Source code for openmc.mgxs_library

import copy
from numbers import Real, Integral
import os

import h5py
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import simps
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.special import eval_legendre

import openmc
import openmc.mgxs
from .checkvalue import check_type, check_value, check_greater_than, \
    check_iterable_type, check_less_than, check_filetype_version


# Supported incoming particle MGXS angular treatment representations

# Supported scattering angular distribution representations

# List of MGXS indexing schemes
_XS_SHAPES = ["[G][G'][Order]", "[G]", "[G']", "[G][G']", "[DG]", "[DG][G]",
              "[DG][G']", "[DG][G][G']"]

# Number of mu points for conversion between scattering formats
_NMU = 257

# Filetype name of the MGXS Library

# Current version of the MGXS Library Format

[docs]class XSdata: """A multi-group cross section data set providing all the multi-group data necessary for a multi-group OpenMC calculation. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the mgxs data set. energy_groups : openmc.mgxs.EnergyGroups Energy group structure representation : {'isotropic', 'angle'}, optional Method used in generating the MGXS (isotropic or angle-dependent flux weighting). Defaults to 'isotropic' temperatures : Iterable of float Temperatures (in units of Kelvin) of the provided datasets. Defaults to a single temperature at 294K. num_delayed_groups : int Number of delayed groups Attributes ---------- name : str Unique identifier for the xsdata object atomic_weight_ratio : float Atomic weight ratio of an isotope. That is, the ratio of the mass of the isotope to the mass of a single neutron. temperatures : numpy.ndarray Temperatures (in units of Kelvin) of the provided datasets. Defaults to a single temperature at 294K. energy_groups : openmc.mgxs.EnergyGroups Energy group structure num_delayed_groups : int Num delayed groups fissionable : bool Whether or not this is a fissionable data set. scatter_format : {'legendre', 'histogram', or 'tabular'} Angular distribution representation (legendre, histogram, or tabular) order : int Either the Legendre order, number of bins, or number of points used to describe the angular distribution associated with each group-to-group transfer probability. representation : {'isotropic', 'angle'} Method used in generating the MGXS (isotropic or angle-dependent flux weighting). num_azimuthal : int Number of equal width angular bins that the azimuthal angular domain is subdivided into. This only applies when :attr:`XSdata.representation` is "angle". num_polar : int Number of equal width angular bins that the polar angular domain is subdivided into. This only applies when :attr:`XSdata.representation` is "angle". total : list of numpy.ndarray Group-wise total cross section. absorption : list of numpy.ndarray Group-wise absorption cross section. scatter_matrix : list of numpy.ndarray Scattering moment matrices presented with the columns representing incoming group and rows representing the outgoing group. That is, down-scatter will be above the diagonal of the resultant matrix. multiplicity_matrix : list of numpy.ndarray Ratio of neutrons produced in scattering collisions to the neutrons which undergo scattering collisions; that is, the multiplicity provides the code with a scaling factor to account for neutrons produced in (n,xn) reactions. fission : list of numpy.ndarray Group-wise fission cross section. kappa_fission : list of numpy.ndarray Group-wise kappa_fission cross section. chi : list of numpy.ndarray Group-wise fission spectra ordered by increasing group index (i.e., fast to thermal). This attribute should be used if making the common approximation that the fission spectra does not depend on incoming energy. If the user does not wish to make this approximation, then this should not be provided and this information included in the :attr:`XSdata.nu_fission` attribute instead. chi_prompt : list of numpy.ndarray Group-wise prompt fission spectra ordered by increasing group index (i.e., fast to thermal). This attribute should be used if chi from prompt and delayed neutrons is being set separately. chi_delayed : list of numpy.ndarray Group-wise delayed fission spectra ordered by increasing group index (i.e., fast to thermal). This attribute should be used if chi from prompt and delayed neutrons is being set separately. nu_fission : list of numpy.ndarray Group-wise fission production cross section vector (i.e., if ``chi`` is provided), or is the group-wise fission production matrix. prompt_nu_fission : list of numpy.ndarray Group-wise prompt fission production cross section vector. delayed_nu_fission : list of numpy.ndarray Group-wise delayed fission production cross section vector. beta : list of numpy.ndarray Delayed-group-wise delayed neutron fraction cross section vector. decay_rate : list of numpy.ndarray Delayed-group-wise decay rate vector. inverse_velocity : list of numpy.ndarray Inverse of velocity, in units of sec/cm. xs_shapes : dict of iterable of int Dictionary with keys of _XS_SHAPES and iterable of int values with the corresponding shapes where "Order" corresponds to the pn scattering order, "G" corresponds to incoming energy group, "G'" corresponds to outgoing energy group, and "DG" corresponds to delayed group. Notes ----- The parameters containing cross section data have dimensionalities which depend upon the value of :attr:`XSdata.representation` as well as the number of Legendre or other angular dimensions as described by :attr:`XSdata.order`. The :attr:`XSdata.xs_shapes` are provided to obtain the dimensionality of the data for each temperature. The following are cross sections which should use each of the properties. Note that some cross sections can be input in more than one shape so they are listed multiple times: [G][G'][Order]: scatter_matrix [G]: total, absorption, fission, kappa_fission, nu_fission, prompt_nu_fission, delayed_nu_fission, inverse_velocity [G']: chi, chi_prompt, chi_delayed [G][G']: multiplicity_matrix, nu_fission, prompt_nu_fission [DG]: beta, decay_rate [DG][G]: delayed_nu_fission, beta, decay_rate [DG][G']: chi_delayed [DG][G][G']: delayed_nu_fission """ def __init__(self, name, energy_groups, temperatures=[ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN], representation=REPRESENTATION_ISOTROPIC, num_delayed_groups=0): # Initialize class attributes = name self.energy_groups = energy_groups self.num_delayed_groups = num_delayed_groups self.temperatures = temperatures self.representation = representation self._atomic_weight_ratio = None self._fissionable = False self._scatter_format = SCATTER_LEGENDRE self._order = None self._num_polar = None self._num_azimuthal = None self._total = len(temperatures) * [None] self._absorption = len(temperatures) * [None] self._scatter_matrix = len(temperatures) * [None] self._multiplicity_matrix = len(temperatures) * [None] self._fission = len(temperatures) * [None] self._nu_fission = len(temperatures) * [None] self._prompt_nu_fission = len(temperatures) * [None] self._delayed_nu_fission = len(temperatures) * [None] self._kappa_fission = len(temperatures) * [None] self._chi = len(temperatures) * [None] self._chi_prompt = len(temperatures) * [None] self._chi_delayed = len(temperatures) * [None] self._beta = len(temperatures) * [None] self._decay_rate = len(temperatures) * [None] self._inverse_velocity = len(temperatures) * [None] self._xs_shapes = None def __deepcopy__(self, memo): existing = memo.get(id(self)) # If this is the first time we have tried to copy this object, copy it if existing is None: clone = type(self).__new__(type(self)) clone._name = clone._energy_groups = copy.deepcopy(self.energy_groups, memo) clone._num_delayed_groups = self.num_delayed_groups clone._temperatures = copy.deepcopy(self.temperatures, memo) clone._representation = self.representation clone._atomic_weight_ratio = self._atomic_weight_ratio clone._fissionable = self._fissionable clone._scatter_format = self._scatter_format clone._order = self._order clone._num_polar = self._num_polar clone._num_azimuthal = self._num_azimuthal clone._total = copy.deepcopy(self._total, memo) clone._absorption = copy.deepcopy(self._absorption, memo) clone._scatter_matrix = copy.deepcopy(self._scatter_matrix, memo) clone._multiplicity_matrix = \ copy.deepcopy(self._multiplicity_matrix, memo) clone._fission = copy.deepcopy(self._fission, memo) clone._nu_fission = copy.deepcopy(self._nu_fission, memo) clone._prompt_nu_fission = \ copy.deepcopy(self._prompt_nu_fission, memo) clone._delayed_nu_fission = \ copy.deepcopy(self._delayed_nu_fission, memo) clone._kappa_fission = copy.deepcopy(self._kappa_fission, memo) clone._chi = copy.deepcopy(self._chi, memo) clone._chi_prompt = copy.deepcopy(self._chi_prompt, memo) clone._chi_delayed = copy.deepcopy(self._chi_delayed, memo) clone._beta = copy.deepcopy(self._beta, memo) clone._decay_rate = copy.deepcopy(self._decay_rate, memo) clone._inverse_velocity = \ copy.deepcopy(self._inverse_velocity, memo) clone._xs_shapes = copy.deepcopy(self._xs_shapes, memo) memo[id(self)] = clone return clone # If this object has been copied before, return the first copy made else: return existing @property def name(self): return self._name @property def energy_groups(self): return self._energy_groups @property def num_delayed_groups(self): return self._num_delayed_groups @property def representation(self): return self._representation @property def atomic_weight_ratio(self): return self._atomic_weight_ratio @property def fissionable(self): return self._fissionable @property def temperatures(self): return self._temperatures @property def scatter_format(self): return self._scatter_format @property def order(self): return self._order @property def num_polar(self): return self._num_polar @property def num_azimuthal(self): return self._num_azimuthal @property def