Source code for openmc.surface

from abc import ABCMeta
from numbers import Real, Integral
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import sys
from math import sqrt

import numpy as np

from openmc.checkvalue import check_type, check_value, check_greater_than
from openmc.region import Region, Intersection

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    basestring = str

# A static variable for auto-generated Surface IDs

_BC_TYPES = ['transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic']

def reset_auto_surface_id():
    """Reset counters for all auto-generated surface IDs"""
    global AUTO_SURFACE_ID
    AUTO_SURFACE_ID = 10000

[docs]class Surface(object): """An implicit surface with an associated boundary condition. An implicit surface is defined as the set of zeros of a function of the three Cartesian coordinates. Surfaces in OpenMC are limited to a set of algebraic surfaces, i.e., surfaces that are polynomial in x, y, and z. Parameters ---------- surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. Note that periodic boundary conditions can only be applied to x-, y-, and z-planes, and only axis-aligned periodicity is supported. name : str, optional Name of the surface. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. Attributes ---------- boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ def __init__(self, surface_id=None, boundary_type='transmission', name=''): = surface_id = name self._type = '' self.boundary_type = boundary_type # A dictionary of the quadratic surface coefficients # Key - coefficeint name # Value - coefficient value self._coefficients = {} # An ordered list of the coefficient names to export to XML in the # proper order self._coeff_keys = [] def __neg__(self): return Halfspace(self, '-') def __pos__(self): return Halfspace(self, '+') def __repr__(self): string = 'Surface\n' string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tID', '=\t', self._id) string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tName', '=\t', self._name) string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tType', '=\t', self._type) string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tBoundary', '=\t', self._boundary_type) coefficients = '{0: <16}'.format('\tCoefficients') + '\n' for coeff in self._coefficients: coefficients += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format( coeff, '=\t', self._coefficients[coeff]) string += coefficients return string @property def id(self): return self._id @property def name(self): return self._name @property def type(self): return self._type @property def boundary_type(self): return self._boundary_type @property def coefficients(self): return self._coefficients @id.setter def id(self, surface_id): if surface_id is None: global AUTO_SURFACE_ID self._id = AUTO_SURFACE_ID AUTO_SURFACE_ID += 1 else: check_type('surface ID', surface_id, Integral) check_greater_than('surface ID', surface_id, 0, equality=True) self._id = surface_id @name.setter def name(self, name): if name is not None: check_type('surface name', name, basestring) self._name = name else: self._name = '' @boundary_type.setter def boundary_type(self, boundary_type): check_type('boundary type', boundary_type, basestring) check_value('boundary type', boundary_type, _BC_TYPES) self._boundary_type = boundary_type
[docs] def bounding_box(self, side): """Determine an axis-aligned bounding box. An axis-aligned bounding box for surface half-spaces is represented by its lower-left and upper-right coordinates. If the half-space is unbounded in a particular direction, numpy.inf is used to represent infinity. Parameters ---------- side : {'+', '-'} Indicates the negative or positive half-space Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Lower-left coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space numpy.ndarray Upper-right coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space """ return (np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf]), np.array([np.inf, np.inf, np.inf]))
def create_xml_subelement(self): element = ET.Element("surface") element.set("id", str(self._id)) if len(self._name) > 0: element.set("name", str(self._name)) element.set("type", self._type) if self.boundary_type != 'transmission': element.set("boundary", self.boundary_type) element.set("coeffs", ' '.join([str(self._coefficients.setdefault(key, 0.0)) for key in self._coeff_keys])) return element
