Source code for

from collections import Iterable
from difflib import get_close_matches
from numbers import Real
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import h5py

import openmc.checkvalue as cv
from openmc.mixin import EqualityMixin
from .ace import Table, get_table, Library
from .angle_energy import AngleEnergy
from .function import Tabulated1D
from .correlated import CorrelatedAngleEnergy
from .njoy import make_ace_thermal
from openmc.stats import Discrete, Tabular

    'c_Al27': ('al', 'al27'),
    'c_Be': ('be', 'be-metal'),
    'c_BeO': ('beo',),
    'c_Be_in_BeO': ('bebeo', 'be-o', 'be/o'),
    'c_C6H6': ('benz', 'c6h6'),
    'c_C_in_SiC': ('csic',),
    'c_Ca_in_CaH2': ('cah',),
    'c_D_in_D2O': ('dd2o', 'hwtr', 'hw'),
    'c_Fe56': ('fe', 'fe56'),
    'c_Graphite': ('graph', 'grph', 'gr'),
    'c_H_in_CaH2': ('hcah2',),
    'c_H_in_CH2': ('hch2', 'poly', 'pol'),
    'c_H_in_CH4_liquid': ('lch4', 'lmeth'),
    'c_H_in_CH4_solid': ('sch4', 'smeth'),
    'c_H_in_H2O': ('hh2o', 'lwtr', 'lw'),
    'c_H_in_H2O_solid': ('hice',),
    'c_H_in_C5O2H8': ('lucite', 'c5o2h8'),
    'c_H_in_YH2': ('hyh2',),
    'c_H_in_ZrH': ('hzrh', 'h-zr', 'h/zr', 'hzr'),
    'c_Mg24': ('mg', 'mg24'),
    'c_O_in_BeO': ('obeo', 'o-be', 'o/be'),
    'c_O_in_D2O': ('od2o',),
    'c_O_in_H2O_ice': ('oice',),
    'c_O_in_UO2': ('ouo2', 'o2-u', 'o2/u'),
    'c_ortho_D': ('orthod', 'dortho'),
    'c_ortho_H': ('orthoh', 'hortho'),
    'c_Si_in_SiC': ('sisic',),
    'c_SiO2_alpha': ('sio2', 'sio2a'),
    'c_SiO2_beta': ('sio2b'),
    'c_para_D': ('parad', 'dpara'),
    'c_para_H': ('parah', 'hpara'),
    'c_U_in_UO2': ('uuo2', 'u-o2', 'u/o2'),
    'c_Y_in_YH2': ('yyh2',),
    'c_Zr_in_ZrH': ('zrzrh', 'zr-h', 'zr/h')

def get_thermal_name(name):
    """Get proper S(a,b) table name, e.g. 'HH2O' -> 'c_H_in_H2O'

    name : str
        Name of an ACE thermal scattering table

        GND-format thermal scattering name

    if name in _THERMAL_NAMES:
        return name
        for proper_name, names in _THERMAL_NAMES.items():
            if name.lower() in names:
                return proper_name
            # Make an educated guess?? This actually works well for
            # JEFF-3.2 which stupidly uses names like lw00.32t,
            # lw01.32t, etc. for different temperatures
            for proper_name, names in _THERMAL_NAMES.items():
                matches = get_close_matches(
                    name.lower(), names, cutoff=0.5)
                if len(matches) > 0:
                    warn('Thermal scattering material "{}" is not recognized. '
                         'Assigning a name of {}.'.format(name, proper_name))
