Source code for openmc.model.triso

import copy
import warnings
import itertools
import random
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty, abstractmethod
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from import Iterable
from heapq import heappush, heappop
from math import pi, sin, cos, floor, log10, sqrt
from numbers import Real
from random import uniform, gauss

import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial

import openmc
from openmc.checkvalue import check_type

MAX_PF_RSP = 0.38
MAX_PF_CRP = 0.64

[docs]class TRISO(openmc.Cell): """Tristructural-isotopic (TRISO) micro fuel particle Parameters ---------- outer_radius : float Outer radius of TRISO particle fill : openmc.Universe Universe which contains all layers of the TRISO particle center : Iterable of float Cartesian coordinates of the center of the TRISO particle in cm Attributes ---------- id : int Unique identifier for the TRISO cell name : str Name of the TRISO cell center : numpy.ndarray Cartesian coordinates of the center of the TRISO particle in cm fill : openmc.Universe Universe that contains the TRISO layers region : openmc.Region Region of space within the TRISO particle """ def __init__(self, outer_radius, fill, center=(0., 0., 0.)): self._surface = openmc.Sphere(r=outer_radius) super().__init__(fill=fill, region=-self._surface) = np.asarray(center) @property def center(self): return self._center @center.setter def center(self, center): check_type('TRISO center', center, Iterable, Real) self._surface.x0 = center[0] self._surface.y0 = center[1] self._surface.z0 = center[2] self.translation = center self._center = center
[docs] def classify(self, lattice): """Determine lattice element indices which might contain the TRISO particle. Parameters ---------- lattice : openmc.RectLattice Lattice to check Returns ------- list of tuple (z,y,x) lattice element indices which might contain the TRISO particle. """ ll, ur = self.region.bounding_box if lattice.ndim == 2: (i_min, j_min), p = lattice.find_element(ll) (i_max, j_max), p = lattice.find_element(ur) return list(np.broadcast(*np.ogrid[ j_min:j_max+1, i_min:i_max+1])) else: (i_min, j_min, k_min), p = lattice.find_element(ll) (i_max, j_max, k_max), p = lattice.find_element(ur) return list(np.broadcast(*np.ogrid[ k_min:k_max+1, j_min:j_max+1, i_min:i_max+1]))
class _Container(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Container in which to pack spheres. Parameters ---------- sphere_radius : float Radius of spheres to be packed in container. center : Iterable of float Cartesian coordinates of the center of the container. Default is (0., 0., 0.) Attributes ---------- sphere_radius : float Radius of spheres to be packed in container. center : list of float Cartesian coordinates of the center of the container. Default is (0., 0., 0.) cell_length : list of float Length in x-, y-, and z- directions of each cell in mesh overlaid on domain. limits : list of float Constraint on where sphere center can be placed. volume : float Volume of the container. """ def __init__(self, sphere_radius, center=(0., 0., 0.)): self._cell_length = None self._limits = None self.sphere_radius = sphere_radius = center @property def sphere_radius(self): return self._sphere_radius @property def center(self): return self._center @abstractproperty def limits(self): pass @abstractproperty def cell_length(self): pass @abstractproperty def volume(self): pass @sphere_radius.setter def sphere_radius(self, sphere_radius): self._sphere_radius = float(sphere_radius) self._limits = None self._cell_length = None @center.setter def center(self, center): self._center = center def mesh_cell(self, p): """Calculate the index of the cell in a mesh overlaid on the domain in which the given sphere center falls. Parameters ---------- p : Iterable of float Cartesian coordinates of sphere center. Returns ------- tuple of int Indices of mesh cell. """ return tuple(int(p[i]/self.cell_length[i]) for i in range(3)) def nearby_mesh_cells(self, p): """Calculates the indices of all cells in a mesh overlaid on the domain within one diameter of the given sphere. Parameters ---------- p : Iterable of float Cartesian coordinates of sphere center. Returns ------- list of tuple of int Indices of mesh cells. """ d = 2*self.sphere_radius r = [[a/self.cell_length[i] for a in [p[i]-d, p[i], p[i]+d]] for i in range(3)] return list(itertools.product(*({int(x) for x in y} for y