Source code for openmc.universe

from __future__ import division
from collections import OrderedDict, Iterable
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from numbers import Integral, Real
import random
import sys

from six import string_types
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import openmc
import openmc.checkvalue as cv
from openmc.plots import _SVG_COLORS
from openmc.mixin import IDManagerMixin

[docs]class Universe(IDManagerMixin): """A collection of cells that can be repeated. Parameters ---------- universe_id : int, optional Unique identifier of the universe. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned name : str, optional Name of the universe. If not specified, the name is the empty string. cells : Iterable of openmc.Cell, optional Cells to add to the universe. By default no cells are added. Attributes ---------- id : int Unique identifier of the universe name : str Name of the universe cells : collections.OrderedDict Dictionary whose keys are cell IDs and values are :class:`Cell` instances volume : float Volume of the universe in cm^3. This can either be set manually or calculated in a stochastic volume calculation and added via the :meth:`Universe.add_volume_information` method. bounding_box : 2-tuple of numpy.array Lower-left and upper-right coordinates of an axis-aligned bounding box of the universe. """ next_id = 1 used_ids = set() def __init__(self, universe_id=None, name='', cells=None): # Initialize Cell class attributes = universe_id = name self._volume = None self._atoms = {} # Keys - Cell IDs # Values - Cells self._cells = OrderedDict() if cells is not None: self.add_cells(cells) def __repr__(self): string = 'Universe\n' string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tID', '=\t', self._id) string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tName', '=\t', self._name) string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tCells', '=\t', list(self._cells.keys())) return string @property def name(self): return self._name @property def cells(self): return self._cells @property def volume(self): return self._volume @property def bounding_box(self): regions = [c.region for c in self.cells.values() if c.region is not None] if regions: return openmc.Union(regions).bounding_box else: # Infinite bounding box return openmc.Intersection().bounding_box @name.setter def name(self, name): if name is not None: cv.check_type('universe name', name, string_types) self._name = name else: self._name = '' @volume.setter def volume(self, volume): if volume is not None: cv.check_type('universe volume', volume, Real) self._volume = volume
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, group, cells): """Create universe from HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group Group in HDF5 file cells : dict Dictionary mapping cell IDs to instances of :class:`openmc.Cell`. Returns ------- openmc.Universe Universe instance """ universe_id = int('/')[-1].lstrip('universe ')) cell_ids = group['cells'].value # Create this Universe universe = cls(universe_id) # Add each Cell to the Universe for cell_id in cell_ids: universe.add_cell(cells[cell_id]) return universe
[docs] def add_volume_information(self, volume_calc): """Add volume information to a universe. Parameters ---------- volume_calc : openmc.VolumeCalculation Results from a stochastic volume calculation """ if volume_calc.domain_type == 'universe': if in volume_calc.volumes: self._volume = volume_calc.volumes[][0] self._atoms = volume_calc.atoms[] else: raise ValueError('No volume information found for this universe.') else: raise ValueError('No volume information found for this universe.')
[docs] def find(self, point): """Find cells/universes/lattices which contain a given point Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float Cartesian coordinates of the point Returns ------- list Sequence of universes, cells, and lattices which are traversed to find the given point """ p = np.asarray(point) for cell in self._cells.values(): if p in cell: if cell.fill_type in ('material', 'distribmat', 'void'): return [self, cell] elif cell.fill_type == 'universe': if cell.translation is not None: p -= cell.translation if cell.rotation is not None: p[:] = return [self, cell] + cell.fill.find(p) else: return [self, cell] + cell.fill.find(p) return []
