Source code for openmc.cmfd

"""This module can be used to specify parameters used for coarse mesh finite
difference (CMFD) acceleration in OpenMC. CMFD was first proposed by [Smith]_
and is widely used in accelerating neutron transport problems.


.. [Smith] K. Smith, "Nodal method storage reduction by non-linear
   iteration", *Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc.*, **44**, 265 (1983).


from import Iterable, Mapping
from contextlib import contextmanager
from numbers import Real, Integral
import sys
import time
import warnings

import h5py
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

import openmc.lib
from .checkvalue import (check_type, check_length, check_value,
                         check_greater_than, check_less_than)
from .exceptions import OpenMCError

# See if mpi4py module can be imported, define have_mpi global variable
    from mpi4py import MPI
    have_mpi = True
except ImportError:
    have_mpi = False

# Maximum/minimum neutron energies

# Tolerance for detecting zero flux values
_TINY_BIT = 1.e-8

# For non-accelerated regions on coarse mesh overlay

# Constant to represent a zero flux "albedo"
_ZERO_FLUX = 999.0

# Map that returns index of current direction in numpy current matrix
    'out_left':   0, 'in_left':   1, 'out_right': 2, 'in_right': 3,
    'out_back':   4, 'in_back':   5, 'out_front': 6, 'in_front': 7,
    'out_bottom': 8, 'in_bottom': 9, 'out_top':  10, 'in_top':  11

[docs]class CMFDMesh: """A structured Cartesian mesh used for CMFD acceleration. Attributes ---------- lower_left : Iterable of float The lower-left corner of the structured mesh. If only two coordinates are given, it is assumed that the mesh is an x-y mesh. upper_right : Iterable of float The upper-right corner of the structured mesh. If only two coordinates are given, it is assumed that the mesh is an x-y mesh. dimension : Iterable of int The number of mesh cells in each direction. width : Iterable of float The width of mesh cells in each direction. energy : Iterable of float Energy bins in eV, listed in ascending order (e.g. [0.0, 0.625e-1, 20.0e6]) for CMFD tallies and acceleration. If no energy bins are listed, OpenMC automatically assumes a one energy group calculation over the entire energy range. albedo : Iterable of float Surface ratio of incoming to outgoing partial currents on global boundary conditions. They are listed in the following order: -x +x -y +y -z +z. map : Iterable of int An optional acceleration map can be specified to overlay on the coarse mesh spatial grid. If this option is used, a ``0`` is used for a non-accelerated region and a ``1`` is used for an accelerated region. For a simple 4x4 coarse mesh with a 2x2 fuel lattice surrounded by reflector, the map is: :: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Therefore a 2x2 system of equations is solved rather than a 4x4. This is extremely important to use in reflectors as neutrons will not contribute to any tallies far away from fission source neutron regions. A ``1`` must be used to identify any fission source region. """ def __init__(self): self._lower_left = None self._upper_right = None self._dimension = None self._width = None self._energy = None self._albedo = None self._map = None @property def lower_left(self): return self._lower_left @property def upper_right(self): return self._upper_right @property def dimension(self): return self._dimension @property def width(self): return self._width @property def energy(self): return self._energy @property def albedo(self): return self._albedo @property def map(self): return self._map @lower_left.setter def lower_left(self, lower_left): check_type('CMFD mesh lower_left', lower_left, Iterable, Real) check_length('CMFD mesh lower_left', lower_left, 2, 3) self._lower_left = lower_left @upper_right.setter def upper_right(self, upper_right): check_type('CMFD mesh upper_right', upper_right, Iterable, Real) check_length('CMFD mesh upper_right', upper_right, 2, 3) self._upper_right = upper_right @dimension.setter def dimension(self, dimension): check_type('CMFD mesh dimension', dimension, Iterable, Integral) check_length('CMFD mesh dimension', dimension, 2, 3) for d in dimension: check_greater_than('CMFD mesh dimension', d, 0) self._dimension = dimension @width.setter def width(self, width): check_type('CMFD mesh width', width, Iterable, Real) check_length('CMFD mesh width', width, 2, 3) for w in width: check_greater_than('CMFD mesh width', w, 0) self._width = width @energy.setter def energy(self, energy): check_type('CMFD mesh energy', energy, Iterable, Real) for e in energy: check_greater_than('CMFD mesh energy', e, 0, True) self._energy = energy @albedo.setter def albedo(self, albedo): check_type('CMFD mesh albedo', albedo, Iterable, Real) check_length('CMFD mesh albedo', albedo, 6) for a in albedo: check_greater_than('CMFD mesh albedo', a, 0, True) check_less_than('CMFD mesh albedo', a, 1, True) self._albedo = albedo @map.setter def map(self, mesh_map): check_type('CMFD mesh map', mesh_map, Iterable, Integral) for m in mesh_map: check_value('CMFD mesh map', m, [0, 1]) self._map = mesh_map
[docs]class CMFDRun: r"""Class for running CMFD acceleration through the C API. Attributes ---------- tally_begin : int Batch number at which CMFD tallies should begin accummulating solver_begin: int Batch number at which CMFD solver should start executing ref_d : list of floats List of reference diffusion coefficients to fix CMFD parameters to display : dict Dictionary indicating which CMFD results to output. Note that CMFD k-effective will always be outputted. Acceptable keys are: * "balance" - Whether to output RMS [%] of the resdiual from the neutron balance equation on CMFD tallies (bool) * "dominance" - Whether to output the estimated dominance ratio from the CMFD iterations (bool) * "entropy" - Whether to output the *entropy* of the CMFD predicted fission source (bool) * "source" - Whether to ouput the RMS [%] between the OpenMC fission source and CMFD fission source (bool) downscatter : bool Indicate whether an effective downscatter cross section should be used when using 2-group CMFD. feedback : bool Indicate whether or not the CMFD diffusion result is used to adjust the weight of fission source neutrons on the next OpenMC batch. Defaults to False. cmfd_ktol : float Tolerance on the eigenvalue when performing CMFD power iteration mesh : openmc.cmfd.CMFDMesh Structured mesh to be used for acceleration norm : float Normalization factor applied to the CMFD fission source distribution power_monitor : bool View convergence of power iteration during CMFD acceleration run_adjoint : bool Perform adjoint calculation on the last batch w_shift : float Optional Wielandt shift parameter for accelerating power iterations. By default, it is very large so there is effectively no impact. stol : float Tolerance on the fission source when performing CMFD power iteration reset : list of int List of batch numbers at which CMFD tallies should be reset write_matrices : bool Write sparse matrices that are used during CMFD acceleration (loss, production) and resultant normalized flux vector phi to file spectral : float Optional spectral radius that can be used to accelerate the convergence of Gauss-Seidel iterations during CMFD power iteration. gauss_seidel_tolerance : Iterable of float Two parameters specifying the absolute inner tolerance and the relative inner tolerance for Gauss-Seidel iterations when performing CMFD. adjoint_type : {'physical', 'math'} Stores type of adjoint calculation that should be performed. ``run_adjoint`` must be true for an adjoint calculation to be perfomed. Options are: * "physical" - Create adjoint matrices from physical parameters of CMFD problem * "math" - Create adjoint matrices mathematically as the transpose of loss and production CMFD matrices window_type : {'expanding', 'rolling', 'none'} Specifies type of tally window scheme to use to accumulate CMFD tallies. Options are: * "expanding" - Have an expanding window that doubles in size to give more weight to more recent tallies as more generations are simulated * "rolling" - Have a fixed window size that aggregates tallies from the same number of previous generations tallied * "none" - Don't use a windowing scheme so that all tallies from last time they were reset are used for the CMFD algorithm. window_size : int Size of window to use for tally window scheme. Only relevant when window_type is set to "rolling" indices : numpy.ndarray Stores spatial and group dimensions as [nx, ny, nz, ng] cmfd_src : numpy.ndarray CMFD source distribution calculated from solving CMFD equations entropy : list of floats "Shannon entropy" from CMFD fission source, stored for each generation that CMFD is invoked balance : list of floats RMS of neutron balance equations, stored for each generation that CMFD is invoked src_cmp : list of floats RMS deviation of OpenMC and CMFD normalized source, stored for each generation that CMFD is invoked dom : list of floats Dominance ratio from solving CMFD matrix equations, stored for each generation that CMFD is invoked k_cmfd : list of floats List of CMFD k-effectives, stored for each generation that CMFD is invoked time_cmfd : float Time for entire CMFD calculation, in seconds time_cmfdbuild : float Time for building CMFD matrices, in seconds time_cmfdsolve : float Time for solving CMFD matrix equations, in seconds use_all_threads : bool Whether to use all threads allocated to OpenMC for CMFD solver intracomm : mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm or None MPI intercommunicator for running MPI commands """ def __init__(self): """Constructor for CMFDRun class. Default values for instance variables set in this method. """ # Variables that users can modify self._tally_begin = 1 self._solver_begin = 1 self._ref_d = np.array([]) self._display = {'balance': False, 'dominance': False, 'entropy': False, 'source': False} self._downscatter = False self._feedback = False self._cmfd_ktol = 1.e-8 self._mesh = None self._norm = 1. self._power_monitor = False self._run_adjoint = False self._w_shift = 1.e6 self._stol = 1.e-8 self._reset = [] self._write_matrices = False self._spectral = 0.0 self._gauss_seidel_tolerance = [1.e-10, 1.e-5] self._adjoint_type = 'physical' self._window_type = 'none' self._window_size = 10 self._intracomm = None self._use_all_threads = False # External variables used during runtime but users cannot control self._set_reference_params = False self._indices = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.int32) self._egrid = None self._albedo = None self._coremap = None self._mesh_id = None self._tally_ids = None self._energy_filters = None self._cmfd_on = False self._mat_dim = _CMFD_NOACCEL self._keff_bal = None self._keff = None self._adj_keff = None self._phi = None self._adj_phi = None self._openmc_src_rate = None self._flux_rate = None self._total_rate = None self._p1scatt_rate = None self._scatt_rate = None self._nfiss_rate = None self._current_rate = None self._flux = None self._totalxs = None self._p1scattxs = None self._scattxs = None self._nfissxs = None self._diffcof = None self._dtilde = None self._dhat = None self._hxyz = None self._current = None self._cmfd_src = None self._openmc_src = None self._sourcecounts = None self._weightfactors = None self._entropy = [] self._balance = [] self._src_cmp = [] self._dom = [] self._k_cmfd = [] self._resnb = None self._reset_every = None self._time_cmfd = None self._time_cmfdbuild = None self._time_cmfdsolve = None # All index-related variables, for numpy vectorization self._first_x_accel = None self._last_x_accel = None self._first_y_accel = None self._last_y_accel = None self._first_z_accel = None self._last_z_accel = None self._notfirst_x_accel = None self._notlast_x_accel = None self._notfirst_y_accel = None self._notlast_y_accel = None self._notfirst_z_accel = None self._notlast_z_accel = None self._is_adj_ref_left = None self._is_adj_ref_right = None self._is_adj_ref_back = None self._is_adj_ref_front = None self._is_adj_ref_bottom = None self._is_adj_ref_top = None self._accel_idxs = None self._accel_neig_left_idxs = None self._accel_neig_right_idxs = None self._accel_neig_back_idxs = None self._accel_neig_front_idxs = None self._accel_neig_bot_idxs = None self._accel_neig_top_idxs = None self._loss_row = None self._loss_col = None