in r))) @abstractmethod def from_region(self, region, sphere_radius): """Create a container to pack spheres in based on a region. Parameters ---------- region : openmc.Region Region to create container from. sphere_radius : float Outer radius of spheres. """ pass @abstractmethod def random_point(self): """Generate Cartesian coordinates of center of a sphere that is contained entirely within the domain with uniform probability. Returns ------- list of float Cartesian coordinates of sphere center. """ pass @abstractmethod def repel_spheres(self, p, q, d, d_new): """Move spheres p and q apart according to the following transformation (accounting for boundary conditions on domain): r_i^(n+1) = r_i^(n) + 1/2(d_out^(n+1) - d^(n)) r_j^(n+1) = r_j^(n) - 1/2(d_out^(n+1) - d^(n)) Parameters ---------- p, q : numpy.ndarray Cartesian coordinates of sphere center. d : float distance between centers of spheres i and j. d_new : float final distance between centers of spheres i and j. """ pass class _RectangularPrism(_Container): """Rectangular prism container in which to pack spheres. Parameters ---------- width : float Prism length along the x-axis depth : float Prism length along the y-axis height : float Prism length along the z-axis sphere_radius : float Radius of spheres to be packed in container. center : Iterable of float Cartesian coordinates of the center of the container. Default is (0., 0., 0.) Attributes ---------- width : float Prism length along the x-axis depth : float Prism length along the y-axis height : float Prism length along the z-axis sphere_radius : float Radius of spheres to be packed in container. center : list of float Cartesian coordinates of the center of the container. Default is (0., 0., 0.) cell_length : list of float Length in x-, y-, and z- directions of each cell in mesh overlaid on domain. limits : list of float Minimum and maximum distance in x-, y-, and z-direction where sphere center can be placed. volume : float Volume of the container. """ def __init__(self, width, depth, height, sphere_radius, center=(0., 0., 0.)): super().__init__(sphere_radius, center) self.width = width self.depth = depth self.height = height @property def width(self): return self._width @property def depth(self): return self._depth @property def height(self): return self._height @property def limits(self): if self._limits is None: c = r = self.sphere_radius x, y, z = self.width/2, self.depth/2, self.height/2 self._limits = [[c[0] - x + r, c[1] - y + r, c[2] - z + r], [c[0] + x - r, c[1] + y - r, c[2] + z - r]] return self._limits @property def cell_length(self): if self._cell_length is None: mesh_length = [self.width, self.depth, self.height] self._cell_length = [x/int(x/(4*self.sphere_radius)) for x in mesh_length] return self._cell_length @property def volume(self): return self.width*self.depth*self.height @width.setter def width(self, width): self._width = float(width) self._limits = None self._cell_length = None @depth.setter def depth(self, depth): self._depth = float(depth) self._limits = None self._cell_length = None @height.setter def height(self, height): self._height = float(height) self._limits = None self._cell_length = None @limits.setter def limits(self, limits): self._limits = limits @classmethod def from_region(self, region, sphere_radius): check_type('region', region, openmc.Region) # Assume the simplest case where the prism volume is the intersection # of the half-spaces of six planes if not isinstance(region, openmc.Intersection): raise ValueError if any(not isinstance(node, openmc.Halfspace) for node in region): raise ValueError if len(region) != 6: raise ValueError # Sort half-spaces by surface type px1, px2, py1, py2, pz1, pz2 = sorted(region, key=lambda x: x.surface.type) # Make sure the region consists of the correct surfaces if (not isinstance(px1.surface, openmc.XPlane) or not isinstance(px2.surface, openmc.XPlane) or not isinstance(py1.surface, openmc.YPlane) or not isinstance(py2.surface, openmc.YPlane) or not isinstance(pz1.surface, openmc.ZPlane) or not isinstance(pz2.surface, openmc.ZPlane)): raise ValueError # Make sure the half-spaces are on the correct side of the surfaces ll, ur = region.bounding_box if any(x in ll or x in ur for x in (-np.inf, np.inf)): raise ValueError # Calculate the parameters for the container width, depth, height = ur - ll center = ll + [width/2, depth/2, height/2] # The region is the volume of a