total(self): return self._total @property def absorption(self): return self._absorption @property def scatter_matrix(self): return self._scatter_matrix @property def multiplicity_matrix(self): return self._multiplicity_matrix @property def fission(self): return self._fission @property def nu_fission(self): return self._nu_fission @property def prompt_nu_fission(self): return self._prompt_nu_fission @property def delayed_nu_fission(self): return self._delayed_nu_fission @property def kappa_fission(self): return self._kappa_fission @property def chi(self): return self._chi @property def chi_prompt(self): return self._chi_prompt @property def chi_delayed(self): return self._chi_delayed @property def num_orders(self): if self._order is None: raise ValueError('Order has not been set.') if self._scatter_format in (None, SCATTER_LEGENDRE): return self._order + 1 else: return self._order @property def xs_shapes(self): if self._xs_shapes is None: self._xs_shapes = {} self._xs_shapes["[G]"] = (self.energy_groups.num_groups,) self._xs_shapes["[G']"] = (self.energy_groups.num_groups,) self._xs_shapes["[G][G']"] = (self.energy_groups.num_groups, self.energy_groups.num_groups) self._xs_shapes["[DG]"] = (self.num_delayed_groups,) self._xs_shapes["[DG][G]"] = (self.num_delayed_groups, self.energy_groups.num_groups) self._xs_shapes["[DG][G']"] = (self.num_delayed_groups, self.energy_groups.num_groups) self._xs_shapes["[DG][G][G']"] = (self.num_delayed_groups, self.energy_groups.num_groups, self.energy_groups.num_groups) self._xs_shapes["[G][G'][Order]"] \ = (self.energy_groups.num_groups, self.energy_groups.num_groups, self.num_orders) # If representation is by angle prepend num polar and num azim if self.representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: for key, shapes in self._xs_shapes.items(): self._xs_shapes[key] \ = (self.num_polar, self.num_azimuthal) + shapes return self._xs_shapes @name.setter def name(self, name): check_type('name for XSdata', name, str) self._name = name @energy_groups.setter def energy_groups(self, energy_groups): check_type('energy_groups', energy_groups, openmc.mgxs.EnergyGroups) if energy_groups.group_edges is None: msg = 'Unable to assign an EnergyGroups object ' \ 'with uninitialized group edges' raise ValueError(msg) self._energy_groups = energy_groups @num_delayed_groups.setter def num_delayed_groups(self, num_delayed_groups): check_type('num_delayed_groups', num_delayed_groups, Integral) check_less_than('num_delayed_groups', num_delayed_groups, openmc.mgxs.MAX_DELAYED_GROUPS, equality=True) check_greater_than('num_delayed_groups', num_delayed_groups, 0, equality=True) self._num_delayed_groups = num_delayed_groups @representation.setter def representation(self, representation): check_value('representation', representation, _REPRESENTATIONS) self._representation = representation @atomic_weight_ratio.setter def atomic_weight_ratio(self, atomic_weight_ratio): check_type('atomic_weight_ratio', atomic_weight_ratio, Real) check_greater_than('atomic_weight_ratio', atomic_weight_ratio, 0.0) self._atomic_weight_ratio = atomic_weight_ratio @temperatures.setter def temperatures(self, temperatures): check_iterable_type('temperatures', temperatures, Real) self._temperatures = np.array(temperatures) @scatter_format.setter def scatter_format(self, scatter_format): check_value('scatter_format', scatter_format, _SCATTER_TYPES) self._scatter_format = scatter_format @order.setter def order(self, order): check_type('order', order, Integral) check_greater_than('order', order, 0, equality=True) self._order = order @num_polar.setter def num_polar(self, num_polar): check_type('num_polar', num_polar, Integral) check_greater_than('num_polar', num_polar, 0) self._num_polar = num_polar @num_azimuthal.setter def num_azimuthal(self, num_azimuthal): check_type('num_azimuthal', num_azimuthal, Integral) check_greater_than('num_azimuthal', num_azimuthal, 0) self._num_azimuthal = num_azimuthal
[docs] def add_temperature(self, temperature): """This method re-sizes the attributes of this XSdata object so that it can accomodate an additional temperature. Note that the set_* methods will still need to be executed. Parameters ---------- temperature : float Temperature (in units of Kelvin) of the provided dataset. """ check_type('temperature', temperature, Real) temp_store = self.temperatures.tolist().append(temperature) self.temperatures = temp_store self._total.append(None) self._absorption.append(None) self._scatter_matrix.append(None) self._multiplicity_matrix.append(None) self._fission.append(None) self._nu_fission.append(None) self._prompt_nu_fission.append(None) self._delayed_nu_fission.append(None) self._kappa_fission.append(None) self._chi.append(None) self._chi_prompt.append(None) self._chi_delayed.append(None) self._beta.append(None) self._decay_rate.append(None) self._inverse_velocity.append(None)
def _check_temperature(self, temperature): check_type('temperature', temperature, Real) check_value('temperature', temperature, self.temperatures) def _temperature_index(self, temperature): return np.where(self.temperatures == temperature)[0][0] def _set_fissionable(self, array): if np.sum(array) > 0: self._fissionable = True
[docs] def set_total(self, total, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN): """This method sets the cross section for this XSdata object at the provided temperature. Parameters ---------- total: np.ndarray Total Cross Section temperature : float Temperature (in Kelvin) of the data. Defaults to room temperature (294K). See also -------- openmc.mgxs_library.set_total_mgxs() """ # Get the accepted shapes for this xs shapes = [self.xs_shapes["[G]"]] # Convert to a numpy array so we can easily get the shape for checking total = np.asarray(total) check_value('total shape', total.shape, shapes) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._total[i] = total
[docs] def set_absorption(self, absorption, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN): """This method sets the cross section for this XSdata object at the provided temperature. Parameters ---------- absorption: np.ndarray Absorption Cross Section temperature : float Temperature (in Kelvin) of the data. Defaults to room temperature (294K). See also -------- openmc.mgxs_library.set_absorption_mgxs() """ # Get the accepted shapes for this xs shapes = [self.xs_shapes["[G]"]] # Convert to a numpy array so we can easily get the shape for checking absorption = np.asarray(absorption) check_value('absorption shape', absorption.shape, shapes) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._absorption[i] = absorption
[docs] def set_fission(self, fission, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN): """This method sets the cross section for this XSdata object at the provided temperature. Parameters ---------- fission: np.ndarray Fission Cross Section temperature : float Temperature (in Kelvin) of the data. Defaults to room temperature (294K). See also -------- openmc.mgxs_library.set_fission_mgxs() """ # Get the accepted shapes for this xs shapes = [self.xs_shapes["[G]"]] # Convert to a numpy array so we can easily get the shape for checking fission = np.asarray(fission) check_value('fission shape', fission.shape, shapes) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._fission[i] = fission self._set_fissionable(fission)
[docs] def set_kappa_fission(self, kappa_fission, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN): """This method sets the cross section for this XSdata object at the provided temperature. Parameters ---------- kappa_fission: np.ndarray Kappa-Fission Cross Section temperature : float Temperature (in Kelvin) of the data. Defaults to room temperature (294K). See also -------- openmc.mgxs_library.set_kappa_fission_mgxs() """ # Get the accepted shapes for this xs shapes = [self.xs_shapes["[G]"]] # Convert to a numpy array so we can easily get the shape for checking kappa_fission = np.asarray(kappa_fission) check_value('kappa fission shape', kappa_fission.shape, shapes) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._kappa_fission[i] = kappa_fission self._set_fissionable(kappa_fission)
[docs] def set_chi(self, chi, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN): """This method sets the cross section for this XSdata object at the provided temperature. Parameters ---------- chi: np.ndarray Fission Spectrum temperature : float Temperature (in Kelvin) of the data. Defaults to room temperature (294K). See also -------- openmc.mgxs_library.set_chi_mgxs() """ # Get the accepted shapes for this xs shapes = [self.xs_shapes["[G']"]] # Convert to a numpy array so we can easily get the shape for checking chi = np.asarray(chi) check_value('chi shape', chi.shape, shapes) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._chi[i] = chi
[docs] def set_chi_prompt(self, chi_prompt, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN): """This method sets the cross section for this XSdata object at the provided temperature. Parameters ---------- chi_prompt : np.ndarray Prompt fission Spectrum temperature : float Temperature (in units of Kelvin) of the provided dataset. Defaults to 294K See also -------- openmc.mgxs_library.set_chi_prompt_mgxs() """ # Get the accepted shapes for this xs shapes = [self.xs_shapes["[G']"]] # Convert to a numpy array so we can easily get the shape for checking chi_prompt = np.asarray(chi_prompt) check_value('chi prompt shape', chi_prompt.shape, shapes) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._chi_prompt[i] = chi_prompt