[docs]class Plane(Surface): """An arbitrary plane of the form :math:`Ax + By + Cz = D`. Parameters ---------- surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. A : float, optional The 'A' parameter for the plane. Defaults to 1. B : float, optional The 'B' parameter for the plane. Defaults to 0. C : float, optional The 'C' parameter for the plane. Defaults to 0. D : float, optional The 'D' parameter for the plane. Defaults to 0. name : str, optional Name of the plane. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. Attributes ---------- a : float The 'A' parameter for the plane b : float The 'B' parameter for the plane c : float The 'C' parameter for the plane d : float The 'D' parameter for the plane boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. periodic_surface : openmc.Surface If a periodic boundary condition is used, the surface with which this one is periodic with coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ def __init__(self, surface_id=None, boundary_type='transmission', A=1., B=0., C=0., D=0., name=''): super(Plane, self).__init__(surface_id, boundary_type, name=name) self._type = 'plane' self._coeff_keys = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] self._periodic_surface = None self.a = A self.b = B self.c = C self.d = D @property def a(self): return self.coefficients['A'] @property def b(self): return self.coefficients['B'] @property def c(self): return self.coefficients['C'] @property def d(self): return self.coefficients['D'] @property def periodic_surface(self): return self._periodic_surface @a.setter def a(self, A): check_type('A coefficient', A, Real) self._coefficients['A'] = A @b.setter def b(self, B): check_type('B coefficient', B, Real) self._coefficients['B'] = B @c.setter def c(self, C): check_type('C coefficient', C, Real) self._coefficients['C'] = C @d.setter def d(self, D): check_type('D coefficient', D, Real) self._coefficients['D'] = D @periodic_surface.setter def periodic_surface(self, periodic_surface): check_type('periodic surface', periodic_surface, Plane) self._periodic_surface = periodic_surface periodic_surface._periodic_surface = self
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): """Evaluate the surface equation at a given point. Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float The Cartesian coordinates, :math:`(x',y',z')`, at which the surface equation should be evaluated. Returns ------- float :math:`Ax' + By' + Cz' - d` """ x, y, z = point return self.a*x + self.b*y + self.c*z - self.d
def create_xml_subelement(self): element = super(Plane, self).create_xml_subelement() # Add periodic surface pair information if self.boundary_type == 'periodic': if self.periodic_surface is not None: element.set("periodic_surface_id", str( return element
[docs]class XPlane(Plane): """A plane perpendicular to the x axis of the form :math:`x - x_0 = 0` Parameters ---------- surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. Only axis-aligned periodicity is supported, i.e., x-planes can only be paired with x-planes. x0 : float, optional Location of the plane. Defaults to 0. name : str, optional Name of the plane. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. Attributes ---------- x0 : float Location of the plane boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. periodic_surface : openmc.Surface If a periodic boundary condition is used, the surface with which this one is periodic with coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ def __init__(self, surface_id=None, boundary_type='transmission', x0=0., name=''): super(XPlane, self).__init__(surface_id, boundary_type, name=name) self._type = 'x-plane' self._coeff_keys = ['x0'] self.x0 = x0 @property def x0(self): return self.coefficients['x0'] @x0.setter def x0(self, x0): check_type('x0 coefficient', x0, Real) self._coefficients['x0'] = x0
[docs] def bounding_box(self, side): """Determine an axis-aligned bounding box. An axis-aligned bounding box for surface half-spaces is represented by its lower-left and upper-right coordinates. For the x-plane surface, the half-spaces are unbounded in their y- and z- directions. To represent infinity, numpy.inf is used. Parameters ---------- side : {'+', '-'} Indicates the negative or positive half-space Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Lower-left coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space numpy.ndarray Upper-right coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space """ if side == '-': return (np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf]), np.array([self.x0, np.inf, np.inf])) elif side == '+': return (np.array([self.x0, -np.inf, -np.inf]), np.array([np.inf, np.inf, np.inf]))
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): """Evaluate the surface equation at a given point. Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float The Cartesian coordinates, :math:`(x',y',z')`, at which the surface equation should be evaluated. Returns ------- float :math:`x' - x_0` """ return point[0] - self.x0