[docs] def plot(self, origin=(0., 0., 0.), width=(1., 1.), pixels=(200, 200), basis='xy', color_by='cell', colors=None, filename=None, seed=None, **kwargs): """Display a slice plot of the universe. Parameters ---------- origin : Iterable of float Coordinates at the origin of the plot width : Iterable of float Width of the plot in each basis direction pixels : Iterable of int Number of pixels to use in each basis direction basis : {'xy', 'xz', 'yz'} The basis directions for the plot color_by : {'cell', 'material'} Indicate whether the plot should be colored by cell or by material colors : dict Assigns colors to specific materials or cells. Keys are instances of :class:`Cell` or :class:`Material` and values are RGB 3-tuples, RGBA 4-tuples, or strings indicating SVG color names. Red, green, blue, and alpha should all be floats in the range [0.0, 1.0], for example: .. code-block:: python # Make water blue water = openmc.Cell(fill=h2o) universe.plot(..., colors={water: (0., 0., 1.)) filename : str or None Filename to save plot to. If no filename is given, the plot will be displayed using the currently enabled matplotlib backend. seed : hashable object or None Hashable object which is used to seed the random number generator used to select colors. If None, the generator is seeded from the current time. **kwargs All keyword arguments are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. """ # Seed the random number generator if seed is not None: random.seed(seed) if colors is None: # Create default dictionary if none supplied colors = {} else: # Convert to RGBA if necessary colors = copy(colors) for obj, color in colors.items(): if isinstance(color, string_types): if color.lower() not in _SVG_COLORS: raise ValueError("'{}' is not a valid color." .format(color)) colors[obj] = [x/255 for x in _SVG_COLORS[color.lower()]] + [1.0] elif len(color) == 3: colors[obj] = list(color) + [1.0] if basis == 'xy': x_min = origin[0] - 0.5*width[0] x_max = origin[0] + 0.5*width[0] y_min = origin[1] - 0.5*width[1] y_max = origin[1] + 0.5*width[1] elif basis == 'yz': # The x-axis will correspond to physical y and the y-axis will # correspond to physical z x_min = origin[1] - 0.5*width[0] x_max = origin[1] + 0.5*width[0] y_min = origin[2] - 0.5*width[1] y_max = origin[2] + 0.5*width[1] elif basis == 'xz': # The y-axis will correspond to physical z x_min = origin[0] - 0.5*width[0] x_max = origin[0] + 0.5*width[0] y_min = origin[2] - 0.5*width[1] y_max = origin[2] + 0.5*width[1] # Determine locations to determine cells at x_coords = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, pixels[0], endpoint=False) + \ 0.5*(x_max - x_min)/pixels[0] y_coords = np.linspace(y_max, y_min, pixels[1], endpoint=False) - \ 0.5*(y_max - y_min)/pixels[1] # Initialize output image in RGBA format. Flip the pixels from # traditional (x, y) to (y, x) used in graphics. img = np.zeros((pixels[1], pixels[0], 4)) for i, x in enumerate(x_coords): for j, y in enumerate(y_coords): if basis == 'xy': path = self.find((x, y, origin[2])) elif basis == 'yz': path = self.find((origin[0], x, y)) elif basis == 'xz': path = self.find((x, origin[1], y)) if len(path) > 0: try: if color_by == 'cell': obj = path[-1] elif color_by == 'material': if path[-1].fill_type == 'material': obj = path[-1].fill else: continue except AttributeError: continue if obj not in colors: colors[obj] = (random.random(), random.random(), random.random(), 1.0) img[j, i, :] = colors[obj] # Display image plt.imshow(img, extent=(x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max), interpolation='nearest', **kwargs) # Show or save the plot if filename is None: else: plt.savefig(filename)
[docs] def add_cell(self, cell): """Add a cell to the universe. Parameters ---------- cell : openmc.Cell Cell to add """ if not isinstance(cell, openmc.Cell): msg = 'Unable to add a Cell to Universe ID="{0}" since "{1}" is not ' \ 'a Cell'.format(self._id, cell) raise ValueError(msg) cell_id = if cell_id not in self._cells: self._cells[cell_id] = cell
[docs] def add_cells(self, cells): """Add multiple cells to the universe. Parameters ---------- cells : Iterable of openmc.Cell Cells to add """ if not isinstance(cells, Iterable): msg = 'Unable to add Cells to Universe ID="{0}" since "{1}" is not ' \ 'iterable'.format(self._id, cells) raise ValueError(msg) for cell in cells: self.add_cell(cell)
[docs] def remove_cell(self, cell): """Remove a cell from the universe. Parameters ---------- cell : openmc.Cell Cell to remove """ if not isinstance(cell, openmc.Cell): msg = 'Unable to remove a Cell from Universe ID="{0}" since "{1}" is ' \ 'not a Cell'.format(self._id, cell) raise ValueError(msg) # If the Cell is in the Universe's list of Cells, delete it if in self._cells: del self._cells[]
[docs] def clear_cells(self): """Remove all cells from the universe.""" self._cells.clear()
