Source code for openmc.filter

from collections import Iterable, OrderedDict
import copy
from numbers import Real, Integral
import sys

import numpy as np

from openmc import Mesh
import openmc.checkvalue as cv

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    basestring = str

_FILTER_TYPES = ['universe', 'material', 'cell', 'cellborn', 'surface',
                 'mesh', 'energy', 'energyout', 'mu', 'polar', 'azimuthal',
                 'distribcell', 'delayedgroup']

[docs]class Filter(object): """A filter used to constrain a tally to a specific criterion, e.g. only tally events when the particle is in a certain cell and energy range. Parameters ---------- type : str The type of the tally filter. Acceptable values are "universe", "material", "cell", "cellborn", "surface", "mesh", "energy", "energyout", "distribcell", "mu", "polar", "azimuthal", and "delayedgroup". bins : Integral or Iterable of Integral or Iterable of Real The bins for the filter. This takes on different meaning for different filters. See the OpenMC online documentation for more details. Attributes ---------- type : str The type of the tally filter bins : Integral or Iterable of Real The bins for the filter num_bins : Integral The number of filter bins mesh : openmc.Mesh or None A Mesh object for 'mesh' type filters. stride : Integral The number of filter, nuclide and score bins within each of this filter's bins. distribcell_paths : list of str The paths traversed through the CSG tree to reach each distribcell instance (for 'distribcell' filters only) """ # Initialize Filter class attributes def __init__(self, type=None, bins=None): self._type = None self._num_bins = 0 self._bins = None self._mesh = None self._stride = None self._distribcell_paths = None if type is not None: self.type = type if bins is not None: self.bins = bins def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Filter): return False elif self.type != other.type: return False elif len(self.bins) != len(other.bins): return False elif not np.allclose(self.bins, other.bins): return False else: return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __gt__(self, other): if self.type != other.type: if self.type in _FILTER_TYPES and other.type in _FILTER_TYPES: delta = _FILTER_TYPES.index(self.type) - \ _FILTER_TYPES.index(other.type) return delta > 0 else: return False else: # Compare largest/smallest energy bin edges in energy filters # This logic is used when merging tallies with energy filters if 'energy' in self.type and 'energy' in other.type: return self.bins[0] >= other.bins[-1] else: return max(self.bins) > max(other.bins) def __lt__(self, other): return not self > other def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) def __repr__(self): string = 'Filter\n' string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tType', '=\t', self.type) string += '{0: <16}{1}{2}\n'.format('\tBins', '=\t', self.bins) return string @property def type(self): return self._type @property def bins(self): return self._bins @property def num_bins(self): if self.bins is None: return 0 elif self.type in ['energy', 'energyout']: return len(self.bins) - 1 elif self.type in ['cell', 'cellborn', 'surface', 'universe', 'material']: return len(self.bins) else: return self._num_bins @property def mesh(self): return self._mesh @property def stride(self): return self._stride @property def distribcell_paths(self): return self._distribcell_paths @type.setter def type(self, type): if type is None: self._type = type elif type not in _FILTER_TYPES: msg = 'Unable to set Filter type to "{0}" since it is not one ' \ 'of the supported types'.format(type) raise ValueError(msg) self._type = type @bins.setter def bins(self, bins): if self.type is None: msg = 'Unable to set bins for Filter to "{0}" since ' \ 'the Filter type has not yet been set'.format(bins) raise ValueError(msg) # If the bin edge is a single value, it is a Cell, Material, etc. ID if not isinstance(bins, Iterable): bins = [bins] # If the bins are in a collection, convert it to a list else: bins = list(bins) if self.type in ['cell', 'cellborn', 'surface', 'material', 'universe', 'distribcell', 'delayedgroup']: cv.check_iterable_type('filter bins', bins, Integral) for edge in bins: cv.check_greater_than('filter bin', edge, 0, equality=True) elif self.type in ['energy', 'energyout']: for edge in bins: if not isinstance(edge, Real): msg = 'Unable to add bin edge "{0}" to a "{1}" Filter ' \ 'since it is a non-integer