self._prod_row = None self._prod_col = None @property def tally_begin(self): return self._tally_begin @property def solver_begin(self): return self._solver_begin @property def ref_d(self): return self._ref_d @property def display(self): return self._display @property def downscatter(self): return self._downscatter @property def feedback(self): return self._feedback @property def cmfd_ktol(self): return self._cmfd_ktol @property def mesh(self): return self._mesh @property def norm(self): return self._norm @property def adjoint_type(self): return self._adjoint_type @property def window_type(self): return self._window_type @property def window_size(self): return self._window_size @property def power_monitor(self): return self._power_monitor @property def run_adjoint(self): return self._run_adjoint @property def w_shift(self): return self._w_shift @property def stol(self): return self._stol @property def spectral(self): return self._spectral @property def reset(self): return self._reset @property def write_matrices(self): return self._write_matrices @property def gauss_seidel_tolerance(self): return self._gauss_seidel_tolerance @property def indices(self): return self._indices @property def use_all_threads(self): return self._use_all_threads @property def cmfd_src(self): return self._cmfd_src @property def dom(self): return self._dom @property def src_cmp(self): return self._src_cmp @property def balance(self): return self._balance @property def entropy(self): return self._entropy @property def k_cmfd(self): return self._k_cmfd @tally_begin.setter def tally_begin(self, begin): check_type('CMFD tally begin batch', begin, Integral) check_greater_than('CMFD tally begin batch', begin, 0) self._tally_begin = begin @solver_begin.setter def solver_begin(self, begin): check_type('CMFD feedback begin batch', begin, Integral) check_greater_than('CMFD feedback begin batch', begin, 0) self._solver_begin = begin @ref_d.setter def ref_d(self, diff_params): check_type('Reference diffusion params', diff_params, Iterable, Real) self._ref_d = np.array(diff_params) @display.setter def display(self, display): check_type('display', display, Mapping) for key, value in display.items(): check_value('display key', key, ('balance', 'entropy', 'dominance', 'source')) check_type("display['{}']".format(key), value, bool) self._display[key] = value @downscatter.setter def downscatter(self, downscatter): check_type('CMFD downscatter', downscatter, bool) self._downscatter = downscatter @feedback.setter def feedback(self, feedback): check_type('CMFD feedback', feedback, bool) self._feedback = feedback @cmfd_ktol.setter def cmfd_ktol(self, cmfd_ktol): check_type('CMFD eigenvalue tolerance', cmfd_ktol, Real) self._cmfd_ktol = cmfd_ktol @mesh.setter def mesh(self, cmfd_mesh): check_type('CMFD mesh', cmfd_mesh, CMFDMesh) # Check dimension defined if cmfd_mesh.dimension is None: raise ValueError('CMFD mesh requires spatial ' 'dimensions to be specified') # Check lower left defined if cmfd_mesh.lower_left is None: raise ValueError('CMFD mesh requires lower left coordinates ' 'to be specified') # Check that both upper right and width both not defined if cmfd_mesh.upper_right is not None and cmfd_mesh.width is not None: raise ValueError('Both upper right coordinates and width ' 'cannot be specified for CMFD mesh') # Check that at least one of width or upper right is defined if cmfd_mesh.upper_right is None and cmfd_mesh.width is None: raise ValueError('CMFD mesh requires either upper right ' 'coordinates or width to be specified') # Check width and lower length are same dimension and define # upper_right if cmfd_mesh.width is not None: check_length('CMFD mesh width', cmfd_mesh.width, len(cmfd_mesh.lower_left)) cmfd_mesh.upper_right = np.array(cmfd_mesh.lower_left) + \ np.array(cmfd_mesh.width) * np.array(cmfd_mesh.dimension) # Check upper_right and lower length are same dimension and define # width elif cmfd_mesh.upper_right is not None: check_length('CMFD mesh upper right', cmfd_mesh.upper_right, len(cmfd_mesh.lower_left)) # Check upper right coordinates are greater than lower left if np.any(np.array(cmfd_mesh.upper_right) <= np.array(cmfd_mesh.lower_left)): raise ValueError('CMFD mesh requires upper right ' 'coordinates to be greater than lower ' 'left coordinates') cmfd_mesh.width = np.true_divide((np.array(cmfd_mesh.upper_right) - np.array(cmfd_mesh.lower_left)), np.array(cmfd_mesh.dimension)) self._mesh = cmfd_mesh @norm.setter def norm(self, norm): check_type('CMFD norm', norm, Real) self._norm = norm @adjoint_type.setter def adjoint_type(self, adjoint_type): check_type('CMFD adjoint type', adjoint_type, str) check_value('CMFD adjoint type', adjoint_type, ['math', 'physical']) self._adjoint_type = adjoint_type @window_type.setter def window_type(self, window_type): check_type('CMFD window type', window_type, str) check_value('CMFD window type', window_type, ['none', 'rolling', 'expanding']) self._window_type = window_type @window_size.setter def window_size(self, window_size): check_type('CMFD window size', window_size, Integral) check_greater_than('CMFD window size', window_size, 0) if self._window_type != 'rolling': warn_msg = 'Window size will have no effect on CMFD simulation ' \ 'unless window type is set to "rolling".' warnings.warn(warn_msg, RuntimeWarning) self._window_size = window_size @power_monitor.setter def power_monitor(self, power_monitor): check_type('CMFD power monitor', power_monitor, bool) self._power_monitor = power_monitor @run_adjoint.setter def run_adjoint(self, run_adjoint): check_type('CMFD run adjoint', run_adjoint, bool) self._run_adjoint = run_adjoint @w_shift.setter def w_shift(self, w_shift): check_type('CMFD Wielandt shift', w_shift, Real) self._w_shift = w_shift @stol.setter def stol(self, stol): check_type('CMFD fission source tolerance', stol, Real) self._stol = stol @spectral.setter def spectral(self, spectral): check_type('CMFD spectral radius', spectral, Real) self._spectral = spectral @reset.setter def reset(self, reset): check_type('tally reset batches', reset, Iterable, Integral) self._reset = reset @write_matrices.setter def write_matrices(self, write_matrices): check_type('CMFD write matrices', write_matrices, bool) self._write_matrices = write_matrices @gauss_seidel_tolerance.setter def gauss_seidel_tolerance(self, gauss_seidel_tolerance): check_type('CMFD Gauss-Seidel tolerance', gauss_seidel_tolerance, Iterable, Real) check_length('Gauss-Seidel tolerance', gauss_seidel_tolerance, 2) self._gauss_seidel_tolerance = gauss_seidel_tolerance @use_all_threads.setter def use_all_threads(self, use_all_threads): check_type('CMFD use all threads', use_all_threads, bool) self._use_all_threads = use_all_threads
[docs] def run(self, **kwargs): """Run OpenMC with coarse mesh finite difference acceleration This method is called by the user to run CMFD once instance variables of CMFDRun class are set Parameters ---------- **kwargs All keyword arguments are passed to :func:`openmc.lib.run_in_memory`. """ with self.run_in_memory(**kwargs): for _ in self.iter_batches(): pass
[docs] @contextmanager def run_in_memory(self, **kwargs): """ Context manager for running CMFD functions with OpenMC shared library functions. This function can be used with a 'with' statement to ensure the CMFDRun class is properly initialized/finalized. For example:: from openmc import cmfd cmfd_run = cmfd.CMFDRun() with cmfd_run.run_in_memory(): do_stuff_before_simulation_start() for _ in cmfd_run.iter_batches(): do_stuff_between_batches() Parameters ---------- **kwargs All keyword arguments passed to :func:`openmc.lib.run_in_memory`. """ # Store intracomm for part of CMFD routine where MPI reduce and # broadcast calls are made if 'intracomm' in kwargs and kwargs['intracomm'] is not None: self._intracomm = kwargs['intracomm'] elif have_mpi: self._intracomm = MPI.COMM_WORLD # Run and pass arguments to C API run_in_memory function with openmc.lib.run_in_memory(**kwargs): self.init() yield self.finalize()
[docs] def iter_batches(self): """ Iterator over batches. This function returns a generator-iterator that allows Python code to be run between batches when running an OpenMC simulation with CMFD. It should be used in conjunction with :func`openmc.cmfd.CMFDRun.run_in_memory` to ensure proper initialization/finalization of CMFDRun instance. """ status = 0 while status == 0: status = self.next_batch() yield
[docs] def init(self): """ Initialize CMFDRun instance by setting up CMFD parameters and calling :func:`openmc.lib.simulation_init` """ # Configure CMFD parameters self._configure_cmfd() # Create tally objects self._create_cmfd_tally() if openmc.lib.master(): # Compute and store array indices used to build cross section # arrays self._precompute_array_indices() # Compute and store row and column indices used to build CMFD # matrices self._precompute_matrix_indices() # Initialize all variables used for linear solver in C++ self._initialize_linsolver() # Initialize simulation openmc.lib.simulation_init() # Set cmfd_run variable to True through C API openmc.lib.settings.cmfd_run = True
[docs] def next_batch(self): """ Run next batch for CMFDRun. Returns ------- int Status after running a batch (0=normal, 1=reached maximum number of batches, 2=tally triggers reached) """ # Initialize CMFD batch self._cmfd_init_batch() # Run next batch status = openmc.lib.next_batch() # Perform CMFD calculations self._execute_cmfd() # Write CMFD data to statepoint if openmc.lib.is_statepoint_batch(): self.statepoint_write() return status
[docs] def finalize(self): """ Finalize simulation by calling :func:`openmc.lib.simulation_finalize` and print out CMFD timing information. """ # Finalize simuation openmc.lib.simulation_finalize() if openmc.lib.master(): # Print out CMFD timing statistics self._write_cmfd_timing_stats()
[docs] def statepoint_write(self, filename=None): """Write all simulation parameters to statepoint Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename of statepoint """ if filename is None: batch_str_len = len(str(openmc.lib.settings.get_batches())) batch_str = str(openmc.lib.current_batch()).zfill(batch_str_len) filename = 'statepoint.{}.h5'.format(batch_str) # Call C API statepoint_write to save source distribution with CMFD # feedback openmc.lib.statepoint_write(filename=filename) # Append CMFD data to statepoint file using h5py self._write_cmfd_statepoint(filename)
def _write_cmfd_statepoint(self, filename): """Append all CNFD simulation parameters to existing statepoint Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename of statepoint """ if openmc.lib.master(): with h5py.File(filename, 'a') as f: if 'cmfd' not in f: if openmc.lib.settings.verbosity >= 5: print(' Writing CMFD data to {}...'