Source code for openmc.deplete.independent_operator

"""Transport-independent transport operator for depletion.

This module implements a transport operator that runs independently of any
transport solver by using user-provided one-group cross sections.


from __future__ import annotations
from import Iterable
import copy
from typing import List, Set

import numpy as np
from uncertainties import ufloat

import openmc
from openmc.checkvalue import check_type
from openmc.mpi import comm
from .abc import ReactionRateHelper, OperatorResult
from .openmc_operator import OpenMCOperator
from .pool import _distribute
from .microxs import MicroXS
from .results import Results
from .helpers import ChainFissionHelper, ConstantFissionYieldHelper, SourceRateHelper

[docs]class IndependentOperator(OpenMCOperator): """Transport-independent transport operator that uses one-group cross sections to calculate reaction rates. Instances of this class can be used to perform depletion using one-group cross sections and constant flux or constant power. Normally, a user needn't call methods of this class directly. Instead, an instance of this class is passed to an integrator class, such as :class:`openmc.deplete.CECMIntegrator`. Note that passing an empty :class:`~openmc.deplete.MicroXS` instance to the ``micro_xs`` argument allows a decay-only calculation to be run. .. versionadded:: 0.13.1 .. versionchanged:: 0.14.0 Arguments updated to include list of fluxes and microscopic cross sections. Parameters ---------- materials : openmc.Materials Materials to deplete. fluxes : list of numpy.ndarray Flux in each group in [n-cm/src] for each domain micros : list of MicroXS Cross sections in [b] for each domain. If the :class:`~openmc.deplete.MicroXS` object is empty, a decay-only calculation will be run. chain_file : str Path to the depletion chain XML file. Defaults to ``openmc.config['chain_file']``. keff : 2-tuple of float, optional keff eigenvalue and uncertainty from transport calculation. Default is None. prev_results : Results, optional Results from a previous depletion calculation. normalization_mode : {"fission-q", "source-rate"} Indicate how reaction rates should be calculated. ``"fission-q"`` uses the fission Q values from the depletion chain to compute the flux based on the power. ``"source-rate"`` uses a the source rate (assumed to be neutron flux) to calculate the reaction rates. fission_q : dict, optional Dictionary of nuclides and their fission Q values [eV]. If not given, values will be pulled from the ``chain_file``. Only applicable if ``"normalization_mode" == "fission-q"``. reduce_chain : bool, optional If True, use :meth:`openmc.deplete.Chain.reduce` to reduce the depletion chain up to ``reduce_chain_level``. reduce_chain_level : int, optional Depth of the search when reducing the depletion chain. Only used if ``reduce_chain`` evaluates to true. The default value of ``None`` implies no limit on the depth. fission_yield_opts : dict of str to option, optional Optional arguments to pass to the :class:`openmc.deplete.helpers.FissionYieldHelper` object. Will be passed directly on to the helper. Passing a value of None will use the defaults for the associated helper. Attributes ---------- materials : openmc.Materials All materials present in the model cross_sections : MicroXS Object containing one-group cross-sections in [cm^2]. output_dir : pathlib.Path Path to output directory to save results. round_number : bool Whether or not to round output to OpenMC to 8 digits. Useful in testing, as OpenMC is incredibly sensitive to exact values. number : openmc.deplete.AtomNumber Total number of atoms in simulation. nuclides_with_data : set of str A set listing all unique nuclides available from cross_sections.xml. chain : openmc.deplete.Chain The depletion chain information necessary to form matrices and tallies. reaction_rates : openmc.deplete.ReactionRates Reaction rates from the last operator step. burnable_mats : list of str All burnable material IDs heavy_metal : float Initial heavy metal inventory [g] local_mats : list of str All burnable material IDs being managed by a single process prev_res : Results or None Results from a previous depletion calculation. ``None`` if no results are to be used. """ def __init__(self, materials, fluxes, micros, chain_file=None, keff=None, normalization_mode='fission-q', fission_q=None, prev_results=None, reduce_chain=False, reduce_chain_level=None, fission_yield_opts=None): # Validate micro-xs parameters check_type('materials', materials, openmc.Materials) check_type('micros', micros, Iterable, MicroXS) if keff is not None: check_type('keff', keff, tuple, float) keff = ufloat(*keff) self._keff = keff if fission_yield_opts is None: fission_yield_opts = {} helper_kwargs = {'normalization_mode': normalization_mode, 'fission_yield_opts': fission_yield_opts} # Sort fluxes and micros in same order that materials get sorted index_sort = np.argsort([ for mat in materials]) fluxes = [fluxes[i] for i in index_sort] micros = [micros[i] for i in index_sort] self.fluxes = fluxes super().