or floating point ' \ 'value'.format(edge, self.type) raise ValueError(msg) elif edge < 0.: msg = 'Unable to add bin edge "{0}" to a "{1}" Filter ' \ 'since it is a negative value'.format(edge, self.type) raise ValueError(msg) # Check that bin edges are monotonically increasing for index in range(len(bins)): if index > 0 and bins[index] < bins[index-1]: msg = 'Unable to add bin edges "{0}" to a "{1}" Filter ' \ 'since they are not monotonically ' \ 'increasing'.format(bins, self.type) raise ValueError(msg) # mesh filters elif self.type == 'mesh': if not len(bins) == 1: msg = 'Unable to add bins "{0}" to a mesh Filter since ' \ 'only a single mesh can be used per tally'.format(bins) raise ValueError(msg) elif not isinstance(bins[0], Integral): msg = 'Unable to add bin "{0}" to mesh Filter since it ' \ 'is a non-integer'.format(bins[0]) raise ValueError(msg) elif bins[0] < 0: msg = 'Unable to add bin "{0}" to mesh Filter since it ' \ 'is a negative integer'.format(bins[0]) raise ValueError(msg) # If all error checks passed, add bin edges self._bins = np.array(bins) @num_bins.setter def num_bins(self, num_bins): cv.check_type('filter num_bins', num_bins, Integral) cv.check_greater_than('filter num_bins', num_bins, 0, equality=True) self._num_bins = num_bins @mesh.setter def mesh(self, mesh): cv.check_type('filter mesh', mesh, Mesh) self._mesh = mesh self.type = 'mesh' self.bins = @stride.setter def stride(self, stride): cv.check_type('filter stride', stride, Integral) if stride < 0: msg = 'Unable to set stride "{0}" for a "{1}" Filter since it ' \ 'is a negative value'.format(stride, self.type) raise ValueError(msg) self._stride = stride @distribcell_paths.setter def distribcell_paths(self, distribcell_paths): cv.check_iterable_type('distribcell_paths', distribcell_paths, str) self._distribcell_paths = distribcell_paths
[docs] def can_merge(self, other): """Determine if filter can be merged with another. Parameters ---------- other : openmc.Filter Filter to compare with Returns ------- bool Whether the filter can be merged """ if not isinstance(other, Filter): return False # Filters must be of the same type if self.type != other.type: return False # Distribcell filters cannot have more than one bin if self.type == 'distribcell': return False # Mesh filters cannot have more than one bin elif self.type == 'mesh': return False # Different energy bins structures must be mutually exclusive and # share only one shared bin edge at the minimum or maximum energy elif 'energy' in self.type: # This low energy edge coincides with other's high energy edge if self.bins[0] == other.bins[-1]: return True # This high energy edge coincides with other's low energy edge elif self.bins[-1] == other.bins[0]: return True else: return False else: return True
[docs] def merge(self, other): """Merge this filter with another. Parameters ---------- other : openmc.Filter Filter to merge with Returns ------- merged_filter : openmc.Filter Filter resulting from the merge """ if not self.can_merge(other): msg = 'Unable to merge "{0}" with "{1}" ' \ 'filters'.format(self.type, other.type) raise ValueError(msg) # Create deep copy of filter to return as merged filter merged_filter = copy.deepcopy(self) # Merge unique filter bins merged_bins = np.concatenate((self.bins, other.bins)) merged_bins = np.unique(merged_bins) # Sort energy bin edges if 'energy' in self.type: merged_bins = sorted(merged_bins) # Assign merged bins to merged filter merged_filter.bins = list(merged_bins) # Count bins in the merged filter if 'energy' in merged_filter.type: merged_filter.num_bins = len(merged_bins) - 1 else: merged_filter.num_bins = len(merged_bins) return merged_filter
[docs] def is_subset(self, other): """Determine if another filter is a subset of this filter. If all of the bins in the other filter are included as bins in this filter, then it is a subset of this filter. Parameters ---------- other : openmc.Filter The filter to query as a subset of this filter Returns ------- bool Whether or not the other filter is a subset of this filter """ if not isinstance(other, Filter): return False elif self.type != other.type: return False elif self.type in ['energy', 'energyout']: if len(self.bins) != len(other.bins): return False else: return np.allclose(self.bins, other.bins) for bin in other.bins: if bin not in self.bins: return False return True