[docs] def set_chi_delayed(self, chi_delayed, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN): """This method sets the cross section for this XSdata object at the provided temperature. Parameters ---------- chi_delayed : np.ndarray Delayed fission Spectrum temperature : float Temperature (in units of Kelvin) of the provided dataset. Defaults to 294K See also -------- openmc.mgxs_library.set_chi_delayed_mgxs() """ # Get the accepted shapes for this xs shapes = [self.xs_shapes["[G']"], self.xs_shapes["[DG][G']"]] # Convert to a numpy array so we can easily get the shape for checking chi_delayed = np.asarray(chi_delayed) check_value('chi delayed shape', chi_delayed.shape, shapes) self._check_temperature(temperature) check_type('temperature', temperature, Real) check_value('temperature', temperature, self.temperatures) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._chi_delayed[i] = chi_delayed
[docs] def set_beta(self, beta, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN): """This method sets the cross section for this XSdata object at the provided temperature. Parameters ---------- beta : np.ndarray Delayed fission spectrum temperature : float Temperature (in units of Kelvin) of the provided dataset. Defaults to 294K See also -------- openmc.mgxs_library.set_beta_mgxs() """ # Get the accepted shapes for this xs shapes = [self.xs_shapes["[DG]"], self.xs_shapes["[DG][G]"]] # Convert to a numpy array so we can easily get the shape for checking beta = np.asarray(beta) check_value('beta shape', beta.shape, shapes) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._beta[i] = beta
[docs] def set_decay_rate(self, decay_rate, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN): """This method sets the cross section for this XSdata object at the provided temperature. Parameters ---------- decay_rate : np.ndarray Delayed neutron precursor decay rate temperature : float Temperature (in units of Kelvin) of the provided dataset. Defaults to 294K See also -------- openmc.mgxs_library.set_decay_rate_mgxs() """ # Get the accepted shapes for this xs shapes = [self.xs_shapes["[DG]"], self.xs_shapes["[DG][G]"]] # Convert to a numpy array so we can easily get the shape for checking decay_rate = np.asarray(decay_rate) check_value('decay rate shape', decay_rate.shape, shapes) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._decay_rate[i] = decay_rate
[docs] def set_scatter_matrix(self, scatter, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN): """This method sets the cross section for this XSdata object at the provided temperature. Parameters ---------- scatter: np.ndarray Scattering Matrix Cross Section temperature : float Temperature (in Kelvin) of the data. Defaults to room temperature (294K). See also -------- openmc.mgxs_library.set_scatter_matrix_mgxs() """ # Get the accepted shapes for this xs shapes = [self.xs_shapes["[G][G'][Order]"]] # Convert to a numpy array so we can easily get the shape for checking scatter = np.asarray(scatter) check_iterable_type('scatter', scatter, Real, max_depth=len(scatter.shape)) check_value('scatter shape', scatter.shape, shapes) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._scatter_matrix[i] = scatter
[docs] def set_multiplicity_matrix(self, multiplicity, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN): """This method sets the cross section for this XSdata object at the provided temperature. Parameters ---------- multiplicity: np.ndarray Multiplicity Matrix Cross Section temperature : float Temperature (in Kelvin) of the data. Defaults to room temperature (294K). See also -------- openmc.mgxs_library.set_multiplicity_matrix_mgxs() """ # Get the accepted shapes for this xs shapes = [self.xs_shapes["[G][G']"]] # Convert to a numpy array so we can easily get the shape for checking multiplicity = np.asarray(multiplicity) check_iterable_type('multiplicity', multiplicity, Real, max_depth=len(multiplicity.shape)) check_value('multiplicity shape', multiplicity.shape, shapes) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._multiplicity_matrix[i] = multiplicity
[docs] def set_nu_fission(self, nu_fission, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN): """This method sets the cross section for this XSdata object at the provided temperature. Parameters ---------- nu_fission: np.ndarray Nu-fission Cross Section temperature : float Temperature (in Kelvin) of the data. Defaults to room temperature (294K). See also -------- openmc.mgxs_library.set_nu_fission_mgxs() """ # Get the accepted shapes for this xs shapes = [self.xs_shapes["[G]"], self.xs_shapes["[G][G']"]] # Convert to a numpy array so we can easily get the shape for checking nu_fission = np.asarray(nu_fission) check_value('nu_fission shape', nu_fission.shape, shapes) check_iterable_type('nu_fission', nu_fission, Real, max_depth=len(nu_fission.shape)) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._nu_fission[i] = nu_fission self._set_fissionable(nu_fission)
[docs] def set_prompt_nu_fission(self, prompt_nu_fission, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN): """This method sets the cross section for this XSdata object at the provided temperature. Parameters ---------- prompt_nu_fission: np.ndarray Prompt-nu-fission Cross Section temperature : float Temperature (in units of Kelvin) of the provided dataset. Defaults to 294K See also -------- openmc.mgxs_library.set_prompt_nu_fission_mgxs() """ # Get the accepted shapes for this xs shapes = [self.xs_shapes["[G]"], self.xs_shapes["[G][G']"]] # Convert to a numpy array so we can easily get the shape for checking prompt_nu_fission = np.asarray(prompt_nu_fission) check_value('prompt_nu_fission shape', prompt_nu_fission.shape, shapes) check_iterable_type('prompt_nu_fission', prompt_nu_fission, Real, max_depth=len(prompt_nu_fission.shape)) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._prompt_nu_fission[i] = prompt_nu_fission self._set_fissionable(prompt_nu_fission)
[docs] def set_delayed_nu_fission(self, delayed_nu_fission, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN): """This method sets the cross section for this XSdata object at the provided temperature. Parameters ---------- delayed_nu_fission: np.ndarray Delayed-nu-fission Cross Section temperature : float Temperature (in units of Kelvin) of the provided dataset. Defaults to 294K See also -------- openmc.mgxs_library.set_delayed_nu_fission_mgxs() """ # Get the accepted shapes for this xs shapes = [self.xs_shapes["[DG][G]"], self.xs_shapes["[DG][G][G']"]] # Convert to a numpy array so we can easily get the shape for checking delayed_nu_fission = np.asarray(delayed_nu_fission) check_value('delayed_nu_fission shape', delayed_nu_fission.shape, shapes) check_iterable_type('delayed_nu_fission', delayed_nu_fission, Real, max_depth=len(delayed_nu_fission.shape)) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._delayed_nu_fission[i] = delayed_nu_fission self._set_fissionable(delayed_nu_fission)
[docs] def set_inverse_velocity(self, inv_vel, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN): """This method sets the inverse velocity for this XSdata object at the provided temperature. Parameters ---------- inv_vel: np.ndarray Inverse velocity in units of sec/cm. temperature : float Temperature (in Kelvin) of the data. Defaults to room temperature (294K). """ # Get the accepted shapes for this xs shapes = [self.xs_shapes["[G]"]] # Convert to a numpy array so we can easily get the shape for checking inv_vel = np.asarray(inv_vel) check_value('inverse_velocity shape', inv_vel.shape, shapes) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._inverse_velocity[i] = inv_vel
[docs] def set_total_mgxs(self, total, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN, nuclide='total', xs_type='macro', subdomain=None): """This method allows for an openmc.mgxs.TotalXS or openmc.mgxs.TransportXS to be used to set the total cross section for this XSdata object. Parameters ---------- total: openmc.mgxs.TotalXS or openmc.mgxs.TransportXS MGXS Object containing the total, transport or nu-transport cross section for the domain of interest. temperature : float Temperature (in Kelvin) of the data. Defaults to room temperature (294K). nuclide : str Individual nuclide (or 'total' if obtaining material-wise data) to gather data for. Defaults to 'total'. xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'} Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or barns. Defaults to 'macro'. subdomain : iterable of int If the MGXS contains a mesh domain type, the subdomain parameter specifies which mesh cell (i.e., [i, j, k] index) to use. See also -------- openmc.mgxs.Library.create_mg_library() openmc.mgxs.Library.get_xsdata() """ check_type('total', total, (openmc.mgxs.TotalXS, openmc.mgxs.TransportXS)) check_value('energy_groups', total.energy_groups, [self.energy_groups]) check_value('domain_type', total.domain_type, openmc.mgxs.DOMAIN_TYPES) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._total[i] = total.get_xs(nuclides=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, subdomains=subdomain)
[docs] def set_absorption_mgxs(self, absorption, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN, nuclide='total', xs_type='macro', subdomain=None): """This method allows for an openmc.mgxs.AbsorptionXS to be used to set the absorption cross section for this XSdata object. Parameters ---------- absorption: openmc.mgxs.AbsorptionXS MGXS Object containing the absorption cross section for the domain of interest. temperature : float Temperature (in Kelvin) of the data. Defaults to room temperature (294K). nuclide : str Individual nuclide (or 'total' if obtaining material-wise data) to gather data for. Defaults to 'total'. xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'} Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or barns. Defaults to 'macro'. subdomain : iterable of int If the MGXS contains a mesh domain type, the subdomain parameter specifies which mesh cell (i.e., [i, j, k] index) to use. See also -------- openmc.mgxs.Library.create_mg_library() openmc.mgxs.Library.get_xsdata() """ check_type('absorption', absorption, openmc.mgxs.AbsorptionXS) check_value('energy_groups', absorption.energy_groups, [self.energy_groups]) check_value('domain_type', absorption.domain_type, openmc.mgxs.DOMAIN_TYPES) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._absorption[i] = absorption.get_xs(nuclides=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, subdomains=subdomain)
