
class openmc.deplete.EPCRK4Integrator(operator, timesteps, power=None, power_density=None, timestep_units='s', solver='cram48')[source]

Deplete using the EPC-RK4 algorithm.

Implements an extended predictor-corrector algorithm with traditional Runge-Kutta 4 method. This algorithm is mathematically defined as:

\[\begin{aligned} F_1 &= h A(y_0) \\ y_1 &= \text{expm}(1/2 F_1) y_0 \\ F_2 &= h A(y_1) \\ y_2 &= \text{expm}(1/2 F_2) y_0 \\ F_3 &= h A(y_2) \\ y_3 &= \text{expm}(F_3) y_0 \\ F_4 &= h A(y_3) \\ y_4 &= \text{expm}(1/6 F_1 + 1/3 F_2 + 1/3 F_3 + 1/6 F_4) y_0 \end{aligned} \]
  • operator (openmc.deplete.TransportOperator) – Operator to perform transport simulations
  • timesteps (iterable of float or iterable of tuple) – Array of timesteps. Note that values are not cumulative. The units are specified by the timestep_units argument when timesteps is an iterable of float. Alternatively, units can be specified for each step by passing an iterable of (value, unit) tuples.
  • power (float or iterable of float, optional) – Power of the reactor in [W]. A single value indicates that the power is constant over all timesteps. An iterable indicates potentially different power levels for each timestep. For a 2D problem, the power can be given in [W/cm] as long as the “volume” assigned to a depletion material is actually an area in [cm^2]. Either power or power_density must be specified.
  • power_density (float or iterable of float, optional) – Power density of the reactor in [W/gHM]. It is multiplied by initial heavy metal inventory to get total power if power is not speficied.
  • timestep_units ({'s', 'min', 'h', 'd', 'MWd/kg'}) –

    Units for values specified in the timesteps argument. ‘s’ means seconds, ‘min’ means minutes, ‘h’ means hours, and ‘MWd/kg’ indicates that the values are given in burnup (MW-d of energy deposited per kilogram of initial heavy metal).

    New in version 0.12.

  • solver (str or callable, optional) –

    If a string, must be the name of the solver responsible for solving the Bateman equations. Current options are:

    • cram16 - 16th order IPF CRAM
    • cram48 - 48th order IPF CRAM [default]

    If a function or other callable, must adhere to the requirements in solver.

    New in version 0.12.

  • operator (openmc.deplete.TransportOperator) – Operator to perform transport simulations
  • chain (openmc.deplete.Chain) – Depletion chain
  • timesteps (iterable of float) – Size of each depletion interval in [s]
  • power (iterable of float) – Power of the reactor in [W] for each interval in timesteps
  • solver (str or callable, optional) –

    If a string, must be the name of the solver responsible for solving the Bateman equations. Current options are:

    • cram16 - 16th order IPF CRAM
    • cram48 - 48th order IPF CRAM [default]

    If a function or other callable, must adhere to the requirements in solver.

    New in version 0.12.

__call__(conc, rates, dt, power, _i=None)[source]

Perform the integration across one time step

  • conc (numpy.ndarray) – Initial concentrations for all nuclides in [atom]
  • rates (openmc.deplete.ReactionRates) – Reaction rates from operator
  • dt (float) – Time in [s] for the entire depletion interval
  • power (float) – Power of the system in [W]
  • _i (int, optional) – Current depletion step index, unused.

  • proc_time (float) – Time spent in CRAM routines for all materials in [s]
  • conc_list (list of numpy.ndarray) – Concentrations at each of the intermediate points with the final concentration as the last element
  • op_results (list of openmc.deplete.OperatorResult) – Eigenvalue and reaction rates from intermediate transport simulations


Return pairs of time steps in [s] and powers in [W]


Return integer number of depletion intervals


Perform the entire depletion process across all steps