (e.g., 'H') or name (e.g., 'helium') Returns ------- list A list of tuples of (isotope, abundance) Raises ------ ValueError If the element name is not recognized """ # Convert name to symbol if needed if len(element) > 2: symbol = ELEMENT_SYMBOL.get(element.lower()) if symbol is None: raise ValueError('Element name "{}" not recognised'.format(element)) element = symbol # Get the nuclides present in nature result = [] for kv in sorted(NATURAL_ABUNDANCE.items()): if re.match(r'{}\d+'.format(element), kv[0]): result.append(kv) return result
[docs]def zam(name): """Return tuple of (atomic number, mass number, metastable state) Parameters ---------- name : str Name of nuclide using GND convention, e.g., 'Am242_m1' Returns ------- 3-tuple of int Atomic number, mass number, and metastable state """ try: symbol, A, state = _GND_NAME_RE.match(name).groups() except AttributeError: raise ValueError("'{}' does not appear to be a nuclide name in GND " "format".format(name)) if symbol not in ATOMIC_NUMBER: raise ValueError("'{}' is not a recognized element symbol" .format(symbol)) metastable = int(state[2:]) if state else 0 return (ATOMIC_NUMBER[symbol], int(A), metastable)