[docs] def set_fission_mgxs(self, fission, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN, nuclide='total', xs_type='macro', subdomain=None): """This method allows for an openmc.mgxs.FissionXS to be used to set the fission cross section for this XSdata object. Parameters ---------- fission: openmc.mgxs.FissionXS MGXS Object containing the fission cross section for the domain of interest. temperature : float Temperature (in Kelvin) of the data. Defaults to room temperature (294K). nuclide : str Individual nuclide (or 'total' if obtaining material-wise data) to gather data for. Defaults to 'total'. xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'} Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or barns. Defaults to 'macro'. subdomain : iterable of int If the MGXS contains a mesh domain type, the subdomain parameter specifies which mesh cell (i.e., [i, j, k] index) to use. See also -------- openmc.mgxs.Library.create_mg_library() openmc.mgxs.Library.get_xsdata() """ check_type('fission', fission, openmc.mgxs.FissionXS) check_value('energy_groups', fission.energy_groups, [self.energy_groups]) check_value('domain_type', fission.domain_type, openmc.mgxs.DOMAIN_TYPES) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._fission[i] = fission.get_xs(nuclides=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, subdomains=subdomain)
[docs] def set_nu_fission_mgxs(self, nu_fission, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN, nuclide='total', xs_type='macro', subdomain=None): """This method allows for an openmc.mgxs.FissionXS to be used to set the nu-fission cross section for this XSdata object. Parameters ---------- nu_fission: openmc.mgxs.FissionXS MGXS Object containing the nu-fission cross section for the domain of interest. temperature : float Temperature (in Kelvin) of the data. Defaults to room temperature (294K). nuclide : str Individual nuclide (or 'total' if obtaining material-wise data) to gather data for. Defaults to 'total'. xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'} Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or barns. Defaults to 'macro'. subdomain : iterable of int If the MGXS contains a mesh domain type, the subdomain parameter specifies which mesh cell (i.e., [i, j, k] index) to use. See also -------- openmc.mgxs.Library.create_mg_library() openmc.mgxs.Library.get_xsdata() """ check_type('nu_fission', nu_fission, (openmc.mgxs.FissionXS, openmc.mgxs.NuFissionMatrixXS)) if isinstance(nu_fission, openmc.mgxs.FissionXS): check_value('nu',, [True]) check_value('energy_groups', nu_fission.energy_groups, [self.energy_groups]) check_value('domain_type', nu_fission.domain_type, openmc.mgxs.DOMAIN_TYPES) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._nu_fission[i] = nu_fission.get_xs(nuclides=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, subdomains=subdomain) self._set_fissionable(self._nu_fission)
[docs] def set_prompt_nu_fission_mgxs(self, prompt_nu_fission, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN, nuclide='total', xs_type='macro', subdomain=None): """Sets the prompt-nu-fission cross section. This method allows for an openmc.mgxs.FissionXS or openmc.mgxs.NuFissionMatrixXS to be used to set the prompt-nu-fission cross section for this XSdata object. Parameters ---------- prompt_nu_fission: openmc.mgxs.FissionXS or openmc.mgxs.NuFissionMatrixXS MGXS Object containing the prompt-nu-fission cross section for the domain of interest. temperature : float Temperature (in units of Kelvin) of the provided dataset. Defaults to 294K nuclide : str Individual nuclide (or 'total' if obtaining material-wise data) to gather data for. Defaults to 'total'. xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'} Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or barns. Defaults to 'macro'. subdomain : iterable of int If the MGXS contains a mesh domain type, the subdomain parameter specifies which mesh cell (i.e., [i, j, k] index) to use. See also -------- openmc.mgxs.Library.create_mg_library() openmc.mgxs.Library.get_xsdata() """ check_type('prompt_nu_fission', prompt_nu_fission, (openmc.mgxs.FissionXS, openmc.mgxs.NuFissionMatrixXS)) check_value('prompt', prompt_nu_fission.prompt, [True]) check_value('energy_groups', prompt_nu_fission.energy_groups, [self.energy_groups]) check_value('domain_type', prompt_nu_fission.domain_type, openmc.mgxs.DOMAIN_TYPES) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._prompt_nu_fission[i] = prompt_nu_fission.get_xs( nuclides=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, subdomains=subdomain) self._set_fissionable(self._prompt_nu_fission)
[docs] def set_delayed_nu_fission_mgxs(self, delayed_nu_fission, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN, nuclide='total', xs_type='macro', subdomain=None): """This method allows for an openmc.mgxs.DelayedNuFissionXS or openmc.mgxs.DelayedNuFissionMatrixXS to be used to set the delayed-nu-fission cross section for this XSdata object. Parameters ---------- delayed_nu_fission: openmc.mgxs.DelayedNuFissionXS or openmc.mgxs.DelayedNuFissionMatrixXS MGXS Object containing the delayed-nu-fission cross section for the domain of interest. temperature : float Temperature (in units of Kelvin) of the provided dataset. Defaults to 294K nuclide : str Individual nuclide (or 'total' if obtaining material-wise data) to gather data for. Defaults to 'total'. xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'} Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or barns. Defaults to 'macro'. subdomain : iterable of int If the MGXS contains a mesh domain type, the subdomain parameter specifies which mesh cell (i.e., [i, j, k] index) to use. See also -------- openmc.mgxs.Library.create_mg_library() openmc.mgxs.Library.get_xsdata() """ check_type('delayed_nu_fission', delayed_nu_fission, (openmc.mgxs.DelayedNuFissionXS, openmc.mgxs.DelayedNuFissionMatrixXS)) check_value('energy_groups', delayed_nu_fission.energy_groups, [self.energy_groups]) check_value('num_delayed_groups', delayed_nu_fission.num_delayed_groups, [self.num_delayed_groups]) check_value('domain_type', delayed_nu_fission.domain_type, openmc.mgxs.DOMAIN_TYPES) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._delayed_nu_fission[i] = delayed_nu_fission.get_xs( nuclides=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, subdomains=subdomain) self._set_fissionable(self._delayed_nu_fission)
[docs] def set_kappa_fission_mgxs(self, k_fission, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN, nuclide='total', xs_type='macro', subdomain=None): """This method allows for an openmc.mgxs.KappaFissionXS to be used to set the kappa-fission cross section for this XSdata object. Parameters ---------- kappa_fission: openmc.mgxs.KappaFissionXS MGXS Object containing the kappa-fission cross section for the domain of interest. temperature : float Temperature (in Kelvin) of the data. Defaults to room temperature (294K). nuclide : str Individual nuclide (or 'total' if obtaining material-wise data) to gather data for. Defaults to 'total'. xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'} Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or barns. Defaults to 'macro'. subdomain : iterable of int If the MGXS contains a mesh domain type, the subdomain parameter specifies which mesh cell (i.e., [i, j, k] index) to use. See also -------- openmc.mgxs.Library.create_mg_library() openmc.mgxs.Library.get_xsdata() """ check_type('kappa_fission', k_fission, openmc.mgxs.KappaFissionXS) check_value('energy_groups', k_fission.energy_groups, [self.energy_groups]) check_value('domain_type', k_fission.domain_type, openmc.mgxs.DOMAIN_TYPES) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._kappa_fission[i] = k_fission.get_xs(nuclides=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, subdomains=subdomain)
[docs] def set_chi_mgxs(self, chi, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN, nuclide='total', xs_type='macro', subdomain=None): """This method allows for an openmc.mgxs.Chi to be used to set chi for this XSdata object. Parameters ---------- chi: openmc.mgxs.Chi MGXS Object containing chi for the domain of interest. temperature : float Temperature (in Kelvin) of the data. Defaults to room temperature (294K). nuclide : str Individual nuclide (or 'total' if obtaining material-wise data) to gather data for. Defaults to 'total'. xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'} Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or barns. Defaults to 'macro'. subdomain : iterable of int If the MGXS contains a mesh domain type, the subdomain parameter specifies which mesh cell (i.e., [i, j, k] index) to use. See also -------- openmc.mgxs.Library.create_mg_library() openmc.mgxs.Library.get_xsdata() """ check_type('chi', chi, openmc.mgxs.Chi) check_value('energy_groups', chi.energy_groups, [self.energy_groups]) check_value('domain_type', chi.domain_type, openmc.mgxs.DOMAIN_TYPES) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._chi[i] = chi.get_xs(nuclides=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, subdomains=subdomain)