[docs]class YPlane(Plane): """A plane perpendicular to the y axis of the form :math:`y - y_0 = 0` Parameters ---------- surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. Only axis-aligned periodicity is supported, i.e., x-planes can only be paired with x-planes. y0 : float, optional Location of the plane name : str, optional Name of the plane. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. Attributes ---------- y0 : float Location of the plane boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. periodic_surface : openmc.Surface If a periodic boundary condition is used, the surface with which this one is periodic with coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ def __init__(self, surface_id=None, boundary_type='transmission', y0=0., name=''): # Initialize YPlane class attributes super(YPlane, self).__init__(surface_id, boundary_type, name=name) self._type = 'y-plane' self._coeff_keys = ['y0'] self.y0 = y0 @property def y0(self): return self.coefficients['y0'] @y0.setter def y0(self, y0): check_type('y0 coefficient', y0, Real) self._coefficients['y0'] = y0
[docs] def bounding_box(self, side): """Determine an axis-aligned bounding box. An axis-aligned bounding box for surface half-spaces is represented by its lower-left and upper-right coordinates. For the y-plane surface, the half-spaces are unbounded in their x- and z- directions. To represent infinity, numpy.inf is used. Parameters ---------- side : {'+', '-'} Indicates the negative or positive half-space Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Lower-left coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space numpy.ndarray Upper-right coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space """ if side == '-': return (np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf]), np.array([np.inf, self.y0, np.inf])) elif side == '+': return (np.array([-np.inf, self.y0, -np.inf]), np.array([np.inf, np.inf, np.inf]))
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): """Evaluate the surface equation at a given point. Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float The Cartesian coordinates, :math:`(x',y',z')`, at which the surface equation should be evaluated. Returns ------- float :math:`y' - y_0` """ return point[1] - self.y0
[docs]class ZPlane(Plane): """A plane perpendicular to the z axis of the form :math:`z - z_0 = 0` Parameters ---------- surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. Only axis-aligned periodicity is supported, i.e., x-planes can only be paired with x-planes. z0 : float, optional Location of the plane. Defaults to 0. name : str, optional Name of the plane. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. Attributes ---------- z0 : float Location of the plane boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. periodic_surface : openmc.Surface If a periodic boundary condition is used, the surface with which this one is periodic with coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ def __init__(self, surface_id=None, boundary_type='transmission', z0=0., name=''): # Initialize ZPlane class attributes super(ZPlane, self).__init__(surface_id, boundary_type, name=name) self._type = 'z-plane' self._coeff_keys = ['z0'] self.z0 = z0 @property def z0(self): return self.coefficients['z0'] @z0.setter def z0(self, z0): check_type('z0 coefficient', z0, Real) self._coefficients['z0'] = z0
[docs] def bounding_box(self, side): """Determine an axis-aligned bounding box. An axis-aligned bounding box for surface half-spaces is represented by its lower-left and upper-right coordinates. For the z-plane surface, the half-spaces are unbounded in their x- and y- directions. To represent infinity, numpy.inf is used. Parameters ---------- side : {'+', '-'} Indicates the negative or positive half-space Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Lower-left coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space numpy.ndarray Upper-right coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space """ if side == '-': return (np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf]), np.array([np.inf, np.inf, self.z0])) elif side == '+': return (np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf, self.z0]), np.array([np.inf, np.inf, np.inf]))
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): """Evaluate the surface equation at a given point. Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float The Cartesian coordinates, :math:`(x',y',z')`, at which the surface equation should be evaluated. Returns ------- float :math:`z' - z_0` """ return point[2] - self.z0
class Cylinder(Surface): """A cylinder whose length is parallel to the x-, y-, or z-axis. Parameters ---------- surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. R : float, optional Radius of the cylinder. Defaults to 1. name : str, optional Name of the cylinder. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. Attributes ---------- r : float Radius of the cylinder boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, surface_id=None, boundary_type='transmission', R=1., name=''): super(Cylinder, self).__init__(surface_id, boundary_type, name=name) self._coeff_keys = ['R'] self.r = R @property def r(self): return self.coefficients['R'] @r.setter def r(self, R): check_type('R coefficient', R, Real) self._coefficients['R'] = R