                    return proper_name
                # OK, we give up. Just use the ACE name.
                warn('Thermal scattering material "{0}" is not recognized. '
                     'Assigning a name of c_{0}.'.format(name))
                return 'c_' + name

[docs]class CoherentElastic(EqualityMixin): r"""Coherent elastic scattering data from a crystalline material Parameters ---------- bragg_edges : Iterable of float Bragg edge energies in eV factors : Iterable of float Partial sum of structure factors, :math:`\sum\limits_{i=1}^{E_i<E} S_i` Attributes ---------- bragg_edges : Iterable of float Bragg edge energies in eV factors : Iterable of float Partial sum of structure factors, :math:`\sum\limits_{i=1}^{E_i<E} S_i` """ def __init__(self, bragg_edges, factors): self.bragg_edges = bragg_edges self.factors = factors def __call__(self, E): if isinstance(E, Iterable): E = np.asarray(E) idx = np.searchsorted(self.bragg_edges, E) return self.factors[idx] / E def __len__(self): return len(self.bragg_edges) @property def bragg_edges(self): return self._bragg_edges @property def factors(self): return self._factors @bragg_edges.setter def bragg_edges(self, bragg_edges): cv.check_type('Bragg edges', bragg_edges, Iterable, Real) self._bragg_edges = np.asarray(bragg_edges) @factors.setter def factors(self, factors): cv.check_type('structure factor cumulative sums', factors, Iterable, Real) self._factors = np.asarray(factors)
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group, name): """Write coherent elastic scattering to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to name : str Name of the dataset to create """ dataset = group.create_dataset(name, data=np.vstack( [self.bragg_edges, self.factors])) dataset.attrs['type'] = np.string_('bragg')
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, dataset): """Read coherent elastic scattering from an HDF5 dataset Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Dataset HDF5 group to write to Returns ------- Coherent elastic scattering cross section """ bragg_edges = dataset.value[0, :] factors = dataset.value[1, :] return cls(bragg_edges, factors)
[docs]class ThermalScattering(EqualityMixin): """A ThermalScattering object contains thermal scattering data as represented by an S(alpha, beta) table. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the material using GND convention, e.g. c_H_in_H2O atomic_weight_ratio : float Atomic mass ratio of the target nuclide. kTs : Iterable of float List of temperatures of the target nuclide in the data set. The temperatures have units of eV. Attributes ---------- atomic_weight_ratio : float Atomic mass ratio of the target nuclide. elastic_xs : or Elastic scattering cross section derived in the coherent or incoherent approximation inelastic_xs : Inelastic scattering cross section derived in the incoherent approximation name : str Name of the material using GND convention, e.g. c_H_in_H2O temperatures : Iterable of str List of string representations the temperatures of the target nuclide in the data set. The temperatures are strings of the temperature, rounded to the nearest integer; e.g., '294K' kTs : Iterable of float List of temperatures of the target nuclide in the data set. The temperatures have units of eV. nuclides : Iterable of str Nuclide names that the thermal scattering data applies to """ def __init__(self, name, atomic_weight_ratio, kTs): = name self.atomic_weight_ratio = atomic_weight_ratio self.kTs = kTs self.elastic_xs = {} self.elastic_mu_out = {} self.inelastic_xs = {} self.inelastic_e_out = {} self.inelastic_mu_out = {} self.inelastic_dist = {} self.secondary_mode = None self.nuclides = [] def __repr__(self): if hasattr(self, 'name'): return "<Thermal Scattering Data: {0}>".format( else: return "<Thermal Scattering Data>" @property def temperatures(self): return ["{}K".format(int(round(kT / K_BOLTZMANN))) for kT in self.kTs]
