Source code for openmc.executor

from __future__ import print_function
import subprocess
from numbers import Integral
import sys

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    basestring = str

def _run(command, output, cwd):
    # Launch a subprocess
    p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
                         stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)

    # Capture and re-print OpenMC output in real-time
    while True:
        # If OpenMC is finished, break loop
        line = p.stdout.readline()
        if not line and p.poll() != None:

        # If user requested output, print to screen
        if output:
            print(line, end='')

    # Return the returncode (integer, zero if no problems encountered)
    return p.returncode

[docs]def plot_geometry(output=True, openmc_exec='openmc', cwd='.'): """Run OpenMC in plotting mode Parameters ---------- output : bool Capture OpenMC output from standard out openmc_exec : str Path to OpenMC executable cwd : str, optional Path to working directory to run in. Defaults to the current working directory. """ return _run(openmc_exec + ' -p', output, cwd)
[docs]def run(particles=None, threads=None, geometry_debug=False, restart_file=None, tracks=False, mpi_procs=1, output=True, openmc_exec='openmc', mpi_exec='mpiexec', cwd='.'): """Run an OpenMC simulation. Parameters ---------- particles : int, optional Number of particles to simulate per generation. threads : int, optional Number of OpenMP threads. If OpenMC is compiled with OpenMP threading enabled, the default is implementation-dependent but is usually equal to the number of hardware threads available (or a value set by the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable). geometry_debug : bool, optional Turn on geometry debugging during simulation. Defaults to False. restart_file : str, optional Path to restart file to use tracks : bool, optional Write tracks for all particles. Defaults to False. mpi_procs : int, optional Number of MPI processes. output : bool, optional Capture OpenMC output from standard out. Defaults to True. openmc_exec : str, optional Path to OpenMC executable. Defaults to 'openmc'. mpi_exec : str, optional MPI execute command. Defaults to 'mpiexec'. cwd : str, optional Path to working directory to run in. Defaults to the current working directory. """ post_args = ' ' pre_args = '' if isinstance(particles, Integral) and particles > 0: post_args += '-n {0} '.format(particles) if isinstance(threads, Integral) and threads > 0: post_args += '-s {0} '.format(threads) if geometry_debug: post_args += '-g ' if isinstance(restart_file, basestring): post_args += '-r {0} '.format(restart_file) if tracks: post_args += '-t' if isinstance(mpi_procs, Integral) and mpi_procs > 1: pre_args += '{} -n {} '.format(mpi_exec, mpi_procs) command = pre_args + openmc_exec + ' ' + post_args return _run(command, output, cwd)