rectangular prism, so create container return _RectangularPrism(width, depth, height, sphere_radius, center) def random_point(self): ll, ul = self.limits return [uniform(ll[0], ul[0]), uniform(ll[1], ul[1]), uniform(ll[2], ul[2])] def repel_spheres(self, p, q, d, d_new): # Moving each sphere distance 's' away from the other along the line # joining the sphere centers will ensure their final distance is # equal to the outer diameter s = (d_new - d)/2 v = (p - q)/d p += s*v q -= s*v # Enforce the rigid boundary by moving each sphere back along the # surface normal until it is completely within the container if it # overlaps the surface p[:] = np.clip(p, self.limits[0], self.limits[1]) q[:] = np.clip(q, self.limits[0], self.limits[1]) class _Cylinder(_Container): """Cylindrical container in which to pack spheres. Parameters ---------- length : float Length of the cylindrical container. radius : float Radius of the cylindrical container. axis : string Axis along which the length of the cylinder is aligned. sphere_radius : float Radius of spheres to be packed in container. center : Iterable of float Cartesian coordinates of the center of the container. Default is (0., 0., 0.) Attributes ---------- length : float Length of the cylindrical container. radius : float Radius of the cylindrical container. axis : string Axis along which the length of the cylinder is aligned. sphere_radius : float Radius of spheres to be packed in container. center : list of float Cartesian coordinates of the center of the container. Default is (0., 0., 0.) shift : list of int Rolled indices of the x-, y-, and z- coordinates of a sphere so the configuration is aligned with the correct axis. No shift corresponds to a cylinder along the z-axis. cell_length : list of float Length in x-, y-, and z- directions of each cell in mesh overlaid on domain. limits : list of float Maximum radial distance and minimum and maximum distance in the direction parallel to the axis where sphere center can be placed. volume : float Volume of the container. """ def __init__(self, length, radius, axis, sphere_radius, center=(0., 0., 0.)): super().__init__(sphere_radius, center) self._shift = None self.length = length self.radius = radius self.axis = axis @property def length(self): return self._length @property def radius(self): return self._radius @property def axis(self): return self._axis @property def shift(self): if self._shift is None: if self.axis == 'x': self._shift = [1, 2, 0] elif self.axis == 'y': self._shift = [2, 0, 1] else: self._shift = [0, 1, 2] return self._shift @property def limits(self): if self._limits is None: z0 =[self.shift[2]] z = self.length/2 r = self.sphere_radius self._limits = [[z0 - z + r], [z0 + z - r, self.radius - r]] return self._limits @property def cell_length(self): if self._cell_length is None: h = 4*self.sphere_radius i, j, k = self.shift self._cell_length = [None]*3 self._cell_length[i] = 2*self.radius/int(2*self.radius/h) self._cell_length[j] = 2*self.radius/int(2*self.radius/h) self._cell_length[k] = self.length/int(self.length/h) return self._cell_length @property def volume(self): return self.length*pi*self.radius**2 @length.setter def length(self, length): self._length = float(length) self._limits = None self._cell_length = None @radius.setter def radius(self, radius): self._radius = float(radius) self._limits = None self._cell_length = None @axis.setter def axis(self, axis): self._axis = axis self._shift = None @limits.setter def limits(self, limits): self._limits = limits @classmethod def from_region(self, region, sphere_radius): check_type('region', region, openmc.Region) # Assume the simplest case where the cylinder volume is the # intersection of the half-spaces of a cylinder and two planes if not isinstance(region, openmc.Intersection): raise ValueError if any(not isinstance(node, openmc.Halfspace) for node in region): raise ValueError if len(region) != 3: raise ValueError # Identify the axis that the cylinder lies along axis = region[0].surface.type[0] # Make sure the region is composed of a cylinder and two planes on the # same axis count = Counter(node.surface.type for node in region) if count[axis + '-cylinder'] != 1 or count[axis + '-plane'] != 2: raise ValueError # Sort the half-spaces by surface type cyl, p1, p2 = sorted(region, key=lambda x: x.surface.type) # Calculate the parameters for a cylinder along the x-axis if axis == 'x': if p1.surface.x0 > p2.surface.x0: p1, p2 = p2, p1 length = p2.surface.x0 - p1.surface.x0 center = (p1.surface.x0 + length/2, cyl.surface.y0, cyl.surface.z0) # Calculate the parameters for a cylinder along the y-axis elif axis == 'y': if p1.surface.y0 > p2.surface.y0: p1, p2 = p2, p1 length = p2.surface.y0 - p1.surface.y0 center = (cyl.surface.x0, p1.surface.y0 + length/2, cyl.surface.z0) # Calculate the parameters for a cylinder along the z-axis else: if p1.surface.z0 > p2.surface.z0: p1, p2 = p2, p1 length = p2.surface.z0 - p1.surface.z0 center = (cyl.surface.x0, cyl.surface.y0, p1.surface.z0 + length/2) # Make sure the half-spaces are on the correct side of the surfaces if cyl.side != '-' or p1.side != '+' or p2.side != '-': raise ValueError radius = cyl.surface.r # The region is the volume of a cylinder, so create container return _Cylinder(length, radius, axis, sphere_radius, center) def random_point(self): ll, ul = self.limits r = sqrt(uniform(0, ul[1]**2)) t = uniform(0, 2*pi) i, j, k = self.shift p = [None]*3 p[i] = r*cos(t) +[i] p[j] = r*sin(t) +[j] p[k] = uniform(ll[0], ul[0]) return p def repel_spheres(self, p, q, d, d_new): # Moving each sphere distance 's' away from the other along the line # joining the sphere centers will ensure their final distance is # equal to the outer diameter s = (d_new - d)/2 v = (p - q)/d p += s*v q -= s*v # Enforce the rigid boundary by moving each sphere back along the # surface normal until it is completely within the container if it # overlaps the surface ll, ul = self.limits c = i, j, k = self.shift r = sqrt((p[i] - c[i])**2 + (p[j] - c[j])**2) if r > ul[1]: p[i] = (p[i] - c[i])*ul[1]/r + c[i] p[j] = (p[j] - c[j])*ul[1]/r + c[j] p[k] = np.clip(p[k], ll[0], ul[0]) r = sqrt((q[i] - c[i])**2 + (q[j] - c[j])**2) if r > ul[1]: q[i] = (q[i] - c[i])*ul[1]/r + c[i] q[j] = (q[j] - c[j])*ul[1]/r + c[j] q[k] = np.clip(q[k], ll[0], ul[0]) class _SphericalShell(_Container): """Spherical shell container in which to pack spheres. Parameters ---------- radius : float Outer radius of the spherical shell container. inner_radius : float Inner radius of the spherical shell container. center : Iterable of float Cartesian coordinates of the center of the container. Default is (0., 0., 0.) Attributes ---------- radius : float Outer radius of the spherical shell container. inner_radius : float Inner radius of the spherical shell container. sphere_radius : float Radius of spheres to be packed in container. center : list of float Cartesian coordinates of the center of the container. Default is (0., 0., 0.) cell_length : list of float Length in x-, y-, and z- directions of each cell in mesh overlaid on domain. limits : list of float Minimum and maximum radial distance where sphere center can be placed. volume : float Volume of the container. """ def __init__(self, radius, inner_radius, sphere_radius, center=(0., 0., 0.)): super().__init__(sphere_radius, center) self.radius = radius self.inner_radius = inner_radius @property def radius(self): return self._radius @property def inner_radius(self): return self._inner_radius @property def limits(self): if self._limits is None: r_max = self.radius - self.sphere_radius if self.inner_radius == 0: r_min = 0 else: r_min = self.inner_radius + self.sphere_radius self._limits = [[r_min], [r_max]] return self._limits @property def cell_length(self): if self._cell_length is None: mesh_length = 3*[2*self.radius] self._cell_length = [x/int(x/(4*self.sphere_radius)) for x in mesh_length] return self._cell_length @property def volume(self): return 4/3*pi*(self.radius**3 - self.inner_radius**3) @radius.setter def radius(self, radius): self._radius = float(radius) self._limits = None self._cell_length = None @inner_radius.setter def inner_radius(self, inner_radius): self._inner_radius = float(inner_radius) self._limits = None @limits.setter def limits(self, limits): self._limits = limits @classmethod def from_region(self, region, sphere_radius): check_type('region', region, openmc.Region) # First check if the region is the volume inside a sphere. Assume the # simplest case where the sphere volume is the negative half-space of a # sphere. if (isinstance(region, openmc.Halfspace) and isinstance(region.surface, openmc.Sphere) and region.side == '-'): # The region is the volume of a sphere, so create container radius = region.surface.r center = (region.surface.x0, region.surface.y0, region.surface.z0) return _SphericalShell(radius, 