[docs] def export_to_hdf5(self, path, mode='a', libver='earliest'): """Export table to an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to write HDF5 file to mode : {'r', r+', 'w', 'x', 'a'} Mode that is used to open the HDF5 file. This is the second argument to the :class:`h5py.File` constructor. libver : {'earliest', 'latest'} Compatibility mode for the HDF5 file. 'latest' will produce files that are less backwards compatible but have performance benefits. """ # Open file and write version f = h5py.File(path, mode, libver=libver) f.attrs['version'] = np.array(HDF5_VERSION) # Write basic data g = f.create_group( g.attrs['atomic_weight_ratio'] = self.atomic_weight_ratio g.attrs['nuclides'] = np.array(self.nuclides, dtype='S') g.attrs['secondary_mode'] = np.string_(self.secondary_mode) ktg = g.create_group('kTs') for i, temperature in enumerate(self.temperatures): ktg.create_dataset(temperature, data=self.kTs[i]) for T in self.temperatures: Tg = g.create_group(T) # Write thermal elastic scattering if self.elastic_xs: elastic_group = Tg.create_group('elastic') self.elastic_xs[T].to_hdf5(elastic_group, 'xs') if self.elastic_mu_out: elastic_group.create_dataset('mu_out', data=self.elastic_mu_out[T]) # Write thermal inelastic scattering if self.inelastic_xs: inelastic_group = Tg.create_group('inelastic') self.inelastic_xs[T].to_hdf5(inelastic_group, 'xs') if self.secondary_mode in ('equal', 'skewed'): inelastic_group.create_dataset('energy_out', data=self.inelastic_e_out[T]) inelastic_group.create_dataset('mu_out', data=self.inelastic_mu_out[T]) elif self.secondary_mode == 'continuous': self.inelastic_dist[T].to_hdf5(inelastic_group) f.close()
[docs] def add_temperature_from_ace(self, ace_or_filename, name=None): """Add data to the ThermalScattering object from an ACE file at a different temperature. Parameters ---------- ace_or_filename : or str ACE table to read from. If given as a string, it is assumed to be the filename for the ACE file. name : str GND-conforming name of the material, e.g. c_H_in_H2O. If none is passed, the appropriate name is guessed based on the name of the ACE table. Returns ------- Thermal scattering data """ data = ThermalScattering.from_ace(ace_or_filename, name) # Check if temprature already exists strT = data.temperatures[0] if strT in self.temperatures: warn('S(a,b) data at T={} already exists.'.format(strT)) return # Check that name matches if != raise ValueError('Data provided for an incorrect material.') # Add temperature self.kTs += data.kTs # Add inelastic cross section and distributions if strT in data.inelastic_xs: self.inelastic_xs[strT] = data.inelastic_xs[strT] if strT in data.inelastic_e_out: self.inelastic_e_out[strT] = data.inelastic_e_out[strT] if strT in data.inelastic_mu_out: self.inelastic_mu_out[strT] = data.inelastic_mu_out[strT] if strT in data.inelastic_dist: self.inelastic_dist[strT] = data.inelastic_dist[strT] # Add elastic cross sectoin and angular distribution if strT in data.elastic_xs: self.elastic_xs[strT] = data.elastic_xs[strT] if strT in data.elastic_mu_out: self.elastic_mu_out[strT] = data.elastic_mu_out[strT]