[docs] def set_chi_prompt_mgxs(self, chi_prompt, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN, nuclide='total', xs_type='macro', subdomain=None): """This method allows for an openmc.mgxs.Chi to be used to set chi-prompt for this XSdata object. Parameters ---------- chi_prompt: openmc.mgxs.Chi MGXS Object containing chi-prompt for the domain of interest. temperature : float Temperature (in units of Kelvin) of the provided dataset. Defaults to 294K nuclide : str Individual nuclide (or 'total' if obtaining material-wise data) to gather data for. Defaults to 'total'. xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'} Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or barns. Defaults to 'macro'. subdomain : iterable of int If the MGXS contains a mesh domain type, the subdomain parameter specifies which mesh cell (i.e., [i, j, k] index) to use. See also -------- openmc.mgxs.Library.create_mg_library() openmc.mgxs.Library.get_xsdata() """ check_type('chi_prompt', chi_prompt, openmc.mgxs.Chi) check_value('prompt', chi_prompt.prompt, [True]) check_value('energy_groups', chi_prompt.energy_groups, [self.energy_groups]) check_value('domain_type', chi_prompt.domain_type, openmc.mgxs.DOMAIN_TYPES) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._chi_prompt[i] = chi_prompt.get_xs(nuclides=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, subdomains=subdomain)
[docs] def set_chi_delayed_mgxs(self, chi_delayed, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN, nuclide='total', xs_type='macro', subdomain=None): """This method allows for an openmc.mgxs.ChiDelayed to be used to set chi-delayed for this XSdata object. Parameters ---------- chi_delayed: openmc.mgxs.ChiDelayed MGXS Object containing chi-delayed for the domain of interest. temperature : float Temperature (in units of Kelvin) of the provided dataset. Defaults to 294K nuclide : str Individual nuclide (or 'total' if obtaining material-wise data) to gather data for. Defaults to 'total'. xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'} Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or barns. Defaults to 'macro'. subdomain : iterable of int If the MGXS contains a mesh domain type, the subdomain parameter specifies which mesh cell (i.e., [i, j, k] index) to use. See also -------- openmc.mgxs.Library.create_mg_library() openmc.mgxs.Library.get_xsdata() """ check_type('chi_delayed', chi_delayed, openmc.mgxs.ChiDelayed) check_value('energy_groups', chi_delayed.energy_groups, [self.energy_groups]) check_value('num_delayed_groups', chi_delayed.num_delayed_groups, [self.num_delayed_groups]) check_value('domain_type', chi_delayed.domain_type, openmc.mgxs.DOMAIN_TYPES) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._chi_delayed[i] = chi_delayed.get_xs(nuclides=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, subdomains=subdomain)
[docs] def set_beta_mgxs(self, beta, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN, nuclide='total', xs_type='macro', subdomain=None): """This method allows for an openmc.mgxs.Beta to be used to set beta for this XSdata object. Parameters ---------- beta : openmc.mgxs.Beta MGXS Object containing beta for the domain of interest. temperature : float Temperature (in units of Kelvin) of the provided dataset. Defaults to 294K nuclide : str Individual nuclide (or 'total' if obtaining material-wise data) to gather data for. Defaults to 'total'. xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'} Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or barns. Defaults to 'macro'. subdomain : iterable of int If the MGXS contains a mesh domain type, the subdomain parameter specifies which mesh cell (i.e., [i, j, k] index) to use. See also -------- openmc.mgxs.Library.create_mg_library() openmc.mgxs.Library.get_xsdata() """ check_type('beta', beta, openmc.mgxs.Beta) check_value('num_delayed_groups', beta.num_delayed_groups, [self.num_delayed_groups]) check_value('domain_type', beta.domain_type, openmc.mgxs.DOMAIN_TYPES) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._beta[i] = beta.get_xs(nuclides=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, subdomains=subdomain)
[docs] def set_decay_rate_mgxs(self, decay_rate, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN, nuclide='total', xs_type='macro', subdomain=None): """This method allows for an openmc.mgxs.DecayRate to be used to set decay rate for this XSdata object. Parameters ---------- decay_rate : openmc.mgxs.DecayRate MGXS Object containing decay rate for the domain of interest. temperature : float Temperature (in units of Kelvin) of the provided dataset. Defaults to 294K nuclide : str Individual nuclide (or 'total' if obtaining material-wise data) to gather data for. Defaults to 'total'. xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'} Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or barns. Defaults to 'macro'. subdomain : iterable of int If the MGXS contains a mesh domain type, the subdomain parameter specifies which mesh cell (i.e., [i, j, k] index) to use. See also -------- openmc.mgxs.Library.create_mg_library() openmc.mgxs.Library.get_xsdata() """ check_type('decay_rate', decay_rate, openmc.mgxs.DecayRate) check_value('num_delayed_groups', decay_rate.num_delayed_groups, [self.num_delayed_groups]) check_value('domain_type', decay_rate.domain_type, openmc.mgxs.DOMAIN_TYPES) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._decay_rate[i] = decay_rate.get_xs(nuclides=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, subdomains=subdomain)
[docs] def set_scatter_matrix_mgxs(self, scatter, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN, nuclide='total', xs_type='macro', subdomain=None): """This method allows for an openmc.mgxs.ScatterMatrixXS to be used to set the scatter matrix cross section for this XSdata object. If the XSdata.order attribute has not yet been set, then it will be set based on the properties of scatter. Parameters ---------- scatter: openmc.mgxs.ScatterMatrixXS MGXS Object containing the scatter matrix cross section for the domain of interest. temperature : float Temperature (in Kelvin) of the data. Defaults to room temperature (294K). nuclide : str Individual nuclide (or 'total' if obtaining material-wise data) to gather data for. Defaults to 'total'. xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'} Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or barns. Defaults to 'macro'. subdomain : iterable of int If the MGXS contains a mesh domain type, the subdomain parameter specifies which mesh cell (i.e., [i, j, k] index) to use. See also -------- openmc.mgxs.Library.create_mg_library() openmc.mgxs.Library.get_xsdata() """ check_type('scatter', scatter, openmc.mgxs.ScatterMatrixXS) check_value('energy_groups', scatter.energy_groups, [self.energy_groups]) check_value('domain_type', scatter.domain_type, openmc.mgxs.DOMAIN_TYPES) self._check_temperature(temperature) # Set the value of scatter_format based on the same value within # scatter self.scatter_format = scatter.scatter_format # If the user has not defined XSdata.order, then we will set # the order based on the data within scatter. # Otherwise, we will check to see that XSdata.order matches # the order of scatter if self.scatter_format == SCATTER_LEGENDRE: if self.order is None: self.order = scatter.legendre_order else: check_value('legendre_order', scatter.legendre_order, [self.order]) elif self.scatter_format == SCATTER_HISTOGRAM: if self.order is None: self.order = scatter.histogram_bins else: check_value('histogram_bins', scatter.histogram_bins, [self.order]) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) if self.scatter_format == SCATTER_LEGENDRE: self._scatter_matrix[i] = \ np.zeros(self.xs_shapes["[G][G'][Order]"]) # Get the scattering orders in the outermost dimension if self.representation == REPRESENTATION_ISOTROPIC: for moment in range(self.num_orders): self._scatter_matrix[i][:, :, moment] = \ scatter.get_xs(nuclides=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, moment=moment, subdomains=subdomain) elif self.representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: for moment in range(self.num_orders): self._scatter_matrix[i][:, :, :, :, moment] = \ scatter.get_xs(nuclides=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, moment=moment, subdomains=subdomain) else: self._scatter_matrix[i] = \ scatter.get_xs(nuclides=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, subdomains=subdomain)
[docs] def set_multiplicity_matrix_mgxs(self, nuscatter, scatter=None, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN, nuclide='total', xs_type='macro', subdomain=None): """This method allows for either the direct use of only an openmc.mgxs.MultiplicityMatrixXS or an openmc.mgxs.ScatterMatrixXS and openmc.mgxs.ScatterMatrixXS to be used to set the scattering multiplicity for this XSdata object. Multiplicity, in OpenMC parlance, is a factor used to account for the production of neutrons introduced by scattering multiplication reactions, i.e., (n,xn) events. In this sense, the multiplication matrix is simply defined as the ratio of the nu-scatter and scatter matrices. Parameters ---------- nuscatter: openmc.mgxs.ScatterMatrixXS or openmc.mgxs.MultiplicityMatrixXS MGXS Object containing the matrix cross section for the domain of interest. scatter: openmc.mgxs.ScatterMatrixXS MGXS Object containing the scattering matrix cross section for the domain of interest. temperature : float Temperature (in Kelvin) of the data. Defaults to room temperature (294K). nuclide : str Individual nuclide (or 'total' if obtaining material-wise data) to gather data for. Defaults to 'total'. xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'} Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or barns. Defaults to 'macro'. subdomain : iterable of int If the MGXS contains a mesh domain type, the subdomain parameter specifies which mesh cell (i.e., [i, j, k] index) to use. See also -------- openmc.mgxs.Library.create_mg_library() openmc.mgxs.Library.get_xsdata() """ check_type('nuscatter', nuscatter, (openmc.mgxs.ScatterMatrixXS, openmc.mgxs.MultiplicityMatrixXS)) check_value('energy_groups', nuscatter.energy_groups, [self.energy_groups]) check_value('domain_type', nuscatter.domain_type, openmc.mgxs.DOMAIN_TYPES) self._check_temperature(temperature) if scatter is not None: check_type('scatter', scatter, openmc.mgxs.ScatterMatrixXS) if isinstance(nuscatter, openmc.mgxs.MultiplicityMatrixXS): msg = 'Either an MultiplicityMatrixXS object must be passed ' \ 'for "nuscatter" or the "scatter" argument must be ' \ 'provided.' raise ValueError(msg) check_value('energy_groups', scatter.energy_groups, [self.energy_groups]) check_value('domain_type', scatter.domain_type, openmc.mgxs.DOMAIN_TYPES) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) nuscatt = nuscatter.get_xs(nuclides=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, moment=0, subdomains=subdomain) if isinstance(nuscatter, openmc.mgxs.MultiplicityMatrixXS): self._multiplicity_matrix[i] = nuscatt else: scatt = scatter.get_xs(nuclides=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, moment=0, subdomains=subdomain) if scatter.scatter_format == SCATTER_HISTOGRAM: scatt = np.sum(scatt, axis=2) if nuscatter.scatter_format == SCATTER_HISTOGRAM: nuscatt = np.sum(nuscatt, axis=2) self._multiplicity_matrix[i] = np.divide(nuscatt, scatt) self._multiplicity_matrix[i] = \ np.nan_to_num(self._multiplicity_matrix[i])