[docs]class XCylinder(Cylinder): """An infinite cylinder whose length is parallel to the x-axis of the form :math:`(y - y_0)^2 + (z - z_0)^2 = R^2`. Parameters ---------- surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. y0 : float, optional y-coordinate of the center of the cylinder. Defaults to 0. z0 : float, optional z-coordinate of the center of the cylinder. Defaults to 0. R : float, optional Radius of the cylinder. Defaults to 0. name : str, optional Name of the cylinder. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. Attributes ---------- y0 : float y-coordinate of the center of the cylinder z0 : float z-coordinate of the center of the cylinder boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ def __init__(self, surface_id=None, boundary_type='transmission', y0=0., z0=0., R=1., name=''): super(XCylinder, self).__init__(surface_id, boundary_type, R, name=name) self._type = 'x-cylinder' self._coeff_keys = ['y0', 'z0', 'R'] self.y0 = y0 self.z0 = z0 @property def y0(self): return self.coefficients['y0'] @property def z0(self): return self.coefficients['z0'] @y0.setter def y0(self, y0): check_type('y0 coefficient', y0, Real) self._coefficients['y0'] = y0 @z0.setter def z0(self, z0): check_type('z0 coefficient', z0, Real) self._coefficients['z0'] = z0
[docs] def bounding_box(self, side): """Determine an axis-aligned bounding box. An axis-aligned bounding box for surface half-spaces is represented by its lower-left and upper-right coordinates. For the x-cylinder surface, the negative half-space is unbounded in the x- direction and the positive half-space is unbounded in all directions. To represent infinity, numpy.inf is used. Parameters ---------- side : {'+', '-'} Indicates the negative or positive half-space Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Lower-left coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space numpy.ndarray Upper-right coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space """ if side == '-': return (np.array([-np.inf, self.y0 - self.r, self.z0 - self.r]), np.array([np.inf, self.y0 + self.r, self.z0 + self.r])) elif side == '+': return (np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf]), np.array([np.inf, np.inf, np.inf]))
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): """Evaluate the surface equation at a given point. Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float The Cartesian coordinates, :math:`(x',y',z')`, at which the surface equation should be evaluated. Returns ------- float :math:`(y' - y_0)^2 + (z' - z_0)^2 - R^2` """ y = point[1] - self.y0 z = point[2] - self.z0 return y**2 + z**2 - self.r**2
[docs]class YCylinder(Cylinder): """An infinite cylinder whose length is parallel to the y-axis of the form :math:`(x - x_0)^2 + (z - z_0)^2 = R^2`. Parameters ---------- surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. x0 : float, optional x-coordinate of the center of the cylinder. Defaults to 0. z0 : float, optional z-coordinate of the center of the cylinder. Defaults to 0. R : float, optional Radius of the cylinder. Defaults to 1. name : str, optional Name of the cylinder. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. Attributes ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate of the center of the cylinder z0 : float z-coordinate of the center of the cylinder boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ def __init__(self, surface_id=None, boundary_type='transmission', x0=0., z0=0., R=1., name=''): super(YCylinder, self).__init__(surface_id, boundary_type, R, name=name) self._type = 'y-cylinder' self._coeff_keys = ['x0', 'z0', 'R'] self.x0 = x0 self.z0 = z0 @property def x0(self): return self.coefficients['x0'] @property def z0(self): return self.coefficients['z0'] @x0.setter def x0(self, x0): check_type('x0 coefficient', x0, Real) self._coefficients['x0'] = x0 @z0.setter def z0(self, z0): check_type('z0 coefficient', z0, Real) self._coefficients['z0'] = z0
[docs] def bounding_box(self, side): """Determine an axis-aligned bounding box. An axis-aligned bounding box for surface half-spaces is represented by its lower-left and upper-right coordinates. For the y-cylinder surface, the negative half-space is unbounded in the y- direction and the positive half-space is unbounded in all directions. To represent infinity, numpy.inf is used. Parameters ---------- side : {'+', '-'} Indicates the negative or positive half-space Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Lower-left coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space numpy.ndarray Upper-right coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space """ if side == '-': return (np.array([self.x0 - self.r, -np.inf, self.z0 - self.r]), np.array([self.x0 + self.r, np.inf, self.z0 + self.r])) elif side == '+': return (np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf]), np.array([np.inf, np.inf, np.inf]))