[docs] def get_bin_index(self, filter_bin): """Returns the index in the Filter for some bin. Parameters ---------- filter_bin : Integral or tuple The bin is the integer ID for 'material', 'surface', 'cell', 'cellborn', and 'universe' Filters. The bin is an integer for the cell instance ID for 'distribcell' Filters. The bin is a 2-tuple of floats for 'energy' and 'energyout' filters corresponding to the energy boundaries of the bin of interest. The bin is an (x,y,z) 3-tuple for 'mesh' filters corresponding to the mesh cell interest. Returns ------- filter_index : Integral The index in the Tally data array for this filter bin. See also -------- Filter.get_bin() """ try: # Filter bins for a mesh are an (x,y,z) tuple if self.type == 'mesh': # Convert (x,y,z) to a single bin -- this is similar to # subroutine mesh_indices_to_bin in openmc/src/mesh.F90. if len(self.mesh.dimension) == 3: nx, ny, nz = self.mesh.dimension val = (filter_bin[0] - 1) * ny * nz + \ (filter_bin[1] - 1) * nz + \ (filter_bin[2] - 1) else: nx, ny = self.mesh.dimension val = (filter_bin[0] - 1) * ny + \ (filter_bin[1] - 1) filter_index = val # Use lower energy bound to find index for energy Filters elif self.type in ['energy', 'energyout']: deltas = np.abs(self.bins - filter_bin[1]) / filter_bin[1] min_delta = np.min(deltas) if min_delta < 1E-3: filter_index = deltas.argmin() - 1 else: raise ValueError # Filter bins for distribcells are "IDs" of each unique placement # of the Cell in the Geometry (integers starting at 0) elif self.type == 'distribcell': filter_index = filter_bin # Use ID for all other Filters (e.g., material, cell, etc.) else: val = np.where(self.bins == filter_bin)[0][0] filter_index = val except ValueError: msg = 'Unable to get the bin index for Filter since "{0}" ' \ 'is not one of the bins'.format(filter_bin) raise ValueError(msg) return filter_index
[docs] def get_bin(self, bin_index): """Returns the filter bin for some filter bin index. Parameters ---------- bin_index : Integral The zero-based index into the filter's array of bins. The bin index for 'material', 'surface', 'cell', 'cellborn', and 'universe' filters corresponds to the ID in the filter's list of bins. For 'distribcell' tallies the bin index necessarily can only be zero since only one cell can be tracked per tally. The bin index for 'energy' and 'energyout' filters corresponds to the energy range of interest in the filter bins of energies. The bin index for 'mesh' filters is the index into the flattened array of (x,y) or (x,y,z) mesh cell bins. Returns ------- bin : 1-, 2-, or 3-tuple of Real The bin in the Tally data array. The bin for 'material', surface', 'cell', 'cellborn', 'universe' and 'distribcell' filters is a 1-tuple of the ID corresponding to the appropriate filter bin. The bin for 'energy' and 'energyout' filters is a 2-tuple of the lower and upper energies bounding the energy interval for the filter bin. The bin for 'mesh' tallies is a 2-tuple or 3-tuple of the x,y or x,y,z mesh cell indices corresponding to the bin in a 2D/3D mesh. See also -------- Filter.get_bin_index() """ cv.check_type('bin_index', bin_index, Integral) cv.check_greater_than('bin_index', bin_index, 0, equality=True) cv.check_less_than('bin_index', bin_index, self.num_bins) if self.type == 'mesh': # Construct 3-tuple of x,y,z cell indices for a 3D mesh if len(self.mesh.dimension) == 3: nx, ny, nz = self.mesh.dimension x = bin_index / (ny * nz) y = (bin_index - (x * ny * nz)) / nz z = bin_index - (x * ny * nz) - (y * nz) filter_bin = (x, y, z) # Construct 2-tuple of x,y cell indices for a 2D mesh else: nx, ny = self.mesh.dimension x = bin_index / ny y = bin_index - (x * ny) filter_bin = (x, y) # Construct 2-tuple of lower, upper energies for energy(out) filters elif self.type in ['energy', 'energyout']: filter_bin = (self.bins[bin_index], self.bins[bin_index+1]) # Construct 1-tuple of with the cell ID for distribcell filters elif self.type == 'distribcell': filter_bin = (self.bins[0],) # Construct 1-tuple with domain ID (e.g., material) for other filters else: filter_bin = (self.bins[bin_index],) return filter_bin
