Source code for openmc.source

from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Iterable
from enum import IntEnum
from numbers import Real
import warnings
import typing  # imported separately as py3.8 requires typing.Iterable
# also required to prevent typing.Union namespace overwriting Union
from typing import Optional, Sequence
import lxml.etree as ET

import numpy as np
import h5py

import openmc
import openmc.checkvalue as cv
from openmc.checkvalue import PathLike
from openmc.stats.multivariate import UnitSphere, Spatial
from openmc.stats.univariate import Univariate
from ._xml import get_text
from .mesh import MeshBase

[docs]class SourceBase(ABC): """Base class for external sources Parameters ---------- strength : float Strength of the source Attributes ---------- type : {'independent', 'file', 'compiled'} Indicator of source type. strength : float Strength of the source """ def __init__(self, strength=1.0): self.strength = strength @property def strength(self): return self._strength @strength.setter def strength(self, strength): cv.check_type('source strength', strength, Real) cv.check_greater_than('source strength', strength, 0.0, True) self._strength = strength
[docs] @abstractmethod def populate_xml_element(self, element): """Add necessary source information to an XML element Returns ------- element : lxml.etree._Element XML element containing source data """ pass
[docs] def to_xml_element(self) -> ET.Element: """Return XML representation of the source Returns ------- element : xml.etree.ElementTree.Element XML element containing source data """ element = ET.Element("source") element.set("type", self.type) element.set("strength", str(self.strength)) self.populate_xml_element(element) return element
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml_element(cls, elem: ET.Element, meshes=None) -> openmc.SourceBase: """Generate source from an XML element Parameters ---------- elem : lxml.etree._Element XML element meshes : dict Dictionary with mesh IDs as keys and openmc.MeshBase instances as values Returns ------- openmc.SourceBase Source generated from XML element """ source_type = get_text(elem, 'type') if source_type is None: # attempt to determine source type based on attributes # for backward compatibility if get_text(elem, 'file') is not None: return FileSource.from_xml_element(elem) elif get_text(elem, 'library') is not None: return CompiledSource.from_xml_element(elem) else: return IndependentSource.from_xml_element(elem) else: if source_type == 'independent': return IndependentSource.from_xml_element(elem, meshes) elif source_type == 'compiled': return CompiledSource.from_xml_element(elem) elif source_type == 'file': return FileSource.from_xml_element(elem) else: raise ValueError(f'Source type {source_type} is not recognized')
[docs]class IndependentSource(SourceBase): """Distribution of phase space coordinates for source sites. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 Parameters ---------- space : openmc.stats.Spatial Spatial distribution of source sites angle : openmc.stats.UnitSphere Angular distribution of source sites energy : openmc.stats.Univariate Energy distribution of source sites time : openmc.stats.Univariate time distribution of source sites strength : float Strength of the source particle : {'neutron', 'photon'} Source particle type domains : iterable of openmc.Cell, openmc.Material, or openmc.Universe Domains to reject based on, i.e., if a sampled spatial location is not within one of these domains, it will be rejected. Attributes ---------- space : openmc.stats.Spatial or None Spatial distribution of source sites angle : openmc.stats.UnitSphere or None Angular distribution of source sites energy : openmc.stats.Univariate or None Energy distribution of source sites time : openmc.stats.Univariate or None time distribution of source sites strength : float Strength of the source type : str Indicator of source type: 'independent' .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 particle : {'neutron', 'photon'} Source particle type ids : Iterable of int IDs of domains to use for rejection domain_type : {'cell', 'material', 'universe'} Type of domain to use for rejection """ def __init__( self, space: Optional[openmc.stats.Spatial] = None, angle: Optional[openmc.stats.UnitSphere] = None, energy: Optional[openmc.stats.Univariate] = None, time: Optional[openmc.stats.Univariate] = None, strength: float = 1.0, particle: str = 'neutron', domains: Optional[Sequence[typing.Union[openmc.Cell, openmc.Material, openmc.Universe]]] = None ): super().__init__(strength) self._space = None self._angle = None self._energy = None self._time = None if space is not None: = space if angle is not None: self.angle = angle if energy is not None: = energy if time is not None: self.time = time self.strength = strength self.particle = particle self._domain_ids = [] self._domain_type = None if domains is not None: if isinstance(domains[0], openmc.Cell): self.domain_type = 'cell' elif isinstance(domains[0], openmc.Material): self.domain_type = 'material' elif isinstance(domains[0], openmc.Universe): self.domain_type = 'universe' self.domain_ids = [ for d in domains] @property def type(self) -> str: return 'independent' def __getattr__(self, name): cls_names = {'file': 'FileSource', 'library': 'CompiledSource', 'parameters': 'CompiledSource'} if name in cls_names: raise AttributeError( f'The "{name}" attribute has been deprecated on the ' f'IndependentSource class. Please use the {cls_names[name]} class.') else: super().__getattribute__(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name in ('file', 'library', 'parameters'): # Ensure proper AttributeError is thrown getattr(self, name) else: super().