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): """Evaluate the surface equation at a given point. Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float The Cartesian coordinates, :math:`(x',y',z')`, at which the surface equation should be evaluated. Returns ------- float :math:`(x' - x_0)^2 + (z' - z_0)^2 - R^2` """ x = point[0] - self.x0 z = point[2] - self.z0 return x**2 + z**2 - self.r**2
[docs]class ZCylinder(Cylinder): """An infinite cylinder whose length is parallel to the z-axis of the form :math:`(x - x_0)^2 + (y - y_0)^2 = R^2`. Parameters ---------- surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. x0 : float, optional x-coordinate of the center of the cylinder. Defaults to 0. y0 : float, optional y-coordinate of the center of the cylinder. Defaults to 0. R : float, optional Radius of the cylinder. Defaults to 1. name : str, optional Name of the cylinder. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. Attributes ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate of the center of the cylinder y0 : float y-coordinate of the center of the cylinder boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ def __init__(self, surface_id=None, boundary_type='transmission', x0=0., y0=0., R=1., name=''): super(ZCylinder, self).__init__(surface_id, boundary_type, R, name=name) self._type = 'z-cylinder' self._coeff_keys = ['x0', 'y0', 'R'] self.x0 = x0 self.y0 = y0 @property def x0(self): return self.coefficients['x0'] @property def y0(self): return self.coefficients['y0'] @x0.setter def x0(self, x0): check_type('x0 coefficient', x0, Real) self._coefficients['x0'] = x0 @y0.setter def y0(self, y0): check_type('y0 coefficient', y0, Real) self._coefficients['y0'] = y0
[docs] def bounding_box(self, side): """Determine an axis-aligned bounding box. An axis-aligned bounding box for surface half-spaces is represented by its lower-left and upper-right coordinates. For the z-cylinder surface, the negative half-space is unbounded in the z- direction and the positive half-space is unbounded in all directions. To represent infinity, numpy.inf is used. Parameters ---------- side : {'+', '-'} Indicates the negative or positive half-space Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Lower-left coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space numpy.ndarray Upper-right coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space """ if side == '-': return (np.array([self.x0 - self.r, self.y0 - self.r, -np.inf]), np.array([self.x0 + self.r, self.y0 + self.r, np.inf])) elif side == '+': return (np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf]), np.array([np.inf, np.inf, np.inf]))
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): """Evaluate the surface equation at a given point. Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float The Cartesian coordinates, :math:`(x',y',z')`, at which the surface equation should be evaluated. Returns ------- float :math:`(x' - x_0)^2 + (y' - y_0)^2 - R^2` """ x = point[0] - self.x0 y = point[1] - self.y0 return x**2 + y**2 - self.r**2
[docs]class Sphere(Surface): """A sphere of the form :math:`(x - x_0)^2 + (y - y_0)^2 + (z - z_0)^2 = R^2`. Parameters ---------- surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. x0 : float, optional x-coordinate of the center of the sphere. Defaults to 0. y0 : float, optional y-coordinate of the center of the sphere. Defaults to 0. z0 : float, optional z-coordinate of the center of the sphere. Defaults to 0. R : float, optional Radius of the sphere. Defaults to 1. name : str, optional Name of the sphere. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. Attributes ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate of the center of the sphere y0 : float y-coordinate of the center of the sphere z0 : float z-coordinate of the center of the sphere R : float Radius of the sphere boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ def __init__(self, surface_id=None, boundary_type='transmission', x0=0., y0=0., z0=0., R=1., name=''): super(Sphere, self).__init__(surface_id, boundary_type, name=name) self._type = 'sphere' self._coeff_keys = ['x0', 'y0', 'z0', 'R'] self.x0 = x0 self.y0 = y0 self.z0 = z0 self.r = R @property def x0(self): return self.coefficients['x0'] @property def y0(self): return self.coefficients['y0'] @property def z0(self): return self.coefficients['z0'] @property def r(self): return self.coefficients['R'] @x0.setter def x0(self, x0): check_type('x0 coefficient', x0, Real) self._coefficients['x0'] = x0 @y0.setter def y0(self, y0): check_type('y0 coefficient', y0, Real) self._coefficients['y0'] = y0 @z0.setter def z0(self, z0): check_type('z0 coefficient', z0, Real) self._coefficients['z0'] = z0 @r.setter def r(self, R): check_type('R coefficient', R, Real) self._coefficients['R'] = R