0., sphere_radius, center) # Next check for a spherical shell volume. Assume the simplest case # where the spherical shell volume is the intersection of the # half-spaces of two spheres. if not isinstance(region, openmc.Intersection): raise ValueError if any(not isinstance(node, openmc.Halfspace) for node in region): raise ValueError if len(region) != 2: raise ValueError if any(not isinstance(node.surface, openmc.Sphere) for node in region): raise ValueError s1, s2 = sorted(region, key=lambda x: x.surface.r) radius = s2.surface.r inner_radius = s1.surface.r center = (s1.surface.x0, s1.surface.y0, s1.surface.z0) if center != (s2.surface.x0, s2.surface.y0, s2.surface.z0): raise ValueError if s1.side != '+' or s2.side != '-': raise ValueError # The region is the volume of a spherical shell, so create container return _SphericalShell(radius, inner_radius, sphere_radius, center) def random_point(self): c = ll, ul = self.limits x, y, z = (gauss(0, 1), gauss(0, 1), gauss(0, 1)) r = (uniform(ll[0]**3, ul[0]**3)**(1/3)/sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)) return [r*x + c[0], r*y + c[1], r*z + c[2]] def repel_spheres(self, p, q, d, d_new): # Moving each sphere distance 's' away from the other along the line # joining the sphere centers will ensure their final distance is # equal to the outer diameter s = (d_new - d)/2 v = (p - q)/d p += s*v q -= s*v # Enforce the rigid boundary by moving each sphere back along the # surface normal until it is completely within the container if it # overlaps the surface c = ll, ul = self.limits r = sqrt((p[0] - c[0])**2 + (p[1] - c[1])**2 + (p[2] - c[2])**2) if r > ul[0]: p[:] = (p - c)*ul[0]/r + c elif r < ll[0]: p[:] = (p - c)*ll[0]/r + c r = sqrt((q[0] - c[0])**2 + (q[1] - c[1])**2 + (q[2] - c[2])**2) if r > ul[0]: q[:] = (q - c)*ul[0]/r + c elif r < ll[0]: q[:] = (q - c)*ll[0]/r + c
[docs]def create_triso_lattice(trisos, lower_left, pitch, shape, background): """Create a lattice containing TRISO particles for optimized tracking. Parameters ---------- trisos : list of openmc.model.TRISO List of TRISO particles to put in lattice lower_left : Iterable of float Lower-left Cartesian coordinates of the lattice pitch : Iterable of float Pitch of the lattice elements in the x-, y-, and z-directions shape : Iterable of float Number of lattice elements in the x-, y-, and z-directions background : openmc.Material A background material that is used anywhere within the lattice but outside a TRISO particle Returns ------- lattice : openmc.RectLattice A lattice containing the TRISO particles """ lattice = openmc.RectLattice() lattice.lower_left = lower_left lattice.pitch = pitch indices = list(np.broadcast(*np.ogrid[:shape[2], :shape[1], :shape[0]])) triso_locations = {idx: [] for idx in indices} for t in trisos: for idx in t.classify(lattice): if idx in sorted(triso_locations): # Create copy of TRISO particle with materials preserved and # different cell/surface IDs t_copy = copy.deepcopy(t) = None t_copy.fill = t.fill = None triso_locations[idx].append(t_copy) else: warnings.warn('TRISO particle is partially or completely ' 'outside of the lattice.') # Create universes universes = np.empty(shape[::-1], dtype=openmc.Universe) for idx, triso_list in sorted(triso_locations.items()): if len(triso_list) > 0: outside_trisos = openmc.Intersection(~t.region for t in triso_list) background_cell = openmc.Cell(fill=background, region=outside_trisos) else: background_cell = openmc.Cell(fill=background) u = openmc.Universe() u.add_cell(background_cell) for t in triso_list: u.add_cell(t) iz, iy, ix = idx = lattice.get_local_coordinates(, (ix, iy, iz)) if len(shape) == 2: universes[-1 - idx[0], idx[1]] = u else: universes[idx[0], -1 - idx[1], idx[2]] = u lattice.universes = universes # Set outer universe background_cell = openmc.Cell(fill=background) lattice.outer = openmc.Universe(cells=[background_cell]) return lattice