[docs] def set_inverse_velocity_mgxs(self, inverse_velocity, temperature=ROOM_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN, nuclide='total', xs_type='macro', subdomain=None): """This method allows for an openmc.mgxs.InverseVelocity to be used to set the inverse velocity for this XSdata object. Parameters ---------- inverse_velocity : openmc.mgxs.InverseVelocity MGXS object containing the inverse velocity for the domain of interest. temperature : float Temperature (in Kelvin) of the data. Defaults to room temperature (294K). nuclide : str Individual nuclide (or 'total' if obtaining material-wise data) to gather data for. Defaults to 'total'. xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'} Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or barns. Defaults to 'macro'. subdomain : iterable of int If the MGXS contains a mesh domain type, the subdomain parameter specifies which mesh cell (i.e., [i, j, k] index) to use. See also -------- openmc.mgxs.Library.create_mg_library() openmc.mgxs.Library.get_xsdata() """ check_type('inverse_velocity', inverse_velocity, openmc.mgxs.InverseVelocity) check_value('energy_groups', inverse_velocity.energy_groups, [self.energy_groups]) check_value('domain_type', inverse_velocity.domain_type, openmc.mgxs.DOMAIN_TYPES) self._check_temperature(temperature) i = self._temperature_index(temperature) self._inverse_velocity[i] = inverse_velocity.get_xs( nuclides=nuclide, xs_type=xs_type, subdomains=subdomain)
[docs] def convert_representation(self, target_representation, num_polar=None, num_azimuthal=None): """Produce a new XSdata object with the same data, but converted to the new representation (isotropic or angle-dependent). This method cannot be used to change the number of polar or azimuthal bins of an XSdata object that already uses an angular representation. Finally, this method simply uses an arithmetic mean to convert from an angular to isotropic representation; no flux-weighting is applied and therefore reaction rates will not be preserved. Parameters ---------- target_representation : {'isotropic', 'angle'} Representation of the MGXS (isotropic or angle-dependent flux weighting). num_polar : int, optional Number of equal width angular bins that the polar angular domain is subdivided into. This is required when `target_representation` is "angle". num_azimuthal : int, optional Number of equal width angular bins that the azimuthal angular domain is subdivided into. This is required when `target_representation` is "angle". Returns ------- openmc.XSdata Multi-group cross section data with the same data as self, but represented as specified in `target_representation`. """ check_value('target_representation', target_representation, _REPRESENTATIONS) if target_representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: check_type('num_polar', num_polar, Integral) check_type('num_azimuthal', num_azimuthal, Integral) check_greater_than('num_polar', num_polar, 0) check_greater_than('num_azimuthal', num_azimuthal, 0) xsdata = copy.deepcopy(self) # First handle the case where the current and requested # representations are the same if target_representation == self.representation: # Check to make sure the num_polar and num_azimuthal values match if target_representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: if num_polar != self.num_polar or num_azimuthal != self.num_azimuthal: raise ValueError("Cannot translate between `angle`" " representations with different angle" " bin structures") # Nothing to do as the same structure was requested return xsdata xsdata.representation = target_representation # We have different actions depending on the representation conversion if target_representation == REPRESENTATION_ISOTROPIC: # This is not needed for the correct functionality, but these # values are changed back to None for clarity xsdata._num_polar = None xsdata._num_azimuthal = None elif target_representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: xsdata.num_polar = num_polar xsdata.num_azimuthal = num_azimuthal # Reset xs_shapes so it is recalculated the next time it is needed xsdata._xs_shapes = None for i, temp in enumerate(xsdata.temperatures): for xs in ['total', 'absorption', 'fission', 'nu_fission', 'scatter_matrix', 'multiplicity_matrix', 'prompt_nu_fission', 'delayed_nu_fission', 'kappa_fission', 'chi', 'chi_prompt', 'chi_delayed', 'beta', 'decay_rate', 'inverse_velocity']: # Get the original data orig_data = getattr(self, '_' + xs)[i] if orig_data is not None: if target_representation == 'isotropic': # Since we are going from angle to isotropic, the # current data is just the average over the angle bins new_data = orig_data.mean(axis=(0, 1)) elif target_representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: # Since we are going from isotropic to angle, the # current data is just copied for every angle bin new_shape = (num_polar, num_azimuthal) + \ orig_data.shape new_data = np.resize(orig_data, new_shape) setter = getattr(xsdata, 'set_' + xs) setter(new_data, temp) return xsdata
[docs] def convert_scatter_format(self, target_format, target_order=None): """Produce a new MGXSLibrary object with the same data, but converted to the new scatter format and order Parameters ---------- target_format : {'tabular', 'legendre', 'histogram'} Representation of the scattering angle distribution target_order : int Either the Legendre target_order, number of bins, or number of points used to describe the angular distribution associated with each group-to-group transfer probability Returns ------- openmc.XSdata Multi-group cross section data with the same data as in self, but represented as specified in `target_format`. """ check_value('target_format', target_format, _SCATTER_TYPES) check_type('target_order', target_order, Integral) if target_format == SCATTER_LEGENDRE: check_greater_than('target_order', target_order, 0, equality=True) else: check_greater_than('target_order', target_order, 0) xsdata = copy.deepcopy(self) xsdata.scatter_format = target_format xsdata.order = target_order # Reset and re-generate XSdata.xs_shapes with the new scattering format xsdata._xs_shapes = None for i, temp in enumerate(xsdata.temperatures): orig_data = self._scatter_matrix[i] new_shape = orig_data.shape[:-1] + (xsdata.num_orders,) new_data = np.zeros(new_shape) if self.scatter_format == SCATTER_LEGENDRE: if target_format == SCATTER_LEGENDRE: # Then we are changing orders and only need to change # dimensionality of the mu data and pad/truncate as needed order = min(xsdata.num_orders, self.num_orders) new_data[..., :order] = orig_data[..., :order] elif target_format == SCATTER_TABULAR: mu = np.linspace(-1, 1, xsdata.num_orders) # Evaluate the legendre on the mu grid for imu in range(len(mu)): for l in range(self.num_orders): new_data[..., imu] += ( (l + 0.5) * eval_legendre(l, mu[imu]) * orig_data[..., l]) elif target_format == SCATTER_HISTOGRAM: # This code uses the vectorized integration capabilities # instead of having an isotropic and angle representation # path. # Set the histogram mu grid mu = np.linspace(-1, 1, xsdata.num_orders + 1) # For every bin perform simpson integration of a finely # sampled orig_data for h_bin in range(xsdata.num_orders): mu_fine = np.linspace(mu[h_bin], mu[h_bin + 1], _NMU) table_fine = np.zeros(new_data.shape[:-1] + (_NMU,)) for imu in range(len(mu_fine)): for l in range(self.num_orders): table_fine[..., imu] += ((l + 0.5) * eval_legendre(l, mu_fine[imu]) * orig_data[..., l]) new_data[..., h_bin] = simps(table_fine, mu_fine) elif self.scatter_format == SCATTER_TABULAR: # Calculate the mu points of the current data mu_self = np.linspace(-1, 1, self.num_orders) if target_format == SCATTER_LEGENDRE: # Find the Legendre coefficients via integration. To best # use the vectorized integration capabilities of scipy, # this is done with fixed sample integration routines. mu_fine = np.linspace(-1, 1, _NMU) for l in range(xsdata.num_orders): y = (interp1d(mu_self, orig_data)(mu_fine) * eval_legendre(l, mu_fine)) new_data[..., l] = simps(y, mu_fine) elif target_format == SCATTER_TABULAR: # Simply use an interpolating function to get the new data mu = np.linspace(-1, 1, xsdata.num_orders) new_data[..., :] = interp1d(mu_self, orig_data)(mu) elif target_format == SCATTER_HISTOGRAM: # Use an interpolating function to do the bin-wise # integrals mu = np.linspace(-1, 1, xsdata.num_orders + 1) # Like the tabular -> legendre path above, this code will # be written to utilize the vectorized integration # capabilities instead of having an isotropic and # angle representation path. interp = interp1d(mu_self, orig_data) for h_bin in range(xsdata.num_orders): mu_fine = np.linspace(mu[h_bin], mu[h_bin + 1], _NMU) new_data[..., h_bin] = simps(interp(mu_fine), mu_fine) elif self.scatter_format == SCATTER_HISTOGRAM: # The histogram format does not have enough information to # convert to the other