Source code for openmc.model.funcs

from __future__ import division
from collections import Iterable, OrderedDict
from math import sqrt
from numbers import Real

from openmc import XPlane, YPlane, Plane, ZCylinder
from openmc.checkvalue import check_type, check_value

[docs]def get_rectangular_prism(width, height, axis='z', origin=(0., 0.), boundary_type='transmission', corner_radius=0.): """Get an infinite rectangular prism from four planar surfaces. Parameters ---------- width: float Prism width in units of cm. The width is aligned with the y, x, or x axes for prisms parallel to the x, y, or z axis, respectively. height: float Prism height in units of cm. The height is aligned with the z, z, or y axes for prisms parallel to the x, y, or z axis, respectively. axis : {'x', 'y', 'z'} Axis with which the infinite length of the prism should be aligned. Defaults to 'z'. origin: Iterable of two floats Origin of the prism. The two floats correspond to (y,z), (x,z) or (x,y) for prisms parallel to the x, y or z axis, respectively. Defaults to (0., 0.). boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surfaces comprising the rectangular prism (default is 'transmission'). corner_radius: float Prism corner radius in units of cm. Defaults to 0. Returns ------- openmc.Region The inside of a rectangular prism """ check_type('width', width, Real) check_type('height', height, Real) check_type('corner_radius', corner_radius, Real) check_value('axis', axis, ['x', 'y', 'z']) check_type('origin', origin, Iterable, Real) # Define function to create a plane on given axis def plane(axis, name, value): cls = globals()['{}Plane'.format(axis.upper())] return cls(name='{} {}'.format(name, axis), boundary_type=boundary_type, **{axis + '0': value}) if axis == 'x': x1, x2 = 'y', 'z' elif axis == 'y': x1, x2 = 'x', 'z' else: x1, x2 = 'x', 'y' # Get cylinder class corresponding to given axis cyl = globals()['{}Cylinder'.format(axis.upper())] # Create rectangular region min_x1 = plane(x1, 'minimum', -width/2 + origin[0]) max_x1 = plane(x1, 'maximum', width/2 + origin[0]) min_x2 = plane(x2, 'minimum', -height/2 + origin[1]) max_x2 = plane(x2, 'maximum', height/2 + origin[1]) prism = +min_x1 & -max_x1 & +min_x2 & -max_x2 # Handle rounded corners if given if corner_radius > 0.: args = {'R': corner_radius, 'boundary_type': boundary_type} args[x1 + '0'] = origin[0] - width/2 + corner_radius args[x2 + '0'] = origin[1] - height/2 + corner_radius x1_min_x2_min = cyl(name='{} min {} min'.format(x1, x2), **args) args[x1 + '0'] = origin[0] - width/2 + corner_radius args[x2 + '0'] = origin[1] - height/2 + corner_radius x1_min_x2_min = cyl(name='{} min {} min'.format(x1, x2), **args) args[x1 + '0'] = origin[0] - width/2 + corner_radius args[x2 + '0'] = origin[1] + height/2 - corner_radius x1_min_x2_max = cyl(name='{} min {} max'.format(x1, x2), **args) args[x1 + '0'] = origin[0] + width/2 - corner_radius args[x2 + '0'] = origin[1] - height/2 + corner_radius x1_max_x2_min = cyl(name='{} max {} min'.format(x1, x2), **args) args[x1 + '0'] = origin[0] + width/2 - corner_radius args[x2 + '0'] = origin[1] + height/2 - corner_radius x1_max_x2_max = cyl(name='{} max {} max'.format(x1, x2), **args) x1_min = plane(x1, 'min', -width/2 + origin[0] + corner_radius) x1_max = plane(x1, 'max', width/2 + origin[0] - corner_radius) x2_min = plane(x2, 'min', -height/2 + origin[1] + corner_radius) x2_max = plane(x2, 'max', height/2 + origin[1] - corner_radius) corners = (+x1_min_x2_min & -x1_min & -x2_min) | \ (+x1_min_x2_max & -x1_min & +x2_max) | \ (+x1_max_x2_min & +x1_max & -x2_min) | \ (+x1_max_x2_max & +x1_max & +x2_max) prism = prism & ~corners return prism
[docs]def get_hexagonal_prism(edge_length=1., orientation='y', origin=(0., 0.), boundary_type='transmission', corner_radius=0.): """Create a hexagon region from six surface planes. Parameters ---------- edge_length : float Length of a side of the hexagon in cm orientation : {'x', 'y'} An 'x' orientation means that two sides of the hexagon are parallel to the x-axis and a 'y' orientation means that two sides of the hexagon are parallel to the y-axis. origin: Iterable of two floats Origin of the prism. Defaults to (0., 0.). boundary_type : {'transmission, 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic'} Boundary condition that defines the behavior for particles hitting the surfaces comprising the hexagonal prism (default is 'transmission'). corner_radius: float Prism corner radius in units of cm. Defaults to 0. Returns ------- openmc.Region The inside of a hexagonal prism """ l = edge_length x, y = origin if orientation == 'y': right = XPlane(x0=x + sqrt(3.)