def _random_sequential_pack(domain, num_spheres): """Random sequential packing of spheres within a container. Parameters ---------- domain : openmc.model._Container Container in which to pack spheres. num_spheres : int Number of spheres to pack. Returns ------ numpy.ndarray Cartesian coordinates of centers of spheres. """ sqd = (2*domain.sphere_radius)**2 spheres = [] mesh = defaultdict(list) for i in range(num_spheres): # Randomly sample new center coordinates while there are any overlaps while True: p = domain.random_point() idx = domain.mesh_cell(p) if any((p[0]-q[0])**2 + (p[1]-q[1])**2 + (p[2]-q[2])**2 < sqd for q in mesh[idx]): continue else: break spheres.append(p) for idx in domain.nearby_mesh_cells(p): mesh[idx].append(p) return np.array(spheres) def _close_random_pack(domain, spheres, contraction_rate): """Close random packing of spheres using the Jodrey-Tory algorithm. Parameters ---------- domain : openmc.model._Container Container in which to pack spheres. spheres : numpy.ndarray Initial Cartesian coordinates of centers of spheres. contraction_rate : float Contraction rate of outer diameter. """ def add_rod(d, i, j): """Add a new rod to the priority queue. Parameters ---------- d : float distance between centers of spheres i and j. i, j : int Index of spheres in spheres array. """ rod = [d, i, j] rods_map[i] = (j, rod) rods_map[j] = (i, rod) heappush(rods, rod) def remove_rod(i): """Mark the rod containing sphere i as removed. Parameters ---------- i : int Index of sphere in spheres array. """ if i in rods_map: j, rod = rods_map.pop(i) del rods_map[j] rod[1] = removed rod[2] = removed def pop_rod(): """Remove and return the shortest rod. Returns ------- d : float distance between centers of spheres i and j. i, j : int Index of spheres in spheres array. """ while rods: d, i, j = heappop(rods) if i != removed and j != removed: del rods_map[i] del rods_map[j] return d, i, j return None, None, None def create_rod_list(): """Generate sorted list of rods (distances between sphere centers). Rods are arranged in a heap where each element contains the rod length and the sphere indices. A rod between spheres p and q is only included if the distance between p and q could not be changed by the elimination of a greater overlap, i.e. q has no nearer neighbors than p. A mapping of sphere ids to rods is maintained in 'rods_map'. Each key in the dict is the id of a sphere that is in the rod list, and the value is the id of its nearest neighbor and the rod that contains them. The dict is used to find rods in the priority queue and to mark removed rods so rods can be "removed" without breaking the heap structure invariant. """ # Create KD tree for quick nearest neighbor search tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(spheres) # Find distance to nearest neighbor and index of nearest neighbor for # all spheres d, n = tree.query(spheres, k=2) d = d[:, 1] n = n[:, 1] # Array of sphere indices, indices of nearest neighbors, and # distances to nearest neighbors a = np.vstack((list(range(n.size)), n, d)).T # Sort along second column and swap first and second columns to create # array of nearest neighbor indices, indices of spheres they are # nearest neighbors of, and distances between them b = a[a[:, 1].argsort()] b[:, [0, 1]] = b[:, [1, 0]] # Find the intersection between 'a' and 'b': a list of spheres who # are each other's nearest neighbors and the distance between them r = list({tuple(x) for x in a} & {tuple(x) for x in b}) # Remove duplicate rods and sort by distance r = map(list, set([(x[2], int(min(x[0:2])), int(max(x[0:2]))) for x in r])) # Clear priority queue and add rods del rods[:] rods_map.clear() for d, i, j in r: if d < outer_diameter and not np.isclose(d, outer_diameter, atol=1.0e-14): add_rod(d, i, j) def update_mesh(i): """Update which mesh cells the sphere is in based on new sphere center coordinates. 'mesh'/'mesh_map' is a two way dictionary used to look up which spheres are located within one diameter of a given mesh cell and which mesh cells a given sphere center is within one diameter of. This is used to speed up the nearest neighbor search. Parameters ---------- i : int Index of sphere in spheres array. """ # Determine which mesh cells the sphere is in and remove the # sphere id from those cells for idx in mesh_map[i]: mesh[idx].remove(i) del mesh_map[i] # Determine which mesh cells are within one diameter of sphere's # center and add this sphere to the list of spheres in those cells for idx in domain.nearby_mesh_cells(spheres[i]): mesh[idx].add(i) mesh_map[i].add(idx) def reduce_outer_diameter(): """Reduce the outer diameter so that at the (i+1)-st iteration it is: d_out^(i+1) = d_out^(i) - (1/2)^(j) * d_out0 * k / n, where k is the contraction rate, n is the number of spheres, and j = floor(-log10(pf_out - pf_in)). Returns ------- float New outer diameter """ inner_pf = 4/3*pi*(inner_diameter/2)**3*num_spheres/domain.volume outer_pf = 