forms without inducing some amount of # error. We will make the assumption that the center of the bin # has the value of the bin. The mu=-1 and 1 points will be # extrapolated from the shape. mu_midpoint = np.linspace(-1, 1, self.num_orders, endpoint=False) mu_midpoint += (mu_midpoint[1] - mu_midpoint[0]) * 0.5 interp = interp1d(mu_midpoint, orig_data, fill_value='extrapolate') # Now get the distribution normalization factor to take from # an integral quantity to a point-wise quantity norm = float(self.num_orders) / 2.0 # We now have a tabular distribution in tab_data on mu_self. # We now proceed just like the tabular branch above. if target_format == SCATTER_LEGENDRE: # find the legendre coefficients via integration. To best # use the vectorized integration capabilities of scipy, # this will be done with fixed sample integration routines. mu_fine = np.linspace(-1, 1, _NMU) for l in range(xsdata.num_orders): y = interp(mu_fine) * norm * eval_legendre(l, mu_fine) new_data[..., l] = simps(y, mu_fine) elif target_format == SCATTER_TABULAR: # Simply use an interpolating function to get the new data mu = np.linspace(-1, 1, xsdata.num_orders) new_data[..., :] = interp(mu) * norm elif target_format == SCATTER_HISTOGRAM: # Use an interpolating function to do the bin-wise # integrals mu = np.linspace(-1, 1, xsdata.num_orders + 1) # Like the tabular -> legendre path above, this code will # be written to utilize the vectorized integration # capabilities instead of having an isotropic and # angle representation path. for h_bin in range(xsdata.num_orders): mu_fine = np.linspace(mu[h_bin], mu[h_bin + 1], _NMU) new_data[..., h_bin] = \ norm * simps(interp(mu_fine), mu_fine) # Remove small values resulting from numerical precision issues new_data[..., np.abs(new_data) < 1.E-10] = 0. xsdata.set_scatter_matrix(new_data, temp) return xsdata
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, file): """Write XSdata to an HDF5 file Parameters ---------- file : h5py.File HDF5 File (a root Group) to write to """ grp = file.create_group( if self.atomic_weight_ratio is not None: grp.attrs['atomic_weight_ratio'] = self.atomic_weight_ratio if self.fissionable is not None: grp.attrs['fissionable'] = self.fissionable if self.representation is not None: grp.attrs['representation'] = np.string_(self.representation) if self.representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: if self.num_azimuthal is not None: grp.attrs['num_azimuthal'] = self.num_azimuthal if self.num_polar is not None: grp.attrs['num_polar'] = self.num_polar grp.attrs['scatter_shape'] = np.string_("[G][G'][Order]") if self.scatter_format is not None: grp.attrs['scatter_format'] = np.string_(self.scatter_format) if self.order is not None: grp.attrs['order'] = self.order ktg = grp.create_group('kTs') for temperature in self.temperatures: temp_label = str(int(np.round(temperature))) + "K" kT = temperature * ktg.create_dataset(temp_label, data=kT) # Create the temperature datasets for i, temperature in enumerate(self.temperatures): xs_grp = grp.create_group(str(int(np.round(temperature))) + "K") if self._total[i] is None: raise ValueError('total data must be provided when writing ' 'the HDF5 library') xs_grp.create_dataset("total", data=self._total[i]) if self._absorption[i] is None: raise ValueError('absorption data must be provided when ' 'writing the HDF5 library') xs_grp.create_dataset("absorption", data=self._absorption[i]) if self.fissionable: if self._fission[i] is not None: xs_grp.create_dataset("fission", data=self._fission[i]) if self._kappa_fission[i] is not None: xs_grp.create_dataset("kappa-fission", data=self._kappa_fission[i]) if self._chi[i] is not None: xs_grp.create_dataset("chi", data=self._chi[i]) if self._chi_prompt[i] is not None: xs_grp.create_dataset("chi-prompt", data=self._chi_prompt[i]) if self._chi_delayed[i] is not None: xs_grp.create_dataset("chi-delayed", data=self._chi_delayed[i]) if self._nu_fission[i] is None and \ (self._delayed_nu_fission[i] is None or \ self._prompt_nu_fission[i] is None): raise ValueError('nu-fission or prompt-nu-fission and ' 'delayed-nu-fission data must be ' 'provided when writing the HDF5 library') if self._nu_fission[i] is not None: xs_grp.create_dataset("nu-fission", data=self._nu_fission[i]) if self._prompt_nu_fission[i] is not None: xs_grp.create_dataset("prompt-nu-fission", data=self._prompt_nu_fission[i]) if self._delayed_nu_fission[i] is not None: xs_grp.create_dataset("delayed-nu-fission", data=self._delayed_nu_fission[i]) if self._beta[i] is not None: xs_grp.create_dataset("beta", data=self._beta[i]) if self._decay_rate[i] is not None: xs_grp.create_dataset("decay rate", data=self._decay_rate[i]) if self._scatter_matrix[i] is None: raise ValueError('Scatter matrix must be provided when ' 'writing the HDF5 library') # Get the sparse scattering data to print to the library G = self.energy_groups.num_groups if self.representation == REPRESENTATION_ISOTROPIC: Np = 1 Na = 1 elif self.representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: Np = self.num_polar Na = self.num_azimuthal g_out_bounds = np.zeros((Np, Na, G, 2), for p in range(Np): for a in range(Na): for g_in in range(G): if self.scatter_format == SCATTER_LEGENDRE: if self.representation == REPRESENTATION_ISOTROPIC: matrix = \ self._scatter_matrix[i][g_in, :, 0] elif self.representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: matrix = \ self._scatter_matrix[i][p, a, g_in, :, 0] else: if self.representation == REPRESENTATION_ISOTROPIC: matrix = \ np.sum(self._scatter_matrix[i][g_in, :, :], axis=1) elif self.representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: matrix = \ np.sum(self._scatter_matrix[i][p, a, g_in, :, :], axis=1) nz = np.nonzero(matrix) # It is possible that there only zeros in matrix # and therefore nz will be empty, in that case set # g_out_bounds to 0s if len(nz[0]) == 0: g_out_bounds[p, a, g_in, :] = 0 else: g_out_bounds[p, a, g_in, 0] = nz[0][0] g_out_bounds[p, a, g_in, 1] = nz[0][-1] # Now create the flattened scatter matrix array flat_scatt = [] for p in range(Np): for a in range(Na): if self.representation == REPRESENTATION_ISOTROPIC: matrix = self._scatter_matrix[i][:, :, :] elif self.representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: matrix = self._scatter_matrix[i][p, a, :, :, :] for g_in in range(G): for g_out in range(g_out_bounds[p, a, g_in, 0], g_out_bounds[p, a, g_in, 1] + 1): for l in range(len(matrix[g_in, g_out, :])): flat_scatt.append(matrix[g_in, g_out, l]) # And write it. scatt_grp = xs_grp.create_group('scatter_data') scatt_grp.create_dataset("scatter_matrix", data=np.array(flat_scatt)) # Repeat for multiplicity if self._multiplicity_matrix[i] is not None: # Now create the flattened scatter matrix array flat_mult = [] for p in range(Np): for a in range(Na): if self.representation == REPRESENTATION_ISOTROPIC: matrix = self._multiplicity_matrix[i][:, :] elif self.representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: matrix = self._multiplicity_matrix[i][p, a, :, :] for g_in in range(G): for g_out in range(g_out_bounds[p, a, g_in, 0], g_out_bounds[p, a, g_in, 1] + 1): flat_mult.append(matrix[g_in, g_out]) # And write it. scatt_grp.create_dataset("multiplicity_matrix", data=np.array(flat_mult)) # And finally, adjust g_out_bounds for 1-based group counting # and write it. g_out_bounds[:, :, :, :] += 1 if self.representation == REPRESENTATION_ISOTROPIC: scatt_grp.create_dataset("g_min", data=g_out_bounds[0, 0, :, 0]) scatt_grp.create_dataset("g_max", data=g_out_bounds[0, 0, :, 1]) elif self.representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: scatt_grp.create_dataset("g_min", data=g_out_bounds[:, :, :, 0]) scatt_grp.create_dataset("g_max", data=g_out_bounds[:, :, :, 1]) # Add the kinetics data if self._inverse_velocity[i] is not None: xs_grp.create_dataset("inverse-velocity", data=self._inverse_velocity[i])
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, group, name, energy_groups, num_delayed_groups): """Generate XSdata object from an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from name : str Name of the mgxs data set. energy_groups : openmc.mgxs.EnergyGroups Energy group structure num_delayed_groups : int Number of delayed groups Returns ------- openmc.XSdata Multi-group cross section data """ # Get a list of all the subgroups which will contain our temperature # strings subgroups = group.keys() temperatures = [] for subgroup in subgroups: if subgroup != 'kTs': temperatures.append(subgroup) # To ensure the actual floating point temperature used when creating # the new library is consistent with that used when originally creating # the file, get the floating point temperatures straight from the kTs # group. kTs_group = group['kTs'] float_temperatures = [] for temperature in temperatures: kT = kTs_group[temperature][()] float_temperatures.append(kT / attrs = group.attrs.keys() if 'representation' in attrs: representation = group.attrs['representation'].decode() else: representation = REPRESENTATION_ISOTROPIC data = cls(name, energy_groups, float_temperatures, representation, num_delayed_groups) if 'scatter_format' in attrs: data.scatter_format = group.attrs['scatter_format'].decode() # Get the remaining optional attributes if 'atomic_weight_ratio' in attrs: data.atomic_weight_ratio = group.attrs['atomic_weight_ratio'] if 'order' in attrs: data.order = group.attrs['order'] if data.representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: data.num_azimuthal = group.attrs['num_azimuthal'] data.num_polar = group.attrs['num_polar'] # Read the temperature-dependent datasets for temp, float_temp in zip(temperatures, float_temperatures): xs_types = ['total', 'absorption', 'fission', 'kappa-fission', 'chi', 'chi-prompt', 'chi-delayed', 'nu-fission', 'prompt-nu-fission', 'delayed-nu-fission', 'beta', 'decay rate', 'inverse-velocity'] temperature_group = group[temp] for