/2*l, boundary_type=boundary_type) left = XPlane(x0=x - sqrt(3.)/2*l, boundary_type=boundary_type) c = sqrt(3.)/3. # y = -x/sqrt(3) + a upper_right = Plane(A=c, B=1., D=l+x*c+y, boundary_type=boundary_type) # y = x/sqrt(3) + a upper_left = Plane(A=-c, B=1., D=l-x*c+y, boundary_type=boundary_type) # y = x/sqrt(3) - a lower_right = Plane(A=-c, B=1., D=-l-x*c+y, boundary_type=boundary_type) # y = -x/sqrt(3) - a lower_left = Plane(A=c, B=1., D=-l+x*c+y, boundary_type=boundary_type) prism = -right & +left & -upper_right & -upper_left & \ +lower_right & +lower_left if boundary_type == 'periodic': right.periodic_surface = left upper_right.periodic_surface = lower_left lower_right.periodic_surface = upper_left elif orientation == 'x': top = YPlane(y0=y + sqrt(3.)/2*l, boundary_type=boundary_type) bottom = YPlane(y0=y - sqrt(3.)/2*l, boundary_type=boundary_type) c = sqrt(3.) # y = -sqrt(3)*(x - a) upper_right = Plane(A=c, B=1., D=c*l+x*c+y, boundary_type=boundary_type) # y = sqrt(3)*(x + a) lower_right = Plane(A=-c, B=1., D=-c*l-x*c+y, boundary_type=boundary_type) # y = -sqrt(3)*(x + a) lower_left = Plane(A=c, B=1., D=-c*l+x*c+y, boundary_type=boundary_type) # y = sqrt(3)*(x + a) upper_left = Plane(A=-c, B=1., D=c*l-x*c+y, boundary_type=boundary_type) prism = -top & +bottom & -upper_right & +lower_right & \ +lower_left & -upper_left if boundary_type == 'periodic': top.periodic_surface = bottom upper_right.periodic_surface = lower_left lower_right.periodic_surface = upper_left # Handle rounded corners if given if corner_radius > 0.: if boundary_type == 'periodic': raise ValueError('Periodic boundary conditions not permitted when ' 'rounded corners are used.') c = sqrt(3.)/2 t = l - corner_radius/c # Cylinder with corner radius and boundary type pre-applied cyl1 = partial(ZCylinder, R=corner_radius, boundary_type=boundary_type) cyl2 = partial(ZCylinder, R=corner_radius/(2*c), boundary_type=boundary_type) if orientation == 'x': x_min_y_min_in = cyl1(name='x min y min in', x0=x-t/2, y0=y-c*t) x_min_y_max_in = cyl1(name='x min y max in', x0=x+t/2, y0=y-c*t) x_max_y_min_in = cyl1(name='x max y min in', x0=x-t/2, y0=y+c*t) x_max_y_max_in = cyl1(name='x max y max in', x0=x+t/2, y0=y+c*t) x_min_in = cyl1(name='x min in', x0=x-t, y0=y) x_max_in = cyl1(name='x max in', x0=x+t, y0=y) x_min_y_min_out = cyl2(name='x min y min out', x0=x-l/2, y0=y-c*l) x_min_y_max_out = cyl2(name='x min y max out', x0=x+l/2, y0=y-c*l) x_max_y_min_out = cyl2(name='x max y min out', x0=x-l/2, y0=y+c*l) x_max_y_max_out = cyl2(name='x max y max out', x0=x+l/2, y0=y+c*l) x_min_out = cyl2(name='x min out', x0=x-l, y0=y) x_max_out = cyl2(name='x max out', x0=x+l, y0=y) corners = (+x_min_y_min_in & -x_min_y_min_out | +x_min_y_max_in & -x_min_y_max_out | +x_max_y_min_in & -x_max_y_min_out | +x_max_y_max_in & -x_max_y_max_out | +x_min_in & -x_min_out | +x_max_in & -x_max_out) elif orientation == 'y': x_min_y_min_in = cyl1(name='x min y min in', x0=x-c*t, y0=y-t/2) x_min_y_max_in = cyl1(name='x min y max in', x0=x-c*t, y0=y+t/2) x_max_y_min_in = cyl1(name='x max y min in', x0=x+c*t, y0=y-t/2) x_max_y_max_in = cyl1(name='x max y max in', x0=x+c*t, y0=y+t/2) y_min_in = cyl1(name='y min in', x0=x, y0=y-t) y_max_in = cyl1(name='y max in', x0=x, y0=y+t) x_min_y_min_out = cyl2(name='x min y min out', x0=x-c*l, y0=y-l/2) x_min_y_max_out = cyl2(name='x min y max out', x0=x-c*l, y0=y+l/2) x_max_y_min_out = cyl2(name='x max y min out', x0=x+c*l, y0=y-l/2) x_max_y_max_out = cyl2(name='x max y max out', x0=x+c*l, y0=y+l/2) y_min_out = cyl2(name='y min out', x0=x, y0=y-l) y_max_out = cyl2(name='y max out', x0=x, y0=y+l) corners = (+x_min_y_min_in & -x_min_y_min_out | +x_min_y_max_in & -x_min_y_max_out | +x_max_y_min_in & -x_max_y_min_out | +x_max_y_max_in & -x_max_y_max_out | +y_min_in & -y_min_out | +y_max_in & -y_max_out) prism = prism & ~corners return prism
[docs]def subdivide(surfaces): """Create regions separated by a series of surfaces. This function allows regions to be constructed from a set of a surfaces that are "in order". For example, if you had four instances of :class:`openmc.ZPlane` at z=-10, z=-5, z=5, and z=10, this function would return a list of regions corresponding to z < -10, -10 < z < -5, -5 < z < 5, 5 < z < 10, and 10 < z. That is, for n surfaces, n+1 regions are returned. Parameters ---------- surfaces : sequence of openmc.Surface Surfaces separating regions Returns ------- list of openmc.Region Regions formed by the given surfaces """ regions = [-surfaces[0]] for s0, s1 in zip(surfaces[:-1], surfaces[1:]): regions.append(+s0 & -s1) regions.append(+surfaces[-1]) return regions