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, group_or_filename): """Generate thermal scattering data from HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group_or_filename : h5py.Group or str HDF5 group containing interaction data. If given as a string, it is assumed to be the filename for the HDF5 file, and the first group is used to read from. Returns ------- Neutron thermal scattering data """ if isinstance(group_or_filename, h5py.Group): group = group_or_filename else: h5file = h5py.File(group_or_filename, 'r') # Make sure version matches if 'version' in h5file.attrs: major, minor = h5file.attrs['version'] if major != HDF5_VERSION_MAJOR: raise IOError( 'HDF5 data format uses version {}.{} whereas your ' 'installation of the OpenMC Python API expects version ' '{}.x.'.format(major, minor, HDF5_VERSION_MAJOR)) else: raise IOError( 'HDF5 data does not indicate a version. Your installation of ' 'the OpenMC Python API expects version {}.x data.' .format(HDF5_VERSION_MAJOR)) group = list(h5file.values())[0] name =[1:] atomic_weight_ratio = group.attrs['atomic_weight_ratio'] kTg = group['kTs'] kTs = [] for temp in kTg: kTs.append(kTg[temp].value) temperatures = [str(int(round(kT / K_BOLTZMANN))) + "K" for kT in kTs] table = cls(name, atomic_weight_ratio, kTs) table.nuclides = [nuc.decode() for nuc in group.attrs['nuclides']] table.secondary_mode = group.attrs['secondary_mode'].decode() # Read thermal elastic scattering for T in temperatures: Tgroup = group[T] if 'elastic' in Tgroup: elastic_group = Tgroup['elastic'] # Cross section elastic_xs_type = elastic_group['xs'].attrs['type'].decode() if elastic_xs_type == 'Tabulated1D': table.elastic_xs[T] = \ Tabulated1D.from_hdf5(elastic_group['xs']) elif elastic_xs_type == 'bragg': table.elastic_xs[T] = \ CoherentElastic.from_hdf5(elastic_group['xs']) # Angular distribution if 'mu_out' in elastic_group: table.elastic_mu_out[T] = \ elastic_group['mu_out'].value # Read thermal inelastic scattering if 'inelastic' in Tgroup: inelastic_group = Tgroup['inelastic'] table.inelastic_xs[T] = \ Tabulated1D.from_hdf5(inelastic_group['xs']) if table.secondary_mode in ('equal', 'skewed'): table.inelastic_e_out[T] = \ inelastic_group['energy_out'] table.inelastic_mu_out[T] = \ inelastic_group['mu_out'] elif table.secondary_mode == 'continuous': table.inelastic_dist[T] = \ AngleEnergy.from_hdf5(inelastic_group) return table
[docs] @classmethod def from_ace(cls, ace_or_filename, name=None): """Generate thermal scattering data from an ACE table Parameters ---------- ace_or_filename : or str ACE table to read from. If given as a string, it is assumed to be the filename for the ACE file. name : str GND-conforming name of the material, e.g. c_H_in_H2O. If none is passed, the appropriate name is guessed based on the name of the ACE table. Returns ------- Thermal scattering data """ if isinstance(ace_or_filename, Table): ace = ace_or_filename else: ace = get_table(ace_or_filename) # Get new name that is GND-consistent ace_name, xs ='.') name = get_thermal_name(ace_name) # Assign temperature to the running list kTs = [ace.temperature*EV_PER_MEV] temperatures = [str(int(round(ace.temperature*EV_PER_MEV / K_BOLTZMANN))) + "K"] table = cls(name, ace.atomic_weight_ratio, kTs) # Incoherent inelastic scattering cross section idx = ace.jxs[1] n_energy = int(ace.xss[idx]) energy = ace.xss[idx+1 : idx+1+n_energy]*EV_PER_MEV xs = ace.xss[idx+1+n_energy : idx+1+2*n_energy] table.inelastic_xs[temperatures[0]] = Tabulated1D(energy, xs) if ace.nxs[7] == 0: table.secondary_mode = 'equal' elif ace.nxs[7] == 1: table.secondary_mode = 'skewed' elif ace.nxs[7] == 2: table.secondary_mode = 'continuous' n_energy_out = ace.nxs[4] if table.secondary_mode in ('equal', 'skewed'): n_mu = ace.nxs[3] idx = ace.jxs[3] table.inelastic_e_out[temperatures[0]] = \ ace.xss[idx:idx + n_energy * n_energy_out * (n_mu + 2): n_mu + 2]*EV_PER_MEV table.inelastic_e_out[temperatures[0]].shape = \ (n_energy, n_energy_out) table.inelastic_mu_out[temperatures[0]] = \ ace.xss[idx:idx + n_energy * n_energy_out * (n_mu + 2)] table.inelastic_mu_out[temperatures[0]].shape = \ (n_energy, n_energy_out, n_mu+2) table.inelastic_mu_out[temperatures[0]] = \ table.inelastic_mu_out[temperatures[0]][:, :, 1:] else: n_mu = ace.nxs[3] - 