xs_type in xs_types: set_func = 'set_' + xs_type.replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_') if xs_type in temperature_group: getattr(data, set_func)(temperature_group[xs_type][()], float_temp) scatt_group = temperature_group['scatter_data'] # Get scatter matrix and 'un-flatten' it g_max = scatt_group['g_max'] g_min = scatt_group['g_min'] flat_scatter = scatt_group['scatter_matrix'][()] scatter_matrix = np.zeros(data.xs_shapes["[G][G'][Order]"]) G = data.energy_groups.num_groups if data.representation == REPRESENTATION_ISOTROPIC: Np = 1 Na = 1 elif data.representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: Np = data.num_polar Na = data.num_azimuthal flat_index = 0 for p in range(Np): for a in range(Na): for g_in in range(G): if data.representation == REPRESENTATION_ISOTROPIC: g_mins = g_min[g_in] g_maxs = g_max[g_in] elif data.representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: g_mins = g_min[p, a, g_in] g_maxs = g_max[p, a, g_in] for g_out in range(g_mins - 1, g_maxs): for ang in range(data.num_orders): if data.representation == REPRESENTATION_ISOTROPIC: scatter_matrix[g_in, g_out, ang] = \ flat_scatter[flat_index] elif data.representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: scatter_matrix[p, a, g_in, g_out, ang] = \ flat_scatter[flat_index] flat_index += 1 data.set_scatter_matrix(scatter_matrix, float_temp) # Repeat for multiplicity if 'multiplicity_matrix' in scatt_group: flat_mult = scatt_group['multiplicity_matrix'][()] mult_matrix = np.zeros(data.xs_shapes["[G][G']"]) flat_index = 0 for p in range(Np): for a in range(Na): for g_in in range(G): if data.representation == REPRESENTATION_ISOTROPIC: g_mins = g_min[g_in] g_maxs = g_max[g_in] elif data.representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: g_mins = g_min[p, a, g_in] g_maxs = g_max[p, a, g_in] for g_out in range(g_mins - 1, g_maxs): if data.representation == REPRESENTATION_ISOTROPIC: mult_matrix[g_in, g_out] = \ flat_mult[flat_index] elif data.representation == REPRESENTATION_ANGLE: mult_matrix[p, a, g_in, g_out] = \ flat_mult[flat_index] flat_index += 1 data.set_multiplicity_matrix(mult_matrix, float_temp) return data
[docs]class MGXSLibrary: """Multi-Group Cross Sections file used for an OpenMC simulation. Corresponds directly to the MG version of the cross_sections.xml input file. Parameters ---------- energy_groups : openmc.mgxs.EnergyGroups Energy group structure num_delayed_groups : int Num delayed groups Attributes ---------- energy_groups : openmc.mgxs.EnergyGroups Energy group structure. num_delayed_groups : int Num delayed groups xsdatas : Iterable of openmc.XSdata Iterable of multi-Group cross section data objects """ def __init__(self, energy_groups, num_delayed_groups=0): self.energy_groups = energy_groups self.num_delayed_groups = num_delayed_groups self._xsdatas = [] def __deepcopy__(self, memo): existing = memo.get(id(self)) # If this is the first time we have tried to copy this object, copy it if existing is None: clone = type(self).__new__(type(self)) clone._energy_groups = copy.deepcopy(self.energy_groups, memo) clone._num_delayed_groups = self.num_delayed_groups clone._xsdatas = copy.deepcopy(self.xsdatas, memo) memo[id(self)] = clone return clone # If this object has been copied before, return the first copy made else: return existing @property def energy_groups(self): return self._energy_groups @property def num_delayed_groups(self): return self._num_delayed_groups @property def xsdatas(self): return self._xsdatas @property def names(self): return [ for xsdata in self.xsdatas] @energy_groups.setter def energy_groups(self, energy_groups): check_type('energy groups', energy_groups, openmc.mgxs.EnergyGroups) self._energy_groups = energy_groups @num_delayed_groups.setter def num_delayed_groups(self, num_delayed_groups): check_type('num_delayed_groups', num_delayed_groups, Integral) check_greater_than('num_delayed_groups', num_delayed_groups, 0, equality=True) check_less_than('num_delayed_groups', num_delayed_groups, openmc.mgxs.MAX_DELAYED_GROUPS, equality=True) self._num_delayed_groups = num_delayed_groups
[docs] def add_xsdata(self, xsdata): """Add an XSdata entry to the file. Parameters ---------- xsdata : openmc.XSdata MGXS information to add """ if not isinstance(xsdata, XSdata): msg = 'Unable to add a non-XSdata "{0}" to the ' \ 'MGXSLibrary instance'.format(xsdata) raise ValueError(msg) if xsdata.energy_groups != self._energy_groups: msg = 'Energy groups of XSdata do not match that of MGXSLibrary.' raise ValueError(msg) self._xsdatas.append(xsdata)
[docs] def add_xsdatas(self, xsdatas): """Add multiple XSdatas to the file. Parameters ---------- xsdatas : tuple or list of openmc.XSdata XSdatas to add """ check_iterable_type('xsdatas', xsdatas, XSdata) for xsdata in xsdatas: self.add_xsdata(xsdata)
[docs] def remove_xsdata(self, xsdata): """Remove a xsdata from the file Parameters ---------- xsdata : openmc.XSdata XSdata to remove """ if not isinstance(xsdata, XSdata): msg = 'Unable to remove a non-XSdata "{0}" from the ' \ 'MGXSLibrary instance'.format(xsdata) raise ValueError(msg) self._xsdatas.remove(xsdata)
[docs] def get_by_name(self, name): """Access the XSdata objects by name Parameters ---------- name : str Name of openmc.XSdata object to obtain Returns ------- result : openmc.XSdata or None Provides the matching XSdata object or None, if not found """ check_type("name", name, str) result = None for xsdata in self.xsdatas: if name == result = xsdata return result
[docs] def convert_representation(self, target_representation, num_polar=None, num_azimuthal=None): """Produce a new XSdata object with the same data, but converted to the new representation (isotropic or angle-dependent). This method cannot be used to change the number of polar or azimuthal bins of an XSdata object that already uses an angular representation. Finally, this method simply uses an arithmetic mean to convert from an angular to isotropic representation; no flux-weighting is applied and therefore the reaction rates will not be preserved. Parameters ---------- target_representation : {'isotropic', 'angle'} Representation of the MGXS (isotropic or angle-dependent flux weighting). num_polar : int, optional Number of equal width angular bins that the polar angular domain is subdivided into. This is required when `target_representation` is "angle". num_azimuthal : int, optional Number of equal width angular bins that the azimuthal angular domain is subdivided into. This is required when `target_representation` is "angle". Returns ------- openmc.MGXSLibrary Multi-group Library with the same data as self, but represented as specified in `target_representation`. """ library = copy.deepcopy(self) for i, xsdata in enumerate(self.xsdatas): library.xsdatas[i] = \ xsdata.convert_representation(target_representation, num_polar, num_azimuthal) return library
[docs] def convert_scatter_format(self, target_format, target_order): """Produce a new MGXSLibrary object with the same data, but converted to the new scatter format and order Parameters ---------- target_format : {'tabular', 'legendre', 'histogram'} Representation of the scattering angle distribution target_order : int Either the Legendre target_order, number of bins, or number of points used to describe the angular distribution associated with each group-to-group transfer probability Returns ------- openmc.MGXSLibrary Multi-group Library with the same data as self, but with the scatter format represented as specified in `target_format` and `target_order`. """ library = copy.deepcopy(self) for i, xsdata in enumerate(self.xsdatas): library.xsdatas[i] = \ xsdata.convert_scatter_format(target_format, target_order) return library
[docs] def export_to_hdf5(self, filename='mgxs.h5', libver='earliest'): """Create an hdf5 file that can be used for a simulation. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename of file, default is mgxs.h5. libver : {'earliest', 'latest'} Compatibility mode for the HDF5 file. 'latest' will produce files that are less backwards compatible but have performance benefits. """ check_type('filename', filename, str) # Create and write to the HDF5 file file = h5py.File(filename, "w", libver=libver) file.attrs['filetype'] = np.string_(_FILETYPE_MGXS_LIBRARY) file.attrs['version'] = [_VERSION_MGXS_LIBRARY, 0] file.attrs['energy_groups'] = self.energy_groups.num_groups file.attrs['delayed_groups'] = self.num_delayed_groups file.attrs['group structure'] = self.energy_groups.group_edges for xsdata in self._xsdatas: xsdata.to_hdf5(file) file.close()
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, filename=None): """Generate an MGXS Library from an HDF5 group or file Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional Name of HDF5 file containing MGXS data. Default is None. If not provided, the value of the OPENMC_MG_CROSS_SECTIONS environmental variable will be used Returns ------- openmc.MGXSLibrary Multi-group cross section data object. """ # If filename is None, get the cross sections from the # OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS environment variable if filename is None: filename = os.environ.get('OPENMC_MG_CROSS_SECTIONS') # Check to make sure there was an environmental variable. if filename is None: raise ValueError("Either path or OPENMC_MG_CROSS_SECTIONS " "environmental variable must be set") check_type('filename', filename, str) file = h5py.File(filename, 'r') # Check filetype and version check_filetype_version(file, _FILETYPE_MGXS_LIBRARY, _VERSION_MGXS_LIBRARY) group_structure = file.attrs['group structure'] num_delayed_groups = file.attrs['delayed_groups'] energy_groups = openmc.mgxs.EnergyGroups(group_structure) data = cls(energy_groups, num_delayed_groups) for group_name, group in file.items(): data.add_xsdata(openmc.XSdata.from_hdf5(group, group_name, energy_groups, num_delayed_groups)) return data