Source code for openmc.lib.core

from contextlib import contextmanager
from ctypes import (c_bool, c_int, c_int32, c_int64, c_double, c_char_p,
                    c_char, POINTER, Structure, c_void_p, create_string_buffer)
import sys

import numpy as np
from numpy.ctypeslib import as_array

from . import _dll
from .error import _error_handler
import openmc.lib

class _SourceSite(Structure):
    _fields_ = [('r', c_double*3),
                ('u', c_double*3),
                ('E', c_double),
                ('wgt', c_double),
                ('delayed_group', c_int),
                ('surf_id', c_int),
                ('particle', c_int),
                ('parent_id', c_int64),
                ('progeny_id', c_int64)]

# Define input type for numpy arrays that will be passed into C++ functions
# Must be an int or double array, with single dimension that is contiguous
_array_1d_int = np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int32, ndim=1,
_array_1d_dble = np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.double, ndim=1,

_dll.openmc_calculate_volumes.restype = c_int
_dll.openmc_calculate_volumes.errcheck = _error_handler
_dll.openmc_cmfd_reweight.argtypes = c_bool, _array_1d_dble
_dll.openmc_cmfd_reweight.restype = None
_dll.openmc_finalize.restype = c_int
_dll.openmc_finalize.errcheck = _error_handler
_dll.openmc_find_cell.argtypes = [POINTER(c_double*3), POINTER(c_int32),
_dll.openmc_find_cell.restype = c_int
_dll.openmc_find_cell.errcheck = _error_handler
_dll.openmc_hard_reset.restype = c_int
_dll.openmc_hard_reset.errcheck = _error_handler
_dll.openmc_init.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(POINTER(c_char)), c_void_p]
_dll.openmc_init.restype = c_int
_dll.openmc_init.errcheck = _error_handler
_dll.openmc_get_keff.argtypes = [POINTER(c_double*2)]
_dll.openmc_get_keff.restype = c_int
_dll.openmc_get_keff.errcheck = _error_handler
_dll.openmc_initialize_mesh_egrid.argtypes = [
    c_int, _array_1d_int, c_double
_dll.openmc_initialize_mesh_egrid.restype = None
_init_linsolver_argtypes = [_array_1d_int, c_int, _array_1d_int, c_int, c_int,
                            c_double, _array_1d_int, c_bool]
_dll.openmc_initialize_linsolver.argtypes = _init_linsolver_argtypes
_dll.openmc_initialize_linsolver.restype = None
_dll.openmc_is_statepoint_batch.restype = c_bool
_dll.openmc_master.restype = c_bool
_dll.openmc_next_batch.argtypes = [POINTER(c_int)]
_dll.openmc_next_batch.restype = c_int
_dll.openmc_next_batch.errcheck = _error_handler
_dll.openmc_plot_geometry.restype = c_int
_dll.openmc_plot_geometry.restype = _error_handler
_dll.openmc_run.restype = c_int
_dll.openmc_run.errcheck = _error_handler
_dll.openmc_reset.restype = c_int
_dll.openmc_reset.errcheck = _error_handler
_dll.openmc_reset_timers.restype = c_int
_dll.openmc_reset_timers.errcheck = _error_handler
_run_linsolver_argtypes = [_array_1d_dble, _array_1d_dble, _array_1d_dble,
_dll.openmc_run_linsolver.argtypes = _run_linsolver_argtypes
_dll.openmc_run_linsolver.restype = c_int
_dll.openmc_source_bank.argtypes = [POINTER(POINTER(_SourceSite)), POINTER(c_int64)]
_dll.openmc_source_bank.restype = c_int
_dll.openmc_source_bank.errcheck = _error_handler
_dll.openmc_simulation_init.restype = c_int
_dll.openmc_simulation_init.errcheck = _error_handler
_dll.openmc_simulation_finalize.restype = c_int
_dll.openmc_simulation_finalize.errcheck = _error_handler
_dll.openmc_statepoint_write.argtypes = [c_char_p, POINTER(c_bool)]
_dll.openmc_statepoint_write.restype = c_int
_dll.openmc_statepoint_write.errcheck = _error_handler
_dll.openmc_global_bounding_box.argtypes = [POINTER(c_double),
_dll.openmc_global_bounding_box.restype = c_int
_dll.openmc_global_bounding_box.errcheck = _error_handler

def global_bounding_box():
    """Calculate a global bounding box for the model"""
    inf = sys.float_info.max
    llc = np.zeros(3)
    urc = np.zeros(3)
    llc[llc == inf] = np.inf
    urc[urc == inf] = np.inf
    llc[llc == -inf] = -np.inf
    urc[urc == -inf] = -np.inf