.format(filename)) sys.stdout.flush() cmfd_group = f.create_group("cmfd") cmfd_group.attrs['cmfd_on'] = self._cmfd_on cmfd_group.attrs['feedback'] = self._feedback cmfd_group.attrs['solver_begin'] = self._solver_begin cmfd_group.attrs['mesh_id'] = self._mesh_id cmfd_group.attrs['tally_begin'] = self._tally_begin cmfd_group.attrs['time_cmfd'] = self._time_cmfd cmfd_group.attrs['time_cmfdbuild'] = self._time_cmfdbuild cmfd_group.attrs['time_cmfdsolve'] = self._time_cmfdsolve cmfd_group.attrs['window_size'] = self._window_size cmfd_group.attrs['window_type'] = self._window_type cmfd_group.create_dataset('k_cmfd', data=self._k_cmfd) cmfd_group.create_dataset('dom', data=self._dom) cmfd_group.create_dataset('src_cmp', data=self._src_cmp) cmfd_group.create_dataset('balance', data=self._balance) cmfd_group.create_dataset('entropy', data=self._entropy) cmfd_group.create_dataset('reset', data=self._reset) cmfd_group.create_dataset('albedo', data=self._albedo) cmfd_group.create_dataset('coremap', data=self._coremap) cmfd_group.create_dataset('egrid', data=self._egrid) cmfd_group.create_dataset('indices', data=self._indices) cmfd_group.create_dataset('tally_ids', data=self._tally_ids) cmfd_group.create_dataset('current_rate', data=self._current_rate) cmfd_group.create_dataset('flux_rate', data=self._flux_rate) cmfd_group.create_dataset('nfiss_rate', data=self._nfiss_rate) cmfd_group.create_dataset('openmc_src_rate', data=self._openmc_src_rate) cmfd_group.create_dataset('p1scatt_rate', data=self._p1scatt_rate) cmfd_group.create_dataset('scatt_rate', data=self._scatt_rate) cmfd_group.create_dataset('total_rate', data=self._total_rate) elif openmc.settings.verbosity >= 5: print(' CMFD data not written to statepoint file as it ' 'already exists in {}'.format(filename), flush=True) def _initialize_linsolver(self): # Determine number of rows in CMFD matrix ng = self._indices[3] n = self._mat_dim*ng # Create temp loss matrix to pass row/col indices to C++ linear solver loss_row = self._loss_row loss_col = self._loss_col temp_data = np.ones(len(loss_row)) temp_loss = sparse.csr_matrix((temp_data, (loss_row, loss_col)), shape=(n, n)) # Pass coremap as 1-d array of 32-bit integers coremap = np.swapaxes(self._coremap, 0, 2).flatten().astype(np.int32) args = temp_loss.indptr, len(temp_loss.indptr), \ temp_loss.indices, len(temp_loss.indices), n, \ self._spectral, self._indices, coremap, self._use_all_threads return openmc.lib._dll.openmc_initialize_linsolver(*args) def _write_cmfd_output(self): """Write CMFD output to buffer at the end of each batch""" # Display CMFD k-effective outstr = '{:>11s}CMFD k: {:0.5f}'.format('', self._k_cmfd[-1]) # Display value of additional fields based on display dict outstr += '\n' if self._display['dominance']: outstr += ('{:>11s}Dom Rat: {:0.5f}\n' .format('', self._dom[-1])) if self._display['entropy']: outstr += ('{:>11s}CMFD Ent: {:0.5f}\n' .format('', self._entropy[-1])) if self._display['source']: outstr += ('{:>11s}RMS Src: {:0.5f}\n' .format('', self._src_cmp[-1])) if self._display['balance']: outstr += ('{:>11s}RMS Bal: {:0.5f}\n' .format('', self._balance[-1])) print(outstr) sys.stdout.flush() def _write_cmfd_timing_stats(self): """Write CMFD timing stats to buffer after finalizing simulation""" outstr = ("=====================> " "CMFD TIMING STATISTICS <====================\n\n" " Time in CMFD = {:.5e} seconds\n" " Building matrices = {:.5e} seconds\n" " Solving matrices = {:.5e} seconds\n") print(outstr.format(self._time_cmfd, self._time_cmfdbuild, self._time_cmfdsolve)) sys.stdout.flush() def _configure_cmfd(self): """Initialize CMFD parameters and set CMFD input variables""" # Check if restarting simulation from statepoint file if not openmc.lib.settings.restart_run: # Define all variables necessary for running CMFD self._initialize_cmfd() else: # Reset CMFD parameters from statepoint file path_statepoint = openmc.lib.settings.path_statepoint self._reset_cmfd(path_statepoint) def _initialize_cmfd(self): """Sets values of CMFD instance variables based on user input, separating between variables that only exist on all processes and those that only exist on the master process """ # Print message to user and flush output to stdout if openmc.lib.settings.verbosity >= 7 and openmc.lib.master(): print(' Configuring CMFD parameters for simulation') sys.stdout.flush() # Check if CMFD mesh is defined if self._mesh is None: raise ValueError('No CMFD mesh has been specified for ' 'simulation') # Set spatial dimensions of CMFD object for i, n in enumerate(self._mesh.dimension): self._indices[i] = n # Check if in continuous energy mode if not openmc.lib.settings.run_CE: raise OpenMCError('CMFD must be run in continuous energy mode') # Set number of energy groups if is not None: ng = len( self._egrid = np.array( self._indices[3] = ng - 1 self._energy_filters = True else: self._egrid = np.array([_ENERGY_MIN_NEUTRON, _ENERGY_MAX_NEUTRON]) self._indices[3] = 1 self._energy_filters = False # Get acceleration map, otherwise set all regions to be accelerated if is not None: check_length('CMFD coremap',, np.product(self._indices[0:3])) if openmc.lib.master(): self._coremap = np.array( else: if openmc.lib.master(): self._coremap = np.ones((np.product(self._indices[0:3])), dtype=int) # Check CMFD tallies accummulated before feedback turned on if self._feedback and self._solver_begin < self._tally_begin: raise ValueError('Tally begin must be less than or equal to ' 'CMFD begin') # Initialize parameters for CMFD tally windows self._set_tally_window() # Define all variables that will exist only on master process if openmc.lib.master(): # Set global albedo if self._mesh.albedo is not None: self._albedo = np.array(self._mesh.albedo) else: self._albedo = np.array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) # Set up CMFD coremap self._set_coremap() # Extract spatial and energy indices nx, ny, nz, ng = self._indices # Allocate parameters that need to be stored for tally window self._openmc_src_rate = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, ng, 0)) self._flux_rate = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, ng, 0)) self._total_rate = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, ng, 0)) self._p1scatt_rate = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, ng, 0)) self._scatt_rate = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, ng, ng, 0)) self._nfiss_rate = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, ng, ng, 0)) self._current_rate = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, 12, ng, 0)) # Initialize timers self._time_cmfd = 0.0 self._time_cmfdbuild = 0.0 self._time_cmfdsolve = 0.0 def _reset_cmfd(self, filename): """Reset all CMFD parameters from statepoint Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename of statepoint to read from """ with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f: if 'cmfd' not in f: raise OpenMCError('Could not find CMFD parameters in ', 'file {}'.format(filename)) else: # Overwrite CMFD values from statepoint if (openmc.lib.master() and openmc.lib.settings.verbosity >= 5): print(' Loading CMFD data from {}...'.format(filename)) sys.stdout.flush() cmfd_group = f['cmfd'] # Define variables that exist on all processes self._cmfd_on = cmfd_group.attrs['cmfd_on'] self._feedback = cmfd_group.attrs['feedback'] self._solver_begin = cmfd_group.attrs['solver_begin'] self._tally_begin = cmfd_group.attrs['tally_begin'] self._k_cmfd = list(cmfd_group['k_cmfd']) self._dom = list(cmfd_group['dom']) self._src_cmp = list(cmfd_group['src_cmp']) self._balance = list(cmfd_group['balance']) self._entropy = list(cmfd_group['entropy']) self._reset = list(cmfd_group['reset']) self._egrid = cmfd_group['egrid'][()] self._indices = cmfd_group['indices'][()] default_egrid = np.array([_ENERGY_MIN_NEUTRON, _ENERGY_MAX_NEUTRON]) self._energy_filters = not np.array_equal(self._egrid, default_egrid) self._window_size = cmfd_group.attrs['window_size'] self._window_type = cmfd_group.attrs['window_type'] self._reset_every = (self._window_type == 'expanding' or self._window_type == 'rolling') # Overwrite CMFD mesh properties cmfd_mesh_name = 'mesh ' + str(cmfd_group.attrs['mesh_id']) cmfd_mesh = f['tallies']['meshes'][cmfd_mesh_name] self._mesh.dimension = cmfd_mesh['dimension'][()] self._mesh.lower_left = cmfd_mesh['lower_left'][()] self._mesh.upper_right = cmfd_mesh['upper_right'][()] self._mesh.width = cmfd_mesh['width'][()] # Define variables that exist only on master process if openmc.lib.master(): self._time_cmfd = cmfd_group.attrs['time_cmfd'] self._time_cmfdbuild = cmfd_group.attrs['time_cmfdbuild'] self._time_cmfdsolve = cmfd_group.attrs['time_cmfdsolve'] self._albedo = cmfd_group['albedo'][()] self._coremap = cmfd_group['coremap'][()] self._current_rate = cmfd_group['current_rate'][()] self._flux_rate = cmfd_group['flux_rate'][()] self._nfiss_rate = cmfd_group['nfiss_rate'][()] self._openmc_src_rate = cmfd_group['openmc_src_rate'][()] self._p1scatt_rate = cmfd_group['p1scatt_rate'][()] self._scatt_rate = cmfd_group['scatt_rate'][()] self._total_rate = cmfd_group['total_rate'][()] self._mat_dim = np.max(self._coremap) + 1 def _set_tally_window(self): """Sets parameters to handle different tally window options""" # Set parameters for expanding window if self._window_type == 'expanding': self._reset_every = True self._window_size = 1 # Set parameters for rolling window elif self.window_type == 'rolling': self._reset_every = True # Set parameters for default case, with no window else: self._window_size = 1 self._reset_every = False def _cmfd_init_batch(self): """Handles CMFD options at the beginning of each batch""" # Get current batch through C API # Add 1 as next_batch has not been called yet current_batch = openmc.lib.current_batch() + 1 # Check to activate CMFD solver and possible feedback if self._solver_begin == current_batch: self._cmfd_on = True # Check to reset tallies if ((len(self._reset) > 0 and current_batch in self._reset) or self._reset_every): self._cmfd_tally_reset() def _execute_cmfd(self): """Runs CMFD calculation on master node""" if openmc.lib.master(): # Start CMFD timer time_start_cmfd = time.time() if openmc.lib.current_batch() >= self._tally_begin: # Calculate all cross sections based on tally window averages self._compute_xs() # Execute CMFD algorithm if CMFD on for current batch if self._cmfd_on: # Run CMFD on single processor on master if openmc.lib.master(): # Create CMFD data based on OpenMC tallies self._set_up_cmfd() # Call solver self._cmfd_solver_execute() # Store k-effective self._k_cmfd.append(self._keff) # Check to perform adjoint on last batch batches = openmc.lib.settings.get_batches() if openmc.lib.current_batch() == batches and self._run_adjoint: self._cmfd_solver_execute(adjoint=True) # Calculate fission source self._calc_fission_source() # Calculate weight factors self._cmfd_reweight() # Stop CMFD timer if openmc.lib.master(): time_stop_cmfd = time.time() self._time_cmfd += time_stop_cmfd - time_start_cmfd if self._cmfd_on: # Write CMFD output if CMFD on for current batch self._write_cmfd_output() def _cmfd_tally_reset(self): """Resets all CMFD tallies in memory""" # Print message if (openmc.lib.settings.verbosity >= 6 and openmc.lib.master() and not self._reset_every): print(' CMFD tallies reset') sys.stdout.flush() # Reset CMFD tallies tallies = openmc.lib.tallies for tally_id in self._tally_ids: tallies[tally_id].reset() def _set_up_cmfd(self): """Configures CMFD object for a CMFD eigenvalue calculation """ # Compute effective downscatter cross section if self._downscatter: self._compute_effective_downscatter() # Check neutron balance self._neutron_balance() # Calculate dtilde self._compute_dtilde() # Calculate dhat self._compute_dhat() def _cmfd_solver_execute(self, adjoint=False): """Sets up and runs power iteration solver for CMFD Parameters ---------- adjoint : bool Whether or not to run an adjoint calculation """ # Check for physical adjoint physical_adjoint = adjoint and self._adjoint_type == 'physical' # Start timer for build time_start_buildcmfd = time.time() # Build the loss and production matrices if not adjoint: # Build matrices without adjoint calculation loss = self._build_loss_matrix(False) prod = self._build_prod_matrix(False) else: # Build adjoint matrices by running adjoint calculation if self._adjoint_type == 'physical': loss = self._build_loss_matrix(True) prod = self._build_prod_matrix(True) # Build adjoint matrices as transpose of non-adjoint matrices else: loss = self._build_loss_matrix(False).transpose() prod = self._build_prod_matrix(False).transpose() # Write out the matrices. if self._write_matrices: if not adjoint: self._write_matrix(loss, 'loss') self._write_matrix(prod, 'prod') else: self._write_matrix(loss, 'adj_loss') self._write_matrix(prod, 'adj_prod') # Stop timer for build time_stop_buildcmfd = time.time() self._time_cmfdbuild += time_stop_buildcmfd - time_start_buildcmfd # Begin power iteration time_start_solvecmfd = time.time() phi, keff, dom = self._execute_power_iter(loss, prod) time_stop_solvecmfd = time.time() self._time_cmfdsolve += time_stop_solvecmfd - time_start_solvecmfd # Save results, normalizing phi to sum to 1 if adjoint: self._adj_keff = keff self._adj_phi = phi/np.sqrt(np.sum(phi*phi)) else: self._keff = keff self._phi = phi/np.sqrt(np.sum(phi*phi)) self._dom.append(dom) # Write out flux vector if self._write_matrices: if adjoint: self._write_vector(self._adj_phi, 'adj_fluxvec') else: self._write_vector(self._phi, 'fluxvec') def _write_vector(self, vector, base_filename): """Write a 1-D numpy array to file and also save it in .npy format. This particular format allows users to load the variable directly in a Python session with np.load() Parameters ---------- vector : numpy.ndarray Vector that will be saved base_filename : str Filename to save vector as, without any file extension at the end. Vector will be saved to file [base_filename].dat and in numpy format as [base_filename].npy """ # Write each element in vector to file with open(base_filename+'.dat', 'w') as fh: for val in vector: fh.write('{:0.8f}\n'.format(val)) # Save as numpy format, vector) def _write_matrix(self, matrix, base_filename): """Write a numpy matrix to file and also save it in .npz format. This particular format allows users to load the variable directly in a Python session with scipy.sparse.load_npz() Parameters ---------- matrix : scipy.sparse.spmatrix Sparse matrix that will be saved base_filename : str Filename to save matrix entries, without any file extension at the end. Matrix entries will be saved to file [base_filename].dat and in scipy format as [base_filename].npz """ # Write row, col, and data of each entry in sparse matrix. This ignores # all zero-entries, and indices are written with zero-based indexing with open(base_filename+'.dat', 'w') as fh: for row in range(matrix.shape[0]): # Get all cols for particular row in matrix cols = matrix.indices[matrix.indptr[row]:matrix.indptr[row+1]] # Get all data entries for particular row in matrix data =[matrix.indptr[row]:matrix.indptr[row+1]] for i in range(len(cols)): fh.write('{:3d}, {:3d}, {:0.8f}\n'.format( row, cols[i], data[i])) # Save matrix in scipy format sparse.save_npz(base_filename, matrix) def _calc_fission_source(self): """Calculates CMFD fission source from CMFD flux. If a coremap is defined, there will be a discrepancy between the spatial indices in the variables ``phi`` and ``nfissxs``, so ``phi`` needs to be mapped to the spatial indices of the cross sections. This can be done in a vectorized numpy manner or with for loops """ # Extract number of groups and number of accelerated regions nx, ny, nz, ng = self._indices n = self._mat_dim # Compute cmfd_src in a vecotorized manner by phi to the spatial # indices of the actual problem so that cmfd_flux can be multiplied by # nfissxs # Calculate volume vol = np.product(self._hxyz, axis=3) # Reshape phi by number of groups phi = self._phi.reshape((n, ng)) # Extract indices of coremap that are accelerated idx = self._accel_idxs # Initialize CMFD flux map that maps phi to actual spatial and # group indices of problem cmfd_flux = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, ng)) # Loop over all groups and set CMFD flux based on indices of # coremap and values of phi for g in range(ng): phi_g = phi[:,g] cmfd_flux[idx + (g,)] = phi_g[self._coremap[idx]] # Compute fission source cmfd_src = (np.sum(self._nfissxs[:,:,:,:,:] * cmfd_flux[:,:,:,:,np.newaxis], axis=3) * vol[:,:,:,np.newaxis]) # Normalize source such that it sums to 1.0 self._cmfd_src = cmfd_src / np.sum(cmfd_src) # Compute entropy if openmc.lib.settings.entropy_on: # Compute source times log_2(source) source = self._cmfd_src[self._cmfd_src > 0] \ * np.log(self._cmfd_src[self._cmfd_src > 0])/np.log(2) # Sum source and store self._entropy.append(-1.0 * np.sum(source)) # Normalize source so average is 1.0 self._cmfd_src = self._cmfd_src/np.sum(self._cmfd_src) * self._norm # Calculate differences between normalized sources self._src_cmp.append(np.sqrt(1.0 / self._norm * np.sum((self._cmfd_src - self._openmc_src)**2))) def _cmfd_reweight(self): """Performs weighting of particles in source bank""" # Get spatial dimensions and energy groups nx, ny, nz, ng = self._indices # Count bank site in mesh and reverse due to egrid structured outside = self._count_bank_sites() # Check and raise error if source sites exist outside of CMFD mesh if openmc.lib.master() and outside: raise OpenMCError('Source sites outside of the CMFD mesh') # Have master compute weight factors, ignore any zeros in # sourcecounts or cmfd_src if openmc.lib.master(): # Compute normalization factor norm = np.sum(self._sourcecounts) / np.sum(self._cmfd_src) # Define target reshape dimensions for sourcecounts. This # defines how self._sourcecounts is ordered by dimension target_shape = [nz, ny, nx, ng] # Reshape sourcecounts to target shape. Swap x and z axes so # that the shape is now [nx, ny, nz, ng] sourcecounts = np.swapaxes( self._sourcecounts.reshape(target_shape), 0, 2) # Flip index of energy dimension sourcecounts = np.flip(sourcecounts, axis=3) # Compute weight factors div_condition = np.logical_and(sourcecounts > 0, self._cmfd_src > 0) self._weightfactors = (np.divide(self._cmfd_src * norm, sourcecounts, where=div_condition, out=np.ones_like(self._cmfd_src), dtype=np.float32)) if not self._feedback: return # Broadcast weight factors to all procs if have_mpi: self._weightfactors = self._intracomm.bcast( self._weightfactors) m = openmc.lib.meshes[self._mesh_id] energy = self._egrid ng = self._indices[3] # Get locations and energies of all particles in source bank source_xyz = openmc.lib.source_bank()['r'] source_energies = openmc.lib.source_bank()['E'] # Convert xyz location to the CMFD mesh index mesh_ijk = np.floor((source_xyz - m.lower_left)/m.width).astype(int) # Determine which energy bin each particle's energy belongs to # Separate into cases bases on where source energies lies on egrid energy_bins = np.zeros(len(source_energies), dtype=int) idx = np.where(source_energies < energy[0]) energy_bins[idx] = ng - 1 idx = np.where(source_energies > energy[-1]) energy_bins[idx] = 0 idx = np.where((source_energies >= energy[0]) & (source_energies <= energy[-1])) energy_bins[idx] = ng - np.digitize(source_energies[idx], energy) # Determine weight factor of each particle based on its mesh index # and energy bin and updates its weight openmc.lib.source_bank()['wgt'] *= self._weightfactors[ mesh_ijk[:,0], mesh_ijk[:,1], mesh_ijk[:,2], energy_bins] if openmc.lib.master() and np.any(source_energies < energy[0]): print(' WARNING: Source point below energy grid') sys.stdout.flush() if openmc.lib.master() and np.any(source_energies > energy[-1]): print(' WARNING: Source point above energy grid') sys.stdout.flush() def _count_bank_sites(self): """Determines the number of fission bank sites in each cell of a given mesh and energy group structure. Returns ------- bool Wheter any source sites outside of CMFD mesh were found """ # Initialize variables m = openmc.lib.meshes[self._mesh_id] bank = openmc.lib.source_bank() energy = self._egrid sites_outside = np.zeros(1, dtype=bool) nxnynz =[0:3]) ng = self._indices[3] outside = np.zeros(1, dtype=bool) self._sourcecounts = np.zeros((nxnynz, ng)) count = np.zeros(self._sourcecounts.shape) # Get location and energy of each particle in source bank source_xyz = openmc.lib.source_bank()['r'] source_energies = openmc.lib.source_bank()['E'] # Convert xyz location to mesh index and ravel index to scalar mesh_locations = np.floor((source_xyz - m.lower_left) / m.width) mesh_bins = mesh_locations[:,2] * m.dimension[1] * m.dimension[0] + \ mesh_locations[:,1] * m.dimension[0] + mesh_locations[:,0] # Check if any source locations lie outside of defined CMFD mesh if np.any(mesh_bins < 0) or np.any(mesh_bins >= outside[0] = True # Determine which energy bin each particle's energy belongs to # Separate into cases bases on where source energies lies on egrid energy_bins = np.zeros(len(source_energies), dtype=int) idx = np.where(source_energies < energy[0]) energy_bins[idx] = 0 idx = np.where(source_energies > energy[-1]) energy_bins[idx] = ng - 1 idx = np.where((source_energies >= energy[0]) & (source_energies <= energy[-1])) energy_bins[idx] = np.digitize(source_energies[idx], energy) - 1 # Determine all unique combinations of mesh bin and energy bin, and # count number of particles that belong to these combinations idx, counts = np.unique(np.array([mesh_bins, energy_bins]), axis=1, return_counts=True) # Store counts to appropriate mesh-energy combination count[idx[0].astype(int), idx[1].astype(int)] = counts if have_mpi: # Collect values of count from all processors self._intracomm.Reduce(count, self._sourcecounts, MPI.SUM) # Check if there were sites outside the mesh for any processor self._intracomm.Reduce(outside, sites_outside, MPI.LOR) # Deal with case if MPI not defined (only one proc) else: sites_outside = outside self._sourcecounts = count return sites_outside[0] def _build_loss_matrix(self, adjoint): # Extract spatial and energy indices and define matrix dimension ng = self._indices[3] n = self._mat_dim*ng # Define data entries used to build csr matrix data = np.array([]) dtilde_left = self._dtilde[:,:,:,:,0] dtilde_right = self._dtilde[:,:,:,:,1] dtilde_back = self._dtilde[:,:,:,:,2] dtilde_front = self._dtilde[:,:,:,:,3] dtilde_bottom = self._dtilde[:,:,:,:,4] dtilde_top = self._dtilde[:,:,:,:,5] dhat_left = self._dhat[:,:,:,:,0] dhat_right = self._dhat[:,:,:,:,1] dhat_back = self._dhat[:,:,:,:,2] dhat_front = self._dhat[:,:,:,:,3] dhat_bottom = self._dhat[:,:,:,:,4] dhat_top = self._dhat[:,:,:,:,5] dx = self._hxyz[:,:,:,np.newaxis,0] dy = self._hxyz[:,:,:,np.newaxis,1] dz = self._hxyz[:,:,:,np.newaxis,2] # Define net leakage coefficient for each surface in each matrix # element jnet = (((dtilde_right + dhat_right)-(-1.0 * dtilde_left + dhat_left)) / dx + ((dtilde_front + dhat_front)-(-1.0 * dtilde_back + dhat_back)) / dy + ((dtilde_top + dhat_top)-(-1.0 * dtilde_bottom + dhat_bottom)) / dz) for g in range(ng): # Define leakage terms that relate terms to their neighbors to the # left dtilde = self._dtilde[:,:,:,g,0][self._accel_neig_left_idxs] dhat = self._dhat[:,:,:,g,0][self._accel_neig_left_idxs] dx = self._hxyz[:,:,:,0][self._accel_neig_left_idxs] vals = (-1.0 * dtilde - dhat) / dx # Store data to add to CSR matrix data = np.append(data, vals) # Define leakage terms that relate terms to their neighbors to the # right dtilde = self._dtilde[:,:,:,g,1][self._accel_neig_right_idxs] dhat = self._dhat[:,:,:,g,1][self._accel_neig_right_idxs] dx = self._hxyz[:,:,:,0][self._accel_neig_right_idxs] vals = (-1.0 * dtilde + dhat) / dx # Store data to add to CSR matrix data = np.append(data, vals) # Define leakage terms that relate terms to their neighbors in the # back dtilde = self._dtilde[:,:,:,g,2][self._accel_neig_back_idxs] dhat = self._dhat[:,:,:,g,2][self._accel_neig_back_idxs] dy = self._hxyz[:,:,:,1][self._accel_neig_back_idxs] vals = (-1.0 * dtilde - dhat) / dy # Store data to add to CSR matrix data = np.append(data, vals) # Define leakage terms that relate terms to their neighbors in the # front dtilde = self._dtilde[:,:,:,g,3][self._accel_neig_front_idxs] dhat = self._dhat[:,:,:,g,3][self._accel_neig_front_idxs] dy = self._hxyz[:,:,:,1][self._accel_neig_front_idxs] vals = (-1.0 * dtilde + dhat) / dy # Store data to add to CSR matrix data = np.append(data, vals) # Define leakage terms that relate terms to their neighbors to the # bottom dtilde = self._dtilde[:,:,:,g,4][self._accel_neig_bot_idxs] dhat = self._dhat[:,:,:,g,4][self._accel_neig_bot_idxs] dz = self._hxyz[:,:,:,2][self._accel_neig_bot_idxs] vals = (-1.0 * dtilde - dhat) / dz # Store data to add to CSR matrix data = np.append(data, vals) # Define leakage terms that relate terms to their neighbors to the # top dtilde = self._dtilde[:,:,:,g,5][self._accel_neig_top_idxs] dhat = self._dhat[:,:,:,g,5][self._accel_neig_top_idxs] dz = self._hxyz[:,:,:,2][self._accel_neig_top_idxs] vals = (-1.0 * dtilde + dhat) / dz # Store data to add to CSR matrix data = np.append(data, vals) # Define terms that relate to loss of neutrons in a cell. These # correspond to all the diagonal entries of the loss matrix jnet_g = jnet[:,:,:,g][self._accel_idxs] total_xs = self._totalxs[:,:,:,g][self._accel_idxs] scatt_xs = self._scattxs[:,:,:,g,g][self._accel_idxs] vals = jnet_g + total_xs - scatt_xs # Store data to add to CSR matrix data = np.append(data, vals) # Define terms that relate to in-scattering from group to group. # These terms relate a mesh index to all mesh indices with the same # spatial dimensions but belong to a different energy group for h in range(ng): if h != g: # Get scattering macro xs, transposed if adjoint: scatt_xs = self._scattxs[:,:,:,g,h][self._accel_idxs] # Get scattering macro xs else: scatt_xs = self._scattxs[:,:,:,h,g][self._accel_idxs] vals = -1.0 * scatt_xs # Store data to add to CSR matrix data = np.append(data, vals) # Create csr matrix loss_row = self._loss_row loss_col = self._loss_col loss = sparse.csr_matrix((data, (loss_row, loss_col)), shape=(n, n)) return loss def _build_prod_matrix(self, adjoint): # Extract spatial and energy indices and define matrix dimension ng = self._indices[3] n = self._mat_dim*ng # Define