[docs] def bounding_box(self, side): """Determine an axis-aligned bounding box. An axis-aligned bounding box for surface half-spaces is represented by its lower-left and upper-right coordinates. The positive half-space of a sphere is unbounded in all directions. To represent infinity, numpy.inf is used. Parameters ---------- side : {'+', '-'} Indicates the negative or positive half-space Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Lower-left coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space numpy.ndarray Upper-right coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for the desired half-space """ if side == '-': return (np.array([self.x0 - self.r, self.y0 - self.r, self.z0 - self.r]), np.array([self.x0 + self.r, self.y0 + self.r, self.z0 + self.r])) elif side == '+': return (np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf]), np.array([np.inf, np.inf, np.inf]))
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): """Evaluate the surface equation at a given point. Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float The Cartesian coordinates, :math:`(x',y',z')`, at which the surface equation should be evaluated. Returns ------- float :math:`(x' - x_0)^2 + (y' - y_0)^2 + (z' - z_0)^2 - R^2` """ x = point[0] - self.x0 y = point[1] - self.y0 z = point[2] - self.z0 return x**2 + y**2 + z**2 - self.r**2
[docs]class Cone(Surface): """A conical surface parallel to the x-, y-, or z-axis. Parameters ---------- surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. x0 : float, optional x-coordinate of the apex. Defaults to 0. y0 : float y-coordinate of the apex. Defaults to 0. z0 : float z-coordinate of the apex. Defaults to 0. R2 : float Parameter related to the aperature. Defaults to 1. name : str Name of the cone. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. Attributes ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate of the apex y0 : float y-coordinate of the apex z0 : float z-coordinate of the apex R2 : float Parameter related to the aperature boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, surface_id=None, boundary_type='transmission', x0=0., y0=0., z0=0., R2=1., name=''): super(Cone, self).__init__(surface_id, boundary_type, name=name) self._coeff_keys = ['x0', 'y0', 'z0', 'R2'] self.x0 = x0 self.y0 = y0 self.z0 = z0 self.r2 = R2 @property def x0(self): return self.coefficients['x0'] @property def y0(self): return self.coefficients['y0'] @property def z0(self): return self.coefficients['z0'] @property def r2(self): return self.coefficients['r2'] @x0.setter def x0(self, x0): check_type('x0 coefficient', x0, Real) self._coefficients['x0'] = x0 @y0.setter def y0(self, y0): check_type('y0 coefficient', y0, Real) self._coefficients['y0'] = y0 @z0.setter def z0(self, z0): check_type('z0 coefficient', z0, Real) self._coefficients['z0'] = z0 @r2.setter def r2(self, R2): check_type('R^2 coefficient', R2, Real) self._coefficients['R2'] = R2
[docs]class XCone(Cone): """A cone parallel to the x-axis of the form :math:`(y - y_0)^2 + (z - z_0)^2 = R^2 (x - x_0)^2`. Parameters ---------- surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. x0 : float, optional x-coordinate of the apex. Defaults to 0. y0 : float, optional y-coordinate of the apex. Defaults to 0. z0 : float, optional z-coordinate of the apex. Defaults to 0. R2 : float, optional Parameter related to the aperature. Defaults to 1. name : str, optional Name of the cone. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. Attributes ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate of the apex y0 : float y-coordinate of the apex z0 : float z-coordinate of the apex R2 : float Parameter related to the aperature boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ def __init__(self, surface_id=None, boundary_type='transmission', x0=0., y0=0., z0=0., R2=1., name=''): super(XCone, self).__init__(surface_id, boundary_type, x0, y0, z0, R2, name=name) self._type = 'x-cone'
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): """Evaluate the surface equation at a given point. Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float The Cartesian coordinates, :math:`(x',y',z')`, at which the surface equation should be evaluated. Returns ------- float :math:`(y' - y_0)^2 + (z' - z_0)^2 - R^2(x' - x_0)^2` """ x = point[0] - self.x0 y = point[1] - self.y0 z = point[2] - self.z0 return y**2 + z**2 - self.r2*x**2