__setattr__(name, value) @property def space(self): return self._space @space.setter def space(self, space): cv.check_type('spatial distribution', space, Spatial) self._space = space @property def angle(self): return self._angle @angle.setter def angle(self, angle): cv.check_type('angular distribution', angle, UnitSphere) self._angle = angle @property def energy(self): return self._energy @energy.setter def energy(self, energy): cv.check_type('energy distribution', energy, Univariate) self._energy = energy @property def time(self): return self._time @time.setter def time(self, time): cv.check_type('time distribution', time, Univariate) self._time = time @property def particle(self): return self._particle @particle.setter def particle(self, particle): cv.check_value('source particle', particle, ['neutron', 'photon']) self._particle = particle @property def domain_ids(self): return self._domain_ids @domain_ids.setter def domain_ids(self, ids): cv.check_type('domain IDs', ids, Iterable, Real) self._domain_ids = ids @property def domain_type(self): return self._domain_type @domain_type.setter def domain_type(self, domain_type): cv.check_value('domain type', domain_type, ('cell', 'material', 'universe')) self._domain_type = domain_type
[docs] def populate_xml_element(self, element): """Add necessary source information to an XML element Returns ------- element : lxml.etree._Element XML element containing source data """ super().populate_xml_element(element) element.set("particle", self.particle) if is not None: element.append( if self.angle is not None: element.append(self.angle.to_xml_element()) if is not None: element.append('energy')) if self.time is not None: element.append(self.time.to_xml_element('time')) if self.domain_ids: dt_elem = ET.SubElement(element, "domain_type") dt_elem.text = self.domain_type id_elem = ET.SubElement(element, "domain_ids") id_elem.text = ' '.join(str(uid) for uid in self.domain_ids)
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml_element(cls, elem: ET.Element, meshes=None) -> 'openmc.SourceBase': """Generate source from an XML element Parameters ---------- elem : lxml.etree._Element XML element meshes : dict Dictionary with mesh IDs as keys and openmc.MeshBase instaces as values Returns ------- openmc.Source Source generated from XML element """ domain_type = get_text(elem, "domain_type") if domain_type is not None: domain_ids = [int(x) for x in get_text(elem, "domain_ids").split()] # Instantiate some throw-away domains that are used by the # constructor to assign IDs with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', openmc.IDWarning) if domain_type == 'cell': domains = [openmc.Cell(uid) for uid in domain_ids] elif domain_type == 'material': domains = [openmc.Material(uid) for uid in domain_ids] elif domain_type == 'universe': domains = [openmc.Universe(uid) for uid in domain_ids] else: domains = None source = cls(domains=domains) strength = get_text(elem, 'strength') if strength is not None: source.strength = float(strength) particle = get_text(elem, 'particle') if particle is not None: source.particle = particle filename = get_text(elem, 'file') if filename is not None: source.file = filename space = elem.find('space') if space is not None: = Spatial.from_xml_element(space, meshes) angle = elem.find('angle') if angle is not None: source.angle = UnitSphere.from_xml_element(angle) energy = elem.find('energy') if energy is not None: = Univariate.from_xml_element(energy) time = elem.find('time') if time is not None: source.time = Univariate.from_xml_element(time) return source
def Source(*args, **kwargs): """ A function for backward compatibility of sources. Will be removed in the future. Please update to IndependentSource. """ warnings.warn("This class is deprecated in favor of 'IndependentSource'", FutureWarning) return openmc.IndependentSource(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class CompiledSource(SourceBase): """A source based on a compiled shared library .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 Parameters ---------- library : str or None Path to a compiled shared library parameters : str Parameters to be provided to the compiled shared library function strength : float Strength of the source Attributes ---------- library : str or None Path to a compiled shared library parameters : str Parameters to be provided to the compiled shared library function strength : float Strength of the source type : str Indicator of source type: 'compiled' """ def __init__(self, library: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[str] = None, strength=1.0) -> None: super().__init__(strength=strength) self._library = None if library is not None: self.library = library self._parameters = None if parameters is not None: self.parameters = parameters @property def type(self) -> str: return "compiled" @property def library(self) -> str: return self._library @library.setter def library(self, library_name): cv.check_type('library', library_name, str) self._library = library_name @property def parameters(self) -> str: return self._parameters @parameters.setter def parameters(self, parameters_path): cv.check_type('parameters', parameters_path, str) self._parameters = parameters_path
[docs] def populate_xml_element(self, element): """Add necessary compiled source information to an XML element Returns ------- element : lxml.etree._Element XML element containing source data """ super().populate_xml_element(element) element.set("library", self.library) if self.parameters is not None: element.set("parameters", self.parameters)