rows, columns, and data used to build csr matrix data = np.array([]) # Define terms that relate to fission production from group to group. for g in range(ng): for h in range(ng): # Get nu-fission macro xs, transposed if adjoint: vals = (self._nfissxs[:, :, :, g, h])[self._accel_idxs] # Get nu-fission macro xs else: vals = (self._nfissxs[:, :, :, h, g])[self._accel_idxs] # Store rows, cols, and data to add to CSR matrix data = np.append(data, vals) # Create csr matrix prod_row = self._prod_row prod_col = self._prod_col prod = sparse.csr_matrix((data, (prod_row, prod_col)), shape=(n, n)) return prod def _execute_power_iter(self, loss, prod): """Main power iteration routine for the CMFD calculation Parameters ---------- loss : scipy.sparse.spmatrix Sparse matrix storing elements of CMFD loss matrix prod : scipy.sparse.spmatrix Sparse matrix storing elements of CMFD production matrix Returns ------- phi_n : numpy.ndarray Flux vector of CMFD problem k_n : float Eigenvalue of CMFD problem dom : float Dominance ratio of CMFD problem """ # Get problem size n = loss.shape[0] # Set up tolerances for C++ solver atoli = self._gauss_seidel_tolerance[0] rtoli = self._gauss_seidel_tolerance[1] toli = rtoli * 100 # Set up flux vectors, intital guess set to 1 phi_n = np.ones((n,)) phi_o = np.ones((n,)) # Set up source vectors s_n = np.zeros((n,)) s_o = np.zeros((n,)) # Set initial guess k_n = openmc.lib.keff()[0] k_o = k_n dw = self._w_shift k_s = k_o + dw k_ln = 1.0/(1.0/k_n - 1.0/k_s) k_lo = k_ln # Set norms to 0 norm_n = 0.0 norm_o = 0.0 # Maximum number of power iterations maxits = 10000 # Perform Wielandt shift loss -= 1.0/k_s*prod # Begin power iteration for i in range(maxits): # Check if reach max number of iterations if i == maxits - 1: raise OpenMCError('Reached maximum iterations in CMFD power ' 'iteration solver.') # Compute source vector s_o = # Normalize source vector s_o /= k_lo # Compute new flux with C++ solver innerits = openmc.lib._dll.openmc_run_linsolver(, s_o, phi_n, toli) # Compute new source vector s_n = # Compute new shifted eigenvalue k_ln = np.sum(s_n) / np.sum(s_o) # Compute new eigenvalue k_n = 1.0/(1.0/k_ln + 1.0/k_s) # Renormalize the old source s_o *= k_lo # Check convergence iconv, norm_n = self._check_convergence(s_n, s_o, k_n, k_o, i+1, innerits) # If converged, calculate dominance ratio and break from loop if iconv: dom = norm_n / norm_o return phi_n, k_n, dom # Record old values if not converged phi_o = phi_n k_o = k_n k_lo = k_ln norm_o = norm_n # Update tolerance for inner iterations toli = max(atoli, rtoli*norm_n) def _check_convergence(self, s_n, s_o, k_n, k_o, iteration, innerits): """Checks the convergence of the CMFD problem Parameters ---------- s_n : numpy.ndarray Source vector from current iteration s_o : numpy.ndarray Source vector from previous iteration k_n : float K-effective from current iteration k_o : float K-effective from previous iteration iteration : int Iteration number innerits : int Number of iterations required for convergence in inner GS loop Returns ------- iconv : bool Whether the power iteration has reached convergence serr : float Error in source from previous iteration to current iteration, used for dominance ratio calculations """ # Calculate error in keff kerr = abs(k_o - k_n) / k_n # Calculate max error in source with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): serr = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.where(s_n > 0, ((s_n-s_o) / s_n)**2, 0)) / len(s_n)) # Check for convergence iconv = kerr < self._cmfd_ktol and serr < self._stol # Print out to user if self._power_monitor and openmc.lib.master(): print('{:8s}{:20s}{:25s}{:s}{:s}'.format( ' {:d}:'.format(iteration), 'k-eff: {:0.8f}'.format(k_n), 'k-error: {:.5e}'.format(kerr), 'src-error: {:.5e}'.format(serr), ' {:d}'.format(innerits) ), flush=True) return iconv, serr def _set_coremap(self): """Sets the core mapping information. All regions marked with zero are set to CMFD_NOACCEL, while all regions marked with 1 are set to a unique index that maps each fuel region to a row number when building CMFD matrices """ # Set number of accelerated regions in problem. This will be related to # the dimension of CMFD matrices self._mat_dim = np.sum(self._coremap) # Define coremap as cumulative sum over accelerated regions, # otherwise set value to _CMFD_NOACCEL self._coremap = np.where(self._coremap == 0, _CMFD_NOACCEL, np.cumsum(self._coremap) - 1) # Reshape coremap to three dimensional array # Indices of coremap in user input switched in x and z axes nx, ny, nz = self._indices[:3] self._coremap = self._coremap.reshape(nz, ny, nx) self._coremap = np.swapaxes(self._coremap, 0, 2) def _compute_xs(self): """Takes CMFD tallies from OpenMC and computes macroscopic cross sections, flux, and diffusion coefficients for each mesh cell using a tally window scheme """ # Update window size for expanding window if necessary num_cmfd_batches = openmc.lib.current_batch() - self._tally_begin + 1 if (self._window_type == 'expanding' and num_cmfd_batches == self._window_size * 2): self._window_size *= 2 # Discard tallies from oldest batch if window limit reached tally_windows = self._flux_rate.shape[-1] + 1 if tally_windows > self._window_size: self._flux_rate = self._flux_rate[...,1:] self._total_rate = self._total_rate[...,1:] self._p1scatt_rate = self._p1scatt_rate[...,1:] self._scatt_rate = self._scatt_rate[...,1:] self._nfiss_rate = self._nfiss_rate[...,1:] self._current_rate = self._current_rate[...,1:] self._openmc_src_rate = self._openmc_src_rate[...,1:] tally_windows -= 1 # Extract spatial and energy indices nx, ny, nz, ng = self._indices # Get tallies in-memory tallies = openmc.lib.tallies # Set conditional numpy array as boolean vector based on coremap is_accel = self._coremap != _CMFD_NOACCEL # Get flux from CMFD tally 0 tally_id = self._tally_ids[0] flux = tallies[tally_id].results[:,0,1] # Define target tally reshape dimensions. This defines how openmc # tallies are ordered by dimension target_tally_shape = [nz, ny, nx, ng, 1] # Reshape flux array to target shape. Swap x and z axes so that # flux shape is now [nx, ny, nz, ng, 1] reshape_flux = np.swapaxes(flux.reshape(target_tally_shape), 0, 2) # Flip energy axis as tally results are given in reverse order of # energy group reshape_flux = np.flip(reshape_flux, axis=3) # Bank flux to flux_rate self._flux_rate = np.append(self._flux_rate, reshape_flux, axis=4) # Compute flux as aggregate of banked flux_rate over tally window self._flux = np.where(is_accel[..., np.newaxis], np.sum(self._flux_rate, axis=4), 0.0) # Detect zero flux, abort if located and cmfd is on zero_flux = np.logical_and(self._flux < _TINY_BIT, is_accel[..., np.newaxis]) if np.any(zero_flux) and self._cmfd_on: # Get index of first zero flux in flux array idx = np.argwhere(zero_flux)[0] # Throw error message (one-based indexing) # Index of group is flipped err_message = 'Detected zero flux without coremap overlay' + \ ' at mesh: (' + \ ', '.join(str(i+1) for i in idx[:-1]) + \ ') in group ' + str(ng-idx[-1]) raise OpenMCError(err_message) # Get total reaction rate (rr) from CMFD tally 0 totalrr = tallies[tally_id].results[:,1,1] # Reshape total reaction rate array to target shape. Swap x and z axes # so that shape is now [nx, ny, nz, ng, 1] reshape_totalrr = np.swapaxes(totalrr.reshape(target_tally_shape), 0, 2) # Total reaction rate is flipped in energy axis as tally results are # given in reverse order of energy group reshape_totalrr = np.flip(reshape_totalrr, axis=3) # Bank total reaction rate to total_rate self._total_rate = np.append(self._total_rate, reshape_totalrr, axis=4) # Compute total xs as aggregate of banked total_rate over tally window # divided by flux self._totalxs = np.divide(np.sum(self._total_rate, axis=4), self._flux, where=self._flux > 0, out=np.zeros_like(self._totalxs)) # Get scattering rr from CMFD tally 1 # flux is repeated to account for extra dimensionality of scattering xs tally_id = self._tally_ids[1] scattrr = tallies[tally_id].results[:,0,1] # Define target tally reshape dimensions for xs with incoming # and outgoing energies target_tally_shape = [nz, ny, nx, ng, ng, 1] # Reshape scattrr array to target shape. Swap x and z axes so that # shape is now [nx, ny, nz, ng, ng, 1] reshape_scattrr = np.swapaxes(scattrr.reshape(target_tally_shape), 0, 2) # Scattering rr is flipped in both incoming and outgoing energy axes # as tally results are given in reverse order of energy group reshape_scattrr = np.flip(reshape_scattrr, axis=3) reshape_scattrr = np.flip(reshape_scattrr, axis=4) # Bank scattering rr to scatt_rate self._scatt_rate = np.append(self._scatt_rate, reshape_scattrr, axis=5) # Compute scattering xs as aggregate of banked scatt_rate over tally # window divided by flux. Flux dimensionality increased to account for # extra dimensionality of scattering xs extended_flux = self._flux[:,:,:,:,np.newaxis] self._scattxs = np.divide(np.sum(self._scatt_rate, axis=5), extended_flux, where=extended_flux > 0, out=np.zeros_like(self._scattxs)) # Get nu-fission rr from CMFD tally 1 nfissrr = tallies[tally_id].results[:,1,1] num_realizations = tallies[tally_id].num_realizations # Reshape nfissrr array to target shape. Swap x and z axes so that # shape is now [nx, ny, nz, ng, ng, 1] reshape_nfissrr = np.swapaxes(nfissrr.reshape(target_tally_shape), 0, 2) # Nu-fission rr is flipped in both incoming and outgoing energy axes # as tally results are given in reverse order of energy group reshape_nfissrr = np.flip(reshape_nfissrr, axis=3) reshape_nfissrr = np.flip(reshape_nfissrr, axis=4) # Bank nu-fission rr to nfiss_rate self._nfiss_rate = np.append(self._nfiss_rate, reshape_nfissrr, axis=5) # Compute nu-fission xs as aggregate of banked nfiss_rate over tally # window divided by flux. Flux dimensionality increased to account for # extra dimensionality of nu-fission xs self._nfissxs = np.divide(np.sum(self._nfiss_rate, axis=5), extended_flux, where=extended_flux > 0, out=np.zeros_like(self._nfissxs)) # Openmc source distribution is sum of nu-fission rr in incoming # energies openmc_src = np.sum(reshape_nfissrr, axis=3) # Bank OpenMC source distribution from current batch to # openmc_src_rate self._openmc_src_rate = np.append(self._openmc_src_rate, openmc_src, axis=4) # Compute source distribution over entire tally window self._openmc_src = np.sum(self._openmc_src_rate, axis=4) # Compute k_eff from source distribution self._keff_bal = (np.sum(self._openmc_src) / num_realizations / tally_windows) # Normalize openmc source distribution self._openmc_src /= np.sum(self._openmc_src) * self._norm # Get surface currents from CMFD tally 2 tally_id = self._tally_ids[2] current = tallies[tally_id].results[:,0,1] # Define target tally reshape dimensions for current target_tally_shape = [nz, ny, nx, 12, ng, 1] # Reshape current array to target shape. Swap x and z axes so that # shape is now [nx, ny, nz, 12, ng, 1] reshape_current = np.swapaxes(current.reshape(target_tally_shape), 0, 2) # Current is flipped in energy axis as tally results are given in # reverse order of energy group reshape_current = np.flip(reshape_current, axis=4) # Bank current to current_rate self._current_rate = np.append(self._current_rate, reshape_current, axis=5) # Compute current as aggregate of banked current_rate over tally window self._current = np.where(is_accel[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis], np.sum(self._current_rate, axis=5), 0.0) # Get p1 scatter rr from CMFD tally 3 tally_id = self._tally_ids[3] p1scattrr = tallies[tally_id].results[:,0,1] # Define target tally reshape dimensions for p1 scatter tally target_tally_shape = [nz, ny, nx, 2, ng, 1] # Reshape and extract only p1 data from tally results as there is # no need for p0 data reshape_p1scattrr = np.swapaxes(p1scattrr.reshape(target_tally_shape), 0, 2)[:,:,:,1,:,:] # p1-scatter rr is flipped in energy axis as tally results are given in # reverse order of energy group reshape_p1scattrr = np.flip(reshape_p1scattrr, axis=3) # Bank p1-scatter rr to p1scatt_rate self._p1scatt_rate = np.append(self._p1scatt_rate, reshape_p1scattrr, axis=4) # Compute p1-scatter xs as aggregate of banked p1scatt_rate over tally # window divided by flux self._p1scattxs = np.divide(np.sum(self._p1scatt_rate, axis=4), self._flux, where=self._flux > 0, out=np.zeros_like(self._p1scattxs)) if