__init__( materials=materials, cross_sections=micros, chain_file=chain_file, prev_results=prev_results, fission_q=fission_q, helper_kwargs=helper_kwargs, reduce_chain=reduce_chain, reduce_chain_level=reduce_chain_level)
[docs] @classmethod def from_nuclides(cls, volume, nuclides, flux, micro_xs, chain_file=None, nuc_units='atom/b-cm', keff=None, normalization_mode='fission-q', fission_q=None, prev_results=None, reduce_chain=False, reduce_chain_level=None, fission_yield_opts=None): """ Alternate constructor from a dictionary of nuclide concentrations volume : float Volume of the material being depleted in [cm^3] nuclides : dict of str to float Dictionary with nuclide names as keys and nuclide concentrations as values. flux : numpy.ndarray Flux in each group in [n-cm/src] micro_xs : MicroXS Cross sections in [b]. If the :class:`~openmc.deplete.MicroXS` object is empty, a decay-only calculation will be run. chain_file : str, optional Path to the depletion chain XML file. Defaults to ``openmc.config['chain_file']``. nuc_units : {'atom/cm3', 'atom/b-cm'}, optional Units for nuclide concentration. keff : 2-tuple of float, optional keff eigenvalue and uncertainty from transport calculation. Default is None. normalization_mode : {"fission-q", "source-rate"} Indicate how reaction rates should be calculated. ``"fission-q"`` uses the fission Q values from the depletion chain to compute the flux based on the power. ``"source-rate"`` uses the source rate (assumed to be neutron flux) to calculate the reaction rates. fission_q : dict, optional Dictionary of nuclides and their fission Q values [eV]. If not given, values will be pulled from the ``chain_file``. Only applicable if ``"normalization_mode" == "fission-q"``. prev_results : Results, optional Results from a previous depletion calculation. reduce_chain : bool, optional If True, use :meth:`openmc.deplete.Chain.reduce` to reduce the depletion chain up to ``reduce_chain_level``. Default is False. reduce_chain_level : int, optional Depth of the search when reducing the depletion chain. Only used if ``reduce_chain`` evaluates to true. The default value of ``None`` implies no limit on the depth. fission_yield_opts : dict of str to option, optional Optional arguments to pass to the :class:`openmc.deplete.helpers.FissionYieldHelper` class. Will be passed directly on to the helper. Passing a value of None will use the defaults for the associated helper. """ check_type('nuclides', nuclides, dict, str) materials = cls._consolidate_nuclides_to_material(nuclides, nuc_units, volume) fluxes = [flux] micros = [micro_xs] return cls(materials, fluxes, micros, chain_file, keff=keff, normalization_mode=normalization_mode, fission_q=fission_q, prev_results=prev_results, reduce_chain=reduce_chain, reduce_chain_level=reduce_chain_level, fission_yield_opts=fission_yield_opts)
@staticmethod def _consolidate_nuclides_to_material(nuclides, nuc_units, volume): """Puts nuclide list into an openmc.Materials object. """ openmc.reset_auto_ids() mat = openmc.Material() if nuc_units == 'atom/b-cm': for nuc, conc in nuclides.items(): mat.add_nuclide(nuc, conc) elif nuc_units == 'atom/cm3': for nuc, conc in nuclides.items(): mat.add_nuclide(nuc, conc * 1e-24) # convert to at/b-cm else: raise ValueError(f"Unit '{nuc_units}' is invalid.") mat.volume = volume mat.depletable = True return openmc.Materials([mat]) def _load_previous_results(self): """Load results from a previous depletion simulation""" # Reload volumes into geometry model = openmc.Model(materials=self.materials) self.prev_res[-1].transfer_volumes(model) self.materials = model.materials # Store previous results in operator # Distribute reaction rates according to those tracked # on this process if comm.size != 1: prev_results = self.prev_res self.prev_res = Results() mat_indexes = _distribute(range(len(self.burnable_mats))) for res_obj in prev_results: new_res = res_obj.distribute(self.local_mats, mat_indexes) self.prev_res.append(new_res) def _get_nuclides_with_data(self, cross_sections: List[MicroXS]) -> Set[str]: """Finds nuclides with cross section data""" return set(cross_sections[0].nuclides) class _IndependentRateHelper(ReactionRateHelper): """Class for generating one-group reaction rates with flux and one-group cross sections. This class does not generate tallies, and instead stores cross sections for each nuclide and transmutation reaction relevant for a depletion calculation. The reaction rate is calculated by multiplying the flux by the cross sections. Parameters ---------- op : openmc.deplete.IndependentOperator Reference to the object encapsulate _IndependentRateHelper. We pass this so we don't have to duplicate the :attr:`IndependentOperator.number` object. Attributes ---------- nuc_ind_map : dict of int to str Dictionary mapping the nuclide index to nuclide name rx_ind_map : dict of int to str Dictionary mapping reaction index to reaction name """ def __init__(self, op: IndependentOperator): rates = op.reaction_rates super().__init__(rates.n_nuc, rates.n_react) self.nuc_ind_map = {ind: nuc for nuc, ind in rates.index_nuc.items()} self.rx_ind_map = {ind: rxn for rxn, ind in rates.index_rx.items()} self._op = op def generate_tallies(self, materials, scores): """Unused in this case""" pass def reset_tally_means(self): """Unused in this case""" pass def get_material_rates(self, mat_index, nuc_index, react_index): """Return 2D array of [nuclide, reaction] reaction rates Parameters ---------- mat_index : int Index for the material nuc_index : list of str Ordering of desired nuclides react_index : list of str Ordering of reactions """ self._results_cache.fill(0.0) # Get flux and microscopic cross sections from operator flux = self._op.fluxes[mat_index] xs = self._op.cross_sections[mat_index] for i_nuc in nuc_index: nuc = self.nuc_ind_map[i_nuc] for i_rx in react_index: rx = self.rx_ind_map[i_rx] # Determine reaction rate by multiplying xs in [b] by flux # in [n-cm/src] to give [(reactions/src)*b-cm/atom] self._results_cache[i_nuc, i_rx] = (xs[nuc, rx] * flux).sum() return self._results_cache def _get_helper_classes(self, helper_kwargs): """Get helper classes for calculating reaction rates and fission yields Parameters ---------- helper_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for helper classes """ normalization_mode = helper_kwargs['normalization_mode'] fission_yield_opts = helper_kwargs['fission_yield_opts'] self._rate_helper = self._IndependentRateHelper(self) if normalization_mode == "fission-q": self._normalization_helper = ChainFissionHelper() else: self._normalization_helper = SourceRateHelper() # Select and create fission yield helper fission_helper = ConstantFissionYieldHelper self._yield_helper = fission_helper.from_operator( self, **fission_yield_opts)
[docs] def initial_condition(self): """Performs final setup and returns initial condition. Returns ------- list of numpy.ndarray Total density for initial conditions. """ # Return number density vector return super().initial_condition(self.materials)
[docs] def __call__(self, vec, source_rate): """Obtain the reaction rates Parameters ---------- vec : list of numpy.ndarray Total atoms to be used in function. source_rate : float Power in [W] or flux in [neutron/cm^2-s] Returns ------- openmc.deplete.OperatorResult Eigenvalue and reaction rates resulting from transport operator """ self._update_materials_and_nuclides(vec) rates = self._calculate_reaction_rates(source_rate) keff = self._keff op_result = OperatorResult(keff, rates) return copy.deepcopy(op_result)
def _update_materials(self): """Updates material compositions in OpenMC on all processes.""" for rank in range(comm.size): number_i = comm.bcast(self.number, root=rank) for mat in number_i.materials: nuclides = [] densities = [] for nuc in number_i.nuclides: if nuc in self.nuclides_with_data: val = 1.0e-24 * number_i.get_atom_density(mat, nuc) # If nuclide is zero, do not add to the problem. if val > 0.0: if self.round_number: val_magnitude = np.floor(np.log10(val)) val_scaled = val / 10**val_magnitude val_round = round(val_scaled, 8) val = val_round * 10**val_magnitude nuclides.append(nuc) densities.append(val) else: # Only output warnings if values are significantly # negative. CRAM does not guarantee positive # values. if val < -1.0e-21: print(f'WARNING: nuclide {nuc} in material' f'{mat} is negative (density = {val}' ' atom/b-cm)') number_i[mat, nuc] = 0.0