Source code for

import numpy as np

from .angle_energy import AngleEnergy
from .correlated import CorrelatedAngleEnergy

[docs]class CoherentElasticAE(AngleEnergy): r"""Differential cross section for coherent elastic scattering The differential cross section for coherent elastic scattering from a powdered crystalline material may be represented as: .. math:: \frac{d^2\sigma}{dE'd\Omega} (E\rightarrow E',\mu,T) = \frac{1}{E} \sum \limits_{i=1}^{E_i < E} s_i(T) \delta(\mu - \mu_i) \delta (E - E') /(2\pi) where :math:`E_i` are the energies of the Bragg edges in [eV], :math:`s_i(T)` is the structure factor in [eV-b] at the moderator temperature :math:`T` in [K], and :math:`\mu_i = 1 - 2E_i/E`. Parameters ---------- coherent_xs : Coherent elastic scattering cross section Attributes ---------- coherent_xs : Coherent elastic scattering cross section """ def __init__(self, coherent_xs): self.coherent_xs = coherent_xs
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write coherent elastic distribution to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['type'] = np.string_('coherent_elastic') group['coherent_xs'] = group.parent['xs']
[docs]class IncoherentElasticAE(AngleEnergy): r"""Differential cross section for incoherent elastic scattering The differential cross section for incoherent elastic scattering may be represented as: .. math:: \frac{d^2\sigma}{dE'd\Omega} (E\rightarrow E',\mu,T) = \frac{\sigma_b} {4\pi} e^{-2EW'(T)(1-\mu)} \delta(E - E') where :math:`\sigma_b` is the characteristic cross section in [b] and :math:`W'(T)` is the Debye-Waller integral divided by the atomic mass in [eV\ :math:`^{-1}`]. Parameters ---------- debye_waller : float Debye-Waller integral in [eV\ :math:`^{-1}`] Attributes ---------- debye_waller : float Debye-Waller integral in [eV\ :math:`^{-1}`] """ def __init__(self, debye_waller): self.debye_waller = debye_waller
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write incoherent elastic distribution to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['type'] = np.string_('incoherent_elastic') group.create_dataset('debye_waller', data=self.debye_waller)
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, group): """Generate incoherent elastic distribution from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Incoherent elastic distribution """ return cls(group['debye_waller'])
[docs]class IncoherentElasticAEDiscrete(AngleEnergy): """Discrete angle representation of incoherent elastic scattering Parameters ---------- mu_out : numpy.ndarray Equi-probable discrete angles at each incoming energy """ def __init__(self, mu_out): self.mu_out = mu_out
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write discrete incoherent elastic distribution to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['type'] = np.string_('incoherent_elastic_discrete') group.create_dataset('mu_out', data=self.mu_out)
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, group): """Generate discrete incoherent elastic distribution from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Discrete incoherent elastic distribution """ return cls(group['mu_out'][()])
[docs]class IncoherentInelasticAEDiscrete(AngleEnergy): """Discrete angle representation of incoherent inelastic scattering Parameters ---------- energy_out : numpy.ndarray Outgoing energies for each incoming energy mu_out : numpy.ndarray Discrete angles for each incoming/outgoing energy skewed : bool Whether discrete angles are equi-probable or have a skewed distribution Attributes ---------- energy_out : numpy.ndarray Outgoing energies for each incoming energy mu_out : numpy.ndarray Discrete angles for each incoming/outgoing energy skewed : bool Whether discrete angles are equi-probable or have a skewed distribution """ def __init__(self, energy_out, mu_out, skewed=False): self.energy_out = energy_out self.mu_out = mu_out self.skewed = skewed
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write discrete incoherent inelastic distribution to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['type'] = np.string_('incoherent_inelastic_discrete') group.create_dataset('energy_out', data=self.energy_out) group.create_dataset('mu_out', data=self.mu_out) group.create_dataset('skewed', data=self.skewed)
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, group): """Generate discrete incoherent inelastic distribution from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Discrete incoherent inelastic distribution """ energy_out = group['energy_out'][()] mu_out = group['mu_out'][()] skewed = bool(group['skewed']) return cls(energy_out, mu_out, skewed)
class IncoherentInelasticAE(CorrelatedAngleEnergy): _name = 'incoherent_inelastic'