self._set_reference_params: # Set diffusion coefficients based on reference value self._diffcof = np.where(self._flux > 0, self._ref_d[None, None, None, :], 0.0) else: # Calculate and store diffusion coefficient with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): self._diffcof = np.where(self._flux > 0, 1.0 / (3.0 * (self._totalxs-self._p1scattxs)), 0.) def _compute_effective_downscatter(self): """Changes downscatter rate for zero upscatter""" # Extract energy index ng = self._indices[3] # Return if not two groups if ng != 2: return # Extract cross sections and flux for each group flux1 = self._flux[:,:,:,0] flux2 = self._flux[:,:,:,1] sigt1 = self._totalxs[:,:,:,0] sigt2 = self._totalxs[:,:,:,1] # First energy index is incoming energy, second is outgoing energy sigs11 = self._scattxs[:,:,:,0,0] sigs21 = self._scattxs[:,:,:,1,0] sigs12 = self._scattxs[:,:,:,0,1] sigs22 = self._scattxs[:,:,:,1,1] # Compute absorption xs siga1 = sigt1 - sigs11 - sigs12 siga2 = sigt2 - sigs22 - sigs21 # Compute effective downscatter XS sigs12_eff = sigs12 - sigs21 * np.divide(flux2, flux1, where=flux1 > 0, out=np.zeros_like(flux2)) # Recompute total cross sections and record self._totalxs[:,:,:,0] = siga1 + sigs11 + sigs12_eff self._totalxs[:,:,:,1] = siga2 + sigs22 # Record effective dowmscatter xs self._scattxs[:,:,:,0,1] = sigs12_eff # Zero out upscatter cross section self._scattxs[:,:,:,1,0] = 0.0 def _neutron_balance(self): """Computes the RMS neutron balance over the CMFD mesh""" # Extract energy indices ng = self._indices[3] # Get number of accelerated regions num_accel = self._mat_dim # Get openmc k-effective keff = openmc.lib.keff()[0] # Define leakage in each mesh cell and energy group leakage = (((self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['out_right'],:] - self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['in_right'],:]) - (self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['in_left'],:] - self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['out_left'],:])) + ((self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['out_front'],:] - self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['in_front'],:]) - (self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['in_back'],:] - self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['out_back'],:])) + ((self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['out_top'],:] - self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['in_top'],:]) - (self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['in_bottom'],:] - self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['out_bottom'],:]))) # Compute total rr interactions = self._totalxs * self._flux # Compute scattering rr by broadcasting flux in outgoing energy and # summing over incoming energy scattering = np.sum(self._scattxs * self._flux[:,:,:,:, np.newaxis], axis=3) # Compute fission rr by broadcasting flux in outgoing energy and # summing over incoming energy fission = np.sum(self._nfissxs * self._flux[:,:,:,:, np.newaxis], axis=3) # Compute residual res = leakage + interactions - scattering - (1.0 / keff) * fission # Normalize res by flux and bank res self._resnb = np.divide(res, self._flux, where=self._flux > 0, out=np.zeros_like(self._flux)) # Calculate RMS and record for this batch self._balance.append(np.sqrt( np.sum(np.multiply(self._resnb, self._resnb)) / (ng * num_accel))) def _precompute_array_indices(self): """Initializes cross section arrays and computes the indices used to populate dtilde and dhat """ # Extract spatial indices nx, ny, nz, ng = self._indices # Allocate dimensions for each mesh cell self._hxyz = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, 3)) self._hxyz[:] = openmc.lib.meshes[self._mesh_id].width # Allocate flux, cross sections and diffusion coefficient self._flux = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, ng)) self._totalxs = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, ng)) self._p1scattxs = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, ng)) self._scattxs = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, ng, ng)) # Incoming, outgoing self._nfissxs = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, ng, ng)) # Incoming, outgoing self._diffcof = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, ng)) # Allocate dtilde and dhat self._dtilde = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, ng, 6)) self._dhat = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, ng, 6)) # Set reference diffusion parameters if self._ref_d.size > 0: self._set_reference_params = True # Check length of reference diffusion parameters equal to number of # energy groups if self._ref_d.size != self._indices[3]: raise OpenMCError('Number of reference diffusion parameters ' 'must equal number of CMFD energy groups') # Logical for determining whether region of interest is accelerated # region is_accel = self._coremap != _CMFD_NOACCEL # Logical for determining whether a zero flux "albedo" b.c. should be # applied is_zero_flux_alb = abs(self._albedo - _ZERO_FLUX) < _TINY_BIT x_inds, y_inds, z_inds = np.indices((nx, ny, nz)) # Define slice equivalent to is_accel[0,:,:] slice_x = x_inds[:1,:,:] slice_y = y_inds[:1,:,:] slice_z = z_inds[:1,:,:] bndry_accel = is_accel[(slice_x, slice_y, slice_z)] self._first_x_accel = (slice_x[bndry_accel], slice_y[bndry_accel], slice_z[bndry_accel]) # Define slice equivalent to is_accel[-1,:,:] slice_x = x_inds[-1:,:,:] slice_y = y_inds[-1:,:,:] slice_z = z_inds[-1:,:,:] bndry_accel = is_accel[(slice_x, slice_y, slice_z)] self._last_x_accel = (slice_x[bndry_accel], slice_y[bndry_accel], slice_z[bndry_accel]) # Define slice equivalent to is_accel[:,0,:] slice_x = x_inds[:,:1,:] slice_y = y_inds[:,:1,:] slice_z = z_inds[:,:1,:] bndry_accel = is_accel[(slice_x, slice_y, slice_z)] self._first_y_accel = (slice_x[bndry_accel], slice_y[bndry_accel], slice_z[bndry_accel]) # Define slice equivalent to is_accel[:,-1,:] slice_x = x_inds[:,-1:,:] slice_y = y_inds[:,-1:,:] slice_z = z_inds[:,-1:,:] bndry_accel = is_accel[(slice_x, slice_y, slice_z)] self._last_y_accel = (slice_x[bndry_accel], slice_y[bndry_accel], slice_z[bndry_accel]) # Define slice equivalent to is_accel[:,:,0] slice_x = x_inds[:,:,:1] slice_y = y_inds[:,:,:1] slice_z = z_inds[:,:,:1] bndry_accel = is_accel[(slice_x, slice_y, slice_z)] self._first_z_accel = (slice_x[bndry_accel], slice_y[bndry_accel], slice_z[bndry_accel]) # Define slice equivalent to is_accel[:,:,-1] slice_x = x_inds[:,:,-1:] slice_y = y_inds[:,:,-1:] slice_z = z_inds[:,:,-1:] bndry_accel = is_accel[(slice_x, slice_y, slice_z)] self._last_z_accel = (slice_x[bndry_accel], slice_y[bndry_accel], slice_z[bndry_accel]) # Define slice equivalent to is_accel[1:,:,:] slice_x = x_inds[1:,:,:] slice_y = y_inds[1:,:,:] slice_z = z_inds[1:,:,:] bndry_accel = is_accel[(slice_x, slice_y, slice_z)] self._notfirst_x_accel = (slice_x[bndry_accel], slice_y[bndry_accel], slice_z[bndry_accel]) # Define slice equivalent to is_accel[:-1,:,:] slice_x = x_inds[:-1,:,:] slice_y = y_inds[:-1,:,:] slice_z = z_inds[:-1,:,:] bndry_accel = is_accel[(slice_x, slice_y, slice_z)] self._notlast_x_accel = (slice_x[bndry_accel], slice_y[bndry_accel], slice_z[bndry_accel]) # Define slice equivalent to is_accel[:,1:,:] slice_x = x_inds[:,1:,:] slice_y = y_inds[:,1:,:] slice_z = z_inds[:,1:,:] bndry_accel = is_accel[(slice_x, slice_y, slice_z)] self._notfirst_y_accel = (slice_x[bndry_accel], slice_y[bndry_accel], slice_z[bndry_accel]) # Define slice equivalent to is_accel[:,:-1,:] slice_x = x_inds[:,:-1,:] slice_y = y_inds[:,:-1,:] slice_z = z_inds[:,:-1,:] bndry_accel = is_accel[(slice_x, slice_y, slice_z)] self._notlast_y_accel = (slice_x[bndry_accel], slice_y[bndry_accel], slice_z[bndry_accel]) # Define slice equivalent to is_accel[:,:,1:] slice_x = x_inds[:,:,1:] slice_y = y_inds[:,:,1:] slice_z = z_inds[:,:,1:] bndry_accel = is_accel[(slice_x, slice_y, slice_z)] self._notfirst_z_accel = (slice_x[bndry_accel], slice_y[bndry_accel], slice_z[bndry_accel]) # Define slice equivalent to is_accel[:,:,:-1] slice_x = x_inds[:,:,:-1] slice_y = y_inds[:,:,:-1] slice_z = z_inds[:,:,:-1] bndry_accel = is_accel[(slice_x, slice_y, slice_z)] self._notlast_z_accel = (slice_x[bndry_accel], slice_y[bndry_accel], slice_z[bndry_accel]) # Store logical for whether neighboring cell is reflector region # in all directions adj_reflector_left = np.roll(self._coremap, 1, axis=0) == _CMFD_NOACCEL self._is_adj_ref_left = adj_reflector_left[ self._notfirst_x_accel + (np.newaxis,)] adj_reflector_right = np.roll(self._coremap, -1, axis=0) == \ _CMFD_NOACCEL self._is_adj_ref_right = adj_reflector_right[ self._notlast_x_accel + (np.newaxis,)] adj_reflector_back = np.roll(self._coremap, 1, axis=1) == \ _CMFD_NOACCEL self._is_adj_ref_back = adj_reflector_back[ self._notfirst_y_accel + (np.newaxis,)] adj_reflector_front = np.roll(self._coremap, -1, axis=1) == \ _CMFD_NOACCEL self._is_adj_ref_front = adj_reflector_front[ self._notlast_y_accel + (np.newaxis,)] adj_reflector_bottom = np.roll(self._coremap, 1, axis=2) == \ _CMFD_NOACCEL self._is_adj_ref_bottom = adj_reflector_bottom[ self._notfirst_z_accel + (np.newaxis,)] adj_reflector_top = np.roll(self._coremap, -1, axis=2) == \ _CMFD_NOACCEL self._is_adj_ref_top = adj_reflector_top[ self._notlast_z_accel + (np.newaxis,)] def _precompute_matrix_indices(self): """Computes the indices and row/column data used to populate CMFD CSR matrices. These indices are used in _build_loss_matrix and _build_prod_matrix. """ # Extract energy group indices ng = self._indices[3] # Shift coremap in all directions to determine whether leakage term # should be defined for particular cell in matrix coremap_shift_left = np.pad(self._coremap, ((1,0),(0,0),(0,0)), mode='constant', constant_values=_CMFD_NOACCEL)[:-1,:,:] coremap_shift_right = np.pad(self._coremap, ((0,1),(0,0),(0,0)), mode='constant', constant_values=_CMFD_NOACCEL)[1:,:,:] coremap_shift_back = np.pad(self._coremap, ((0,0),(1,0),(0,0)), mode='constant', constant_values=_CMFD_NOACCEL)[:,:-1,:] coremap_shift_front = np.pad(self._coremap, ((0,0),(0,1),(0,0)), mode='constant', constant_values=_CMFD_NOACCEL)[:,1:,:] coremap_shift_bottom = np.pad(self._coremap, ((0,0),(0,0),(1,0)), mode='constant', constant_values=_CMFD_NOACCEL)[:,:,:-1] coremap_shift_top = np.pad(self._coremap, ((0,0),(0,0),(0,1)), mode='constant', constant_values=_CMFD_NOACCEL)[:,:,1:] # Create empty row and column vectors to store for loss matrix row = np.array([]) col = np.array([]) # Store all indices used to populate production and loss matrix is_accel = self._coremap != _CMFD_NOACCEL self._accel_idxs = np.where(is_accel) self._accel_neig_left_idxs = (np.where(is_accel & (coremap_shift_left != _CMFD_NOACCEL))) self._accel_neig_right_idxs = (np.where(is_accel & (coremap_shift_right != _CMFD_NOACCEL))) self._accel_neig_back_idxs = (np.where(is_accel & (coremap_shift_back != _CMFD_NOACCEL))) self._accel_neig_front_idxs = (np.where(is_accel & (coremap_shift_front != _CMFD_NOACCEL))) self._accel_neig_bot_idxs = (np.where(is_accel & (coremap_shift_bottom != _CMFD_NOACCEL))) self._accel_neig_top_idxs = (np.where(is_accel & (coremap_shift_top != _CMFD_NOACCEL))) for g in range(ng): # Extract row and column data of regions where a cell and its # neighbor to the left are both fuel regions idx_x = ng * (self._coremap[self._accel_neig_left_idxs]) + g idx_y = ng * (coremap_shift_left[self._accel_neig_left_idxs]) + g row = np.append(row, idx_x) col = np.append(col, idx_y) # Extract row and column data of regions where a cell and its # neighbor to the right are both fuel regions idx_x = ng * (self._coremap[self._accel_neig_right_idxs]) + g idx_y = ng * (coremap_shift_right[self._accel_neig_right_idxs]) + g row = np.append(row, idx_x) col = np.append(col, idx_y) # Extract row and column data of regions where a cell and its # neighbor to the back are both fuel regions idx_x = ng * (self._coremap[self._accel_neig_back_idxs]) + g idx_y = ng * (coremap_shift_back[self._accel_neig_back_idxs]) + g row = np.append(row, idx_x) col = np.append(col, idx_y) # Extract row and column data of regions where a cell and its # neighbor to the front are both fuel regions idx_x = ng * (self._coremap[self._accel_neig_front_idxs]) + g idx_y = ng * (coremap_shift_front[self._accel_neig_front_idxs]) + g row = np.append(row, idx_x) col = np.append(col, idx_y) # Extract row and column data of regions where a cell and its # neighbor to the bottom are both fuel regions idx_x = ng * (self._coremap[self._accel_neig_bot_idxs]) + g idx_y = ng * (coremap_shift_bottom[self._accel_neig_bot_idxs]) \ + g row = np.append(row, idx_x) col = np.append(col, idx_y) # Extract row and column data of regions where a cell and its # neighbor to the top are both fuel regions idx_x = ng * (self._coremap[self._accel_neig_top_idxs]) + g idx_y = ng * (coremap_shift_top[self._accel_neig_top_idxs]) + g row = np.append(row, idx_x) col = np.append(col, idx_y) # Extract all regions where a cell is a fuel region idx_x = ng * (self._coremap[self._accel_idxs]) + g idx_y = idx_x row = np.append(row, idx_x) col = np.append(col, idx_y) for h in range(ng): if h != g: # Extract all regions where a cell is a fuel region idx_x = ng * (self._coremap[self._accel_idxs]) + g idx_y = ng * (self._coremap[self._accel_idxs]) + h row = np.append(row, idx_x) col = np.append(col, idx_y) # Store row and col as rows and columns of production matrix self._loss_row = row self._loss_col = col # Create empty row and column vectors to store for production matrix row = np.array([], dtype=int) col = np.array([], dtype=int) for g in range(ng): for h in range(ng): # Extract all regions where a cell is a fuel region idx_x = ng * (self._coremap[self._accel_idxs]) + g idx_y = ng * (self._coremap[self._accel_idxs]) + h # Store rows, cols, and data to add to CSR matrix row = np.append(row, idx_x) col = np.append(col, idx_y) # Store row and col as rows and columns of production matrix self._prod_row = row self._prod_col = col def _compute_dtilde(self): """Computes the diffusion coupling coefficient using a vectorized numpy approach. Aggregate values for the dtilde multidimensional array are populated by first defining values on the problem boundary, and then for all other regions. For indices not lying on a boundary, dtilde values are distinguished between regions that neighbor a reflector region and regions that don't neighbor a reflector """ # Logical for determining whether a zero flux "albedo" b.c. should be # applied is_zero_flux_alb = abs(self._albedo - _ZERO_FLUX) < _TINY_BIT # Define dtilde at left surface for all mesh cells on left boundary # Separate between zero flux b.c. and alebdo b.c. boundary = self._first_x_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) D = self._diffcof[boundary_grps] dx = self._hxyz[boundary + (np.newaxis, 0)] if is_zero_flux_alb[0]: self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (0,)] = 2.0 * D / dx else: alb = self._albedo[0] self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (0,)] = ((2.0 * D * (1.0 - alb)) / (4.0 * D * (1.0 + alb) + (1.0 - alb) * dx)) # Define dtilde at right surface for all mesh cells on right boundary # Separate between zero flux b.c. and alebdo b.c. boundary = self._last_x_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) D = self._diffcof[boundary_grps] dx = self._hxyz[boundary + (np.newaxis, 0)] if is_zero_flux_alb[1]: self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (1,)] = 2.0 * D / dx else: alb = self._albedo[1] self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (1,)] = ((2.0 * D * (1.0 - alb)) / (4.0 * D * (1.0 + alb) + (1.0 - alb) * dx)) # Define dtilde at back surface for all mesh cells on back boundary # Separate between zero flux b.c. and alebdo b.c. boundary = self._first_y_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) D = self._diffcof[boundary_grps] dy = self._hxyz[boundary + (np.newaxis, 1)] if is_zero_flux_alb[2]: self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (2,)] = 2.0 * D / dy else: alb = self._albedo[2] self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (2,)] = ((2.0 * D * (1.0 - alb)) / (4.0 * D * (1.0 + alb) + (1.0 - alb) * dy)) # Define dtilde at front surface for all mesh cells on front boundary # Separate between zero flux b.c. and alebdo b.c. boundary = self._last_y_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) D = self._diffcof[boundary_grps] dy = self._hxyz[boundary + (np.newaxis, 1)] if is_zero_flux_alb[3]: self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (3,)] = 2.0 * D / dy else: alb = self._albedo[3] self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (3,)] = ((2.0 * D * (1.0 - alb)) / (4.0 * D * (1.0 + alb) + (1.0 - alb) * dy)) # Define dtilde at bottom surface for all mesh cells on bottom boundary # Separate between zero flux b.c. and alebdo b.c. boundary = self._first_z_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) D = self._diffcof[boundary_grps] dz = self._hxyz[boundary + (np.newaxis, 2)] if is_zero_flux_alb[4]: self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (4,)] = 2.0 * D / dz else: alb = self._albedo[4] self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (4,)] = ((2.0 * D * (1.0 - alb)) / (4.0 * D * (1.0 + alb) + (1.0 - alb) * dz)) # Define dtilde at top surface for all mesh cells on top boundary # Separate between zero flux b.c. and alebdo b.c. boundary = self._last_z_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) D = self._diffcof[boundary_grps] dz = self._hxyz[boundary + (np.newaxis, 2)] if is_zero_flux_alb[5]: self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (5,)] = 2.0 * D / dz else: alb = self._albedo[5] self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (5,)] = ((2.0 * D * (1 - alb)) / (4.0 * D * (1.0 + alb) + (1.0 - alb) * dz)) # Define reflector albedo for all cells on the left surface, in case # a cell borders a reflector region on the left current_in_left = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['in_left'],:] current_out_left = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['out_left'],:] ref_albedo = np.divide(current_in_left, current_out_left, where=current_out_left > 1.0e-10, out=np.ones_like(current_out_left)) # Diffusion coefficient of neighbor to left neig_dc = np.roll(self._diffcof, 1, axis=0) # Cell dimensions of neighbor to left neig_hxyz = np.roll(self._hxyz, 1, axis=0) # Define dtilde at left surface for all mesh cells not on left boundary # Dtilde is defined differently for regions that do and don't neighbor # reflector regions boundary = self._notfirst_x_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) D = self._diffcof[boundary_grps] dx = self._hxyz[boundary + (np.newaxis, 0)] neig_D = neig_dc[boundary_grps] neig_dx = neig_hxyz[boundary + (np.newaxis, 0)] alb = ref_albedo[boundary_grps] is_adj_ref = self._is_adj_ref_left dtilde = np.where(is_adj_ref, (2.0 * D * (1.0 - alb)) / (4.0 * D * (1.0 + alb) + (1.0 - alb) * dx), (2.0 * D * neig_D) / (neig_dx * D + dx * neig_D)) self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (0,)] = dtilde # Define reflector albedo for all cells on the right surface, in case # a cell borders a reflector region on the right current_in_right = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['in_right'],:] current_out_right = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['out_right'],:] ref_albedo = np.divide(current_in_right, current_out_right, where=current_out_right > 1.0e-10, out=np.ones_like(current_out_right)) # Diffusion coefficient of neighbor to right neig_dc = np.roll(self._diffcof, -1, axis=0) # Cell dimensions of neighbor to right neig_hxyz = np.roll(self._hxyz, -1, axis=0) # Define dtilde at right surface for all mesh cells not on right # boundary. Dtilde is defined differently for regions that do and don't # neighbor reflector regions boundary = self._notlast_x_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) D = self._diffcof[boundary_grps] dx = self._hxyz[boundary + (np.newaxis, 0)] neig_D = neig_dc[boundary_grps] neig_dx = neig_hxyz[boundary + (np.newaxis, 0)] alb = ref_albedo[boundary_grps] is_adj_ref = self._is_adj_ref_right dtilde = np.where(is_adj_ref, (2.0 * D * (1.0 - alb)) / (4.0 * D * (1.0 + alb) + (1.0 - alb) * dx), (2.0 * D * neig_D) / (neig_dx * D + dx * neig_D)) self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (1,)] = dtilde # Define reflector albedo for all cells on the back surface, in case # a cell borders a reflector region on the back current_in_back = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['in_back'],:] current_out_back = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['out_back'],:] ref_albedo = np.divide(current_in_back, current_out_back, where=current_out_back > 1.0e-10, out=np.ones_like(current_out_back)) # Diffusion coefficient of neighbor to back neig_dc = np.roll(self._diffcof, 1, axis=1) # Cell dimensions of neighbor to back neig_hxyz = np.roll(self._hxyz, 1, axis=1) # Define dtilde at back surface for all mesh cells not on back boundary # Dtilde is defined differently for regions that do and don't neighbor # reflector regions boundary = self._notfirst_y_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) D = self._diffcof[boundary_grps] dy = self._hxyz[boundary + (np.newaxis, 1)] neig_D = neig_dc[boundary_grps] neig_dy = neig_hxyz[boundary + (np.newaxis, 1)] alb = ref_albedo[boundary_grps] is_adj_ref = self._is_adj_ref_back dtilde = np.where(is_adj_ref, (2.0 * D * (1.0 - alb)) / (4.0 * D * (1.0 + alb) + (1.0 - alb) * dy), (2.0 * D * neig_D) / (neig_dy * D + dy * neig_D)) self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (2,)] = dtilde # Define reflector albedo for all cells on the front surface, in case # a cell borders a reflector region in the front current_in_front = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['in_front'],:] current_out_front = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['out_front'],:] ref_albedo = np.divide(current_in_front, current_out_front, where=current_out_front > 1.0e-10, out=np.ones_like(current_out_front)) # Diffusion coefficient of neighbor to front neig_dc = np.roll(self._diffcof, -1, axis=1) # Cell dimensions of neighbor to front neig_hxyz = np.roll(self._hxyz, -1, axis=1) # Define dtilde at front surface for all mesh cells not on front # boundary. Dtilde is defined differently for regions that do and don't # neighbor reflector regions boundary = self._notlast_y_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) D = self._diffcof[boundary_grps] dy = self._hxyz[boundary + (np.newaxis, 1)] neig_D = neig_dc[boundary_grps] neig_dy = neig_hxyz[boundary + (np.newaxis, 1)] alb = ref_albedo[boundary_grps] is_adj_ref = self._is_adj_ref_front dtilde = np.where(is_adj_ref, (2.0 * D * (1.0 - alb)) / (4.0 * D * (1.0 + alb) + (1.0 - alb) * dy), (2.0 * D * neig_D) / (neig_dy * D + dy * neig_D)) self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (3,)] = dtilde # Define reflector albedo for all cells on the bottom surface, in case # a cell borders a reflector region on the bottom current_in_bottom = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['in_bottom'],:] current_out_bottom = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['out_bottom'],:] ref_albedo = np.divide(current_in_bottom, current_out_bottom, where=current_out_bottom > 1.0e-10, out=np.ones_like(current_out_bottom)) # Diffusion coefficient of neighbor to bottom neig_dc = np.roll(self._diffcof, 1, axis=2) # Cell dimensions of neighbor to bottom neig_hxyz = np.roll(self._hxyz, 1, axis=2) # Define dtilde at bottom surface for all mesh cells not on bottom # boundary. Dtilde is defined differently for regions that do and don't # neighbor reflector regions boundary = self._notfirst_z_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) D = self._diffcof[boundary_grps] dz = self._hxyz[boundary + (np.newaxis, 2)] neig_D = neig_dc[boundary_grps] neig_dz = neig_hxyz[boundary + (np.newaxis, 2)] alb = ref_albedo[boundary_grps] is_adj_ref = self._is_adj_ref_bottom dtilde = np.where(is_adj_ref, (2.0 * D * (1.0 - alb)) / (4.0 * D * (1.0 + alb) + (1.0 - alb) * dz), (2.0 * D * neig_D) / (neig_dz * D + dz * neig_D)) self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (4,)] = dtilde # Define reflector albedo for all cells on the top surface, in case # a cell borders a reflector region on the top current_in_top = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['in_top'],:] current_out_top = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['out_top'],:] ref_albedo = np.divide(current_in_top, current_out_top, where=current_out_top > 1.0e-10, out=np.ones_like(current_out_top)) # Diffusion coefficient of neighbor to top neig_dc = np.roll(self._diffcof, -1, axis=2) # Cell