    return llc, urc

[docs]def calculate_volumes(): """Run stochastic volume calculation""" _dll.openmc_calculate_volumes()
def current_batch(): """Return the current batch of the simulation. Returns ------- int Current batch of the simulation """ return c_int.in_dll(_dll, 'current_batch').value
[docs]def finalize(): """Finalize simulation and free memory""" _dll.openmc_finalize()
[docs]def find_cell(xyz): """Find the cell at a given point Parameters ---------- xyz : iterable of float Cartesian coordinates of position Returns ------- openmc.lib.Cell Cell containing the point int If the cell at the given point is repeated in the geometry, this indicates which instance it is, i.e., 0 would be the first instance. """ index = c_int32() instance = c_int32() _dll.openmc_find_cell((c_double*3)(*xyz), index, instance) return openmc.lib.Cell(index=index.value), instance.value
[docs]def find_material(xyz): """Find the material at a given point Parameters ---------- xyz : iterable of float Cartesian coordinates of position Returns ------- openmc.lib.Material or None Material containing the point, or None is no material is found """ index = c_int32() instance = c_int32() _dll.openmc_find_cell((c_double*3)(*xyz), index, instance) mats = openmc.lib.Cell(index=index.value).fill if isinstance(mats, (openmc.lib.Material, type(None))): return mats else: return mats[instance.value]
[docs]def hard_reset(): """Reset tallies, timers, and pseudo-random number generator state.""" _dll.openmc_hard_reset()
[docs]def init(args=None, intracomm=None): """Initialize OpenMC Parameters ---------- args : list of str Command-line arguments intracomm : mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm or None MPI intracommunicator """ if args is not None: args = ['openmc'] + list(args) else: args = ['openmc'] argc = len(args) # Create the argv array. Note that it is actually expected to be of # length argc + 1 with the final item being a null pointer. argv = (POINTER(c_char) * (argc + 1))() for i, arg in enumerate(args): argv[i] = create_string_buffer(arg.encode()) if intracomm is not None: # If an mpi4py communicator was passed, convert it to void* to be passed # to openmc_init try: from mpi4py import MPI except ImportError: intracomm = None else: address = MPI._addressof(intracomm) intracomm = c_void_p(address) _dll.openmc_init(argc, argv, intracomm)
def is_statepoint_batch(): """Return whether statepoint will be written in current batch or not. Returns ------- bool Whether is statepoint batch or not """ return _dll.openmc_is_statepoint_batch()
[docs]def iter_batches(): """Iterator over batches. This function returns a generator-iterator that allows Python code to be run between batches in an OpenMC simulation. It should be used in conjunction with :func:`openmc.lib.simulation_init` and :func:`openmc.lib.simulation_finalize`. For example: .. code-block:: Python with openmc.lib.run_in_memory(): openmc.lib.simulation_init() for _ in openmc.lib.iter_batches(): # Look at convergence of tallies, for example ... openmc.lib.simulation_finalize() See Also -------- openmc.lib.next_batch """ while True: # Run next batch status = next_batch() # Provide opportunity for user to perform action between batches yield # End the iteration if status != 0: break
[docs]def keff(): """Return the calculated k-eigenvalue and its standard deviation. Returns ------- tuple Mean k-eigenvalue and standard deviation of the mean """ k = (c_double*2)() _dll.openmc_get_keff(k) return tuple(k)
def master(): """Return whether processor is master processor or not. Returns ------- bool Whether is master processor or not """ return _dll.openmc_master()
[docs]def next_batch(): """Run next batch. Returns ------- int Status after running a batch (0=normal, 1=reached maximum number of batches, 2=tally triggers reached) """ status = c_int() _dll.openmc_next_batch(status) return status.value
[docs]def plot_geometry(): """Plot geometry""" _dll.openmc_plot_geometry()
[docs]def reset(): """Reset tally results""" _dll.openmc_reset()
def reset_timers(): """Reset timers.""" _dll.openmc_reset_timers()
[docs]def run(): """Run simulation""" _dll.openmc_run()
[docs]def simulation_init(): """Initialize simulation""" _dll.openmc_simulation_init()
[docs]def simulation_finalize(): """Finalize simulation""" _dll.openmc_simulation_finalize()
[docs]def source_bank(): """Return source bank as NumPy array Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Source sites """ # Get pointer to source bank ptr = POINTER(_SourceSite)() n = c_int64() _dll.openmc_source_bank(ptr, n) try: # Convert to numpy array with appropriate datatype bank_dtype = np.dtype(_SourceSite) return as_array(ptr, (n.value,)).view(bank_dtype) except ValueError as err: # If a known numpy error was raised ( # /14214), re-raise with a more helpful error message. if len(err.args) == 0: raise err if err.args[0].startswith('invalid shape in fixed-type tuple'): raise ValueError('The source bank is too large to access via ' 'openmc.lib with this version of numpy. Use a different ' 'version of numpy or reduce the bank size (fewer particles ' 'per MPI process) so that it is smaller than 2 GB.') from err else: raise err
[docs]def statepoint_write(filename=None, write_source=True): """Write a statepoint file. Parameters ---------- filename : str or None Path to the statepoint to write. If None is passed, a default name that contains the current batch will be written. write_source : bool Whether or not to include the source bank in the statepoint. """ if filename is not None: filename = c_char_p(filename.encode()) _dll.openmc_statepoint_write(filename, c_bool(write_source))
[docs]@contextmanager def run_in_memory(**kwargs): """Provides context manager for calling OpenMC shared library functions. This function is intended to be used in a 'with' statement and ensures that OpenMC is properly initialized/finalized. At the completion of the 'with' block, all memory that was allocated during the block is freed. For example:: with openmc.lib.run_in_memory(): for i in range(n_iters): openmc.lib.reset() do_stuff() Parameters ---------- **kwargs All keyword arguments are passed to :func:`init`. """ init(**kwargs) try: yield finally: finalize()
class _DLLGlobal: """Data descriptor that exposes global variables from libopenmc.""" def __init__(self, ctype, name): self.ctype = ctype = name def __get__(self, instance, owner): return self.ctype.in_dll(_dll, def __set__(self, instance, value): self.ctype.in_dll(_dll, = value class _FortranObject: def __repr__(self): return "{}[{}]".format(type(self).__name__, self._index) class _FortranObjectWithID(_FortranObject): def __init__(self, uid=None, new=True, index=None): # Creating the object has already been handled by __new__. In the # initializer, all we do is make sure that the object returned has an ID # assigned. If the array index of the object is out of bounds, an # OutOfBoundsError will be raised here by virtue of referencing