[docs]class YCone(Cone): """A cone parallel to the y-axis of the form :math:`(x - x_0)^2 + (z - z_0)^2 = R^2 (y - y_0)^2`. Parameters ---------- surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. x0 : float, optional x-coordinate of the apex. Defaults to 0. y0 : float, optional y-coordinate of the apex. Defaults to 0. z0 : float, optional z-coordinate of the apex. Defaults to 0. R2 : float, optional Parameter related to the aperature. Defaults to 1. name : str, optional Name of the cone. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. Attributes ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate of the apex y0 : float y-coordinate of the apex z0 : float z-coordinate of the apex R2 : float Parameter related to the aperature boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ def __init__(self, surface_id=None, boundary_type='transmission', x0=0., y0=0., z0=0., R2=1., name=''): super(YCone, self).__init__(surface_id, boundary_type, x0, y0, z0, R2, name=name) self._type = 'y-cone'
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): """Evaluate the surface equation at a given point. Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float The Cartesian coordinates, :math:`(x',y',z')`, at which the surface equation should be evaluated. Returns ------- float :math:`(x' - x_0)^2 + (z' - z_0)^2 - R^2(y' - y_0)^2` """ x = point[0] - self.x0 y = point[1] - self.y0 z = point[2] - self.z0 return x**2 + z**2 - self.r2*y**2
[docs]class ZCone(Cone): """A cone parallel to the x-axis of the form :math:`(x - x_0)^2 + (y - y_0)^2 = R^2 (z - z_0)^2`. Parameters ---------- surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. x0 : float, optional x-coordinate of the apex. Defaults to 0. y0 : float, optional y-coordinate of the apex. Defaults to 0. z0 : float, optional z-coordinate of the apex. Defaults to 0. R2 : float, optional Parameter related to the aperature. Defaults to 1. name : str, optional Name of the cone. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. Attributes ---------- x0 : float x-coordinate of the apex y0 : float y-coordinate of the apex z0 : float z-coordinate of the apex R2 : float Parameter related to the aperature boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ def __init__(self, surface_id=None, boundary_type='transmission', x0=0., y0=0., z0=0., R2=1., name=''): super(ZCone, self).__init__(surface_id, boundary_type, x0, y0, z0, R2, name=name) self._type = 'z-cone'
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): """Evaluate the surface equation at a given point. Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float The Cartesian coordinates, :math:`(x',y',z')`, at which the surface equation should be evaluated. Returns ------- float :math:`(x' - x_0)^2 + (y' - y_0)^2 - R^2(z' - z_0)^2` """ x = point[0] - self.x0 y = point[1] - self.y0 z = point[2] - self.z0 return x**2 + y**2 - self.r2*z**2
[docs]class Quadric(Surface): """A surface of the form :math:`Ax^2 + By^2 + Cz^2 + Dxy + Eyz + Fxz + Gx + Hy + Jz + K = 0`. Parameters ---------- surface_id : int, optional Unique identifier for the surface. If not specified, an identifier will automatically be assigned. boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic'}, optional Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. Defaults to transmissive boundary condition where particles freely pass through the surface. a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k : float, optional coefficients for the surface. All default to 0. name : str, optional Name of the sphere. If not specified, the name will be the empty string. Attributes ---------- a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k : float coefficients for the surface boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surface. coefficients : dict Dictionary of surface coefficients id : int Unique identifier for the surface name : str Name of the surface type : str Type of the surface """ def __init__(self, surface_id=None, boundary_type='transmission', a=0., b=0., c=0., d=0., e=0., f=0., g=0., h=0., j=0., k=0., name=''): super(Quadric, self).__init__(surface_id, boundary_type, name=name) self._type = 'quadric' self._coeff_keys = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k'] self.a = a self.b = b self.c = c self.d = d self.e = e self.f = f self.g = g self.h = h self.j = j self.k = k @property def a(self): return self.coefficients['a'] @property def b(self): return self.coefficients['b'] @property def c(self): return self.coefficients['c'] @property def d(self): return self.coefficients['d'] @property def e(self): return self.coefficients['e'] @property def f(self): return self.coefficients['f'] @property def g(self): return self.coefficients['g'] @property def h(self): return self.coefficients['h'] @property def j(self): return self.coefficients['j'] @property def k(self): return self.coefficients['k'] @a.setter def a(self, a): check_type('a