4/3*pi*(outer_diameter/2)**3*num_spheres/domain.volume j = floor(-log10(outer_pf - inner_pf)) return (outer_diameter - 0.5**j * contraction_rate * initial_outer_diameter / num_spheres) def nearest(i): """Find index of nearest neighbor of sphere i. Parameters ---------- i : int Index in spheres array of sphere for which to find nearest neighbor. Returns ------- int Index in spheres array of nearest neighbor of i float distance between i and nearest neighbor. """ # Need the second nearest neighbor of i since the nearest neighbor # will be itself. Using argpartition, the k-th nearest neighbor is # placed at index k. idx = list(mesh[domain.mesh_cell(spheres[i])]) dists = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist([spheres[i]], spheres[idx])[0] if dists.size > 1: j = dists.argpartition(1)[1] return idx[j], dists[j] else: return None, None def update_rod_list(i): """Update the rod list with the new nearest neighbors of sphere since its overlap was eliminated. Parameters ---------- i : int Index of sphere in spheres array. """ # If the nearest neighbor k of sphere i has no nearer neighbors, # remove the rod currently containing k from the rod list and add rod # k-i, keeping the rod list sorted k, d_ik = nearest(i) if (k and nearest(k)[0] == i and d_ik < outer_diameter and not np.isclose(d, outer_diameter, atol=1.0e-14)): remove_rod(k) add_rod(d_ik, i, k) num_spheres = len(spheres) diameter = 2*domain.sphere_radius # Flag for marking rods that have been removed from priority queue removed = -1 # Outer diameter initially set to arbitrary value that yields pf of 1 initial_outer_diameter = 2*(domain.volume/(num_spheres*4/3*pi))**(1/3) # Inner and outer diameter of spheres will change during packing outer_diameter = initial_outer_diameter inner_diameter = 0. # List of rods arranged in a heap and mapping of sphere ids to rods rods = [] rods_map = {} # Initialize two-way dictionary that identifies which spheres are near a # given mesh cell and which mesh cells a sphere is near mesh = defaultdict(set) mesh_map = defaultdict(set) for i in range(num_spheres): for idx in domain.nearby_mesh_cells(spheres[i]): mesh[idx].add(i) mesh_map[i].add(idx) while True: # Rebuild the sorted list of rods according to the current sphere # configuration create_rod_list() # Set the inner diameter to the shortest center-to-center distance # between any two spheres if rods: inner_diameter = rods[0][0] # Reached the desired sphere radius if inner_diameter >= diameter: break # The algorithm converged before reaching the desired sphere radius. # This can happen when the desired packing fraction is close to the # packing fraction limit. The packing fraction is a random variable # that is determined by the sphere locations and the contraction # rate. A higher packing fraction can be achieved with a smaller # contraction rate, though at the cost of a longer simulation time -- # the number of iterations needed to remove all overlaps is inversely # proportional to the contraction rate. if inner_diameter >= outer_diameter or not rods: warnings.warn('Close random pack converged before reaching true ' 'sphere radius; some spheres may overlap. Try ' 'reducing contraction rate or packing fraction.') break while True: d, i, j = pop_rod() if not d: break outer_diameter = reduce_outer_diameter() domain.repel_spheres(spheres[i], spheres[j], d, outer_diameter) update_mesh(i) update_mesh(j) update_rod_list(i) update_rod_list(j) if not rods: break inner_diameter = rods[0][0] if inner_diameter >= diameter or inner_diameter >= outer_diameter: break
[docs]def pack_spheres(radius, region, pf=None, num_spheres=None, initial_pf=0.3, contraction_rate=1.e-3, seed=1): """Generate a random, non-overlapping configuration of spheres within a container. Parameters ---------- radius : float Outer radius of spheres. region : openmc.Region Container in which the spheres are packed. Supported shapes are rectangular prism, cylinder, sphere, and spherical shell. pf : float Packing fraction of the spheres. One of 'pf' and 'num_spheres' must be specified; the other will be calculated. If both are specified, 'pf' takes precedence over 'num_spheres'. num_spheres : int Number of spheres to pack in the domain. One of 'num_spheres' and 'pf' must be specified; the other will be calculated. initial_pf : float, optional Packing fraction used to initialize the configuration of spheres in the domain. Default value is 0.3. It is not recommended to set