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml_element(cls, elem: ET.Element, meshes=None) -> openmc.CompiledSource: """Generate a compiled source from an XML element Parameters ---------- elem : lxml.etree._Element XML element meshes : dict Dictionary with mesh IDs as keys and openmc.MeshBase instances as values Returns ------- openmc.CompiledSource Source generated from XML element """ library = get_text(elem, 'library') source = cls(library) strength = get_text(elem, 'strength') if strength is not None: source.strength = float(strength) parameters = get_text(elem, 'parameters') if parameters is not None: source.parameters = parameters return source
[docs]class FileSource(SourceBase): """A source based on particles stored in a file .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 Parameters ---------- path : str or pathlib.Path Path to the source file from which sites should be sampled strength : float Strength of the source (default is 1.0) Attributes ---------- path : Pathlike Source file from which sites should be sampled strength : float Strength of the source type : str Indicator of source type: 'file' """ def __init__(self, path: Optional[PathLike] = None, strength=1.0) -> None: super().__init__(strength=strength) self._path = None if path is not None: self.path = path @property def type(self) -> str: return "file" @property def path(self) -> PathLike: return self._path @path.setter def path(self, p: PathLike): cv.check_type('source file', p, str) self._path = p
[docs] def populate_xml_element(self, element): """Add necessary file source information to an XML element Returns ------- element : lxml.etree._Element XML element containing source data """ super().populate_xml_element(element) if self.path is not None: element.set("file", self.path)
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml_element(cls, elem: ET.Element) -> openmc.FileSource: """Generate file source from an XML element Parameters ---------- elem : lxml.etree._Element XML element meshes : dict Dictionary with mesh IDs as keys and openmc.MeshBase instances as values Returns ------- openmc.FileSource Source generated from XML element """ filename = get_text(elem, 'file') source = cls(filename) strength = get_text(elem, 'strength') if strength is not None: source.strength = float(strength) return source
class ParticleType(IntEnum): """ IntEnum class representing a particle type. Type values mirror those found in the C++ class. """ NEUTRON = 0 PHOTON = 1 ELECTRON = 2 POSITRON = 3 @classmethod def from_string(cls, value: str): """ Constructs a ParticleType instance from a string. Parameters ---------- value : str The string representation of the particle type. Returns ------- The corresponding ParticleType instance. """ try: return cls[value.upper()] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid string for creation of {cls.__name__}: {value}") def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Returns a string representation of the ParticleType instance. Returns: str: The lowercase name of the ParticleType instance. """ return # needed for < Python 3.11 def __str__(self) -> str: return self.__repr__() # needed for <= 3.7, IntEnum will use the mixed-in type's `__format__` method otherwise # this forces it to default to the standard object format, relying on __str__ under the hood def __format__(self, spec): return object.__format__(self, spec)
[docs]class SourceParticle: """Source particle This class can be used to create source particles that can be written to a file and used by OpenMC Parameters ---------- r : iterable of float Position of particle in Cartesian coordinates u : iterable of float Directional cosines E : float Energy of particle in [eV] time : float Time of particle in [s] wgt : float Weight of the particle delayed_group : int Delayed group particle was created in (neutrons only) surf_id : int Surface ID where particle is at, if any. particle : ParticleType Type of the particle """ def __init__( self, r: typing.Iterable[float] = (0., 0., 0.), u: typing.Iterable[float] = (0., 0., 1.), E: float = 1.0e6, time: float = 0.0, wgt: float = 1.0, delayed_group: int = 0, surf_id: int = 0, particle: ParticleType = ParticleType.NEUTRON ): self.r = tuple(r) self.u = tuple(u) self.E = float(E) self.time = float(time) self.wgt = float(wgt) self.delayed_group = delayed_group self.surf_id = surf_id self.particle = particle def __repr__(self): name = return f'<SourceParticle: {name} at E={self.E:.6e} eV>'
[docs] def to_tuple(self) -> tuple: """Return source particle attributes as a tuple Returns ------- tuple Source particle attributes """ return (self.r, self.u, self.E, self.time, self.wgt, self.delayed_group, self.surf_id, self.particle.value)
[docs]def write_source_file( source_particles: typing.Iterable[SourceParticle], filename: PathLike, **kwargs ): """Write a source file using a collection of source particles Parameters ---------- source_particles : iterable of SourceParticle Source particles to write to file filename : str or path-like Path to source file to write **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to :class:`h5py.File` See Also -------- openmc.SourceParticle """ # Create compound datatype for source particles pos_dtype = np.dtype([('x', '<f8'), ('y', '<f8'), ('z', '<f8')]) source_dtype = np.dtype([ ('r', pos_dtype), ('u', pos_dtype), ('E', '<f8'), ('time', '<f8'), ('wgt', '<f8'), ('delayed_group', '<i4'), ('surf_id', '<i4'), ('particle', '<i4'), ]) # Create array of source particles cv.check_iterable_type("source particles", source_particles, SourceParticle) arr = np.array([s.to_tuple() for s in source_particles], dtype=source_dtype) # Write array to file kwargs.setdefault('mode', 'w') with h5py.File(filename, **kwargs) as fh: fh.attrs['filetype'] = np.string_("source") fh.create_dataset('source_bank', data=arr, dtype=source_dtype)