[docs] def get_nuclides(self): """Returns all nuclides in the universe Returns ------- nuclides : list of str List of nuclide names """ nuclides = [] # Append all Nuclides in each Cell in the Universe to the dictionary for cell in self.cells.values(): for nuclide in cell.get_nuclides(): if nuclide not in nuclides: nuclides.append(nuclide) return nuclides
[docs] def get_nuclide_densities(self): """Return all nuclides contained in the universe Returns ------- nuclides : collections.OrderedDict Dictionary whose keys are nuclide names and values are 2-tuples of (nuclide, density) """ nuclides = OrderedDict() if self._atoms is not None: volume = self.volume for name, atoms in self._atoms.items(): nuclide = openmc.Nuclide(name) density = 1.0e-24 * atoms[0]/volume # density in atoms/b-cm nuclides[name] = (nuclide, density) else: raise RuntimeError( 'Volume information is needed to calculate microscopic cross ' 'sections for universe {}. This can be done by running a ' 'stochastic volume calculation via the ' 'openmc.VolumeCalculation object'.format( return nuclides
[docs] def get_all_cells(self): """Return all cells that are contained within the universe Returns ------- cells : collections.OrderedDict Dictionary whose keys are cell IDs and values are :class:`Cell` instances """ cells = OrderedDict() # Add this Universe's cells to the dictionary cells.update(self._cells) # Append all Cells in each Cell in the Universe to the dictionary for cell in self._cells.values(): cells.update(cell.get_all_cells()) return cells
[docs] def get_all_materials(self): """Return all materials that are contained within the universe Returns ------- materials : collections.OrderedDict Dictionary whose keys are material IDs and values are :class:`Material` instances """ materials = OrderedDict() # Append all Cells in each Cell in the Universe to the dictionary cells = self.get_all_cells() for cell in cells.values(): materials.update(cell.get_all_materials()) return materials
[docs] def get_all_universes(self): """Return all universes that are contained within this one. Returns ------- universes : collections.OrderedDict Dictionary whose keys are universe IDs and values are :class:`Universe` instances """ # Append all Universes within each Cell to the dictionary universes = OrderedDict() for cell in self.get_all_cells().values(): universes.update(cell.get_all_universes()) return universes
[docs] def clone(self, memo=None): """Create a copy of this universe with a new unique ID, and clones all cells within this universe. Parameters ---------- memo : dict or None A nested dictionary of previously cloned objects. This parameter is used internally and should not be specified by the user. Returns ------- clone : openmc.Universe The clone of this universe """ if memo is None: memo = {} # If no nemoize'd clone exists, instantiate one if self not in memo: clone = deepcopy(self) = None # Clone all cells for the universe clone clone._cells = OrderedDict() for cell in self._cells.values(): clone.add_cell(cell.clone(memo)) # Memoize the clone memo[self] = clone return memo[self]
def create_xml_subelement(self, xml_element): # Iterate over all Cells for cell_id, cell in self._cells.items(): path = "./cell[@id='{}']".format(cell_id) # If the cell was not already written, write it if xml_element.find(path) is None: # Create XML subelement for this Cell cell_element = cell.create_xml_subelement(xml_element) # Append the Universe ID to the subelement and add to Element cell_element.set("universe", str(self._id)) xml_element.append(cell_element) def _determine_paths(self, path='', instances_only=False): """Count the number of instances for each cell in the universe, and record the count in the :attr:`Cell.num_instances` properties.""" univ_path = path + 'u{}'.format( for cell in self.cells.values(): cell_path = '{}->c{}'.format(univ_path, fill = cell._fill fill_type = cell.fill_type # If universe-filled, recursively count cells in filling universe if fill_type == 'universe': fill._determine_paths(cell_path + '->', instances_only) # If lattice-filled, recursively call for all universes in lattice elif fill_type == 'lattice': latt = fill # Count instances in each universe in the lattice for index in latt._natural_indices: latt_path = '{}->l{}({})->'.format( cell_path,, ",".join(str(x) for x in index)) univ = latt.get_universe(index) univ._determine_paths(latt_path, instances_only) else: if fill_type == 'material': mat = fill elif fill_type == 'distribmat': mat = fill[cell._num_instances] else: mat = None if mat is not None: mat._num_instances += 1 if not instances_only: mat._paths.append('{}->m{}'.format(cell_path, # Append current path cell._num_instances += 1 if not instances_only: cell._paths.append(cell_path)