the initial packing fraction much higher than 0.3 as the random sequential packing algorithm becomes prohibitively slow as it approaches its limit (~0.38). contraction_rate : float, optional Contraction rate of the outer diameter. Higher packing fractions can be reached using a smaller contraction rate, but the algorithm will take longer to converge. seed : int, optional RNG seed. Returns ------ numpy.ndarray Cartesian coordinates of sphere centers. Notes ----- The sphere configuration is generated using a combination of random sequential packing (RSP) and close random packing (CRP). RSP performs better than CRP for lower packing fractions (pf), but it becomes prohibitively slow as it approaches its packing limit (~0.38). CRP can achieve higher pf of up to ~0.64 and scales better with increasing pf. If the desired pf is below some threshold for which RSP will be faster than CRP ('initial_packing_fraction'), only RSP is used. If a higher pf is required, spheres with a radius smaller than the desired final radius (and therefore with a smaller pf) are initialized within the domain using RSP. This initial configuration of spheres is then used as a starting point for CRP using Jodrey and Tory's algorithm [1]_. In RSP, sphere centers are placed one by one at random, and placement attempts for a sphere are made until the sphere is not overlapping any others. This implementation of the algorithm uses a mesh over the domain to speed up the nearest neighbor search by only searching for a sphere's neighbors within that mesh cell. In CRP, each sphere is assigned two diameters, an inner and an outer, which approach each other during the simulation. The inner diameter, defined as the minimum center-to-center distance, is the true diameter of the spheres and defines the pf. At each iteration the worst overlap between spheres based on outer diameter is eliminated by moving the spheres apart along the line joining their centers. Iterations continue until the two diameters converge or until the desired pf is reached. References ---------- .. [1] W. S. Jodrey and E. M. Tory, "Computer simulation of close random packing of equal spheres", Phys. Rev. A 32 (1985) 2347-2351. """ # Seed RNG random.seed(seed) # Create container with the correct shape based on the supplied region domain = None for cls in _Container.__subclasses__(): try: domain = cls.from_region(region, radius) except ValueError: pass if not domain: raise ValueError('Could not map region {} to a container: supported ' 'container shapes are rectangular prism, cylinder, ' 'sphere, and spherical shell.'.format(region)) # Determine the packing fraction/number of spheres volume = 4/3*pi*radius**3 if pf is None and num_spheres is None: raise ValueError('`pf` or `num_spheres` must be specified.') elif pf is None: num_spheres = int(num_spheres) pf = volume*num_spheres/domain.volume else: pf = float(pf) num_spheres = int(pf*domain.volume//volume) # Make sure initial packing fraction is less than packing fraction if initial_pf > pf: initial_pf = pf # Check packing fraction for close random packing if pf > MAX_PF_CRP: raise ValueError('Packing fraction {0} is greater than the limit for ' 'close random packing, {1}'.format(pf, MAX_PF_CRP)) # Check packing fraction for random sequential packing if initial_pf > MAX_PF_RSP: raise ValueError('Initial packing fraction {0} is greater than the ' 'limit for random sequential packing, ' '{1}'.format(initial_pf, MAX_PF_RSP)) # Calculate the sphere radius used in the initial random sequential # packing from the initial packing fraction initial_radius = (3/4*initial_pf*domain.volume/(pi*num_spheres))**(1/3) domain.sphere_radius = initial_radius # Recalculate the limits for the initial random sequential packing using # the desired final sphere radius to ensure spheres are fully contained # within the domain during the close random pack domain.limits = [[x - initial_radius + radius for x in domain.limits[0]], [x + initial_radius - radius for x in domain.limits[1]]] # Generate non-overlapping spheres for an initial inner radius using # random sequential packing algorithm spheres = _random_sequential_pack(domain, num_spheres) # Use the sphere configuration produced in random sequential packing as a # starting point for close random pack with the desired final sphere # radius if initial_pf != pf: domain.sphere_radius = radius _close_random_pack(domain, spheres, contraction_rate) return spheres