1 idx = ace.jxs[3] locc = ace.xss[idx:idx + n_energy].astype(int) n_energy_out = \ ace.xss[idx + n_energy:idx + 2 * n_energy].astype(int) energy_out = [] mu_out = [] for i in range(n_energy): idx = locc[i] # Outgoing energy distribution for incoming energy i e = ace.xss[idx + 1:idx + 1 + n_energy_out[i]*(n_mu + 3): n_mu + 3]*EV_PER_MEV p = ace.xss[idx + 2:idx + 2 + n_energy_out[i]*(n_mu + 3): n_mu + 3]/EV_PER_MEV c = ace.xss[idx + 3:idx + 3 + n_energy_out[i]*(n_mu + 3): n_mu + 3] eout_i = Tabular(e, p, 'linear-linear', ignore_negative=True) eout_i.c = c # Outgoing angle distribution for each # (incoming, outgoing) energy pair mu_i = [] for j in range(n_energy_out[i]): mu = ace.xss[idx + 4:idx + 4 + n_mu] p_mu = 1. / n_mu * np.ones(n_mu) mu_ij = Discrete(mu, p_mu) mu_ij.c = np.cumsum(p_mu) mu_i.append(mu_ij) idx += 3 + n_mu energy_out.append(eout_i) mu_out.append(mu_i) # Create correlated angle-energy distribution breakpoints = [n_energy] interpolation = [2] energy = table.inelastic_xs[temperatures[0]].x table.inelastic_dist[temperatures[0]] = CorrelatedAngleEnergy( breakpoints, interpolation, energy, energy_out, mu_out) # Incoherent/coherent elastic scattering cross section idx = ace.jxs[4] n_mu = ace.nxs[6] + 1 if idx != 0: n_energy = int(ace.xss[idx]) energy = ace.xss[idx + 1: idx + 1 + n_energy]*EV_PER_MEV P = ace.xss[idx + 1 + n_energy: idx + 1 + 2 * n_energy] if ace.nxs[5] == 4: # Coherent elastic table.elastic_xs[temperatures[0]] = CoherentElastic( energy, P*EV_PER_MEV) # Coherent elastic shouldn't have angular distributions listed assert n_mu == 0 else: # Incoherent elastic table.elastic_xs[temperatures[0]] = Tabulated1D(energy, P) # Angular distribution assert n_mu > 0 idx = ace.jxs[6] table.elastic_mu_out[temperatures[0]] = \ ace.xss[idx:idx + n_energy * n_mu] table.elastic_mu_out[temperatures[0]].shape = \ (n_energy, n_mu) # Get relevant nuclides -- NJOY only allows one to specify three # nuclides that the S(a,b) table applies to. Thus, for all elements # other than H and Fe, we automatically add all the naturally-occurring # isotopes. for zaid, awr in ace.pairs: if zaid > 0: Z, A = divmod(zaid, 1000) element = ATOMIC_SYMBOL[Z] if element in ['H', 'Fe']: table.nuclides.append(element + str(A)) else: if element + '0' not in table.nuclides: table.nuclides.append(element + '0') for isotope in sorted(NATURAL_ABUNDANCE): if re.match(r'{}\d+'.format(element), isotope): if isotope not in table.nuclides: table.nuclides.append(isotope) return table
[docs] @classmethod def from_njoy(cls, filename, filename_thermal, temperatures=None, **kwargs): """Generate incident neutron data by running NJOY. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to ENDF neutron sublibrary file filename_thermal : str Path to ENDF thermal scattering sublibrary file temperatures : iterable of float Temperatures in Kelvin to produce data at. If omitted, data is produced at all temperatures in the ENDF thermal scattering sublibrary. **kwargs Keyword arguments passed to :func:`` Returns ------- data : Thermal scattering data """ # Create temporary directory -- it would be preferable to use # TemporaryDirectory(), but it is only available in Python 3.2 tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: # Run NJOY to create an ACE library ace_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'ace') xsdir_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'xsdir') make_ace_thermal(filename, filename_thermal, temperatures, ace_file, xsdir_file, **kwargs) # Create instance from ACE tables within library lib = Library(ace_file) data = cls.from_ace(lib.tables[0]) for table in lib.tables[1:]: data.add_temperature_from_ace(table) finally: # Get rid of temporary files shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) return data