dimensions of neighbor to top neig_hxyz = np.roll(self._hxyz, -1, axis=2) # Define dtilde at top surface for all mesh cells not on top boundary # Dtilde is defined differently for regions that do and don't neighbor # reflector regions boundary = self._notlast_z_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) D = self._diffcof[boundary_grps] dz = self._hxyz[boundary + (np.newaxis, 2)] neig_D = neig_dc[boundary_grps] neig_dz = neig_hxyz[boundary + (np.newaxis, 2)] alb = ref_albedo[boundary_grps] is_adj_ref = self._is_adj_ref_top dtilde = np.where(is_adj_ref, (2.0 * D * (1.0 - alb)) / (4.0 * D * (1.0 + alb) + (1.0 - alb) * dz), (2.0 * D * neig_D) / (neig_dz * D + dz * neig_D)) self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (5,)] = dtilde def _compute_dhat(self): """Computes the nonlinear coupling coefficient using a vectorized numpy approach. Aggregate values for the dhat multidimensional array are populated by first defining values on the problem boundary, and then for all other regions. For indices not lying by a boundary, dhat values are distinguished between regions that neighbor a reflector region and regions that don't neighbor a reflector """ # Define current in each direction current_in_left = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['in_left'],:] current_out_left = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['out_left'],:] current_in_right = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['in_right'],:] current_out_right = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['out_right'],:] current_in_back = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['in_back'],:] current_out_back = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['out_back'],:] current_in_front = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['in_front'],:] current_out_front = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['out_front'],:] current_in_bottom = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['in_bottom'],:] current_out_bottom = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['out_bottom'],:] current_in_top = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['in_top'],:] current_out_top = self._current[:,:,:,_CURRENTS['out_top'],:] dx = self._hxyz[:,:,:,np.newaxis,0] dy = self._hxyz[:,:,:,np.newaxis,1] dz = self._hxyz[:,:,:,np.newaxis,2] dxdydz =, axis=3)[:,:,:,np.newaxis] # Define net current on each face net_current_left = (current_in_left - current_out_left) / dxdydz * dx net_current_right = (current_out_right - current_in_right) / dxdydz * \ dx net_current_back = (current_in_back - current_out_back) / dxdydz * dy net_current_front = (current_out_front - current_in_front) / dxdydz * \ dy net_current_bottom = (current_in_bottom - current_out_bottom) / \ dxdydz * dz net_current_top = (current_out_top - current_in_top) / dxdydz * dz # Define flux in each cell cell_flux = self._flux / dxdydz # Extract indices of coremap that are accelerated is_accel = self._coremap != _CMFD_NOACCEL # Define dhat at left surface for all mesh cells on left boundary boundary = self._first_x_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) net_current = net_current_left[boundary_grps] dtilde = self._dtilde[boundary + (slice(None), 0)] flux = cell_flux[boundary_grps] self._dhat[boundary_grps + (0,)] = (net_current + dtilde * flux) / flux # Define dhat at right surface for all mesh cells on right boundary boundary = self._last_x_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) net_current = net_current_right[boundary_grps] dtilde = self._dtilde[boundary + (slice(None), 1)] flux = cell_flux[boundary_grps] self._dhat[boundary_grps + (1,)] = (net_current - dtilde * flux) / flux # Define dhat at back surface for all mesh cells on back boundary boundary = self._first_y_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) net_current = net_current_back[boundary_grps] dtilde = self._dtilde[boundary + (slice(None), 2)] flux = cell_flux[boundary_grps] self._dhat[boundary_grps + (2,)] = (net_current + dtilde * flux) / flux # Define dhat at front surface for all mesh cells on front boundary boundary = self._last_y_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) net_current = net_current_front[boundary_grps] dtilde = self._dtilde[boundary + (slice(None), 3)] flux = cell_flux[boundary_grps] self._dhat[boundary_grps + (3,)] = (net_current - dtilde * flux) / flux # Define dhat at bottom surface for all mesh cells on bottom boundary boundary = self._first_z_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) net_current = net_current_bottom[boundary_grps] dtilde = self._dtilde[boundary + (slice(None), 4)] flux = cell_flux[boundary_grps] self._dhat[boundary_grps + (4,)] = (net_current + dtilde * flux) / flux # Define dhat at top surface for all mesh cells on top boundary boundary = self._last_z_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) net_current = net_current_top[boundary_grps] dtilde = self._dtilde[boundary + (slice(None), 5)] flux = cell_flux[boundary_grps] self._dhat[boundary_grps + (5,)] = (net_current - dtilde * flux) / flux # Cell flux of neighbor to left neig_flux = np.roll(self._flux, 1, axis=0) / dxdydz # Define dhat at left surface for all mesh cells not on left boundary # Dhat is defined differently for regions that do and don't neighbor # reflector regions boundary = self._notfirst_x_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) net_current = net_current_left[boundary_grps] dtilde = self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (0,)] flux = cell_flux[boundary_grps] flux_left = neig_flux[boundary_grps] is_adj_ref = self._is_adj_ref_left dhat = np.where(is_adj_ref, (net_current + dtilde * flux) / flux, (net_current - dtilde * (flux_left - flux)) / (flux_left + flux)) self._dhat[boundary_grps + (0,)] = dhat # Cell flux of neighbor to right neig_flux = np.roll(self._flux, -1, axis=0) / dxdydz # Define dhat at right surface for all mesh cells not on right boundary # Dhat is defined differently for regions that do and don't neighbor # reflector regions boundary = self._notlast_x_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) net_current = net_current_right[boundary_grps] dtilde = self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (1,)] flux = cell_flux[boundary_grps] flux_right = neig_flux[boundary_grps] is_adj_ref = self._is_adj_ref_right dhat = np.where(is_adj_ref, (net_current - dtilde * flux) / flux, (net_current + dtilde * (flux_right - flux)) / (flux_right + flux)) self._dhat[boundary_grps + (1,)] = dhat # Cell flux of neighbor to back neig_flux = np.roll(self._flux, 1, axis=1) / dxdydz # Define dhat at back surface for all mesh cells not on back boundary # Dhat is defined differently for regions that do and don't neighbor # reflector regions boundary = self._notfirst_y_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) net_current = net_current_back[boundary_grps] dtilde = self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (2,)] flux = cell_flux[boundary_grps] flux_back = neig_flux[boundary_grps] is_adj_ref = self._is_adj_ref_back dhat = np.where(is_adj_ref, (net_current + dtilde * flux) / flux, (net_current - dtilde * (flux_back - flux)) / (flux_back + flux)) self._dhat[boundary_grps + (2,)] = dhat # Cell flux of neighbor to front neig_flux = np.roll(self._flux, -1, axis=1) / dxdydz # Define dhat at front surface for all mesh cells not on front boundary # Dhat is defined differently for regions that do and don't neighbor # reflector regions boundary = self._notlast_y_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) net_current = net_current_front[boundary_grps] dtilde = self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (3,)] flux = cell_flux[boundary_grps] flux_front = neig_flux[boundary_grps] is_adj_ref = self._is_adj_ref_front dhat = np.where(is_adj_ref, (net_current - dtilde * flux) / flux, (net_current + dtilde * (flux_front - flux)) / (flux_front + flux)) self._dhat[boundary_grps + (3,)] = dhat # Cell flux of neighbor to bottom neig_flux = np.roll(self._flux, 1, axis=2) / dxdydz # Define dhat at bottom surface for all mesh cells not on bottom # boundary. Dhat is defined differently for regions that do and don't # neighbor reflector regions boundary = self._notfirst_z_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) net_current = net_current_bottom[boundary_grps] dtilde = self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (4,)] flux = cell_flux[boundary_grps] flux_bottom = neig_flux[boundary_grps] is_adj_ref = self._is_adj_ref_bottom dhat = np.where(is_adj_ref, (net_current + dtilde * flux) / flux, (net_current - dtilde * (flux_bottom - flux)) / (flux_bottom + flux)) self._dhat[boundary_grps + (4,)] = dhat # Cell flux of neighbor to top neig_flux = np.roll(self._flux, -1, axis=2) / dxdydz # Define dhat at top surface for all mesh cells not on top boundary # Dhat is defined differently for regions that do and don't neighbor # reflector regions boundary = self._notlast_z_accel boundary_grps = boundary + (slice(None),) net_current = net_current_top[boundary_grps] dtilde = self._dtilde[boundary_grps + (5,)] flux = cell_flux[boundary_grps] flux_top = neig_flux[boundary_grps] is_adj_ref = self._is_adj_ref_top dhat = np.where(is_adj_ref, (net_current - dtilde * flux) / flux, (net_current + dtilde * (flux_top - flux)) / (flux_top + flux)) self._dhat[boundary_grps + (5,)] = dhat def _create_cmfd_tally(self): """Creates all tallies in-memory that are used to solve CMFD problem""" # Create Mesh object based on CMFDMesh, stored internally cmfd_mesh = openmc.lib.RegularMesh() # Store id of mesh object self._mesh_id = # Set dimension and parameters of mesh object cmfd_mesh.dimension = self._mesh.dimension cmfd_mesh.set_parameters(lower_left=self._mesh.lower_left, upper_right=self._mesh.upper_right, width=self._mesh.width) # Create mesh Filter object, stored internally mesh_filter = openmc.lib.MeshFilter() # Set mesh for Mesh Filter mesh_filter.mesh = cmfd_mesh # Set up energy filters, if applicable if self._energy_filters: # Create Energy Filter object, stored internally energy_filter = openmc.lib.EnergyFilter() # Set bins for Energy Filter energy_filter.bins = self._egrid # Create Energy Out Filter object, stored internally energyout_filter = openmc.lib.EnergyoutFilter() # Set bins for Energy Filter energyout_filter.bins = self._egrid # Create Mesh Surface Filter object, stored internally meshsurface_filter = openmc.lib.MeshSurfaceFilter() # Set mesh for Mesh Surface Filter meshsurface_filter.mesh = cmfd_mesh # Create Legendre Filter object, stored internally legendre_filter = openmc.lib.LegendreFilter() # Set order for Legendre Filter legendre_filter.order = 1 # Create CMFD tallies, stored internally n_tallies = 4 self._tally_ids = [] for i in range(n_tallies): cmfd_tally = openmc.lib.Tally() # Set nuclide bins cmfd_tally.nuclides = ['total'] self._tally_ids.append( # Set attributes of CMFD flux, total tally if i == 0: # Set filters for tally if self._energy_filters: cmfd_tally.filters = [mesh_filter, energy_filter] else: cmfd_tally.filters = [mesh_filter] # Set scores, type, and estimator for tally cmfd_tally.scores = ['flux', 'total'] cmfd_tally.type = 'volume' cmfd_tally.estimator = 'analog' # Set attributes of CMFD neutron production tally elif i == 1: # Set filters for tally if self._energy_filters: cmfd_tally.filters = [mesh_filter, energy_filter, energyout_filter] else: cmfd_tally.filters = [mesh_filter] # Set scores, type, and estimator for tally cmfd_tally.scores = ['nu-scatter', 'nu-fission'] cmfd_tally.type = 'volume' cmfd_tally.estimator = 'analog' # Set attributes of CMFD surface current tally elif i == 2: # Set filters for tally if self._energy_filters: cmfd_tally.filters = [meshsurface_filter, energy_filter] else: cmfd_tally.filters = [meshsurface_filter] # Set scores, type, and estimator for tally cmfd_tally.scores = ['current'] cmfd_tally.type = 'mesh-surface' cmfd_tally.estimator = 'analog' # Set attributes of CMFD P1 scatter tally elif i == 3: # Set filters for tally if self._energy_filters: cmfd_tally.filters = [mesh_filter, legendre_filter, energy_filter] else: cmfd_tally.filters = [mesh_filter, legendre_filter] # Set scores for tally cmfd_tally.scores = ['scatter'] cmfd_tally.type = 'volume' cmfd_tally.estimator = 'analog' # Set all tallies to be active from beginning = True