Source code for openmc.lib.plot

from ctypes import (c_bool, c_int, c_size_t, c_int32,
                    c_double, Structure, POINTER)

from . import _dll
from .error import _error_handler

import numpy as np

class _Position(Structure):
    """Definition of an xyz location in space with underlying c-types

    C-type Attributes
    x : c_double
        Position's x value (default: 0.0)
    y : c_double
        Position's y value (default: 0.0)
    z : c_double
        Position's z value (default: 0.0)
    _fields_ = [('x', c_double),
                ('y', c_double),
                ('z', c_double)]

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        if idx == 0:
            return self.x
        elif idx == 1:
            return self.y
        elif idx == 2:
            return self.z
            raise IndexError(f"{idx} index is invalid for _Position")

    def __setitem__(self, idx, val):
        if idx == 0:
            self.x = val
        elif idx == 1:
            self.y = val
        elif idx == 2:
            self.z = val
            raise IndexError(f"{idx} index is invalid for _Position")

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"({self.x}, {self.y}, {self.z})"

class _PlotBase(Structure):
    """A structure defining a 2-D geometry slice with underlying c-types

    C-Type Attributes
    origin : openmc.lib.plot._Position
        A position defining the origin of the plot.
    width_ : openmc.lib.plot._Position
        The width of the plot along the x, y, and z axes, respectively
    basis_ : c_int
        The axes basis of the plot view.
    pixels_ : c_size_t[3]
        The resolution of the plot in the horizontal and vertical dimensions
    level_ : c_int
        The universe level for the plot view

    origin : tuple or list of ndarray
        Origin (center) of the plot
    width : float
        The horizontal dimension of the plot in geometry units (cm)
    height : float
        The vertical dimension of the plot in geometry units (cm)
    basis : string
        One of {'xy', 'xz', 'yz'} indicating the horizontal and vertical
        axes of the plot.
    h_res : int
        The horizontal resolution of the plot in pixels
    v_res : int
        The vertical resolution of the plot in pixels
    level : int
        The universe level for the plot (default: -1 -> all universes shown)
    _fields_ = [('origin_', _Position),
                ('width_', _Position),
                ('basis_', c_int),
                ('pixels_', 3*c_size_t),
                ('color_overlaps_', c_bool),
                ('level_', c_int)]

    def __init__(self):
        self.level_ = -1
        self.color_overlaps_ = False

    def origin(self):
        return self.origin_

    def origin(self, origin):
        self.origin_.x = origin[0]
        self.origin_.y = origin[1]
        self.origin_.z = origin[2]

    def width(self):
        return self.width_.x

    def width(self, width):
        self.width_.x = width

    def height(self):
        return self.width_.y

    def height(self, height):
        self.width_.y = height

    def basis(self):
        if self.basis_ == 1:
            return 'xy'
        elif self.basis_ == 2:
            return 'xz'
        elif self.basis_ == 3:
            return 'yz'

        raise ValueError(f"Plot basis {self.basis_} is invalid")

    def basis(self, basis):
        if isinstance(basis, str):
            valid_bases = ('xy', 'xz', 'yz')
            basis = basis.lower()
            if basis not in valid_bases:
                raise ValueError(f"{basis} is not a valid plot basis.")

            if basis == 'xy':
                self.basis_ = 1
            elif basis == 'xz':
                self.basis_ = 2
            elif basis == 'yz':
                self.basis_ = 3

        if isinstance(basis, int):
            valid_bases = (1, 2, 3)
            if basis not in valid_bases:
                raise ValueError(f"{basis} is not a valid plot basis.")
            self.basis_ = basis

        raise ValueError(f"{basis} of type {type(basis)} is an invalid plot basis")

    def h_res(self):
        return self.pixels_[0]

    def h_res(self, h_res):
        self.pixels_[0] = h_res

    def v_res(self):
        return self.pixels_[1]

    def v_res(self, v_res):
        self.pixels_[1] = v_res

    def level(self):
        return int(self.level_)

    def level(self, level):
        self.level_ = level

    def color_overlaps(self):
        return self.color_overlaps_

    def color_overlaps(self, color_overlaps):
        self.color_overlaps_ = color_overlaps

    def color_overlaps(self):
        return self.color_overlaps_

    def color_overlaps(self, val):
        self.color_overlaps_ = val

    def __repr__(self):
        out_str = ["-----",
                   f"Origin: {self.origin}",
                   f"Width: {self.width}",
                   f"Height: {self.height}",
                   f"Basis: {self.basis}",
                   f"HRes: {self.h_res}",
                   f"VRes: {self.v_res}",
                   f"Color Overlaps: {self.color_overlaps}",
                   f"Level: {self.level}"]
        return '\n'.join(out_str)

_dll.openmc_id_map.argtypes = [POINTER(_PlotBase), POINTER(c_int32)]
_dll.openmc_id_map.restype = c_int
_dll.openmc_id_map.errcheck = _error_handler

[docs]def id_map(plot): """ Generate a 2-D map of cell and material IDs. Used for in-memory image generation. Parameters ---------- plot : openmc.lib.plot._PlotBase Object describing the slice of the model to be generated Returns ------- id_map : numpy.ndarray A NumPy array with shape (vertical pixels, horizontal pixels, 3) of OpenMC property ids with dtype int32. The last dimension of the array contains, in order, cell IDs, cell instances, and material IDs. """ img_data = np.zeros((plot.v_res, plot.h_res, 3), dtype=np.dtype('int32')) _dll.openmc_id_map(plot, img_data.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int32))) return img_data
_dll.openmc_property_map.argtypes = [POINTER(_PlotBase), POINTER(c_double)] _dll.openmc_property_map.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_property_map.errcheck = _error_handler
[docs]def property_map(plot): """ Generate a 2-D map of cell temperatures and material densities. Used for in-memory image generation. Parameters ---------- plot : openmc.lib.plot._PlotBase Object describing the slice of the model to be generated Returns ------- property_map : numpy.ndarray A NumPy array with shape (vertical pixels, horizontal pixels, 2) of OpenMC property ids with dtype float """ prop_data = np.zeros((plot.v_res, plot.h_res, 2)) _dll.openmc_property_map(plot, prop_data.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))) return prop_data