coefficient', a, Real) self._coefficients['a'] = a @b.setter def b(self, b): check_type('b coefficient', b, Real) self._coefficients['b'] = b @c.setter def c(self, c): check_type('c coefficient', c, Real) self._coefficients['c'] = c @d.setter def d(self, d): check_type('d coefficient', d, Real) self._coefficients['d'] = d @e.setter def e(self, e): check_type('e coefficient', e, Real) self._coefficients['e'] = e @f.setter def f(self, f): check_type('f coefficient', f, Real) self._coefficients['f'] = f @g.setter def g(self, g): check_type('g coefficient', g, Real) self._coefficients['g'] = g @h.setter def h(self, h): check_type('h coefficient', h, Real) self._coefficients['h'] = h @j.setter def j(self, j): check_type('j coefficient', j, Real) self._coefficients['j'] = j @k.setter def k(self, k): check_type('k coefficient', k, Real) self._coefficients['k'] = k
[docs] def evaluate(self, point): """Evaluate the surface equation at a given point. Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float The Cartesian coordinates, :math:`(x',y',z')`, at which the surface equation should be evaluated. Returns ------- float :math:`Ax'^2 + By'^2 + Cz'^2 + Dx'y' + Ey'z' + Fx'z' + Gx' + Hy' + Jz' + K = 0` """ x, y, z = point return x*(self.a*x + self.d*y + self.g) + \ y*(self.b*y + self.e*z + self.h) + \ z*(self.c*z + self.f*x + self.j) + self.k
[docs]class Halfspace(Region): """A positive or negative half-space region. A half-space is either of the two parts into which a two-dimension surface divides the three-dimensional Euclidean space. If the equation of the surface is :math:`f(x,y,z) = 0`, the region for which :math:`f(x,y,z) < 0` is referred to as the negative half-space and the region for which :math:`f(x,y,z) > 0` is referred to as the positive half-space. Instances of Halfspace are generally not instantiated directly. Rather, they can be created from an existing Surface through the __neg__ and __pos__ operators, as the following example demonstrates: >>> sphere = openmc.Sphere(surface_id=1, R=10.0) >>> inside_sphere = -sphere >>> outside_sphere = +sphere >>> type(inside_sphere) <class 'openmc.surface.Halfspace'> Parameters ---------- surface : openmc.Surface Surface which divides Euclidean space. side : {'+', '-'} Indicates whether the positive or negative half-space is used. Attributes ---------- surface : openmc.Surface Surface which divides Euclidean space. side : {'+', '-'} Indicates whether the positive or negative half-space is used. bounding_box : tuple of numpy.ndarray Lower-left and upper-right coordinates of an axis-aligned bounding box """ def __init__(self, surface, side): self.surface = surface self.side = side def __invert__(self): return -self.surface if self.side == '+' else +self.surface def __contains__(self, point): """Check whether a point is contained in the half-space. Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float Cartesian coordinates, :math:`(x',y',z')`, of the point Returns ------- bool Whether the point is in the half-space """ val = self.surface.evaluate(point) return val >= 0. if self.side == '+' else val < 0. @property def surface(self): return self._surface @surface.setter def surface(self, surface): check_type('surface', surface, Surface) self._surface = surface @property def side(self): return self._side @side.setter def side(self, side): check_value('side', side, ('+', '-')) self._side = side @property def bounding_box(self): return self.surface.bounding_box(self.side) def __str__(self): return '-' + str( if self.side == '-' \ else str(
[docs]def make_hexagon_region(edge_length=1., orientation='y'): """Create a hexagon region from six surface planes. Parameters ---------- edge_length : float Length of a side of the hexagon in cm orientation : {'x', 'y'} An 'x' orientation means that two sides of the hexagon are parallel to the x-axis and a 'y' orientation means that two sides of the hexagon are parallel to the y-axis. Returns ------- openmc.Region The inside of a hexagonal prism """ l = edge_length if orientation == 'y': right = XPlane(x0=sqrt(3.)/2.*l) left = XPlane(x0=-sqrt(3.)/2.*l) c = sqrt(3.)/3. upper_right = Plane(A=c, B=1., D=l) # y = -x/sqrt(3) + a upper_left = Plane(A=-c, B=1., D=l) # y = x/sqrt(3) + a lower_right = Plane(A=-c, B=1., D=-l) # y = x/sqrt(3) - a lower_left = Plane(A=c, B=1., D=-l) # y = -x/sqrt(3) - a return Intersection(-right, +left, -upper_right, -upper_left, +lower_right, +lower_left) elif orientation == 'x': top = YPlane(y0=sqrt(3.)/2.*l) bottom = YPlane(y0=-sqrt(3.)/2.*l) c = sqrt(3.) upper_right = Plane(A=c, B=1., D=c*l) # y = -sqrt(3)*(x - a) lower_right = Plane(A=-c, B=1., D=-c*l) # y = sqrt(3)*(x + a) lower_left = Plane(A=c, B=1., D=-c*l) # y = -sqrt(3)*(x + a) upper_left = Plane(A=-c, B=1., D=c*l) # y = sqrt(3)*(x + a) return Intersection(-top, +bottom, -upper_right, +lower_right, +lower_left, -upper_left)