Source code for

from collections import Callable
from numbers import Real

import scipy.optimize as sopt

import openmc
import openmc.model
import openmc.checkvalue as cv

_SCALAR_BRACKETED_METHODS = ['brentq', 'brenth', 'ridder', 'bisect']

def _search_keff(guess, target, model_builder, model_args, print_iterations,
                 print_output, guesses, results):
    """Function which will actually create our model, run the calculation, and
    obtain the result. This function will be passed to the root finding

    guess : Real
        Current guess for the parameter to be searched in `model_builder`.
    target_keff : Real
        Value to search for
    model_builder : collections.Callable
        Callable function which builds a model according to a passed
        parameter. This function must return an openmc.model.Model object.
    model_args : dict
        Keyword-based arguments to pass to the `model_builder` method.
    print_iterations : bool
        Whether or not to print the guess and the resultant keff during the
        iteration process.
    print_output : bool
        Whether or not to print the OpenMC output during the iterations.
    guesses : Iterable of Real
        Running list of guesses thus far, to be updated during the execution of
        this function.
    results : Iterable of Real
        Running list of results thus far, to be updated during the execution of
        this function.

        Value of the model for the current guess compared to the target value.


    # Build the model
    model = model_builder(guess, **model_args)

    # Run the model and obtain keff
    keff =

    # Record the history

    if print_iterations:
        text = 'Iteration: {}; Guess of {:.2e} produced a keff of ' + \
            '{:1.5f} +/- {:1.5f}'
        print(text.format(len(guesses), guess, keff[0], keff[1]))

    return (keff[0] - target)

[docs]def search_for_keff(model_builder, initial_guess=None, target=1.0, bracket=None, model_args=None, tol=None, bracketed_method='bisect', print_iterations=False, print_output=False, **kwargs): """Function to perform a keff search by modifying a model parametrized by a single independent variable. Parameters ---------- model_builder : collections.Callable Callable function which builds a model according to a passed parameter. This function must return an openmc.model.Model object. initial_guess : Real, optional Initial guess for the parameter to be searched in `model_builder`. One of `guess` or `bracket` must be provided. target : Real, optional keff value to search for, defaults to 1.0. bracket : None or Iterable of Real, optional Bracketing interval to search for the solution; if not provided, a generic non-bracketing method is used. If provided, the brackets are used. Defaults to no brackets provided. One of `guess` or `bracket` must be provided. If both are provided, the bracket will be preferentially used. model_args : dict, optional Keyword-based arguments to pass to the `model_builder` method. Defaults to no arguments. tol : float Tolerance to pass to the search method bracketed_method : {'brentq', 'brenth', 'ridder', 'bisect'}, optional Solution method to use; only applies if `bracket` is set, otherwise the Secant method is used. Defaults to 'bisect'. print_iterations : bool Whether or not to print the guess and the result during the iteration process. Defaults to False. print_output : bool Whether or not to print the OpenMC output during the iterations. Defaults to False. **kwargs All remaining keyword arguments are passed to the root-finding method. Returns ------- zero_value : float Estimated value of the variable parameter where keff is the targeted value guesses : List of Real List of guesses attempted by the search results : List of 2-tuple of Real List of keffs and uncertainties corresponding to the guess attempted by the search """ if initial_guess is not None: cv.check_type('initial_guess', initial_guess, Real) if bracket is not None: cv.check_iterable_type('bracket', bracket, Real) cv.check_length('bracket', bracket, 2) cv.check_less_than('bracket values', bracket[0], bracket[1]) if model_args is None: model_args = {} else: cv.check_type('model_args', model_args, dict) cv.check_type('target', target, Real) cv.check_type('tol', tol, Real) cv.check_value('bracketed_method', bracketed_method, _SCALAR_BRACKETED_METHODS) cv.check_type('print_iterations', print_iterations, bool) cv.check_type('print_output', print_output, bool) cv.check_type('model_builder', model_builder, Callable) # Run the model builder function once to make sure it provides the correct # output type if bracket is not None: model = model_builder(bracket[0], **model_args) elif initial_guess is not None: model = model_builder(initial_guess, **model_args) cv.check_type('model_builder return', model, openmc.model.Model) # Set the iteration data storage variables guesses = [] results = [] # Set the searching function (for easy replacement should a later # generic function be added. search_function = _search_keff if bracket is not None: # Generate our arguments args = {'f': search_function, 'a': bracket[0], 'b': bracket[1]} if tol is not None: args['rtol'] = tol # Set the root finding method if bracketed_method == 'brentq': root_finder = sopt.brentq elif bracketed_method == 'brenth': root_finder = sopt.brenth elif bracketed_method == 'ridder': root_finder = sopt.ridder elif bracketed_method == 'bisect': root_finder = sopt.bisect elif initial_guess is not None: # Generate our arguments args = {'func': search_function, 'x0': initial_guess} if tol is not None: args['tol'] = tol # Set the root finding method root_finder = sopt.newton else: raise ValueError("Either the 'bracket' or 'initial_guess' parameters " "must be set") # Add information to be passed to the searching function args['args'] = (target, model_builder, model_args, print_iterations, print_output, guesses, results) # Create a new dictionary with the arguments from args and kwargs args.update(kwargs) # Perform the search zero_value = root_finder(**args) return zero_value, guesses, results