[docs] def get_pandas_dataframe(self, data_size, distribcell_paths=True): """Builds a Pandas DataFrame for the Filter's bins. This method constructs a Pandas DataFrame object for the filter with columns annotated by filter bin information. This is a helper method for :meth:`Tally.get_pandas_dataframe`. This capability has been tested for Pandas >=0.13.1. However, it is recommended to use v0.16 or newer versions of Pandas since this method uses Pandas' Multi-index functionality. Parameters ---------- data_size : Integral The total number of bins in the tally corresponding to this filter distribcell_paths : bool, optional Construct columns for distribcell tally filters (default is True). The geometric information in the Summary object is embedded into a Multi-index column with a geometric "path" to each distribcell instance. NOTE: This option assumes that all distribcell paths are of the same length and do not have the same universes and cells but different lattice cell indices. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A Pandas DataFrame with columns of strings that characterize the filter's bins. The number of rows in the DataFrame is the same as the total number of bins in the corresponding tally, with the filter bin appropriately tiled to map to the corresponding tally bins. For 'cell', 'cellborn', 'surface', 'material', and 'universe' filters, the DataFrame includes a single column with the cell, surface, material or universe ID corresponding to each filter bin. For 'distribcell' filters, the DataFrame either includes: 1. a single column with the cell instance IDs (without summary info) 2. separate columns for the cell IDs, universe IDs, and lattice IDs and x,y,z cell indices corresponding to each (distribcell paths). For 'energy' and 'energyout' filters, the DataFrame includes one column for the lower energy bound and one column for the upper energy bound for each filter bin. For 'mesh' filters, the DataFrame includes three columns for the x,y,z mesh cell indices corresponding to each filter bin. Raises ------ ImportError When Pandas is not installed See also -------- Tally.get_pandas_dataframe(), CrossFilter.get_pandas_dataframe() """ # Initialize Pandas DataFrame import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame() # mesh filters if self.type == 'mesh': # Initialize dictionary to build Pandas Multi-index column filter_dict = {} # Append Mesh ID as outermost index of mult-index mesh_key = 'mesh {0}'.format( # Find mesh dimensions - use 3D indices for simplicity if len(self.mesh.dimension) == 3: nx, ny, nz = self.mesh.dimension else: nx, ny = self.mesh.dimension nz = 1 # Generate multi-index sub-column for x-axis filter_bins = np.arange(1, nx+1) repeat_factor = ny * nz * self.stride filter_bins = np.repeat(filter_bins, repeat_factor) tile_factor = data_size / len(filter_bins) filter_bins = np.tile(filter_bins, tile_factor) filter_dict[(mesh_key, 'x')] = filter_bins # Generate multi-index sub-column for y-axis filter_bins = np.arange(1, ny+1) repeat_factor = nz * self.stride filter_bins = np.repeat(filter_bins, repeat_factor) tile_factor = data_size / len(filter_bins) filter_bins = np.tile(filter_bins, tile_factor) filter_dict[(mesh_key, 'y')] = filter_bins # Generate multi-index sub-column for z-axis filter_bins = np.arange(1, nz+1) repeat_factor = self.stride filter_bins = np.repeat(filter_bins, repeat_factor) tile_factor = data_size / len(filter_bins) filter_bins = np.tile(filter_bins, tile_factor) filter_dict[(mesh_key, 'z')] = filter_bins # Initialize a Pandas DataFrame from the mesh dictionary df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(filter_dict)]) # distribcell filters elif self.type == 'distribcell': level_df = None # Create Pandas Multi-index columns for each level in CSG tree if distribcell_paths: # Distribcell paths require linked metadata from the Summary if self.distribcell_paths is None: msg = 'Unable to construct distribcell paths since ' \ 'the Summary is not linked to the StatePoint' raise ValueError(msg) # Make copy of array of distribcell paths to use in # Pandas Multi-index column construction distribcell_paths = copy.deepcopy(self.distribcell_paths) num_offsets = len(distribcell_paths) # Loop over CSG levels in the distribcell paths level_counter = 0 levels_remain = True while levels_remain: # Use level key as first index in Pandas Multi-index column level_counter += 1 level_key = 'level {}'.format(level_counter) # Use the first distribcell path to determine if level # is a universe/cell or lattice level first_path = distribcell_paths[0] next_index = first_path.index('-') level = first_path[:next_index] # Trim universe/lattice info from path first_path = first_path[next_index+2:] # Create a dictionary for this level for Pandas Multi-index level_dict = OrderedDict() # This level is a lattice (e.g., ID(x,y,z)) if '(' in level: level_type = 'lattice' # Initialize prefix Multi-index keys lat_id_key = (level_key, 'lat', 'id') lat_x_key = (level_key, 'lat', 'x') lat_y_key = (level_key, 'lat', 'y') lat_z_key = (level_key, 'lat', 'z') # Allocate NumPy arrays for each CSG level and # each Multi-index column in the DataFrame level_dict[lat_id_key] = np.empty(num_offsets) level_dict[lat_x_key] = np.empty(num_offsets) level_dict[lat_y_key] = np.empty(num_offsets) level_dict[lat_z_key] = np.empty(num_offsets) # This level is a universe / cell (e.g., ID->ID) else: level_type = 'universe' # Initialize prefix Multi-index keys univ_key = (level_key, 'univ', 'id') cell_key = (level_key, 'cell', 'id') # Allocate NumPy arrays for each CSG level and # each Multi-index column in the DataFrame level_dict[univ_key] = np.empty(num_offsets) level_dict[cell_key] = np.empty(num_offsets) # Determine any levels remain in path if '-' not in first_path: levels_remain = False # Populate Multi-index arrays with all distribcell paths for i, path in enumerate(distribcell_paths): if level_type == 'lattice': # Extract lattice ID, indices from path next_index = path.index('-') lat_id_indices = path[:next_index] # Trim lattice info from distribcell path distribcell_paths[i] = path[next_index+2:] # Extract the lattice cell indices from the path i1 = lat_id_indices.index('(') i2 = lat_id_indices.index(')') i3 = lat_id_indices[i1+1:i2] # Assign entry to Lattice Multi-index column level_dict[lat_id_key][i] = path[:i1] level_dict[lat_x_key][i] = int(i3.split(',')[0]) - 1 level_dict[lat_y_key][i] = int(i3.split(',')[1]) - 1 level_dict[lat_z_key][i] = int(i3.split(',')[2]) - 1 else: # Extract universe ID from path next_index = path.index('-') universe_id = int(path[:next_index]) # Trim universe info from distribcell path path = path[next_index+2:] # Extract cell ID from path if '-' in path: next_index = path.index('-') cell_id = int(path[:next_index]) distribcell_paths[i] = path[next_index+2:] else: cell_id = int(path) distribcell_paths[i] = '' # Assign entry to Universe, Cell Multi-index columns level_dict[univ_key][i] = universe_id level_dict[cell_key][i] = cell_id # Tile the Multi-index columns for level_key, level_bins in level_dict.items(): level_bins = np.repeat(level_bins, self.stride) tile_factor = data_size / len(level_bins) level_bins = np.tile(level_bins, tile_factor) level_dict[level_key] = level_bins # Initialize a Pandas DataFrame from the level dictionary if level_df is None: level_df = pd.DataFrame(level_dict) else: level_df = pd.concat([level_df, pd.DataFrame(level_dict)], axis=1) # Create DataFrame column for distribcell instance IDs # NOTE: This is performed regardless of whether the user # requests Summary geometric information filter_bins = np.arange(self.num_bins) filter_bins = np.repeat(filter_bins, self.stride) tile_factor = data_size / len(filter_bins) filter_bins = np.tile(filter_bins, tile_factor) df = pd.DataFrame({self.type : filter_bins}) # If OpenCG level info DataFrame was created, concatenate # with DataFrame of distribcell instance IDs if level_df is not None: level_df = level_df.dropna(axis=1, how='all') level_df = level_df.astype( df = pd.concat([level_df, df], axis=1) # energy, energyout filters elif 'energy' in self.type: # Extract the lower and upper energy bounds, then repeat and tile # them as necessary to account for other filters. lo_bins = np.repeat(self.bins[:-1], self.stride) hi_bins = np.repeat(self.bins[1:], self.stride) tile_factor = data_size / len(lo_bins) lo_bins = np.tile(lo_bins, tile_factor) hi_bins = np.tile(hi_bins, tile_factor) # Add the new energy columns to the DataFrame. df.loc[:, self.type + ' low [MeV]'] = lo_bins df.loc[:, self.type + ' high [MeV]'] = hi_bins elif self.type in ('azimuthal', 'polar'): # Extract the lower and upper angle bounds, then repeat and tile # them as necessary to account for other filters. lo_bins = np.repeat(self.bins[:-1], self.stride) hi_bins = np.repeat(self.bins[1:], self.stride) tile_factor = data_size / len(lo_bins) lo_bins = np.tile(lo_bins, tile_factor) hi_bins = np.tile(hi_bins, tile_factor) # Add the new angle columns to the DataFrame. df.loc[:, self.type + ' low'] = lo_bins df.loc[:, self.type + ' high'] = hi_bins # universe, material, surface, cell, and cellborn filters else: filter_bins = np.repeat(self.bins, self.stride) tile_factor = data_size / len(filter_bins) filter_bins = np.tile(filter_bins, tile_factor) filter_bins = filter_bins df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame({self.type : filter_bins})]) return df